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Custom UniFi hotspot portal that integrates with Nexudus Spaces and membership status aware


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UniFi - Custom portal that integrates with Nexudus Spaces and membership status aware.

This project is an implementation of a external guest portal for Unifi managed networks. The purpose of having an external portal is that you can plug in your own authentication and user database to control access to your network. Read about the concept here and also check out our easy to use API client library for UniFi: @oddbit/unifi

This particular example is using Nexudus Spaces to check for active membership status in a coworking space, as a requirement for being allowed onto the wifi network. Check out the API client library @oddbit/nexudus that we have developed.

Apart from the project's own purpose, it is also an example of how easy it is to adopt an existing Express application to run on Firebase hosting/cloud functions. Apart from the configuration setup, there is no code awareness whether the app is made for running on Firebase or in a Docker container. You can choose whichever works best for you.

Hotspot login

Hotspot device requests

Unauthenticated devices that connects to the hotspot will trigger a hotspot login page to be presented. The unifi controller will redirect the device browser to an URL similar to this:

There's currenly no graceful handling of bad requests such as 404s or requests that are missing required parameters. This is lazily designed like this since there is no reason for accessing the hotspot portal manually. The UniFi controller will populate the required parameters and make request to the supported endpoints.

But the URL above is still good to have if you are in need for some troubleshooting.

Using Firebase

The are a few good benefits of running the Unifi External guest portal on Firebase: CDN, managed SSL certificate and high reliability and it's very easy to set up for automatic configuration and deployment for each new revision of the application. But it requires a roundtrip to an external site, outside of your LAN, in order to log a device in on the guest portal.

This most definitely is an extra configuration step of your Unifi controller. But it is also possible that it takes slightly longer time for the hotspot login page to display. You might also want to think what kind of fallback behavior you want if the WAN connection is cut. With a Firebase hosting it would mean that your hotspot login will also break when there's no Internet connection. Do you need your LAN to work whilst WAN is offline?

Configure Unifi Controller

Under SettingsGuest Control configure the options below:

Guest Policies

  • Custom Portal: or
  • Redirection
    • Use secure portal: Check this box
    • Redirect using hostname: <your-project-id>

Access Control

  • Pre-Authorization Access:
    • <your-project-id>

Deploying to Firebase

You'll have to clone and configure your .firebaserc or just set the project

firebase use <your-project-id>
firebase functions:config:set unifi.username="myAdminUser"
firebase functions:config:set unifi.password="mySecretPassword"
firebase functions:config:set""
firebase functions:config:set unifi.port=8443
firebase functions:config:set unifi.use_ssl=true
firebase functions:config:set unifi.is_selfsigned=true
firebase functions:config:set unifi.redirect_url=""
firebase functions:config:set nexudus.shortname="your-nexudus-space-shortname"

firebase deploy

Configuring Environment variables

These are the environment variables that are avaialable to be set in the application. Some of the variables has a reasonable default value if omitted when running the image. The others, which are recommended or required are described below.

  • nexudus.shortname (required) - The Nexudus space short name for your business, e.g. nexudus as in
  • unifi.password (required) - Password for the API calls to be authorized with the UniFi controller.
  • (required) - IP or hostname of the UniFi controller portal, e.g.
  • unifi.port - The port on which the UniFi controller is responding to REST/HTTP requests. If you don't know which one it is, you can most likely just omit it and use default (default: 8443)
  • unifi.use_ssl - Whether your UniFi controller portal is setup to use SSL (default: true)
  • unifi.is_selfsigned - Whether your SSL certificate for the UniFi portal is self signed (default: false)
  • unifi.username - Username for the API calls to be authorized with the UniFi controller. It's recommended that you create a dedicated admin user for API calls like this one (default: admin)
  • unifi.redirect_url - URL to redirect the connecting device if none was found in the hotspot connection request (default:

Using Docker

Dockherhub Build Status Dockherhub Build Type

This might be your preferred choice if you rather prefer to run the portal on your own server, in the cloud or locally on the same server as you are running your Unifi Controller. It's very easy to build or fetch from the docker hub repository.

Pull the image

Pull your preferred version from the docker hub repository

docker pull kumpul/unifi-nexudus-hotspot:latest

Build it yourself

docker build --rm -t kumpul/unifi-nexudus-hotspot .

Running a container

All examples for local execution are using Linux as reference. Should be the same for OSX users, but Windows users might want to double check the syntax.

 docker run --rm -p 8080:80\
    -e NEXUDUS_SPACE_NAME=kumpul\
    -e UNIFI_ADMIN_USER=myAdminUser\
    -e UNIFI_ADMIN_PASSWORD=secretPasssword\
    -e UNIFI_HOST=\

To run the image in debug mode, just add debug after the name of the image.

 docker run kumpul/unifi-nexudus-hotspot debug

Environment variables

These are the environment variables that are avaialable to be set in the application. Some of the variables has a reasonable default value if omitted when running the image. The others, which are recommended or required are described below.

  • NEXUDUS_SPACE_NAME (required) - The Nexudus space short name for your business, e.g. nexudus as in
  • UNIFI_ADMIN_PASSWORD (required) - Password for the API calls to be authorized with the UniFi controller.
  • UNIFI_ADMIN_USER - Username for the API calls to be authorized with the UniFi controller. It's recommended that you create a dedicated admin user for API calls like this one (default: admin)
  • UNIFI_USE_SSL - Whether your UniFi controller portal is setup to use SSL (default: true)
  • UNIFI_SSL_SELF_SIGNED - Whether your SSL certificate for the UniFi portal is self signed (default: false)
  • UNIFI_HOST - IP or hostname of the UniFi controller portal, e.g. (default:
  • UNIFI_PORT - The port on which the UniFi controller is responding to REST/HTTP requests. If you don't know which one it is, you can most likely just omit it and use default (default: 8443)
  • DEFAULT_REDIRECT_URL - URL to redirect the connecting device if none was found in the hotspot connection request (default:
  • PORT - The port on which to serve the application on (default: 80)