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Halp: unit test your code's dependencies

Build Status Maven Central

Halp is a unit testing library designed to define and enforce dependencies between the logical components of your application.

What Does it Do?

1) Document Design

Clearly document design goals of a project through unit tests.

2) Enforce Good Code Behavior

Prevent cyclic dependencies, guard contracts, and explicitly isolate contract implementations. Detect when code exists that is not governed by a module definition, so you don't get features slowly creeping in that are not following the module guidelines set forth for the project.

3) Simulate independent compilation units in Maven without the overhead

Don't worry about making loads of maven submodules and dependencies just to keep your classpath clean. Avoid the xml and write unit tests instead!


This project provides a simple way to define and enforce dependencies between modules in a monolithic Java application via unit tests. No build-time plugins, fancy frameworks, or special classpaths are required; if your build system can run unit tests, you can easily use halp. Though no special changes are required, you may find that use of this project makes you more intentional about your package structure. (That's a good thing.)

Often in new java projects modularity is not up-front concern. Engineers typically start discussing the use of modules in developing systems too late to avoid the headaches of spahghetti code and balls of mud. This project is designed to make module definitions so painless in a small project that there's really no excuse to avoid using it up-front.

Getting Started

Imagine an application called blitzen with a package structure like so:



In this app, blitzen.ports contains all the contracts for its module boundaries. This package depends on nothing else in the project. The package blitzen.core contains general application functionality. It uses the interfaces defined in ports to do its job. You can think of all of its inputs and outputs as having been mocked out by ports. The app package contains the basic configuration and wiring code to connect the ports implementations to the core of the application. This is where the main for the application would live. This is a reasonable modular structure for an app to maintain.

The last part of this structure is the specific implementations of the various ports. Let's assume that we'll nest specific implementations of ports underneath their contract definitions for now:


At this point we have a fairly complete application. It's able to receive information via HTTP, it can store information in a MySQL database, and it exposes a thrift RPC api to answer questions about the data it has stored. Of course, as this all builds as a single unit, all the dependencies are shared and nothing prevents code reuse between any two parts of the project. In fact, nothing prevents circular references between classes or mutual dependencies between packages. Let's do something about that.

First up, let's include the halp jar. In maven it looks like this:


Then, let's create a unit test to avoid circular dependencies between classes and between packages.

import static dependency.spec.Assertions.*;
import static dependency.spec.Core.*;
import static dependency.spec.Modules.*;

public class ModuleTest {

    public void enforceModuleSystem() throws IOException {
        List<ClassInfo> cp = analyzeClasspath("blitzen.**");

This test analyzes the project classpath, and then verifies that no circular dependencies exist in that scanned code. Let's try some module definitions:

public void enforceModuleSystem() throws IOException {

    List global = asList("org.slf4j.**", "ports.*.*");

    Set<Module> modules = modules(


            .use(global, "com.fasterxml.jackson.**"),

            .use(global, "org.springframework.jdbc.**", "org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.**"),

            .use(global, "org.eclipse.jetty.**", "**"),

            .use(global, "org.apache.thrift.**"),

            .use(global, "**")

    List<ClassInfo> cp = analyzeClasspath("blitzen.**");
    assertModuleBoundaries(cp, modules);
    assertNoUnmodularizedBehavior(cp, modules);

This test verifies that all the specified modules only use what they're expicitly using here by calling assertModuleBoundaries. It also ensures that all code beneath the blitzen package has been assigned a module by calling assertNoUnmodularizedBehavior.

Hopefully this is enough of an example to get you started. To see this work in action, take a look at the unit tests for this project.

Why Does Anyone Need This?

Many language systems have an explicit Module concept that is built-in to the language. Java has no such system, though various ways of achieving this have cropped up over the years.

What is a module? Essentially, it is a body of behavior which is abstracted behind an exported contract. The contract represents the functionality provided, as well as the transitive dependencies required to make use of the contract. A large software system cannot be sustainably modeled without breaking it down into such components.

The simplest way to simulate a module in Java is by using the access modifiers which are built-in to the language. However, this has many downsides. Such usage can be trivially circumvented, even by accident. Also, there are many ways of using access modifiers such that the meaning of a modifier is often not very clear (beyond its immediate implications). Effective use of them for the purpose of modularity can make testing difficult and awkward. In short, java access modifiers are not a sufficient module definition language.

Without creating such a native language, there are ways to use the build system to break down an application's modules into individually compiled units with clearly-defined dependencies between them. You can do this easily enough, and often in build systems like maven this is the simplest way to achieve this kind of clean separation. In Maven, this can be cumbersome for small projects. This is because the number of files and folders needed to represent a sub-module of a project is not small, and may outnumber the actual source files in the overall application. There is also a fair amount of xml involved to maintain such a structure, which can feel like overkill.

There are much more sophisticated approaches, the most famous of which is OSGI. OSGI is a standard originally constructed to run software on TV set-top boxes. It is designed to run arbitrary modules with completely disparate and conflicting dependencies within a single JVM cleanly and sustainably. It uses sophisticated classloading tricks to achieve this, with all the downsides those entail. It can be hard to reason about what such an app is doing at runtime, and it complicates the building of software because it layers its own module assembly system on top of whatever build system is already in use. Really, the overhead of using such a system is only justified when you are in unenviable position of having to load arbitrary code into your application without having identified it ahead of time. A typical example of this type of application is an IDE that supports plugins and extensions. Eclipse uses OSGI internally.

This project exists as a middle-ground between plain java access modifiers and heavier-weight options. It allows you to put all your code in one root project, but still write unit tests that define module boundaries. It permits you to assert that the boundaries are intact and that no module depends on things is not explicitly permitted to use.

With any luck, this project will make modularity-first seem manageable from the start of a project, when such boundaries are easy to enforce and make a part of the system's design.