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Build status NuGet Package License: MIT


Library of extended string related functionality.


ByteDev.Strings has been written as a .NET Standard 2.0 library, so you can consume it from a .NET Core or .NET Framework 4.6.1 (or greater) application.

ByteDev.Strings is hosted as a package on To install from the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio run:

Install-Package ByteDev.Strings

Further details can be found on the nuget page.

Release Notes

Releases follow semantic versioning.

Full details of the release notes can be viewed on GitHub.


String Extensions

To use any of the extension method reference the ByteDev.Strings namespace.

String extension methods:

  • ContainsAll
  • ContainsAny
  • ContainsOnly
  • ContainsIgnoreCase
  • ContainsWhiteSpace
  • CountOccurrences
  • DetectNewLineType
  • EnsureStartsWith
  • EnsureEndsWith
  • FormatWith
  • GetEndNewLine
  • InsertBeforeUpperCase
  • IsAscii
  • IsDateTime
  • IsDigit
  • IsDigits
  • IsEmpty
  • IsEmailAddress
  • IsFalse
  • IsGuid
  • IsHttpUrl
  • IsIpAddress
  • IsLengthBetween
  • IsLetters
  • IsLowerCase
  • IsNullOrEmpty
  • IsNullOrWhitespace
  • IsNumeric
  • IsPhoneNumber
  • IsUpperCase
  • IsUri
  • IsTime
  • IsTrue
  • IsXml
  • Left
  • LeftWithEllipsis
  • LeftWithInnerEllipsis
  • NormalizeNewLinesToUnix
  • NormalizeNewLinesToWindows
  • Pluralize
  • Remove
  • RemoveBracketedText
  • RemoveEndNewLine
  • RemoveEndsWith
  • RemoveLeadingZeros
  • ReplaceMultiOccurrences
  • RemoveNonDigits
  • RemoveStartsWith
  • RemoveWhiteSpace
  • Repeat
  • ReplaceFirst
  • ReplaceLast
  • ReplaceToken
  • Reverse
  • Right
  • SafeGetChar
  • SafeLength
  • SafeSubstring
  • ToBool
  • ToBoolExtended
  • ToBoolOrDefault
  • ToByteArray
  • ToSequence
  • ToEnum
  • ToGuid
  • ToInt32
  • ToInt32OrDefault
  • ToInt64
  • ToInt64OrDefault
  • ToKeyValuePair
  • ToLines
  • ToLinesList
  • ToMemoryStream
  • ToUri
  • ToTitleCase
  • Wrap

StringBuilder extension methods:

  • AppendIfEmpty
  • AppendIfNotEmpty
  • AppendLineIfEmpty
  • AppendLineIfNotEmpty
  • AppendLines
  • AppendValues
  • IsEmpty


CaseConverter can be used to change the case of different strings.

Reference namespace: ByteDev.Strings.Case.

CaseConverter has the following methods:

  • ToCamelCase
  • ToKebabCase
  • ToPascalCase
  • ToSnakeCase
  • ToSnakeUpperCase
string s1 = CaseConverter.ToCamelCase("snake_case", CaseType.SnakeCase);   // "snakeCase"

string s2 = CaseConverter.ToPascalCase("kebab-case", CaseType.KebabCase);  // "KebabCase"

bool isPascalCase = s2.IsPascalCase();   // true

There are also a number of case related string extension methods:

  • IsCamelCase
  • IsKebabCase
  • IsPascalCase
  • IsSnakeCase
  • IsSnakeUpperCase
  • IsCaseType


Various StringCommands are included that encapsulate different string operations.

Reference namespace: ByteDev.Strings.StringCommands.

var c1 = new CaseToLowerCommand().SetValue("John Smith");
var c2 = new CopyPasteCommand(0, 4, 0).SetValue("John Smith");

IStringCommandInvoker invoker = new StringCommandInvoker();

invoker.SetCommands(c1, c2);

// c1.Result == "john smith" 
// c2.Result == "JohnJohn Smith"

Commands can also be chained together using the StringChainedCommand:

// Note: we don't have to call SetValue on each command just on StringChainedCommand
// as this will provide the initial value.

var commands = new List<StringCommand>
    new CaseToLowerCommand(),
    new InsertCommand(100, " lives in England."),
    new CutPasteCommand(5, 5, 0)

var c1 = new StringChainedCommand(commands).SetValue("John Smith");

IStringCommandInvoker invoker = new StringCommandInvoker();


// command.Result == "smithjohn  lives in England."


The assembly also contains the type ToStringBuilder to help return string representations of an object when overriding it's ToString method.

Reference namespace: ByteDev.Strings.

public class MyClass
    public string Name => "John";

    public string Age => null;

    public IEnumerable<string> Address => new List<string>
        "123 Highstreet",

    public override string ToString()
        return new ToStringBuilder()
            .With(nameof(Name), Name)
            .With(nameof(Age), Age)
            .With(nameof(Address), Address)

// ...
string s = new MyClass().ToString();

// s == "Name: 'John', Age: <null>, Address: { '123 Highstreet', 'London', 'UK' }"


Use the Masker type to help mask different types of strings.

Reference namespace: ByteDev.Strings.Masking.

// Initialize Masker type

var options = new MaskerOptions
    MaskChar = '#',
    MaskSpace = true

var masker = new Masker(options);
// Mask a payment card number

string card = masker.PaymentCard("4111111111111111");

// card == "############1111"
// Mask an email address

string email = masker.EmailAddress("");

// email == ""
// Mask a custom string

string custom = masker.Custom("12345", 1, 2);

// custom == "1##45"