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Twitter Analytics for Demand Forecasting


Retailers try to increase their sales and improve demand forecasting through better understanding their customers. To do so, they should be aware of what their clients’preferences are or might be in the near future.

Social media can be used to tap into the minds of potential customers which can be used to make predictions of products' future demand and stock up the inventory accordingly. This project aims to provide insights into the social trends about popularity and interest about products/brands at a particular region.

Why Twitter?

Twitter is a great platform to share concise, to the point posts. Compared to other social media platforms, twitter data is easy to mine. Furthermore, people often take their issues to twitter rather than going to customer support and it is the same place where people express their satisfaction or happiness about using a product.

Here's a simple demo:

Twitter Demand Forecasting demo

As a sample use case, I provide analysis for top 5 smartphone brands in India with location set to Delhi and considering tweets from 25th April to 11th May.

Here are the net sentiment scores for all the 5 brands, namely Oneplus, Samsung, iPhone, Nokia and Redmi


Sentiment Scores are:
OnePlus 1092
Samsung 1448
iPhone 860
Nokia 754
Redmi 68

Sentiment scores in decreasing order are: Samsung > OnePlus > iPhone > Nokia > Redmi

Now, if we analyze the number of tweets tweeted related to each of these brands:

Pos Neg Total Pos%
OnePlus 642 103 745 86%
Samsung 58 13 71 81%
iPhone 480 93 573 83%
Nokia 137 19 156 87%
Redmi 238 40 278 85%

If we go by the number of tweets, OnePlus and iPhone are by far the most discussed and popular brands. The percentage of positive tweets is almost in the same range 81 - 87% with minor differences.

Futher exploring how well this works, let us consider 2 cases: Samsung and Redmi.

Trends for Samsung:

samsung_trends samsung_pie

The sentiment score surged unusually high on May 5 and May 9. The following tweets were primarily responsible for raising the score:

5 May:


9 May:


Trends for Redmi:

redmi_trends redmi_pie

The sentiment score plunged down on 7 and 8 May. The following tweets were primarily reponsible:


However, Redmi tends to be more discussed brand than Samsung and has higher share of positive tweets.

Futher, Samsung has a higher sentiment_score but lesser number of tweets as compared to OnePlus which has a lower sentiment_score but far more number of positive tweets. This means that OnePlus tends to be a more popular brand and people are more excited about it.

To take the volume of positive tweets into account,, I define a ratio r, r = (p/T) where p = number of positive tweets for the product under consideration
and T = total number of tweets for all products combined

Then multiply this ratio r to the net_sentiment_score (s):

final_score = s * r

s p r=(p/T) s x r
OnePlus 1092 642 0.35 385
Samsung 1448 58 0.03 46
iPhone 860 480 0.26 226
Nokia 754 137 0.08 57
Redmi 68 238 0.13 9

So the demand in decreasing order is: OnePlus > iPhone > Nokia > Samsung > Redmi


Tweets Mining

Tweets are downladed by using the GetOldTweets Library. This library has a limitation: It is not guaranteed that all tweets will be mined. This is because it queries the twitter search engine till it can no longer get any more information. I found it to best working best for extracting tweets of last 15 days.

Performing Sentiment analysis

VADER is used for this task. As given in their readme: VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner) is a lexicon and rule-based sentiment analysis tool that is specifically attuned to sentiments expressed in social media, and works well on texts from other domains.

For each tweet, sentiment scores are predicted in the range (-1.0 to 1.0). Further, the number of retweets and number of favorites are also considered to give more weightage to that tweet:

score = score * (tweets['retweets'][i] + tweets['favorites'][i] + 1)

Doing so, further increase the score if sentiment is positive or decreases the score if negative.

Mapping sentiments to a value to gauge demand

net_sentiment_score for each product is calculated by adding up the sentiment-scores of all the tweets related to that product. Using this score a final_score is assigned(as explained above). This score likely represents the demand of a product relative to other products under consideration.

Data Presentation

Dash is used to build the web application.