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Wall-clock Time Measurement library (WTMLIB)

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The library allows measuring wall-clock time intervals with nanosecond precision and very low overhead (also at nanosecond scale).

High precision and low overhead stem from the following design principles underlying the library:

  1. no use of system calls when measuring time intervals
  2. instead, the library uses microprocessor's Time Stamp Counter (TSC) for this purpose. The counter is accessible - in most cases - directly from user space
  3. TSC ticks are converted to nanoseconds by means of fast division-free integer arithmetic

Here is a list of major capabilities provided by the library:

  1. evaluation of reliability of TSC
  2. reading current TSC value
  3. conversion of elapsed TSC ticks to nanoseconds

The library builds on Linux only. Supported hardware architectures: 64-bit x86 and 64-bit PowerPC.

How to use

The most typical scenario is the following:

  1. include WTMLIB's API declarations to the client code: #include "wtmlib.h"

  2. check whether TSC can be reliably used for measuring wall-clock time (see Design and implementation section to learn about TSC reliability considerations):

    ret = wtmlib_EvalTSCReliabilityCOP( &tsc_max_shift, &is_monotonic, err_msg,
                                        sizeof( err_msg));


    • tsc_max_shift is a maximum estimated shift between TSC counters running on different CPUs
    • is_monotonic indicates whether TSC values collected one after another on same or different CPUs monotonically increase
    • err_msg is a pointer to a buffer where human-readable error message will be stored (if the pointer is non-zero) in case of error
  3. pre-calculate parameters needed to convert TSC ticks to nanoseconds on the fly:

    ret = wtmlib_GetTSCToNsecConversionParams( &conv_params, &secs_before_wrap, err_msg,
                                               sizeof( err_msg));


    • conv_params is a structure storing the conversion parameters
    • secs_before_wrap is the number of seconds remaining before the earliest TSC wrap. TSC counter leaves in a microprocessor register of limited width. Thus, its value "wraps" from time to time (starts from zero after reaching the maximum). It's advised to ensure before starting actual time measurements that they will be completed before TSC on some of the available CPUs wraps. Another option is to track TSC wraps in the client code and behave accordingly
  4. get TSC value at the beggining of measured time interval:

    start_tsc_val = WTMLIB_GET_TSC();
  5. get TSC value at the end of measured time interval:

    end_tsc_val = WTMLIB_GET_TSC();
  6. convert measured ticks to nanoseconds:

    nsecs = WTMLIB_TSC_TO_NSEC( end_tsc_val - start_tsc_val, &conv_params));


    • start_tsc_val and end_tsc_val are the values collected at steps 4 and 5
    • conv_params holds conversion parameters pre-calculated at step 3

NOTE: if you don't need to convert TSC ticks to nanoseconds, you may omit steps 3 and 6. There exist - at least - two good scenarios when you don't need to convert TSC ticks to nanoseconds on the fly:

  1. you are interested not in absolute values of time intervals, but only in how different intervals relate to each other
  2. "online" conversion is not a requirement. In this case, you can first measure all time intervals in TSC ticks (storing these ticks somewhere for further processing). And later - when all the measurements have already been taken - TSC ticks may be converted to nanoseconds without any rush by using "slow" floating-point arithmetics or something

See file example.c for the detailed examples of using all the library interfaces.

See src/wtmlib.h for the API signatures, parameter descriptions, error codes, and so on.

Further usage notes

  1. When converting TSC ticks to nanoseconds on the fly, please make sure that pre-calculated conversion parameters can be found in cache (or even better - in CPU registers) each time they are needed. Only in this case will the conversion procedure be really efficient
  2. WTMLIB_GET_TSC() is not protected from reordering. Neither from reordering done by compiler, nor from reordering done at CPU level. Currently it is client's responsibility to ensure that WTMLIB_GET_TSC() is properly ordered with the surrounding code
  3. When evaluating TSC reliability and pre-calculating TSC-to-nanoseconds conversion parameters, the library considers only CPUs that are allowed by a CPU affinity mask of a thread from which the library was called. WTMLIB assumes that time intervals will be measured on those CPUs only and doesn't take all other CPUs into account. To see how it works you may do the following:
    make log
    make example
    taskset -c 1,7,13 ./example
    You will see that WTMLIB will collect data only on CPUs 1, 7, and 13 (of course, if CPUs with these IDs do exist in your system).


There are two recommended ways of building WTMLIB:

  1. build it as a standalone shared library (.so) using provided Makefile. Then link client code with the library in a usual way
  2. copy WTMLIB's complete source code to your project and build it as part of the project. For example, you could first compile the library into a regular object file and then statically link this object file with other object files in your project into a single executable (or whatever you're trying to produce).

The second way is really viable because WTMLIB is small. Just one c file and two headers. If you go this way, you may borrow command lines needed to compile the library from the provided Makefile.

Examples given below in this section assume that the library needs to be packaged as a standalone .so file.

Several build modes are available:

  1. make builds release version of the library
  2. make log builds a version that prints log messages to stdout while running. Logging doesn't affect performance-critical sections of the library. There can be log prints around them but never inside. Thus, a client can trust calculation results produced by this version
  3. make debug builds a version with internal consistency checks enabled. Some of these checks do can be found inside performance-critical sections of the code. This build mode is not meant for generating trusted calculation results, but for the purpose of finding bugs in the code
  4. make log_debug combines log and debug modes

After building the library you may also build example code. Just run:

make example

The example doesn't require any input parameters. Simply type ./example and watch the output

Design and implementation

Using Time Stamp Counters for measuring wall-clock time promises high resolution and low performance overhead. But in some cases TSC cannot serve as a reliable time source, or its use for this purporse may be challenging. Possible reasons for that are:

  1. frequency at which TSC increments may vary in time on some systems
  2. TSCs may increment at different pace on different CPUs present in the system
  3. there may exist a "shift" between TSCs running on different CPUs

Let us illustrate the third concern by an example. Assume there are two CPUs in the system: CPU1 and CPU2. Assume next that TSC on CPU1 lags behind TSC on CPU2 by an equivalent of 5 seconds. Suppose then that some thread running on the system needs to measure duration of its own calculations. To do that it first reads TSC, then starts the calculations, and after they finish it reads TSC again. If the thread spends all its life on a single CPU, then everything is ok. But what if it reads start TSC value on CPU1, and then it is moved in the middle of computation to CPU2, and the second TSC value is read on CPU2? In this case the calculations will appear 5 seconds longer than they actually are.

The other two concerns can be illustrated in a similar way.

One or more of the three problems listed above do can be found on some systems. And as a consequence, it will be impossible to use TSC as a reliable time source on some of those systems. But on other systems "suffering" from the listed problems TSC does can serve as a reliable time source. That becomes possible because of the following CPU architectural features:

  1. the hardware may provide an interrupt to software whenever the update frequency of TSC changes, and a means to determine what the current update frequency is. Alternatively, the update frequency of TSC may be under control of the system software. (See "Power ISA Version 2.06 Revision B, Book II, Chapter 5")
  2. the hardware may allow reading TSC value along with the corresponding CPU ID. (See Intel's RDTSCP instruction. "Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual", Volume 2)
  3. on some systems software can adjust the value of time-stamp counter of every logical CPU. (See Intel's WRMSR instruction and IA32_TIME_STAMP_COUNTER register. "Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual", Volume 3)

There is more to learn about time-stamp counters on different architectures. For example:

  1. some architectures do not guarantee that TSC will necessarily provide high resolution
  2. some architectures provide direct run-time information about TSC reliability

But the most valuable fact about TSC is the following: modern hardware and operating systems do tend to ensure that:

  1. TSC runs at the same pace on every CPU in the system
  2. this pace doesn't change in time
  3. there is no shift between TSCs running on different CPUs

WTMLIB is designed for such systems. It doesn't exploit deep hardware features of various CPU architectures. Instead, it has a purely imperical focus:

  1. WTMLIB allows experimentally verify reliability of TSC
  2. it also allows experimentally compute parameters required to efficiently convert TSC ticks to nanoseconds
  3. naturally, WTMLIB also provides convenient interfaces for reading TSC and converting TSC ticks to nanoseconds on the fly

Let's first look at how WTMLIB allows assessing TSC reliability.

WTMLIB provides an interface for calculating two estimations:

  1. maximum shift between time-stamp counters running on different CPUs available to the process. The algorithm in outline is the following:

    • one of the CPUs is chosen as "base"
    • then the library iterates over all other CPUs and for each of them estimates a shift: TSC_on_current_CPU - TSC_on_base_CPU. The estimation is based on a fact that if TSC_on_base_CPU_1, TSC_on_current_CPU, TSC_on_base_CPU_2 were successively measured, then the shift defined above must belong to the range [TSC_on_current_CPU - TSC_on_base_CPU_2, TSC_on_current_CPU - TSC_on_base_CPU_1] (assuming that TSCs run at the same pace on both CPUs)
    • when a shift relative to the base CPU is known for each available CPU, it is straightforward to calculate the maximum possible shift between time-stamp counters running on the available CPUs

    When a client has this estimation it can decide whether it finds the calculated maximum shift appropriate for its purporses.

  2. whether TSC values measured successively on same/different CPUs monotonically increase. The idea behind this estimation is the following. Assume several CPUs. Assume next that they have synchronized clocks ticking at the same pace. If someone measures time on one of those CPUs and then measures time again - on arbitrary of the CPUs - then the second time value must be bigger than the first one.

    If N CPUs are available to the process, then clock synchronicity across the CPUs can be assessed in the following way:

    • measure TSC value on CPU1
    • measure TSC value on CPU2
    • ...
    • measure TSC value on CPUN
    • measure TSC value on CPU1 again
    • check whether the measured values monotonically increase

    This is a basic outline for how WTMLIB assesses clock synchronicity across the CPUs.

    Measuring the first and last values on the same CPU is really important here. Let's see why. Assume there are 3 CPUs. Assume next that TSC on CPU2 is shifted by +100 ticks relative to CPU1. And TSC on CPU3 is shifted by +100 ticks relative to CPU2. Consider the following sequence of events:

    • get TSC on CPU1. Let it be 10
    • 2 ticks passed
    • get TSC on CPU2. It must be 112
    • 2 ticks passed
    • get TSC on CPU3. It must be 214

    So far the clocks do look synchronized. But let's measure time on CPU1 again:

    • 2 ticks passed
    • get TSC on CPU1. It must be 16

    Oooops! Monotonicity breaks. Thus, measuring first and last time values on the same CPU is important for detecting more or less big shifts between the clocks. Of course, the next question is "what does 'more or less big' mean"? Well, it depends on how much time passes between successive TSC measurements. In our example the measurements were separated by just 2 TSC ticks. Clock shifts bigger than 2 ticks will be detected. In general, clock shifts that are smaller than time that passes between successive measurements will not be detected. Thus, the "denser" measurements are the better. More on that below.

While calculating TSC reliability metrics explained above, WTMLIB also makes several more simple reliability checks, e.g:

  • a limited check of whether TSC counters run at the same pace on different CPUs
  • whether TSC counters do change in time and don't just stay constant

Accuracy of "maximum shift" and "TSC monotonicity" estimations produced using the algorithms outlined above highly depends on how close to each other in time are TSC measurements taken on different CPUs. The "denser" are the measurements,

  • the lower is the "maximum shift" bound
  • the more trusted is "monotonicity" check

WTMLIB actually provides two interfaces for evaluating TSC reliability. Both of them rely on the methods outlined above. The both produce estimations of the same type. What differs significantly is the method used to collect TSC data.

  1. wtmlib_EvalTSCReliabilityCPUSW()

    "CPUSW" in the name of the interface stands for "CPU Switching". If one calls this function, then all the data required to produce TSC reliability estimations will be collected by a single thread jumping from one CPU to another.

    wtmlib_EvalTSCReliabilityCPUSW() was implemented mostly for fun. It is not recommended for production use, since the time needed to move a thread from one CPU to another is pretty big. Thus, too much time passes between successive TSC measurements, and the accuracy of the estimations is low.

    Some of the advantages of "CPU Switching" data collection method are:

    • it is absolutely deterministic. If one needs to successively read TSC values on CPUs CPU1, CPU2, CPU3, then he/she can easily do that (first switch to CPU1, read TSC, then switch to CPU2, read TSC there, and finally switch to CPU3 and read TSC there)
    • supposedly, time needed to switch between CPUs in the system must not grow too fast even if the number of CPUs grows rapidly. Theoretically, there may exist a system - a pretty big system - where the use of the method may be justified. But currently it is very unlikely
  2. wtmlib_EvalTSCReliabilityCOP()

    "COP" in the name stands for "CAS-ordered probes". All the required data is collected by concurrently running threads. One thread per each available CPU. The measurements taken be the threads are sequentially ordered by means of compare-and-swap operation.

    wtmlib_EvalTSCReliabilityCOP() is preferred for evaluating TSC realiability. It gives pretty nice accuraccy.

    But the method of "CAS-ordered probes" does have a small disadvantage:

    • it is non-deterministic. It doesn't allow taking successive TSC measurements in a predefined CPU order. Instead, a long sequence of TSC values must be collected at random, and then the algorithms will try to find in this sequence the values measured on the appropriate CPUs.

    Threoretically, on enormously big systems, the method may give poor results because the contention between the CPUs will be very intense, and it will be hard to produce a TSC sequence with good statistical properties. But currently such situation is unlikely.

    WTMLIB assesses statistical quality of TSC sequences produced using the method of "CAS-ordered probes". It is possible to set an acceptable level of statistical significance. The library provides several pretty simple controls for that. Please, refer to file src/wtmlib_config.h where all the configuration parameters of the library live.

Now, when we discussed evaluation of TSC reliability, let's lalk a bit about the second big purporse of the library: on-the-fly conversion of TSC ticks to nanoseconds. The implemented method is borrowed from fio and in outline is the following:

  1. TSC ticks that are to be converted to nanoseconds are split into two parts:
    tsc_ticks = k * modulus + remainder
    modulus is a number of ticks that corresponds to some pre-defined time period
    modulus is chosen to be a power of 2, so that k * modulus could be extracted from tsc_ticks using a binary shift, and remainder could be extracted using a bitmask
  2. k * modulus worth of the ticks is converted to nanoseconds using integer multiplication. WTMLIB pre-computes the number of nanoseconds "sitting" inside modulus ticks. Thus, to convert k * modulus ticks to nanoseconds one only needs to multiply this pre-computed value by k
  3. remainder is converted to nanoseconds using integer multiply-shift arithmetic and several pre-computed values

Let's now see what the conversion procedure for remainder looks like. The same formula is also used to pre-compute the nanosecond worth of modulus ticks.

We start with the following trivial formula: ns_time = tsc_ticks / tsc_per_ns.

We want to use integer arithmetic only. But tsc_per_ns is small. If, for example, it is 3.333 and we take its integer part - just 3 - the precision will suffer significantly. Thus, we introduce a big "factor":

ns_time = (tsc_ticks * factor) / (ticks_per_ns * factor)

Or, after rearranging:

ns_time = (tsc_ticks * factor / ticks_per_ns) / factor

Next, we pre-compute mult = factor / ticks_per_ns, and the formula turns into:

ns_time = (tsc_ticks * mult) / factor

factor must satisfy three requirements:

  1. it must be "big enough" to ensure good accuracy
  2. multiplication tsc_ticks * mult must not result in 64-bit overflow, as long as tsc_ticks is smaller then or equal to modulus
  3. it must be a power of 2, so that slow integer division can be replaced by a fast binary shift

This is how factor is chosen by WTMLIB. After that the nanosecond worth of remainder can be calculated in the following way: (remainder * mult) >> shift, where shift is such a number that factor = 2 ^ shift.

It only remains to note that instead of ticks_per_ns WTMLIB uses tsc_per_sec / 1000000000. tsc_per_sec is obtained by means of direct measurements:

  • WTMLIB measures how many TSC ticks pass during a "predefined time period"
  • this "predefined time period" may be smaller than, equal to, or bigger than 1 second
  • the "predefined time period" is tracked using system calls
  • since the "predefined time period" may not be equal to 1 second, the measured number of ticks is scaled to 1 second
  • several tsc_per_sec values are measured in this way
  • then the collected values get "cleaned" from statistical noise to produce a single trusted value

That's it. This section gives mostly outline of the algorithms implemented in WTMLIB. There is a lot of details, as always. Please, refer to the source code for the in-depth explanations. There is A LOT of comments in the code. You'll find there not only the detailed explanations of all the algorithms, but also some useful discussions. Besides, in case you understand Russian, you may read this in-depth article about the library:

All the controls over the library (again, with the detailed explanations) can be found in src/wtmlib_config.h.


Copyright © 2018 Andrey Nevolin,

This software is provided under the Apache 2.0 Software license provided in the file


Library for measuring wall-clock time







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