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GitLab scaled runners with AWS EC2.

Tutorial on how to implement scaled gitlab runners with EC2 machines,including template configurations and build commands.


  1. EC2 Instance
  2. A container of gitlab up and running.
  3. A container of gitlab runner up and running or gitlab runner installed in your machine.


  • Jobs running in parallel
  • Economy, as it is only used when you need it. (It can be even more economical using spots instances).
  • You can set the number of machines per time, data or year using cron format.


  • Requested instances take an average of 1 minute to be created.

Registering runner

With your container or gitlab-runner installed in your machine, we will register a runner in your gitlab instance.

On your gitlab instance, go to the admin > runners menu and copy URL and registration token.

Now, execute:

  • If you be in a container of gitlab-runner:
            docker exec gitlab-runner gitlab-runner register \
            --non-interactive \
            --description "Scaled-Runner" \
            --executor "docker+machine" \
            --docker-image docker:20.10.6 \
            --url "<URL-GIT>" \
            --registration-token "TOKEN GIT" \
            --docker-volumes /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
            --tag-list "docker" \
            --run-untagged="true" \ 
  • If you in gitlab-runner local:
           gitlab-runner gitlab-runner register \
           --non-interactive \
           --description "Scaled-Runner" \
           --executor "docker+machine" \
           --docker-image docker:20.10.6 \
           --url "<URL-GIT>" \
           --registration-token "TOKEN GIT" \
           --docker-volumes /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
           --tag-list "docker" \
           --run-untagged="true" \ 

Implementation of template configs

When the runners will be registered, we can create a template configurations archives.

If you run the register in a container of GitLab-Runner, in the past /etc/gitlab-runner/ a file called config was created.

  • Obs: In the gitlab-runner image creation, you can create a volume to replace the configs from inside of container to you local machine.

Adding settings

  1. Add the option clone_url = "url-git" in the [[runners]] section.
  • It is necessary for us to be able to clone the git repositories on the machines that will be created.
  1. Add the options of section [[runners.machine]]:

  2. Set the value of the field IdleCount.

  • IdleCount is responsible for controlling the number of machines that were idle without requiring a request for it to be active.
  1. Set the value of the field IdleTime.
  • Idletime is responsible for controlling the time that machines will die after they no longer receive requests and the number of machines is greater than specified in IdleCount.
  1. Set the value of MaxBuilds.
  • MaxBuild is responsible for controlling the max pipeline builds of each machine, if the number of build in the machine is greater than set in MaxBuilds, the machine will die.
  1. Set the name of each machine in MachineName. (added a %s at the end of the name to make each name different).

  2. set the driver that the machines will be created by the docker-machine in MachineDriver. Driver: amazonec2

  3. Add machine build options in the section MachineOptions

  • Add the following settings through your AWS resources:
  • OBS: If use amazonec2-access-key and amazonec2-secret-key, it is not necessary to use amazonec2-iam-instance-profile. But as a good practice, I recommend using roles.
    "amazonec2-access-key= YOURACESSKEY ",
    "amazonec2-secret-key= YOURSECRETKEY ",
    "amazonec2-iam-instance-profile=YOUR-ROLE",  #  If not set access and secrets keys.
    "amazonec2-region= YOUR-REGION ",
    "amazonec2-zone= YOUR-REGION-ZONE ",
    "amazonec2-security-group= NAME-OF-THE-SECURITY-GROUP ",
    "amazonec2-instance-type= INSTANCE-TYPE ",
    "amazonec2-volume-type= VOLUME-TYPE ",
    "amazonec2-private-address-only=true",  # FOR USE ONLY PRIVATE ADDRESS ON YOUR MACHINES. (Optional)
    "amazonec2-tags=GitLabRunner,AllowDeleteAutoScaling"  # For added tags use "NAME-OF-THE-KEY, VALUE-OF-THE-KEY". 

Our role or user needs some permissions in the IAM Section on AWS, set:

  1. AWS managed policy :
  • AmazonEC2RoleforSSM -> Permission to access the instance via SSM.
  • AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore.
  • AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPowerUser -> Permission to access ECR.
  • AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy.
  1. You need to create some policies:
  • EC2_Create_Policy:
       "Version": "2012-10-17",
       "Statement": [
               "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
               "Effect": "Allow",
               "Action": [
               "Resource": [
               "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
               "Effect": "Allow",
               "Action": [
               "Resource": "*"
  • Terminate_EC2_With_Tags: ( Only have permissions to terminate instance with tag of set in config.toml ).
   "Version": "2012-10-17",
   "Statement": [
           "Sid": "StartStopIfTags",
           "Effect": "Allow",
           "Action": [
           "Resource": "*",
           "Condition": {
               "ForAnyValue:StringEquals": {
                   "aws:ResourceTag/GitLabRunner": "AllowDeleteAutoScaling"
  • GitLab_Runner_PassRole: ( If use role ).
     "Version": "2012-10-17",
     "Statement": [
             "Effect": "Allow",
             "Action": [
             "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT-ID:role/GitlabRunnerInstanceRole"
  • At the end of configurations, your config.toml file will be like this:
concurrent = 10   # Number of competition pipelines for machines, in this case 10 machines run in parallel
check_interval = 0

session_timeout = 1800

name = "docker-runner"
url = "URL do Gitlab"
token = "Token do Gitlab"
executor = "docker+machine"
clone_url= "URL-GIT"
limit = 10               # Limit of machines that will be created, in this case only 10 machines will be created
  tls_verify = false
  privileged = true 
  image = "docker:19.03.5"   # Your docker image version
  disable_entrypoint_overwrite = false
  oom_kill_disable = false
  disable_cache = false
  volumes = ["/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock", "/cache"]
  shm_size = 0
  IdleCount = 1     # Machines in the idle state.
  IdleTime = 40     # Time in Seconds.
  MaxBuilds = 3     # Number of maxbuilds.
  MachineName = "gitlab-runner-%s"
  MachineDriver = "amazonec2"
  MachineOptions = [
    "amazonec2-access-key= YOURACESSKEY ",
    "amazonec2-secret-key= YOURSECRETKEY ",
    "amazonec2-region= YOUR-REGION ",
    "amazonec2-zone= YOUR-REGION-ZONE ",
    "amazonec2-security-group= SECURITY-GROUP-NAME ",
    "amazonec2-instance-type= INSTANCE-TYPE ",
    "amazonec2-volume-type= VOLUME-TYPE ",

If everything is set up correctly, you should already be able to see your autoscaling runners working, running pipelines and verifying machine builds through the docker-machine.

  • Run docker-machine ls in terminal or inside a container and observe the machines state creation and return.

Autoscaling by cron format

In the [[runners.machine]] section, add:

  # You can set the times of autoscaling machines.
  Periods = ["* * 8-11 * * mon-fri *"] # Every day of the week, between 8:00am and 11:59am, there will be an idle machine.
  IdleCount = 1
  IdleTime = 180
  Timezone = "America/Sao_Paulo"  # Your favorite zone
  Periods = ["* * 14-17 * * mon-fri *"] # Every day of the week, between 14:00pm and 17:59, there will be an idle machine.
  IdleCount = 1
  IdleTime = 180
  Timezone = "America/Sao_Paulo"
  Periods = ["* * * * * sat,sun *"] # On weekends, there will be no idle machines.
  IdleCount = 0
  IdleTime = 60
  Timezone = "America/Sao_Paulo"

Example of runner in execution


Implementation of gitlab runners sca






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