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Shell commands

Gabriele Antolini edited this page Sep 25, 2023 · 11 revisions


  • Description: list all available Praga commands.

loaddem demFileName

  • Description: Load a Digital Elevation Model raster file.
  • Alias: dem
  • Arguments:
    • demFileName: DEM filename

loadgrid XMLfileName

  • Description: load a meteo grid DB.
  • Alias: grid
  • Arguments:
    • XMLfileName: XML filename containing DB grid metadata

loadpoints DBfileName

  • Description: load a meteo point DB.
  • Alias: point
  • Arguments:
    • DBfileName: DB (SQLite) filename containing meteo point data.

setlogfile logFileName

  • Description: set where to save logging information.
  • Alias: log
  • Arguments:
    • logFileName: log filename


  • Description: quit Praga.

openproject projectIniName

  • Description: open a Praga project
  • Alias: proj
  • Arguments:
    • projectIniName: project .ini file

download -v:(variableList) [-d1:dateIni -d2:dateFin] [-yesterday]

  • Description: download point data in a period
  • Arguments:
    • variableList: variables (hourly and daily) to download (separated by comma)
    • dateini: first date
    • dateFin: last date
  • Options:
    • yesterday: alternative option to arguments d1 and d2, to download values for yesterday
    • lastweek: alternative option to arguments d1 and d2, to download values for last week

interpolationgridperiod -v:(variableList) [-yesterday] [-lastweek] [-d1:dateIni] [-d2:dateFin] [-s:savingInterval] [-l:loadingInterval] [-a:aggregationVariables] [-r]

  • Description: interpolate point data to grid in a period
  • Alias: gridding
  • Arguments:
    • variableList: variables to grid (separated by comma)
    • dateini: first date
    • dateFin: last date
    • yesterday: alternative way to define dateini and datefin
    • lastweek: alternative way to define dateini and datefin
    • savingInterval: days interval for writing results on meteo grid DB (default: 1)
    • loadingInterval: days interval for loading input data from meteo point DB (default: all period)
    • aggregationVariables: variables to aggregate (from hourly to daily) (separated by comma)
  • Options:
    • r: save raster maps

gridmonthlyvariables -v:(variableList) -d1:dateIni -d2:dateFin

  • Description: monthly temporal aggregation for grid dataset in a period
  • Alias: monthlyvar
  • Arguments:
    • variableList: variables to aggregate (separated by comma)
    • dateini: first date
    • dateFin: last date

gridexport -v:variable -p:outputPath -r:outputCellSize [-d1:dateIni] [-d2:dateFin] [-dp:previousDays]

  • Description: export grid daily data to multiple raster files
  • Alias: gridraster
  • Arguments:
    • variable: variable to export
    • outputPath: output path
    • outputCellSize: output raster resolution
    • dateIni: first date
    • dateFin: last date
    • previousDays: number of previous days (with respect to yesterday)
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