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Vertias supports Circom circuit development & testing over Go


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/*  _____                                                       _____  */
/* ( ___ )-----------------------------------------------------( ___ ) */
/*  |   |                                                       |   |  */
/*  |   | ██╗   ██╗███████╗██████╗ ██╗████████╗ █████╗ ███████╗ |   |  */
/*  |   | ██║   ██║██╔════╝██╔══██╗██║╚══██╔══╝██╔══██╗██╔════╝ |   |  */
/*  |   | ██║   ██║█████╗  ██████╔╝██║   ██║   ███████║███████╗ |   |  */
/*  |   | ╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔══╝  ██╔══██╗██║   ██║   ██╔══██║╚════██║ |   |  */
/*  |   |  ╚████╔╝ ███████╗██║  ██║██║   ██║   ██║  ██║███████║ |   |  */
/*  |   |   ╚═══╝  ╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝ |   |  */
/*  |___|                                                       |___|  */
/* (_____)-----------------------------------------------------(_____) */

" The physical manifestation of Veritas took the form of a silvery mist,
contained in pressurized canisters reminiscent of Ubik spray. When released,
Veritas Mist enveloped its subjects in a shimmering cloud, allowing them to
prove the veracity of their statements without revealing
any underlying information. " - PKD.

"In a universe of Veritas, the only certainty is doubt"
	- Joe Chip, Ubik


This project is in active development.

We are actively seeking contributors to help us improve this project.

If you are interested in contributing, please reach out to us.


Veritas was built out of necessity for the development of Privacy Pool a compliant privacy protocol for the EVM. In order to rapidly prototype and test our circuits, we needed a more robust toolchain.

Current dev tools for Circom are not as robust as we would like them to be, and we believe that there is a lot of room for improvement.

We also believe Golang perfectly complements the Circom DSL but is underutilised in the common Circom Dev-Toolchain.

Therefore, we've built Veritas, which is an opinionated Go front-end for Circom, which enables the embedding of Circom Circuits within Go projects.

To achieve this, we've decided to fork Circom at v2.2.0 to support the Bus implementation. and implemented FFI bindings for a continuous pipeline for circuit compilation (from AST to WASM) & evaluation.

How to Use:


Veritas does not replace other Circom DevTools.

It is a complementary tool that can be used in conjunction with other tools (i.e., Circomkit, Circomspect) to streamline the development and testing of Circom circuits.

Circuit Package & Library:

Veritas considers circom artifacts (i.e. .circom file) as Programs w hich may include more than 1 templates / functions, etc.

A program is defined by it's Identity and Src (Circom Code Block). These programs are linked when packaged together to be compiled as a Circuit Library.

type Program struct {
	Identity string `json:"identity"`
	Src      string `json:"src"`

type CircuitPkg struct {
	TargetVersion string    `json:"target_version"`
	Field         string    `json:"field"`
	Programs      []Program `json:"programs"`

You may either write your circom templates within the Go test or import it from a file via go:embed directive like so:

//go:embed extern/poseidon/ark.circom
var poseidon_ark string

In the snippet below, we are creating a Circuit Library that will compile a Circuit Package, which contains 2 programs:

  • Program 1: The main definition of the circuit.
  • Program 2: The template that is linked to main.


You do not need to specify the version pragma or the includes in the program src. Circom will merge templates together as long as they're all within the same package.

// Circom Template BLock
const test_template = `
    template SUM() {
        signal input a, ex;
        signal output out;

        0 === a * ex - 3;
        out <== 1;
// NewEmptyLibrary() creates a new empty Circuit Library
// Compile() will compile the Circuit Package
// and return a collection of warning / error reports
// if any.
reports, err := NewEmptyLibrary().Compile(CircuitPkg{
        TargetVersion: "2.0.0",
        Field:         "bn128",
        Programs: []Program{
          		Identity: "main",
                // Main Circuit Definition
          		Src:      `component main {public[a, ex]}= Test();`,
                // Contains Code referenced in main
               	Identity: "Test",
                Src: test_template

The output of the compilation will be a collection of warning / error reports (if any), i.e:

Pkg has been unpacked into Circuit Library .. 2 Programs Available
**	Severity: Error
**	Code: T2021
**	Message: Undeclared symbol
**		Style: Primary
**		FileId: 1
**		Range: 104-107
**		Message: Using unknown symbol
Pkg has been unpacked into Circuit Library .. 2 Programs Available
**	Severity: Warning
**	Code: CA01
**	Message: In template "A()": Local signal in2 does not appear in any constraint
**	Severity: Warning
**	Code: CA01
**	Message: In template "A()": Local signal in1 does not appear in any constraint

Evaluating the Circuit:

You can evaluate your circuits by simply calling the Evaluate method with a JSON input.

// 100 iterations
for i := 0; i < 100 i++ {
    // evaluate the circuit per iteration
    // with different input values
    evaluation, err := lib.Evaluate([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"a":%d, "ex":%s}`, i, i*3)))
    require.Nil(t, err)
    require.NotNil(t, evaluation)

    // Check that constraints are satisfied
    require.True(t, len(evaluation.SatisfiedConstraints()) > 0)
    require.Len(t, evaluation.UnSatisfiedConstraints(), 0)

    // check that the assignments to the symbols are correct & as expected
   	for _, sym := range expectedSyms {
		val := evaluation.GetSymbolAssignment(&sym)
		require.NotNil(t, val)
		require.Equal(t, sym.Assignment, val)

The evaluation will output an interface to a data structure that will contain the witness assignments linear constraints, and constrained and unconstrained symbols.

With it, you can verify the correctness of your circuit logic, verify that the right symbols were constrained and confirm that all constraints were satisfied.

type evaluation struct {
	Field       string   `json:"field"`
	Assignments []string `json:"assignments"`
	Constraints lcs      `json:"constraints"`
	Symbols     struct {
		Constrained   []Symbol `json:"constrained"`
		Unconstrained []Symbol `json:"unconstrained"`
	} `json:"symbols"`

// linear constraints
type lc struct {
	// witness to coefficient mapping
	A               [][2]string `json:"a_constraints"`
	B               [][2]string `json:"b_constraints"`
	C               [][2]string `json:"c_constraints"`
	// a * b - c
	Arithmetization [4]string   `json:"arithmetization"`
	IsSatisfied     string      `json:"satisfied"`

We will be including more examples. soon to demonstrate the variety of use cases for Veritas!

Build Locally:

Checkout the Makefile for more details.

To compile the circom ffi bindings, run:

make ffi

To clean artifacts, run:

make clean


  • Refactor & Clean up the code.
  • Add more tests / examples.
  • Add Further Constraint Analysis & Optimisations.
  • Support Formal Verification Tools.
  • Support for Folding Schemes Applications (i.e Sonobe integration).

How to Contribute:

Submit a PR with your changes. We will prioritise those that align with the TODO list or is a critical bug fix. See for more details.

All contributions are welcome and contributers will be credited & recognised.


Wouldn't be possible without the achievements of the following projects: