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Puddlestore README

Prerequisites for using Tapestry

You will need to use your own Tapestry implementation or the TA implementation of Tapestry for this project (see the handout for more details). However, you will not be using import statements in Go for this. Instead, you will be using a powerful feature known as the replace directive in Go modules


  1. Download the Tapestry implementation to a local folder.
  2. Update this line in go.mod
replace tapestry => /path/to/your/tapestry/implementation/root/folder

so that imports of tapestry now point to your local folder where you've downloaded Tapestry.

That's it! When running tests in Gradescope, we will automatically rewrite this line to point to our TA implementation, so you will be tested against our implementation and not be penalized for any issues of your own.

Prerequisites for using Zookeeper

With docker, you can spin up a Zookeeper instance with

docker run --rm -p 2181:2181 zookeeper

Please refer to the Zookeeper lab for more detailed setup instructions.

Bugs + Concerns:

Evenly distributed tests break, most likely due to loss of information from one replica. Some ideas we tried were checking tapestry nodes up to MAX_RETRIES to grab information, as well as more error checking. However, these EvenlyDist tests still fail. Any comments on potential issues/cases commonly missed and solutions would be greatly appreciated!


To run test suite: go test ./test -coverpkg ./pkg/... -coverprofile=coverage.out to test coverage on just pkg, then go tool cover -html=coverage.out to check coverage.

  • basic_io_test.go covers basic tests to check if clients can open and close and write to files.

  • list_test.go tests the client's List() function. Covers cases where list prints out nothing, list, directories, etc.

  • lock_test.go tests the distributed locks in zookeeper

    • some tests passed individually but failed when running the test suite as a whole, so we commented these out
  • mkdir_test.go tests the client's Mkdir() function (along with edge cases). Makes sure directories are not created under nonexistent directories, directories in general can be created and later used, etc.

  • open_test.go tests the client's Open() function (along with edge cases). Makes sure opening a file follows the appropriate actions based off the arguments.

  • read_write_test.go tests edge cases in reading and writing to files. We covered reading from a file when opening, as well as writing to it.

  • remove_test.go tests the client's Remove() function (along with edge cases). We covered removing single files, directories, and making sure they can not be accessed in the future.

  • tapestry_test.go recreates the even distribution and load balancing tests found on Gradescope, and tests overall fault tolerance

    • even distribution tests are failing on Gradescope, so we commented these out
  • no_conn_test.go tests edge cases regarding having no connections

Note: tapestry_test.go kills nodes that make it impossible to run with other tests, so these can be individually run!

Distribution of Work

Will and Mario both worked on the client interface functions and debugged them when necessary, and also both wrote numerous tests.

Will worked on the web client and setting up the gRPC server.

Mario worked on adding replication and load balancing to the tapestry nodes and data blocks.

Issues with Our Implementation

We are unable to pass the even distribution tests on Gradescope. We are confused on how these are supposed to pass, we load balance such that blocks are distributed evenly across tapestry nodes. When downing a significant number of these nodes, without any replication, then we returned data with "holes" in it, where the data blocks were not able to be read from the downed tapestry nodes. We recreated these tests in tapestry_test.go, but we ended up commenting out as they don't pass.

We also have issues with some tests passing individually but not running as a whole. We have ensured that we are cleaning up correctly, but still cause tests to hang or other tests to fail.

Extra Features

We created a web client.

How to Run Web Client

  1. Switch to web-client branch
  2. Ensure Zookeeper is running on port 2181
  3. Run the server using go run api/main.go from the root.
  4. Run the following command: ./grpcwebproxy-v0.15.0-osx-x86_64 --backend_addr=:3333 --server_http_debug_port 3334 --allow_all_origins --run_tls_server=false in the root to ensure the proxy forwards connections from the client to the server.
  5. Run the client either by running npm run start from within the puddlestore-web-client directory, or opening the index.html in the puddlestore-web-client-build directory.
  6. Have fun!

puddlestore client

protoc puddlestore.proto \ --js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:./src/puddlestore \ --grpc-web_out=import_style=commonjs,mode=grpcwebtext:./src/puddlestore