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Week 1: Parallel Programming


Parallel computing: many calculations performed at the same time. Idea: divide computation into smaller subproblems each of which can be solved simultaneously using parallel hardware.

Interest: processor frequency scaling hit the power wall, so processor vendors decided to provide multiple CPU cores on the same chip, each capable of executing separate instructions streams.

Parallelism and concurrency are close concepts:

  • Parallel program: uses parallel hardware to execute computation more quickly: EFFICIENCY
  • Concurrent program: may or may not execute multiple executions at the same time. MODULARITY, RESPONSIVENESS, MAINTAINABILITY.

We focus on task-level parallelism: executing separate instruction streams in parallel. The hardware we will target is multi-core processors and symmetric multiprocessors.

Parallelism on the JVM

Operating system, processes and multitasking

  • Operating system : software that manages hardware and software resources, and schedules program execution.
  • Process : an instance of a program that is executing in the OS.

The operating system multiplexes many different processes and a limited number of CPUs, so that each process gets a time slice of execution: this is multitasking. Two different processes cannot access each other's memory directly, they are isolated.


Each process can contain multiple independent concurrenccy units called threads. They can be started from the same program and share the same memory address space. Each thread has a program counter and a program stack. In the JVM threads cannot modify each other's stack memory, only the heap memory.more here

Each JVM process starts with a main thread, to add additional threads

  • Define a Thread subclass containing a run method
  • Instantiate a new object
  • Call start
  • When done call join()


Statements in different threads can overlap. Sometimes we want to ensure that a sequence of statements in specific thread executes at once.

An operation is atomic if it appears as if it occurred instantaneously from the point of view of other threads.

To achieve atomicity we use the synchronized block: code executed in the block is never executed by two threads at the same time.


private val x = new AnyRef{}
private var uidCount = 0L
def getUniqueId(): Long = x.syncronized {
   uidCount += 1

Different threads use the block to agree on unique values. It is an example of a syncronization primitive. Invocations of the syncronized block can nest.


Deadlocks can be caused by nested synchronized blocks A Deadlock occurs when multiple threads compete for resources and wait for each other to finish without releasing the already acquired resources.

One solution is to always acquire resources in the same order.

Memory Model

Memory model is a set of rules that describes how threads interact when accessing shared memory.

In the JVM we have the Java Memory Model:

  1. Two threads writing to two separate locations in memory do not need synchronization
  2. A thread X that calls join on another thread Y is guaranteed to observe all the writes by thread Y after join returns

Running Computations in Parallel

Given two expressions e1 and e2 compute them in parallel and return the pair of results:

val (res1, res2) = parallel(e1, e2)
val ((res1, res2), (res3, res4)) = parallel(parallel(e1, e2), parallel(e3, e4))

// The parallel function's signature
def parallel[A, B](taskA: => A, taskB: => B): (A, B) = { ... }
// NOTE: call by name to pass unevaluated computations or we wouldn't have parallel computations

Under the hood

Efficient parallelism require language and libraries, virtual machine, operating system and hardware support.

parallel uses JVM threads which typically map to OS threads which can be scheduled on different cores.

Given sufficient resources, a parallel program can run faster. Note that thanks to the different layers of abstractions a program written for parallel hardware can run even when there is only one processor core available (without speedup).

Hardware is important: memory (RAM) is bottleneck that can void all the effort necessary to write parallel software.

The running time of parallel(e1, e2) is the maximum of the two running times.

First-Class Tasks

As we have just seen, the running time of parallel(e1, e2) is the maximum of the two running times. When need a more flexible construct, that does not wait for the end of both threads to return. We use the task construct:

val t1 = task(e1)
val t2 = task(e2)
val v1 = t1.join //blocks and waits until the result is computed
val v2 = t2.join //obtain the result of e1

task start computation in the background. Subsequent calls to joinreturn the same result

def task(c: => A): Task[A]

trait Task[A] {
   def join: A

We could omit .join by defining an implicit conversion: implicit def getJoin[T](x: Task[T]): T = x.join, then task will return the result.

task can be used to define parallel:

def parallel[A, B](cA: => A, cB: => B): (A, B) = {
   val tB: Task[B] = task { cB  } // if we called .join here the two threads would be executed sequentially and not in parallel
   val tA: A = cA
   (tA, tB.join)

How Fast are Parallel Programs?

Benchmarking Parallel Programs

Next week lecture notes