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343 lines (339 loc) · 17.6 KB

File metadata and controls

343 lines (339 loc) · 17.6 KB

###Changes SW5.85

  • changed value STARTVALUE_HIGHEST_READ 2500 -> 2300, otherwise out of limit in config !

  • Wifi searches fist for SSID1, then SSID2, if Wakeup is pushed -> AP-mode

  • Wifi screen shows SSID when trying to connect

  • No config.txt -> wifi_search = 10, because connection to ssid2 after 10s

  • Speed screen Simon font bug fixes

  • JSON buffer 1024 -> 1280

  • Watchdog actife @ Wifi search, changed from 60s->120s (AP mode 100s search)! ###Changes SW5.84

  • stat6 screen bugfix "previous run", will be held until speed > 4m/s

  • Support for daylight saving in several timezones, configurable.

  • Support for 2 SSID (can be used with smartphone hotspot)

  • Bugfix in gpx file : first line start with <<, should be <

  • Bugfix auto-detect gps

  • Auto calibrate -> when charging in deepsleep, with every wake up(1800 s), ADC bat voltage is measured

  • and highest value is stored in eeprom. With full charging, this should be the end voltage of the charge IC TP4056 (4.2 V)

  • cal_bat in config.txt is only for info !!

  • see

  • Added bitmaps for FMX, ChallengerSails, Phantom, F4 (contribution Simon)

    Changes SW 5.83

  • Cpu freq when SetupGPS() 240 MHz -> 40 mHz, Current with M10 87 mA -> 57 mA

  • Cpg in webpage "Files" if CPU-freq is not optimal

  • Checksum fail UBX message in error log

  • Voltage battery in infobar

  • First test : 5 Hz -> need 80 MHz, 10 Hz -> need 80 Mhz

  • Add "Giant font ON" in speed screens

  • Moved E_paper task to core 0

  • RxBuffer Serial2 1024 -> 2048

    Changes SW 5.82

  • Warning sample-rate setting moved to webserver index page (files)

  • Moved Button_push class E_Paper -> ESP_functions.h

  • BUFFER_SIZE 9500 -> 9000 due to ESP32 2.0x lib, to prevent "DRAM segment data does not fit."

  • interrupt on WAKE_UP_GPIO for set Wifi_Search to 150 without delay

  • Boot with Wifi station and acces point simultanous

  • Added local storage if no SD card found, only 1.5 Mb, total flash is only 4 Mb !!!

  • If in AP-mode, but counting down, shutdown is possible now.

  • Added Storage space + bat voltage + Firmware version to webserver files page

  • Added partitions.csv in the root dir, ESP32 V1.0 with 4MB flash

  • If this file is in the sketch dir, it will be used instead of the Arduino Menu setting !!

    Changes SW5.81

  • added drop down menu for Sail and Board logos

  • added board logos Carbon Art, Thommen, Bic

  • added saillogo S2_Maui=11

  • gpx.h changes for better fit to the standard (http -> https, indentations, stand alone, contribution from Michael G)

  • removed limits for sample-rate

  • added warning after upload if the sample-rates are too high

  • ShortPush39 50ms->10ms

    Changes SW5.80

  • Extended choice for sample rate : add 4 Hz and 8 Hz

  • extended choices for GNSS ** M10 4GNSS : GPS+GLONAS+GALILEO+BEIDOU, max 4Hz or lost points.... ** M10 3GNSS : GPS+GALILEO+BEIDOU_B1C : 8Hz possible with no lost points (default = GPS+GALILEO+BEIDOU_B1L ) ** M10 3GNSS : GPS+GALILEO+GLONAS, max 5Hz or lost points.... ** M10 2GNSS : GPS+GLONAS or GPS+GALILEO : 10Hz possible with no lost points

  • Sample_rate limited in function of GNSS settings (M10)

  • Wifi AP bug fixes

    Changes SW5.79

  • Speed screen NM big font, 2 digits after dec. point

  • Add file name option name_date_time_MAC

  • Time out nav-pvt msg -> 10s, then trouble screen

  • Check for nav-pvt msg after init gps, NOK -> then trouble screeen

    Changes SW5.78

  • Sleeptime 21600s -> 1800s, only screen update if delta_bat_voltage> 0.01 V !!

  • Wake-up without refresh screen < 50 ms, with refresh 2665 ms !!

  • Start_logging_speed configurable over webserver

  • Watchdog when downloading file now 600s

  • Added actual 0.5h and actual 1h in speed screen with "big Font"

  • Speed_screens can be choosen, analog to the stat_screens : setting 841 will toggle between three screens : 1,4 and 8. Only one digit : toggle from 0...9

  • Especially usefull if you have the sealed pushbutton instead of the reed-switch

    Changes SW5.77 (mainly by avoprykk)


  • OTA_Server firmware upload page javascript.
  • GPS_Data changed BUFFER_SIZE from 10000 to 9500 as for fitting into 1.5M Image partition.
  • Some compiler errors about types.


  • E_paper>
  • Display unified row heights macros, changes in screens accordingly
  • ESP-GPS logo size to 24x24
  • Moved time, gps and battery for all screens to bottom row infobar.
  • New screen for GPS initialization. main.cpp> Ublox initialization moved after Wifi connections closed.


  • Partial code for OTA autoupload, dev status yet. M9 15Hz support

  • Added support to PlatformIO and partially for ESP-IDF (CMakefile.txt), thats why Rtos.ino moved to main.cpp. Wrapper module:

  • Filename Rtos.h -> Definitions.h

  • Added ESP_functions.h with general functions

  • Bugfix Short_push for speed_field choice

  • Added field 9 : Run-AVG, Alfa, NM, 1 hour

  • Bugfix bat%@boot

    Changes SW 5.0

  • Automatic ### switching to portable with overspeed (>20 m/s)

  • Extra dynamic model Automotive : 2-> automotive

  • for higher accuracy, change of datatypes to double

  • All speeds are now in mm/s (format double)

  • Added STATS3 screen with M100/M500, config.Stat_screens 6

  • Added Definitions.h for general #define

  • Bugfix in new_run_detection, speed m/s -> mm/s

  • Start logging if speed>MIN_SPEED_START_LOGGING, now 2m/s

  • Added log files in oao format

  • Removed logging to csv files

Changes SW 5.1

  • Add distance of run
  • Add configurable bar in "speed" screen, reflects run_distance, default 1852m = full bar

Changes SW 5.2

  • Change to proportional font 12pt and 18pt, speed screen now has 2 variables on top
  • Replace sat nr in speed screen with other variable
  • Add a alfa indicator, the actual distance from the start point is shown, has to be < 50m
  • At the same time shows the bar the alfa distance, 250 m = full bar
  • If config.field=1:
  •      automatic switching to alfa screen after jibe until 300 m 
  •      then Run /. AVG screen.
  • If config.field=2:
  •      if run distance>1852 m, switch to NM view
  •      else  Run screen !!       

    Changes SW 5.3

  • No "window" anymore for alfa, needs further development
  • Some display ### Changes
  • This version goes to GP3S

Changes SW 5.4

  • Wifi stays on for 100s, first 10s searching for SSID, then still 90s AP actif if reed switch seen.
  • Station or AP, but not both at the same time !
  • Wifi screen stays as long as connection SSID or AP, no SAT nr in Wifi screen as GPS is not read
  • Changed esp32 lib from 1.0.4 to 1.0.6

Changes to ESP32FTP lib, so Android FTP is now possible

  • FTP status visible in Wifi screen, FTP = 2 : waiting for connection, FTP 5 : Connection OK

Changes SW 5.42

  • Removed CR in FTP lib for directory listing, as FTP has a problem with MacOS

Changes SW 5.44

  • Several ### Changes in FTP lib for problem with MacOS
  • Bugfix for e-paper lib BN74
  • Optimization Alfa screen, Window...
  • Test for 1.54" e-paper

Changes SW 5.45

  • exit distance for alfa = estimation of alfa-circle with current heading

Changes SW 5.46

  • GPIO 25/26 are RTC, drive capability changed!! Were not working !!
  • extra Button GPIO_Pin12, pullup, give STAT4 screen !!
  • long push GPIO_Pin12 reset STAT4 screen
  • short push toggles next screen

Changes SW 5.47

  • NM bar start@minimal speed (10 m/s ?)
  • More stats screen over GPIO pin 12
  • Alfa speed screen with Window, avg speed 250m and Exit
  • Sea model does not give a gps-fix if actual height is not on sea-level, default = 0 !!!
  • wifi off screen nr of sats added
  • bugfix bat symbol if bat_voltage>4.2
  • Choice of stat_screens extended : preferred screens are chosen with their nr : Stat_screens = 523 is then stat_screen 5, 2 and 3 !!!

Changes SW 5.48

  • Added Simon screens
  • RTC offset for sleep screen
  • RTC txt for sleep screen
  • sleep_screen "speed in km/h" or "knots" depends on calibration
  • nr of stat screens are changed (e_paper.h)
  • low_bat voltage 3.1 -> go to sleep !!!
  • update STAT4 with actual run, added extra display_speed[]
  • choice GPIO12 screens with config
  • choice Logos with config
  • choice sleep-screen, off-screen with config
  • json doc 512 -> 1024 byte
  • boot screen added config fail / ok

Changes SW 5.49

  • Alfa calculation , alfa-circle² to avoid sqrt in calculations, factor 111120 -> 111195
  • Bugfix in alfa calculation (pointer + 1)
  • Shutdown : RTC data only written if new GPS-data is available

Changes SW 5.50

  • Added bar graph screen which shows the speed from al the runs (max=42)
  • Scale bar value depends on fastest run, min value = 24
  • Speed km/h or knots

Changes SW 5.51

  • new run detection, min speed of 5 m/s
  • max nr of stat screens change to 9
  • bugfix Log_to_SD() before set speed to 0 with bad reception, checksum ubx was not correct with speed 0 !!!
  • Added config.gnss : set for 3 gnss possible, works only with ublox ROM 3.0 !
  • Check for GNSS setting : ubx msg MON_GNSS
  • Add setting GNSS in txt file @ end of session

Changes SW 5.52

  • bugfix for bar graph

Changes SW 5.53

  • bugfix for filenaming if logUBX=0 !!!

Changes SW 5.54

  • Added extra Board / Sail logo's, design by Hans Scholten
  • Added variable to config.txt : "stat_speed":2, // speed less then 2 m/s -> stat screens
  • Filenr depends now from existing .txt files !!
  • Shut down screen : add type of E-paper (in case you forgot...)
  • Webserver can now download and delete files from the SD-card !!!
  • Contribution from Triton_dm on github !!

Changes SW5.55

  • Bugfix for choice screens with GPIO39 after boot

Changes SW5.56 (Contribution from Triton_dm on github !!)

  • Added an upload section to the webserver
  • Enabled the webserver on AP Usage, prevent from stopping during downloading files
  • Add IP Address of the AP to display
  • Add a special LOGO section > 99 and add a special logo of a beer supplier hier @Achensee/Tirol
  • Change the Webinterface to a responsive design
  • prevent delete on one click

Changes SW5.57 (JH)

  • Added file timestamp to webserver !!

Changes SW5.58 ### Changes by tritondm !!

  • fix the download issue with phps extionsion on android chrome
  • add a config section for changing config - thats the base for the next step - config credentials for and upload
  • after before upload a config_backup will created

Changes SW5.60 Bugfixes + added sbp file format

  • Changed next file for compiling with Arduino IDE 2.02 (SD(esp32) to SD)
  • C:\Users\andre\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\1.0.6\libraries\SD\
  • Bugfix decoding config logo, GPIO12 and stat_screen
  • Range bar_length now from 100 - 10000
  • Removed fileformat .oao
  • Added new fileformat .sbp

Changes SW5.61 First draft new open source fileformat

  • Some minor ### Changes for the webserver (triton_dm)
  • Separate Board_logo and Sail_logo config
  • Test with other fonts in speed screen, added "speed_large_font" to the config : Run, Alfa and NM can have a bigger font.
  • Changed order config.field, 1=Auto between Run, Alfa & NM, 2=Run & NM, 3=Alfa, 4=NM, 5= Total distance, 6= 2s/10s, 7= 0.5h, 8= 1h
  • Font 46pt_nr and 84pt_nr added, condensed format only digits and decimal point to save memory
  • Added Github link to main menu

Changes SW5.62

  • Added GPX file format
  • Added GPY file format
  • If no config file : Wifi AP waiting time = 120 s
  • Bugfix config webserver : no switching to km/h if knots was set

Changes SW5.63

  • Added support for BN266 e-paper
  • Changed GPS-parser union to struct, every ubx message has its own struct now
  • Added ubx nav dop Msg for extracting HDOP
  • Added ubx mon ver Msf for extracting sw / hw version ublox
  • Changed baudrate ublox to 38400, necessary for 10Hz navDOP + navPVTD
  • Correction timestamp list files with FTP
  • Added sail logo "Severne" = 10
  • Added board logo "F2" = 10
  • Bugfix for SSID with white space
  • Added watchtdog for WAKE UP screen (hangs sometimes after OTA)
  • Added loadbalance for flushfiles()

Changes SW5.64

  • Bugfix garbage frame in gpy / ubx
  • Reboot ESP : ublox_off for 1s !!
  • Added support for ublox M10 (Mateksys maxM10s), define in Rtos.h
  • Time stat screen toggle configurable
  • bdrate back to 19200BD, should be ok for 10100 (nav_pvt) + 1026 bytes(nav_dop)
  • Added support for GNSS GPS + GALILEO + BEIDOU for M8 + M10
  • Correction time on sleep-screen with timezone

Changes SW5.65

  • Bugfix stat screen time

Changes SW 5.66

  • Added sw-version + e-paper type to Wifi-on screen + sleep screen Simon
  • baud rate back to 38400 for nav sat msg
  • Added (configurable) ubx nav sat message to ubx file, Rate = 1/10 of NAV PVT, timeshift 18.05 s for ascending order ubx msg
  • This is if you want to evaluate the signal quality of your gps (ucenter)
  • Filename with Timestamp in it, configurable
  • .sbp file corrections, problem with uploading to gp3s, header change (0xa0, 0xa2)
  • .sbp file correction for sAcc, hDOP
  • added alfa screen to 0.5h / 1h, bar_length gives time passed 30min /60 min
  • sleep_screen Simon : 500m -> 1h best

Changes SW 5.67

  • NAV SAT not with polling, but over cfg msg @ 10% rate of NAV PVT
  • NAV SAT for M10 added @ 10% rate of NAV PVT
  • removed timeshift iTow NAV SAT
  • Added extra option filenaming
  • Some ### Changes to header SBP
  • correction time bug in sleep screen
  • reset 30 min / 60 min bar if speed drops<2m/s for 120s (screen best 0.5h / 1h)

Changes SW 5.68

  • Analog bat measurement to function()
  • ESP32 time is now local time, min 5 sats visible !!
  • Add check for nav pvt valid flags time&date before setting the time (thanks Peter!)
  • Check for plausible year when GPS time is set (>=2023)
  • Removed timelib.h, only sys.time.h needed
  • Fix time_bug in different screens
  • Add Ubx ID M8(ROM3 necessary,5 byte ID), saved in error.txt
  • Add Ubx ID M10(6 byte ID), saved in error.txt
  • Add Class GPS_NAV_INFO + Evaluation last 16 NAV_SAT msg in log file error.txt
  • Add navDOP msg to ubx file, if nav_Sat is active (for analysing data)

Changes SW 5.69

  • Change baudrate for M10 to 38400 bd, #define ALI_M10 in rtos5.h
  • Bugfix for gpy file : MakeTime -> mktime, offset from 1970 -> 1900, month -1 !!!
  • Option for other wake-up GPIO with #define in rtos5.h
  • Add type e-paper to .txt file
  • Some text in e-paper adapted : Mile ->NM, Alf->Alph, Dis->Dist

Changes SW 5.70

  • Again timebug -> e-paper keyword "now" may not be used for getLocalTime() !!
  • Same issue in SD_card.cpp -> open files !!
  • GPS_SAT_INFO buffer 16 -> 10
  • Set GPS_time @ start logging
  • check for year>2023
  • While waiting for Sats / Min speed : Wifi Off with waiting Sats/Speed on screen
  • Total time in .Txt from start logging

Changes SW 5.71

  • Again bugfix for time in gpy file (offset year 1970->1900, month->-1)
  • Removed #include timelib.h
  • Removed listing of directorys in webserver
  • Add sortTable() after DOM is loaded : now the files are ordered by date after loading all filenames !
  • Timestamp files with FTP command MLSD is now UTC
  • Add type of ublox to .txt file + e-paper shut down

Changes SW5.72

  • .txt files configurable over webserver, if name_MAC_counter, .txt file is necessary for keeping track counter !!!
  • When Wifi, NTP time is set, if needed, directory "Archive" is created
  • When webserver start, Files older then xx days are copied to directory "Archive", are not visble in the listing anymore.
  • Added link "Archive files" in header : to move files to the Archive dir when older then archive_days
  • Added link "Archive list" in header : to list all the files on the SD, dir "Archive" included
  • Link to overview Board / Sail logo updated
  • STAT1 screen Sat -> last 2s, 3m/s for new value needed
  • STAT6 screen Mile -> NM
  • Sleep screen bat voltage -> bat percent, 4.2=100%, 3.4=0%

Changes SW5.73

  • Bugfix name ublox M10 38400bd in off screen
  • Downloading _filename bugfix, no underscore
  • timezone changed from int -> float for partial timezones, drop down menu choice !!
  • Speed screen 5 -> distance always km/h, run -> bat symbol
  • Added auto detection ublox type M8 / M10 and 9600bd/38400 bd

Changes SW5.74

  • Debouncing reed switch with 200ms @boot
  • Shutdown screen 10s -> 5s
  • Bat voltage calibration min value 1.7 -> 1.6
  • Bugfix GPIO12 screens
  • Changed default settings when no config.txt
  • Add watchtdog to task0 + task1 separat, Time out = 60 s
  • Changed order Wifi screen, so IP is not in the middle anymore
  • Check bat voltage@boot, if too low back to sleep. This to prevent a bootloop

Changes SW5.75

  • Bugfix time format gpx files
  • Added future fly logo (basti)
  • Bugfix .txt file M8/M10 serial nr
  • Added TROUBLE screen if no ubx message for longer then 2000 ms
  • Added SPEED2 screen with giant Font (Simon Design)
  • filesizes always in MB
  • override watchtdog_task0 when downloading (large) files
  • Added SD Free space Mb in Boot screen
  • Boot screens changes by Simon, ESP-GPS logo added
  • Added actual SW version & Type of e-paper to Firmware page

Changes SW5.76

  • Sleeptime 3000s -> 21600s
  • nav_sat timeout 2000 ms -> 4000 ms
  • add 1h to speed screen, setting 9
  • bugfix wifiAP screen : name SoftAP
  • shutdown screen : Saving your session or Go back to sleep
  • Autodetect GPS only once, then saved in EEPROM
  • Can be changed over the webserver (configuration), only set AUTODETECT again !
  • Added support for the ublox M9 (Beitian BK180), logging@20Hz + 4 gnss simultan