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General terms of use for the Discord server and IRC channel

  1. Insulting, discrimination and harassment of others based of their origin, religion, nationality, race, disabilities, financial status, gender identity or sexual orientation is not tolerated and will be punished.
  2. Sharing materials containing pornography or explicit content, gore, shocking content or that is promoting hate speech, violence, suicide or self-harm is not allowed.
  3. Sharing images containing "memes" should be limited as much as possible.
  4. "Ironic" jokes and memes promoting hate speech are prohibited.
  5. You may promote Discord servers, IRC channels, internet radio's with the same subject only with moderators allowance.
  6. Any conscious attempt of deanonymization of our users is being herebly punished.
  7. Spam, or mass sending of unwanted messages will result in a temporary mute.
  8. Messages containing sensitive subjects (allowed in the terms of use) or vulgarisms are required to be hidden under the content warning: "CW <short description without details, eg. politics>: ||content||". This rule does not apply on the IRC channel.
  9. Sharing personal data, images, private IP addresses and location not belonging to the sending person is prohibited.
  10. Every user is required to comply with the law of the Republic of Poland, European Union and international law.
  11. Moderation is obligated to specify the reason of punishing the user.
  12. Moderation reserves the right to punish users for reasons unspecified in the terms of use; Any situation not covered by the rules can be individually considered among the members of the collective.
  13. Each user that has been punished has the right to appeal to the given penalty via e-mail.

The above terms of service may be a subject to change at any time after informing the users. Last update: Wednesday, 23 August 2019 14:20, Europe/Warsaw time zone