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System design: How would you design a two player online chess game?

tim-hr edited this page Dec 19, 2016 · 2 revisions

The essence of this problem

The key here isn't really making a working 2-player chess game that only plays a single game at a time. It's assumed that you can do that, or at least that would be a different kind of a problem, more focused on implementation than on design.

This question, by contrast, is really about how you make such a chess-playing system scalable to many games, and furthermore make it extensible in various ways. The "exploring assumptions" section below (which you would do live, in real-time, in a real interview), is meant to illustrate how you'd touch on these factors just enough for you to be able to spin a coherent design story for your audience.

Exploring assumptions

Before you can examine scalability and maintainability, the first step is to explore assumptions about the problem specification. In the case of this problem, you don't have a live interviewer, so you have to mimic the Q&A interaction on your own.

How many parallel games can you have? Let's say just hundreds at first, but later it will scale to tens of thousands.
How do you find someone to play with? To keep this simple let's say you create a game then it's up to you to share the game URL to your opponent outside of the system (i.e., via IM). You can't find or invite users directly within the system.
Do you need to have a user account to play? Yes, you must sign up / sign in via Facebook or Google OAuth.
Is there email validation? Let's say OAuth is configured with email permission required. We'll assume that this email is valid.
Can the user choose the notification type? E.g., in-app only or email-only. Yes they can, in a settings page.
Can there be a computer player (AI)? No.
Is the gameplay synchronous or asynchronous? I.e., Synchronous means "like you are facing each other across a board in real life". Asynchronous means "like chess-by-mail games that were played a long time ago, before the Internet". Answer: The gameplay is asynchronous.
How do I know when it's my turn to play? There's a notification system that can alert you in-app or send you an email.
Is this web-only or is there a mobile app as well? Good question! It's web-only... for now. Later, native mobile apps are likely.
Do games "expire"? Yes, let's keep track of activity so we can archive inactive (abandoned) games.

Outline of program design

System nouns

We'll try to keep things simple. So at the top level, let's say there are the following objects:

  • Sessions (either unauthenticated or authenticated)
  • Players
  • Games

The interesting action naturally takes place inside a Game, which we will define as skeletally as possible:

  • Game
    1. player1: the uuid of that Player
    2. player2: the uuid of that Player
    3. lastActive: timestamp in epoch time
    4. moveHistory: array of strings in standard chess move notation

The lastActive attribute would be tracked in order to allow us to expire games, as per the specification.

Where are the rest of the attributes, you might ask?

Design choice: reconstruct current state from history?

All the following attributes of a game instance can be inferred from moveHistory.

  1. currentTurn: enum for White or Black
  2. board: 2-d array of board squares, piece names are enum of 'Knight', 'Bishop' etc.
  3. winState: enum for White or Black or null if no winner yet
  4. takenWhitePieces: array of piece names
  5. takenBlackPieces: array of piece names

Right after a given Game is loaded into memory from storage, init code would reconstruct the current state by replaying the moves in moveHistory.

This approach is very DRY and fits in with some interesting design ideas, such as the "traditional databases are just global state, which is Bad, so rather than a monolithic schema for all uses, we should transform the event log into any schema we need" idea that partially inspired Redux. [TODO: add link]

For a typical game design, this "replay only" approach is probably a controversial storage choice since it requires extra processing before you can do even basic operations and makes the system more opaque to querying and indexing.

We can easily see use cases where you want to move attributes back to top-level existence. For example, winState being implied means you can't easily run a query to see which games have been won, which seems potentially annoying.

However, let's say we go with reconstructing current state from history as a starting point for discussion. In a real interview I might or might not get pushback for going this way... probably not, I'd likely just have to justify the approach in response to their questions, in a collegial and logical manner.

Decoupling rendering

One key factor we covered is that we want to support multiple client types.

This suggests that game logic needs to be completely decoupled from rendering. The game engine would be designed to handle abstract moves and return an abstract board. The I/O and rendering happens at another layer.

You could have the render function injected into the game logic component as a callback. However since this is a client-server system it's probably better to just have a simple linear MVC flow where:

  • UI reacts to user events
  • a controller layer marshals those events into abstract moves that are sent as messages to the game logic component
  • the game logic updates move history and thus board state
  • controller is notified of update to board state
  • controller passes board state to renderer
  • UI is updated with fresh rendering

Pretty standard MVC stuff... you typically need to explain just enough to make it clear that you get the basic concept of decoupling.

Outline of system architecture

Back-of-the-envelope on traffic

Estimating load is usually a good early step in system design.

In our case, we know from the earlier requirements exploration that the system is meant to support "tens of thousands" of simultaneous games.

So, chess is a game with long think times, this isn't a twitchy first-person shooter. Let's assume 30 seconds of think time on average, or 2 moves per minute per game.

If there are 10,000 games and 2 moves per minute per game, then that's 20,000 moves per minute. If we naively distribute that traffic evenly, then we have ~330 moves per second.

However, we also said that the gameplay is asynchronous, more like chess-by-mail than like playing each other face-to-face, in terms of the timing of moves.

Thus the traffic should drop dramatically. Let's change the estimation tack accordingly. Let's assume that there are 50 moves per game and games take 8 hours to complete on average.

There are 500,000 moves distributed over 28,800 seconds, or a naive average of 17 moves per second.

Note: it's ok to make stuff up

The numbers above are made-up but plausible. Don't get too hung up on not knowing exact figures, or trying to concoct a scheme by which you would directly measure those numbers. Implementing metrics and business intelligence (BI) stuff so you can get hard data about user behavior is a completely separate topic and not germane unless the interviewer explicitly brings it up.

At this stage we assume the system isn't built yet and such hard data is not at hand, so we have to use our initial intuitions and common sense to put some reasonable starting figures into place for estimation.

Desktop browser case

System architecture can be very plain-vanilla: a cluster of web app servers fronted by a load balancer, and a single database of any flavor to store all the games and sessions.

With the traffic described above, to maintain responsiveness we'd just need to vary the cluster size, easy-peasy.

If you didn't want to hit a RDBMS with session-lookup traffic then you could throw in a Redis instance to store the sessions, although for this amount of traffic it's hard to see why that's even necessary yet.

Mobile app case

Games can be asynchronous, which suggests in the mobile app case having an offline mode. However we didn't actually ask that during the "exploring assumptions" phase. So we'd ask it now, in a real interview.

Do the mobile apps have an offline mode? No.

Let's keep it simple and say "no". :)

By avoiding an offline mode, we avoid making a local copy of data in a sqlite database and we avoid having to sync, which can be annoying if you consider edge cases where players are playing on multiple devices and so forth.


Hopefully it's clear that this reference answer is not meant to be a canonical description of the one-and-only way to make an online chess game.

It's just one person's take, one person riffing on the topic. It's meant to illustrate the kind of explanation that tends to put interviewers at ease, because it pattern-matches to the way that work gets done in the real world.

Software engineers are frequently in this position of having to estimate things without much hard data to work with yet, and to design a system whose very requirements are still in flux. Being able to flexibly and diplomatically deal with such a situation, in miniature, in the context of an interview problem like this, bodes well for your future performance on the team.