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How to start

Build locally

To build Collector locally the first step is of course to fetch the repository with all the submodules:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules

Inside the project you can find the Makefile containing most of the targets needed for a quick start. To build an image with Collector use target image:

$ cd collector
$ make image

This target will build necessary submodules (gRPC dependencies, Falco libraries), prepare a builder image, compile Collector using it, and wrap everything into a slim image with Collector binary inside.

NOTE: Using an intermediate image for compilation means that file paths are going to be different between your local project directory and the image. For convenience you may want to map paths, e.g. for VSCode add following into the launch.json:

    "/src": "/Path/To/collector/collector"

Or pipe output of the make target:

$ make image 2>&1 | sed -e "s|/src|${PWD}/collector/|g"

Run inside a container

To experiment with the freshly built Collector you need to run the corresponding container together with a mock gRPC server to actually see it in action. One easy way to achieve this is to use docker compose with the following configuration:

version: "3.9"
    container_name: collector-debug
    network_mode: host
    privileged: true
      - GRPC_SERVER=localhost:9999
      - COLLECTOR_CONFIG={"logLevel":"debug","turnOffScrape":true,"scrapeInterval":2}
      - COLLECTION_METHOD=core-bpf
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/host/var/run/docker.sock:ro
      - /proc:/host/proc:ro
      - /etc:/host/etc:ro
      - /usr/lib:/host/usr/lib:ro
      - /sys/:/host/sys/:ro
      - /dev:/host/dev:ro
      - grpc-server-debug
    container_name: grpc-server
    network_mode: host
    user: 1000:1000
      - /tmp:/tmp:rw

Using this configuration docker compose will spin up the Collector attached to the host network in privileged mode. Collector in turn will try to download probes for your version of Linux kernel and start listening to events happening inside the container.

The image can be built manually by running make mock-grpc-server-image in the repository.

Run in the standalone mode

Collector supports the standalone mode, when it does not require a GRPC server to connect to. In this mode it will start up as normally, and output all the GRPC messages in json format into stdout. To use this mode, specify an empty GRPC_SERVER environment variable, i.e. in docker compose:

      # note no quotes or such, they will be interpreted
      # as a string with two characters in it.
      - GRPC_SERVER=

Or similarly via a CLI parameter:

$ collector --grpc-server=

Development with an IDE (CLion)


These instructions are for using the JetBrains C/C++ IDE CLion, but should be adaptable to any IDE that supports development over ssh/sftp.

  • If running CLion IDE for the first time:
  • Create the collector builder container if not already running, or if the builder image has changed.
    • make start-dev
      • (Optional) Local builder images can used by setting the environment variable before execution using BUILD_BUILDER_IMAGE=true make start-dev. Or, builder images from a PR by with COLLECTOR_BUILDER_TAG=<circle-build-id> make start-dev.

Instructions for Mac OS

  • In the CLion->Preferences window, add a new Toolchain entry in settings under Build, Execution, Deployment as a Remote Host type.
  • Then, click in the Credentials section and fill out the SSH credentials used in the builder Dockerfile.
    • Host: localhost, Port: 2222, User name: remoteuser, Password: c0llectah
  • Next, select Deployment under Build, Execution, Deployment, and then Mappings. Set Deployment path to /tmp.
  • Finally, add a CMake profile that uses the Remote Host toolchain and change Build directory/Generation Path to cmake-build.

Instructions for Linux

  • In the File->Settings->Build, Execution, Deployment->Toolchains window, add a new Toolchain entry as a Remote Host type.
  • Then, click in the Credentials section and fill out the SSH credentials used in the builder Dockerfile.
    • Host: localhost, Port: 2222, User name: remoteuser, Password: c0llectah
  • In the File->Setting->Build, Execution, Deployment->Deployment window click on the Mappings tab. Set Deployment path to /tmp.
  • In the File->Settings->Build, Execution, Deployment->CMake window add a CMake profile that uses the Remote Host toolchain and change Build directory/Generation Path to cmake-build.


  • Run make teardown-dev to remove the builder container and associated ephemeral ssh keys from $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts
  • After restarting, you may need click Resync with Remote Hosts under the Tools menu in CLion.

Compilation and Testing

  • To build the Falco wrapper libary and collector binary: select the collector configuration from the Run... menu and then Build.
  • To run unit tests, select the runUnitTests configuration and then select Run.

Development with Visual Studio Code

Setup for C++ using devcontainers

Visual Studio Code can be used as a development environment by leveraging its devcontainers feature.

  • Install the remote-containers extension.
  • Create a .devcontainer.json file under collector and set the image attribute to
  "name": "collector-dev",
  "image": ""
  • Open the collector/ directory in a new instance of Visual Studio Code and when prompted select Reopen In Container, a new container should be created and the workspace directory will be mounted inside of it.


Closing the Visual Studio Code instance will stop the container.

Important note on performance

Even though development containers is a supported feature of Docker for Desktop, there is a bug that tanks performance when running containers with mounted volumes. A possible workaround is to setup docker to run inside a VM and mounting the work directories using NFS.

Building collector image(s) from the command-line

  • make image will create the Red Hat based collector image.
  • make image-dev will create a collector image based on CentOS Stream, the package manager in this image is available so additional developer tools can be installed.

Setting up git hooks

Git hooks are configured in the .pre-commit-config.yaml file using pre-commit In order to use them install pre-commit, and run make init-githook from the collector root directory.

Run in Minikube

Build the collector image

Minikube comes with a pre-bundled docker engine that can be used to directly build the collector image and make it available to the cluster. If you are using the hyperkit driver, some amount of tinkering will be required for the collector repository to be shared with the underlying VM and it to be usable for building the image. You can use nfs to mount the repository, then use a symlink to adjust absolute paths:

$ minikube start --nfs-share='/path/to/collector'
$ minikube ssh
$ sudo ln -s /nfsshare/path/to/collector /path/to/collector

Then you can configure your host to use the bundled docker and build the image with the following commands:

$ eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)
$ make image


Debugging on a k8s deployment

First step for debugging collector on kubernetes is to have a debug enabled collector image with gdb installed. You can build such an image by running the following command at the root of the repository:

CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug make image-dev

You will also need a full deployment of Stackrox up and running. You can get precise instructions on how to deploy it here.

With the image built and Stackrox up and running, you can make the following changes to the collector daemonset by running kubectl -n stackrox edit ds/collector

# ...
      - env:
        # Make sure this variable is edited like this for proper JSON escaping
        - name: COLLECTOR_CONFIG
          value: |
      # Use command and args to override the entrypoint to run under GDB
      - gdbserver
      - collector
      # Expose the port GDB will be listening on
      - containerPort: 1337
        name: gdb
        protocol: TCP

Once the configuration is applied, the collector pod will restart and wait for a GDB client to connect to it. In order to connect to collector, you can run the following two commands:

# Make the GDB port reachable from your host
kubectl -n stackrox port-forward ds/collector 40000:1337 &
# Connect to the remote GDB server and map collector symbols to your sources
gdb -ex "target extended-remote localhost:40000"\
    -ex "set substitute-path /tmp/collector /path/to/stackrox/collector"

You should now be attached to a debug session. If you need to restart the session, you will need to recreate both the collector pod and the port-forwarding process.