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General mechanism

Pulp uses implicits Provider type-class for dependency injection.

trait Provider[A] {

  def get: A

For basic cases like

class A(b: B, c: C) {

it provides macro annotations that would create implicit def inside companion object

object A {
  implicit def provider(implicit b: Provider[B], c: Provider[C]):
    Provider[A] = ...

In this example as long as Providers for B and C will be in scope, then Provider[C] will return generated Provider[C] while Provider.get[C] will return C value.

As we can see this mechanism relies on propagating implicit Providers down the dependency hierarchy.

Macro annotations

There are 4 flavors of macro annotation generating different Providers:

  • @Wired - a default one. It generates following implementation:
    def provider: Provider[A] = new Provider[A] { lazy val: A = ... }
    it reuses computed A value in scope where it was generated, but across different scopes it might be generate a different instances of a type-class,
  • @Cached - similar to default but it caches globally first instance obtained for a WeakTypeTag:
    def provider: Provider[A] = new Provider[A] { def: A = internals.Cache.query(...) }
    As long as two usages creates the same WeakTypeTag it will reuse first instance,
  • @Factory - for factories. It generates following implementation:
    def provider: Provider[A] = new Provider[A] { def: A = ... }
    it guarantees to return new instance of A each time get is called,
  • @Singleton - It generates following implementation:
    lazy val provider: Provider[A] = new Provider[A] { lazy val: A = ... }
    it guarantees to return the same instance of A each time get is called.

Probably the best would be to default to @Wired and change them to @Cached, @Factory or @Singleton only where needed:

@Wired class NormalClass
@Cached class Storage
@Singleton class Database
@Factory class AsyncQueryBuilder

Macro annotations support more cases than semiauto-generated Providers:

@Wired class MultipleParamLists(param: String)(param2: Int)
@Factory class WithImplicit(value: Double)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext)
@Singleton class TypeBounded[F: Monad](init: F[String])

Interface-Implementation separation

In case we want to split interface and implementation we can always use

trait A
@Wired class AImpl extends A
implicit aProvider: Provider[A] = Provider.upcast[AImpl, A]

However, in case both are defined in the same scope one would prefer to use just annotation for this:

@ImplemetendAs[AImpl] class A
@Wired class AImpl extends A

Provider derivation

In case the class is a case class or the class has all its attributes public:

case class B (a: A)
class C (val a: A)

we might use derivation to generate provider using those available in scope:

import io.scalaland.pulp.semiauto._

However, we need to remember, that current scope of semiauto is limited. It does not support:

  • multiple parameter lists: explicit (class A (i: Int)(d: Double)) and implicit (class B (implicit ec: ExecutionContext), class C[F: Functor]) - you need annotate the type to generate the provider,
  • sum types - you need to create an implicit Provider yourself, e.g. with Provider.const or Provider.factory,
  • classes, that cannot be considered product types,
  • overall anything that cannot have Generic representation derived by Shapeless.

Parametric classes

Macro annotations support it out of the box:

@ImplementedAs[ParametricImpl[A]] trait Parametric[A]
@Wired class ParametricImpl[A] extends Parametric[A]

Exception is the @Singleton, which currently requires a monomorphic implementation:

@Singleton class DoubleParametric extends Parametric[Double] // ok
// @Singleton class AnyParametric[A] // doesn't compile

Implicit params

...are being automatically lifted to Provider:

implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = ...


Macro-generated Providers can be previewed during compilation with -Dpulp.debug=debug or -Dpulp.debug=trace SBT JVM flags.