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1017 lines (956 loc) · 31 KB

FOnline Engine Singleplayer Script API

Document under development, do not rely on this API before the global refactoring complete.
Estimated finishing date is middle of 2021.

Table of Content

General infomation

This document automatically generated from engine provided script API so any change in API will reflect to this document and all scripting layers (C++, C#, AngelScript).
You can easily contribute to this API using provided by engine functionality.
...write about FO_API* macro usage...

Global methods

  • void Assert(bool condition) (AngelScript only)
  • void ThrowException(string message) (AngelScript only)
  • int Random(int minValue, int maxValue)
  • void Log(string text)
  • bool StrToInt(string text, ref int result) (AngelScript only)
  • bool StrToFloat(string text, ref float result) (AngelScript only)
  • int GetHexDistance(uint16 hx1, uint16 hy1, uint16 hx2, uint16 hy2)
  • uint8 GetHexDir(uint16 fromHx, uint16 fromHy, uint16 toHx, uint16 toHy)
  • uint8 GetHexDirWithOffset(uint16 fromHx, uint16 fromHy, uint16 toHx, uint16 toHy, float offset)
  • uint GetTick()
  • hash GetStrHash(string text)
  • string GetHashStr(hash value)
  • uint DecodeUTF8(string text, ref uint length)
  • string EncodeUTF8(uint ucs)
  • void Yield(uint time) (AngelScript only)
  • string SHA1(string text)
  • string SHA2(string text)
  • int SystemCall(string command) (AngelScript only)
  • int SystemCallExt(string command, ref string output) (AngelScript only)
  • void OpenLink(string link)
  • Entity GetProtoItem(hash pid, int->int props)
  • uint GetUnixTime()
  • int GetCritterDistance(Critter cr1, Critter cr2)
  • Item GetItem(uint itemId)
  • void MoveItemToCritter(Item item, uint count, Critter toCr, bool skipChecks)
  • void MoveItemToMap(Item item, uint count, Map toMap, uint16 toHx, uint16 toHy, bool skipChecks)
  • void MoveItemToContainer(Item item, uint count, Item toCont, uint stackId, bool skipChecks)
  • void MoveItemsToCritter(Item[] items, Critter toCr, bool skipChecks)
  • void MoveItemsToMap(Item[] items, Map toMap, uint16 toHx, uint16 toHy, bool skipChecks)
  • void MoveItemsToContainer(Item[] items, Item toCont, uint stackId, bool skipChecks)
  • void DeleteItem(Item item)
  • void DeleteItemById(uint itemId)
  • void DeleteItems(Item[] items)
  • void DeleteItemsById(uint[] itemIds)
  • void DeleteNpc(Critter npc)
  • void DeleteNpcById(uint npcId)
  • void RadioMessage(uint16 channel, string text)
  • void RadioMessageMsg(uint16 channel, uint16 textMsg, uint numStr)
  • void RadioMessageMsgLex(uint16 channel, uint16 textMsg, uint numStr, string lexems)
  • uint GetFullSecond()
  • uint EvaluateFullSecond(uint16 year, uint16 month, uint16 day, uint16 hour, uint16 minute, uint16 second)
  • void GetGameTime(uint fullSecond, ref uint16 year, ref uint16 month, ref uint16 day, ref uint16 dayOfWeek, ref uint16 hour, ref uint16 minute, ref uint16 second)
  • Location CreateLocation(hash locPid, uint16 wx, uint16 wy, Critter[] critters)
  • void DeleteLocation(Location loc)
  • void DeleteLocationById(uint locId)
  • Critter GetCritter(uint crId)
  • Critter[] GetGlobalMapCritters(uint16 wx, uint16 wy, uint radius, uint8 findType)
  • Map GetMap(uint mapId)
  • Map GetMapByPid(hash mapPid, uint skipCount)
  • Location GetLocation(uint locId)
  • Location GetLocationByPid(hash locPid, uint skipCount)
  • Location[] GetLocationsAroundPos(uint16 wx, uint16 wy, uint radius)
  • Location[] GetVisibleLocationsAroundPos(uint16 wx, uint16 wy, uint radius, Critter cr)
  • uint[] GetZoneLocationIds(uint16 zx, uint16 zy, uint zoneRadius)
  • bool RunNpcDialog(Critter player, Critter npc, bool ignoreDistance)
  • bool RunCustomNpcDialog(Critter player, Critter npc, uint dlgPack, bool ignoreDistance)
  • bool RunCustomDialogOnHex(Critter player, uint dlgPack, uint16 hx, uint16 hy, bool ignoreDistance)
  • int64 GetWorldItemCount(hash pid)
  • void AddTextListener(int sayType, string firstStr, uint parameter, callback-Entity func)
  • void EraseTextListener(int sayType, string firstStr, uint parameter)
  • void SwapCritters(Critter cr1, Critter cr2, bool withInventory)
  • Item[] GetAllItems(hash pid)
  • Critter[] GetAllNpc(hash pid)
  • Map[] GetAllMaps(hash pid)
  • Location[] GetAllLocations(hash pid)
  • void GetTime(ref uint16 year, ref uint16 month, ref uint16 day, ref uint16 dayOfWeek, ref uint16 hour, ref uint16 minute, ref uint16 second, ref uint16 milliseconds)
  • void SetTime(uint16 multiplier, uint16 year, uint16 month, uint16 day, uint16 hour, uint16 minute, uint16 second)
  • void AddDataSource(string datName)
  • string CustomCall(string command, string separator)
  • Critter GetChosen()
  • Item[] GetVisibleItems()
  • ItemHexView[] GetVisibleItemsOnHex(uint16 hx, uint16 hy)
  • void FlushScreen(uint fromColor, uint toColor, uint ms)
  • void QuakeScreen(uint noise, uint ms)
  • void PlaySound(string soundName)
  • void PlayMusic(string musicName, uint repeatTime)
  • void PlayVideo(string videoName, bool canStop)
  • hash GetCurMapPid()
  • void Message(string msg)
  • void MessageExt(string msg, int type)
  • void MessageMsg(int textMsg, uint strNum)
  • void MessageMsgExt(int textMsg, uint strNum, int type)
  • void MapMessage(string text, uint16 hx, uint16 hy, uint ms, uint color, bool fade, int ox, int oy)
  • string GetMsgStr(int textMsg, uint strNum)
  • string GetMsgStrExt(int textMsg, uint strNum, uint skipCount)
  • uint GetMsgStrNumUpper(int textMsg, uint strNum)
  • uint GetMsgStrNumLower(int textMsg, uint strNum)
  • uint GetMsgStrCount(int textMsg, uint strNum)
  • bool IsMsgStr(int textMsg, uint strNum)
  • string ReplaceTextStr(string text, string replace, string str) (AngelScript only)
  • string ReplaceTextInt(string text, string replace, int i) (AngelScript only)
  • string FormatTags(string text, string lexems)
  • void MoveScreenToHex(uint16 hx, uint16 hy, uint speed, bool canStop)
  • void MoveScreenByOffset(int ox, int oy, uint speed, bool canStop)
  • void LockScreenScroll(Critter cr, bool softLock, bool unlockIfSame)
  • uint GetDayTime(uint dayPart)
  • void GetDayColor(uint dayPart, ref uint8 r, ref uint8 g, ref uint8 b)
  • hash GetTileName(uint16 hx, uint16 hy, bool roof, int layer)
  • void Preload3dFiles(string[] fnames)
  • void LoadFont(int fontIndex, string fontFname)
  • void SetDefaultFont(int font, uint color)
  • void SetEffect(int effectType, int effectSubtype, string effectName, string effectDefines)
  • void RedrawMap(bool onlyTiles, bool onlyRoof, bool onlyLight)
  • void SimulateMouseClick(int x, int y, int button)
  • void SimulateKeyboardPress(uint8 key1, uint8 key2, string key1Text, string key2Text)
  • void SetRainAnim(string fallAnimName, string dropAnimName)
  • void ChangeZoom(float targetZoom)
  • uint LoadSprite(string sprName)
  • uint LoadSpriteByHash(hash nameHash)
  • int GetSpriteWidth(uint sprId, int frameIndex)
  • int GetSpriteHeight(uint sprId, int frameIndex)
  • uint GetSpriteCount(uint sprId)
  • uint GetSpriteTicks(uint sprId)
  • uint GetSpritePixelColor(uint sprId, int frameIndex, int x, int y)
  • void GetTextInfo(string text, int w, int h, int font, int flags, ref int tw, ref int th, ref int lines)
  • void DrawSprite(uint sprId, int frameIndex, int x, int y, uint color, bool offs)
  • void DrawSpriteSized(uint sprId, int frameIndex, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool zoom, uint color, bool offs)
  • void DrawSpritePattern(uint sprId, int frameIndex, int x, int y, int w, int h, int sprWidth, int sprHeight, uint color)
  • void DrawText(string text, int x, int y, int w, int h, uint color, int font, int flags)
  • void DrawPrimitive(int primitiveType, int[] data)
  • void DrawMapSprite(MapSprite mapSpr)
  • void DrawCritter2d(hash modelName, uint anim1, uint anim2, uint8 dir, int l, int t, int r, int b, bool scratch, bool center, uint color)
  • void DrawCritter3d(uint instance, hash modelName, uint anim1, uint anim2, int[] layers, float[] position, uint color)
  • void PushDrawScissor(int x, int y, int w, int h)
  • void PopDrawScissor()
  • void ActivateOffscreenSurface(bool forceClear)
  • void PresentOffscreenSurface(int effectSubtype)
  • void PresentOffscreenSurfaceExt(int effectSubtype, int x, int y, int w, int h)
  • void PresentOffscreenSurfaceExt2(int effectSubtype, int fromX, int fromY, int fromW, int fromH, int toX, int toY, int toW, int toH)
  • void ShowScreen(int screen, string->int data)
  • void HideScreen(int screen)
  • bool GetHexMonitorPos(uint16 hx, uint16 hy, ref int x, ref int y)
  • bool GetHexByMonitorPos(int x, int y, ref uint16 hx, ref uint16 hy)
  • Item GetItemByMonitorPos(int x, int y)
  • Critter GetCritterByMonitorPos(int x, int y)
  • Entity GetEntityByMonitorPos(int x, int y)
  • uint16 GetMapWidth()
  • uint16 GetMapHeight()
  • bool IsMapHexPassed(uint16 hx, uint16 hy)
  • bool IsMapHexRaked(uint16 hx, uint16 hy)
  • void SaveScreenshot(string filePath)
  • void SaveText(string filePath, string text)
  • void SetCacheData(string name, uint8[] data)
  • void SetCacheDataExt(string name, uint8[] data, uint dataSize)
  • uint8[] GetCacheData(string name)
  • void SetCacheText(string name, string str)
  • string GetCacheText(string name)
  • bool IsCacheEntry(string name)
  • void RemoveCacheEntry(string name)
  • void SetUserConfig(string->string keyValues)

Global properties

  • const uint16 Year
  • const uint16 Month
  • const uint16 Day
  • const uint16 Hour
  • const uint16 Minute
  • const uint16 Second
  • const uint16 TimeMultiplier
  • const uint LastEntityId
  • const uint LastDeferredCallId
  • const uint HistoryRecordsId


Item properties

  • const ItemOwnership Accessory
  • const uint MapId
  • const uint16 HexX
  • const uint16 HexY
  • const uint CritId
  • const uint8 CritSlot
  • const uint ContainerId
  • const uint ContainerStack
  • float FlyEffectSpeed
  • hash PicMap
  • hash PicInv
  • int16 OffsetX
  • int16 OffsetY
  • const bool Stackable
  • bool GroundLevel
  • bool Opened
  • const CornerType Corner
  • const uint8 Slot
  • uint Weight
  • uint Volume
  • const bool DisableEgg
  • const uint16 AnimWaitBase
  • const uint16 AnimWaitRndMin
  • const uint16 AnimWaitRndMax
  • const uint8 AnimStay0
  • const uint8 AnimStay1
  • const uint8 AnimShow0
  • const uint8 AnimShow1
  • const uint8 AnimHide0
  • const uint8 AnimHide1
  • const int8 DrawOrderOffsetHexY
  • const uint8[] BlockLines
  • const bool IsStatic
  • bool IsScenery
  • bool IsWall
  • bool IsCanOpen
  • bool IsScrollBlock
  • bool IsHidden
  • bool IsHiddenPicture
  • bool IsHiddenInStatic
  • bool IsFlat
  • bool IsNoBlock
  • bool IsShootThru
  • bool IsLightThru
  • bool IsAlwaysView
  • bool IsBadItem
  • bool IsNoHighlight
  • bool IsShowAnim
  • bool IsShowAnimExt
  • bool IsLight
  • bool IsGeck
  • bool IsTrap
  • bool IsTrigger
  • bool IsNoLightInfluence
  • bool IsGag
  • bool IsColorize
  • bool IsColorizeInv
  • bool IsCanTalk
  • bool IsRadio
  • string Lexems
  • int16 SortValue
  • uint8 Info
  • uint8 Mode
  • int8 LightIntensity
  • uint8 LightDistance
  • uint8 LightFlags
  • uint LightColor
  • hash ScriptId
  • uint Count
  • int16 TrapValue
  • uint16 RadioChannel
  • uint16 RadioFlags
  • uint8 RadioBroadcastSend
  • uint8 RadioBroadcastRecv

Item methods

  • Item AddItem(hash pid, uint count, uint stackId)
  • Item[] GetItems(uint stackId)
  • void SetScript(callback-Item func)
  • Map GetMapPos(ref uint16 hx, ref uint16 hy)
  • bool CallStaticItemFunction(Critter cr, Item staticItem, int param)
  • void Animate(uint fromFrame, uint toFrame)

Critter properties

  • hash ModelName
  • uint WalkTime
  • uint RunTime
  • const uint Multihex
  • const uint MapId
  • const uint RefMapId
  • const hash RefMapPid
  • const uint RefLocationId
  • const hash RefLocationPid
  • const uint16 HexX
  • const uint16 HexY
  • const uint8 Dir
  • const string Password
  • const CritterCondition Cond
  • const bool ClientToDelete
  • uint16 WorldX
  • uint16 WorldY
  • const uint GlobalMapLeaderId
  • const uint GlobalMapTripId
  • const uint RefGlobalMapTripId
  • const uint RefGlobalMapLeaderId
  • const uint16 LastMapHexX
  • const uint16 LastMapHexY
  • const uint Anim1Life
  • const uint Anim1Knockout
  • const uint Anim1Dead
  • const uint Anim2Life
  • const uint Anim2Knockout
  • const uint Anim2Dead
  • const uint8[] GlobalMapFog
  • const hash[] TE_FuncNum
  • const uint[] TE_Rate
  • const uint[] TE_NextTime
  • const int[] TE_Identifier
  • int SneakCoefficient
  • uint LookDistance
  • int8 Gender
  • hash NpcRole
  • int ReplicationTime
  • uint TalkDistance
  • int ScaleFactor
  • int CurrentHp
  • uint MaxTalkers
  • hash DialogId
  • string Lexems
  • uint HomeMapId
  • uint16 HomeHexX
  • uint16 HomeHexY
  • uint8 HomeDir
  • uint[] KnownLocations
  • uint[] ConnectionIp
  • uint16[] ConnectionPort
  • uint ShowCritterDist1
  • uint ShowCritterDist2
  • uint ShowCritterDist3
  • hash ScriptId
  • hash[] KnownLocProtoId
  • int[] ModelLayers
  • bool IsHide
  • bool IsNoHome
  • bool IsGeck
  • bool IsNoUnarmed
  • bool IsNoWalk
  • bool IsNoRun
  • bool IsNoRotate
  • bool IsNoTalk
  • bool IsNoFlatten
  • uint TimeoutBattle
  • uint TimeoutTransfer
  • uint TimeoutRemoveFromGame

Critter methods

  • bool IsNpc()
  • int GetAccess()
  • bool SetAccess(int access)
  • Map GetMap()
  • bool MoveToDir(uint8 direction)
  • void TransitToHex(uint16 hx, uint16 hy, uint8 dir)
  • void TransitToMapHex(Map map, uint16 hx, uint16 hy, uint8 dir)
  • void TransitToGlobal()
  • void TransitToGlobalWithGroup(Critter[] group)
  • void TransitToGlobalGroup(Critter leader)
  • bool IsAlive()
  • bool IsKnockout()
  • bool IsDead()
  • bool IsFree()
  • bool IsBusy()
  • void Wait(uint ms)
  • void RefreshView()
  • void ViewMap(Map map, uint look, uint16 hx, uint16 hy, uint8 dir)
  • void Say(uint8 howSay, string text)
  • void SayMsg(uint8 howSay, uint16 textMsg, uint numStr)
  • void SayMsgLex(uint8 howSay, uint16 textMsg, uint numStr, string lexems)
  • void SetDir(uint8 dir)
  • Critter[] GetCritters(bool lookOnMe, uint8 findType)
  • Critter[] GetTalkedPlayers()
  • bool IsSeeCr(Critter cr)
  • bool IsSeenByCr(Critter cr)
  • bool IsSeeItem(Item item)
  • uint CountItem(hash protoId)
  • bool DeleteItem(hash pid, uint count)
  • Item AddItem(hash pid, uint count)
  • Item GetItem(uint itemId)
  • Item GetItemByPredicate(predicate-Item predicate)
  • Item GetItemBySlot(int slot)
  • Item GetItemByPid(hash protoId)
  • Item[] GetItems()
  • Item[] GetItemsBySlot(int slot)
  • Item[] GetItemsByPredicate(predicate-Item predicate)
  • void ChangeItemSlot(uint itemId, uint8 slot)
  • void SetCondition(int cond)
  • void CloseDialog()
  • void Action(int action, int actionExt, Item item)
  • void SetConditionAnims(int cond, uint anim1, uint anim2)
  • void PlaySound(string soundName, bool sendSelf)
  • bool IsKnownLocation(bool byId, uint locNum)
  • void SetKnownLocation(bool byId, uint locNum)
  • void UnsetKnownLocation(bool byId, uint locNum)
  • void SetFog(uint16 zoneX, uint16 zoneY, int fog)
  • int GetFog(uint16 zoneX, uint16 zoneY)
  • void ShowItems(Item[] items, int param)
  • void SetScript(string funcName)
  • void AddTimeEvent(callback-Critter func, uint duration, int identifier)
  • void AddTimeEventWithRate(callback-Critter func, uint duration, int identifier, uint rate)
  • uint GetTimeEvents(int identifier, ref int[] indexes, ref int[] durations, ref int[] rates)
  • uint GetTimeEventsExt(int[] findIdentifiers, int[] identifiers, ref int[] indexes, ref int[] durations, ref int[] rates)
  • void ChangeTimeEvent(uint index, uint newDuration, uint newRate)
  • void EraseTimeEvent(uint index)
  • uint EraseTimeEvents(int identifier)
  • uint EraseTimeEventsExt(int[] identifiers)
  • void MoveToCritter(Critter target, uint cut, bool isRun)
  • void MoveToHex(uint16 hx, uint16 hy, uint cut, bool isRun)
  • int GetMovingState()
  • void ResetMovingState()
  • bool IsChosen()
  • bool IsNpc()
  • bool IsModel()
  • bool IsAnimAvailable(uint anim1, uint anim2)
  • bool IsAnimPlaying()
  • uint GetAnim1()
  • void Animate(uint anim1, uint anim2)
  • void AnimateExt(uint anim1, uint anim2, Item actionItem)
  • void StopAnim()
  • void SetVisibility(bool visible)
  • bool GetVisibility()
  • void SetContourColor(uint value)
  • uint GetContourColor()
  • void GetNameTextInfo(ref bool nameVisible, ref int x, ref int y, ref int w, ref int h, ref int lines)
  • void AddAnimCallback(uint anim1, uint anim2, float normalizedTime, callback-Critter animCallback)
  • bool GetBonePos(hash boneName, ref int boneX, ref int boneY)

Map properties

  • uint LoopTime1
  • uint LoopTime2
  • uint LoopTime3
  • uint LoopTime4
  • uint LoopTime5
  • const string FileDir
  • const uint16 Width
  • const uint16 Height
  • const uint16 WorkHexX
  • const uint16 WorkHexY
  • const uint LocId
  • const uint LocMapIndex
  • uint8 RainCapacity
  • int CurDayTime
  • hash ScriptId
  • int[] DayTime
  • uint8[] DayColor
  • bool IsNoLogOut

Map methods

  • Location GetLocation()
  • void SetScript(string funcName)
  • Item AddItem(uint16 hx, uint16 hy, hash protoId, uint count, int->int props)
  • Item[] GetItems()
  • Item[] GetItemsOnHex(uint16 hx, uint16 hy)
  • Item[] GetItemsAroundHex(uint16 hx, uint16 hy, uint radius, hash pid)
  • Item[] GetItemsByPid(hash pid)
  • Item[] GetItemsByPredicate(predicate-Item predicate)
  • Item[] GetItemsOnHexByPredicate(uint16 hx, uint16 hy, predicate-Item predicate)
  • Item[] GetItemsAroundHexByPredicate(uint16 hx, uint16 hy, uint radius, predicate-Item predicate)
  • Item GetItem(uint itemId)
  • Item GetItemOnHex(uint16 hx, uint16 hy, hash pid)
  • Critter GetCritterOnHex(uint16 hx, uint16 hy)
  • Item GetStaticItemOnHex(uint16 hx, uint16 hy, hash pid)
  • Item[] GetStaticItemsInHex(uint16 hx, uint16 hy)
  • Item[] GetStaticItemsAroundHex(uint16 hx, uint16 hy, uint radius, hash pid)
  • Item[] GetStaticItemsByPid(hash pid)
  • Item[] GetStaticItemsByPredicate(predicate-Item predicate)
  • Item[] GetStaticItems()
  • Critter GetCritter(uint crid)
  • Critter[] GetCrittersAroundHex(uint16 hx, uint16 hy, uint radius, uint8 findType)
  • Critter[] GetCrittersByPids(hash pid, uint8 findType)
  • Critter[] GetCrittersInPath(uint16 fromHx, uint16 fromHy, uint16 toHx, uint16 toHy, float angle, uint dist, int findType)
  • Critter[] GetCrittersWithBlockInPath(uint16 fromHx, uint16 fromHy, uint16 toHx, uint16 toHy, float angle, uint dist, int findType, ref uint16 preBlockHx, ref uint16 preBlockHy, ref uint16 blockHx, ref uint16 blockHy)
  • Critter[] GetCrittersWhoViewPath(uint16 fromHx, uint16 fromHy, uint16 toHx, uint16 toHy, uint8 findType)
  • Critter[] GetCrittersSeeing(Critter[] critters, bool lookOnThem, uint8 findType)
  • void GetHexInPath(uint16 fromHx, uint16 fromHy, ref uint16 toHx, ref uint16 toHy, float angle, uint dist)
  • void GetWallHexInPath(uint16 fromHx, uint16 fromHy, ref uint16 toHx, ref uint16 toHy, float angle, uint dist)
  • uint GetPathLengthToHex(uint16 fromHx, uint16 fromHy, uint16 toHx, uint16 toHy, uint cut)
  • uint GetPathLengthToCritter(Critter cr, uint16 toHx, uint16 toHy, uint cut)
  • Critter AddNpc(hash protoId, uint16 hx, uint16 hy, uint8 dir, int->int props)
  • uint GetNpcCount(int npcRole, uint8 findType)
  • Critter GetNpc(int npcRole, uint8 findType, uint skipCount)
  • bool IsHexPassed(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY)
  • bool IsHexesPassed(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint radius)
  • bool IsHexRaked(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY)
  • void SetText(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint color, string text)
  • void SetTextMsg(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint color, uint16 textMsg, uint strNum)
  • void SetTextMsgLex(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint color, uint16 textMsg, uint strNum, string lexems)
  • void RunEffect(hash effPid, uint16 hx, uint16 hy, uint radius)
  • void RunFlyEffect(hash effPid, Critter fromCr, Critter toCr, uint16 fromHx, uint16 fromHy, uint16 toHx, uint16 toHy)
  • bool CheckPlaceForItem(uint16 hx, uint16 hy, hash pid)
  • void BlockHex(uint16 hx, uint16 hy, bool full)
  • void UnblockHex(uint16 hx, uint16 hy)
  • void PlaySound(string soundName)
  • void PlaySoundInRadius(string soundName, uint16 hx, uint16 hy, uint radius)
  • void Regenerate()
  • bool MoveHexByDir(ref uint16 hx, ref uint16 hy, uint8 dir, uint steps)
  • void VerifyTrigger(Critter cr, uint16 hx, uint16 hy, uint8 dir)

Location properties

  • const hash[] MapProtos
  • const hash[] MapEntrances
  • const hash[] Automaps
  • uint MaxPlayers
  • bool AutoGarbage
  • bool GeckVisible
  • hash EntranceScript
  • uint16 WorldX
  • uint16 WorldY
  • uint16 Radius
  • bool Hidden
  • bool ToGarbage
  • uint Color
  • bool IsEncounter

Location methods

  • uint GetMapCount()
  • Map GetMap(hash mapPid)
  • Map GetMapByIndex(uint index)
  • Map[] GetMaps()
  • void GetEntrance(uint entranceIndex, ref uint mapIndex, ref hash entrance)
  • uint GetEntrances(ref int[] mapsIndex, ref hash[] entrances)
  • void Regenerate()


  • Init()
  • GenerateWorld()
  • Start()
  • Finish()
  • Loop()
  • GlobalMapCritterIn(Critter critter)
  • GlobalMapCritterOut(Critter critter)
  • LocationInit(Location location, bool firstTime)
  • LocationFinish(Location location)
  • MapInit(Map map, bool firstTime)
  • MapFinish(Map map)
  • MapLoop(Map map, uint loopIndex)
  • MapCritterIn(Map map, Critter critter)
  • MapCritterOut(Map map, Critter critter)
  • MapCheckLook(Map map, Critter critter, Critter target)
  • MapCheckTrapLook(Map map, Critter critter, Item item)
  • CritterInit(Critter critter, bool firstTime)
  • CritterFinish(Critter critter)
  • CritterIdle(Critter critter)
  • CritterGlobalMapIdle(Critter critter)
  • CritterCheckMoveItem(Critter critter, Item item, uint8 toSlot)
  • CritterMoveItem(Critter critter, Item item, uint8 fromSlot)
  • CritterShow(Critter critter, Critter showCritter)
  • CritterShowDist1(Critter critter, Critter showCritter)
  • CritterShowDist2(Critter critter, Critter showCritter)
  • CritterShowDist3(Critter critter, Critter showCritter)
  • CritterHide(Critter critter, Critter hideCritter)
  • CritterHideDist1(Critter critter, Critter hideCritter)
  • CritterHideDist2(Critter critter, Critter hideCritter)
  • CritterHideDist3(Critter critter, Critter hideCritter)
  • CritterShowItemOnMap(Critter critter, Item item, bool added, Critter fromCritter)
  • CritterHideItemOnMap(Critter critter, Item item, bool removed, Critter toCritter)
  • CritterChangeItemOnMap(Critter critter, Item item)
  • CritterMessage(Critter critter, Critter receiver, int num, int value)
  • CritterTalk(Critter critter, Critter who, bool begin, uint talkers)
  • CritterBarter(Critter cr, Critter trader, bool begin, uint barterCount)
  • CritterGetAttackDistantion(Critter critter, Item item, uint8 itemMode, ref uint dist)
  • PlayerGetAccess(Critter player, int arg1, ref string arg2)
  • PlayerAllowCommand(Critter player, string arg1, uint8 arg2)
  • ItemInit(Item item, bool firstTime)
  • ItemFinish(Item item)
  • ItemWalk(Item item, Critter critter, bool isIn, uint8 dir)
  • ItemCheckMove(Item item, uint count, Entity from, Entity to)
  • StaticItemWalk(Item item, Critter critter, bool isIn, uint8 dir)
  • GetActiveScreens(ref int[] screens)
  • ScreenChange(bool show, int screen, string->int data)
  • ScreenScroll(int offsetX, int offsetY)
  • RenderIface()
  • RenderMap()
  • MouseDown(MouseButton button)
  • MouseUp(MouseButton button)
  • MouseMove(int offsetX, int offsetY)
  • KeyDown(KeyCode key, string text)
  • KeyUp(KeyCode key)
  • InputLost()
  • CritterIn(Critter critter)
  • CritterOut(Critter critter)
  • ItemMapIn(Item item)
  • ItemMapChanged(Item item, Item oldItem)
  • ItemMapOut(Item item)
  • ItemInvAllIn()
  • ItemInvIn(Item item)
  • ItemInvChanged(Item item, Item oldItem)
  • ItemInvOut(Item item)
  • MapLoad()
  • MapUnload()
  • ReceiveItems(Item[] items, int param)
  • MapMessage(ref string text, ref uint16 hexX, ref uint16 hexY, ref uint color, ref uint delay)
  • InMessage(string text, ref int sayType, ref uint critterId, ref uint delay)
  • OutMessage(ref string text, ref int sayType)
  • MessageBox(string text, MessageBoxTextType type, bool scriptCall)
  • CombatResult(uint[] result)
  • ItemCheckMove(Item item, uint count, Entity from, Entity to)
  • CritterAction(bool localCall, Critter critter, int action, int actionExt, Item actionItem)
  • Animation2dProcess(bool arg1, Critter arg2, uint arg3, uint arg4, Item arg5)
  • Animation3dProcess(bool arg1, Critter arg2, uint arg3, uint arg4, Item arg5)
  • CritterAnimation(hash arg1, uint arg2, uint arg3, ref uint arg4, ref uint arg5, ref int arg6, ref int arg7, ref string arg8)
  • CritterAnimationSubstitute(hash arg1, uint arg2, uint arg3, ref hash arg4, ref uint arg5, ref uint arg6)
  • CritterAnimationFallout(hash arg1, ref uint arg2, ref uint arg3, ref uint arg4, ref uint arg5, ref uint arg6)
  • CritterCheckMoveItem(Critter critter, Item item, uint8 toSlot)
  • CritterGetAttackDistantion(Critter critter, Item item, uint8 itemMode, ref uint dist)


  • string WorkDir
  • string CommandLine
  • vector CommandLineArgs
  • uint MinNameLength
  • uint MaxNameLength
  • uint Breaktime
  • string Language
  • bool Quit
  • uint TalkDistance
  • bool RunOnCombat
  • bool RunOnTransfer
  • uint TimeoutTransfer
  • uint TimeoutBattle
  • uint GlobalMapWidth
  • uint GlobalMapHeight
  • uint GlobalMapZoneLength
  • uint LookChecks
  • vector LookDir
  • vector LookSneakDir
  • uint MinimumOfflineTime
  • uint RegistrationTimeout
  • uint NpcMaxTalkers
  • uint DlgTalkMinTime
  • uint DlgBarterMinTime
  • uint WhisperDist
  • uint ShoutDist
  • bool NoAnswerShuffle
  • uint SneakDivider
  • uint LookMinimum
  • int DeadHitPoints
  • uint Port
  • bool SecuredWebSockets
  • bool DisableTcpNagle
  • bool DisableZlibCompression
  • uint FloodSize
  • string WssPrivateKey
  • string WssCertificate
  • string Host
  • uint ProxyType
  • string ProxyHost
  • uint ProxyPort
  • string ProxyUser
  • string ProxyPass
  • uint PingPeriod
  • bool WaitPing
  • uint Ping
  • bool DebugNet
  • bool DisableAudio
  • uint SoundVolume
  • uint MusicVolume
  • int ScreenWidth
  • int ScreenHeight
  • float SpritesZoom
  • int ScrOx
  • int ScrOy
  • bool ShowCorners
  • bool ShowDrawOrder
  • bool ShowSpriteBorders
  • vector EffectValues
  • bool MapHexagonal
  • uint MapDirCount
  • int MapHexWidth
  • int MapHexHeight
  • int MapHexLineHeight
  • int MapTileOffsX
  • int MapTileOffsY
  • uint MapTileStep
  • int MapRoofOffsX
  • int MapRoofOffsY
  • int MapRoofSkipSize
  • float MapCameraAngle
  • bool MapSmoothPath
  • string MapDataPrefix
  • string WindowName
  • bool WindowCentered
  • bool ForceOpenGL
  • bool ForceDirect3D
  • bool ForceMetal
  • bool ForceGnm
  • bool RenderDebug
  • uint Animation3dSmoothTime
  • uint Animation3dFPS
  • bool Enable3dRendering
  • bool VSync
  • bool AlwaysOnTop
  • vector EffectValues
  • bool FullScreen
  • int Brightness
  • uint FPS
  • int FixedFPS
  • int StartYear
  • string ASServer
  • string ASClient
  • string ASMapper
  • string ResourcesOutput
  • vector ContentEntry
  • vector ResourcesEntry
  • vector CritterSlotEnabled
  • vector CritterSlotSendData
  • uint CritterFidgetTime
  • uint Anim2CombatBegin
  • uint Anim2CombatIdle
  • uint Anim2CombatEnd
  • string PlayerOffAppendix
  • bool ShowPlayerNames
  • bool ShowNpcNames
  • bool ShowCritId
  • bool ShowGroups
  • float SpritesZoomMax
  • float SpritesZoomMin
  • uint ScrollDelay
  • int ScrollStep
  • uint RainTick
  • int16 RainSpeedX
  • int16 RainSpeedY
  • uint ChosenLightColor
  • uint8 ChosenLightDistance
  • int ChosenLightIntensity
  • uint8 ChosenLightFlags
  • bool MouseScroll
  • bool ScrollCheck
  • bool ScrollKeybLeft
  • bool ScrollKeybRight
  • bool ScrollKeybUp
  • bool ScrollKeybDown
  • bool ScrollMouseLeft
  • bool ScrollMouseRight
  • bool ScrollMouseUp
  • bool ScrollMouseDown
  • uint8 RoofAlpha
  • bool ShowTile
  • bool ShowRoof
  • bool ShowItem
  • bool ShowScen
  • bool ShowWall
  • bool ShowCrit
  • bool ShowFast
  • bool HideCursor
  • bool ShowMoveCursor
  • bool WebBuild
  • bool WindowsBuild
  • bool LinuxBuild
  • bool MacOsBuild
  • bool AndroidBuild
  • bool IOsBuild
  • bool DesktopBuild
  • bool TabletBuild
  • uint DoubleClickTime
  • uint ConsoleHistorySize
  • bool DisableMouseEvents
  • bool DisableKeyboardEvents
  • int MouseX
  • int MouseY
  • string AutoLogin
  • uint TextDelay
  • bool WinNotify
  • bool SoundNotify
  • bool HelpInfo
  • string ServerDir
  • string StartMap
  • int StartHexX
  • int StartHexY
  • bool SplitTilesCollection
  • uint AdminPanelPort
  • string DbStorage
  • string DbHistory
  • bool NoStart
  • int GameSleep




  • Left = 0
  • Right = 1
  • Middle = 2
  • Ext0 = 5
  • Ext1 = 6
  • Ext2 = 7
  • Ext3 = 8
  • Ext4 = 9


  • DIK_NONE = 0
  • DIK_ESCAPE = 0x01
  • DIK_1 = 0x02
  • DIK_2 = 0x03
  • DIK_3 = 0x04
  • DIK_4 = 0x05
  • DIK_5 = 0x06
  • DIK_6 = 0x07
  • DIK_7 = 0x08
  • DIK_8 = 0x09
  • DIK_9 = 0x0A
  • DIK_0 = 0x0B
  • DIK_MINUS = 0x0C
  • DIK_EQUALS = 0x0D
  • DIK_BACK = 0x0E
  • DIK_TAB = 0x0F
  • DIK_Q = 0x10
  • DIK_W = 0x11
  • DIK_E = 0x12
  • DIK_R = 0x13
  • DIK_T = 0x14
  • DIK_Y = 0x15
  • DIK_U = 0x16
  • DIK_I = 0x17
  • DIK_O = 0x18
  • DIK_P = 0x19
  • DIK_RETURN = 0x1C
  • DIK_A = 0x1E
  • DIK_S = 0x1F
  • DIK_D = 0x20
  • DIK_F = 0x21
  • DIK_G = 0x22
  • DIK_H = 0x23
  • DIK_J = 0x24
  • DIK_K = 0x25
  • DIK_L = 0x26
  • DIK_SEMICOLON = 0x27
  • DIK_GRAVE = 0x29
  • DIK_LSHIFT = 0x2A
  • DIK_Z = 0x2C
  • DIK_X = 0x2D
  • DIK_C = 0x2E
  • DIK_V = 0x2F
  • DIK_B = 0x30
  • DIK_N = 0x31
  • DIK_M = 0x32
  • DIK_COMMA = 0x33
  • DIK_PERIOD = 0x34
  • DIK_SLASH = 0x35
  • DIK_RSHIFT = 0x36
  • DIK_MULTIPLY = 0x37
  • DIK_LMENU = 0x38
  • DIK_SPACE = 0x39
  • DIK_CAPITAL = 0x3A
  • DIK_F1 = 0x3B
  • DIK_F2 = 0x3C
  • DIK_F3 = 0x3D
  • DIK_F4 = 0x3E
  • DIK_F5 = 0x3F
  • DIK_F6 = 0x40
  • DIK_F7 = 0x41
  • DIK_F8 = 0x42
  • DIK_F9 = 0x43
  • DIK_F10 = 0x44
  • DIK_NUMLOCK = 0x45
  • DIK_SCROLL = 0x46
  • DIK_NUMPAD7 = 0x47
  • DIK_NUMPAD8 = 0x48
  • DIK_NUMPAD9 = 0x49
  • DIK_NUMPAD4 = 0x4B
  • DIK_NUMPAD5 = 0x4C
  • DIK_NUMPAD6 = 0x4D
  • DIK_ADD = 0x4E
  • DIK_NUMPAD1 = 0x4F
  • DIK_NUMPAD2 = 0x50
  • DIK_NUMPAD3 = 0x51
  • DIK_NUMPAD0 = 0x52
  • DIK_DECIMAL = 0x53
  • DIK_F11 = 0x57
  • DIK_F12 = 0x58
  • DIK_DIVIDE = 0xB5
  • DIK_SYSRQ = 0xB7
  • DIK_RMENU = 0xB8
  • DIK_PAUSE = 0xC5
  • DIK_HOME = 0xC7
  • DIK_UP = 0xC8
  • DIK_PRIOR = 0xC9
  • DIK_LEFT = 0xCB
  • DIK_RIGHT = 0xCD
  • DIK_END = 0xCF
  • DIK_DOWN = 0xD0
  • DIK_NEXT = 0xD1
  • DIK_INSERT = 0xD2
  • DIK_DELETE = 0xD3
  • DIK_LWIN = 0xDB
  • DIK_RWIN = 0xDC
  • DIK_TEXT = 0xFE


  • NorthSouth = 0
  • West = 1
  • East = 2
  • South = 3
  • North = 4
  • EastWest = 5


  • InProgress = 0
  • Success = 1
  • TargetNotFound = 2
  • CantMove = 3
  • GagCritter = 4
  • GagItem = 5
  • InternalError = 6
  • HexTooFar = 7
  • HexBusy = 8
  • HexBusyRing = 9
  • Deadlock = 10
  • TraceFail = 11


  • Unknown = 0
  • Alive = 1
  • Knockout = 2
  • Dead = 3


  • Nowhere = 0
  • CritterInventory = 1
  • MapHex = 2
  • ItemContainer = 3


  • None = 0


  • Default = 0


  • GenericSprite = 0x00000001
  • CritterSprite = 0x00000002
  • TileSprite = 0x00000004
  • RoofSprite = 0x00000008
  • RainSprite = 0x00000010
  • SkinnedMesh = 0x00000400
  • Interface = 0x00001000
  • Contour = 0x00002000
  • Font = 0x00010000
  • Primitive = 0x00100000
  • Light = 0x00200000
  • Fog = 0x00400000
  • FlushRenderTarget = 0x01000000
  • FlushPrimitive = 0x04000000
  • FlushMap = 0x08000000
  • FlushLight = 0x10000000
  • FlushFog = 0x20000000
  • Offscreen = 0x40000000


Item pids

  • BaseItem

Critter pids

  • BaseCritter
  • Player

Map pids

  • BaseMap

Location pids

  • BaseLocation