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All Extras / Lights Out / Auto Wallet Unlock


If you store your Wallet Password anywhere you risk loosing 100% of your wallet funds to bad actors. By implementing any of this guide, you accept 100% of any risk.


Difficulty: Hard

This guide explains how to automatically unlock the RaspiBolt Lighting (lnd) wallet using a computer at a different location. The objective is to have a 'Lights Off' RaspiBolt that recovers automatically all the way to an unlocked wallet in the event that it has rebooted and is unattended - e.g. a power failure.

If the wallet remains unlocked, the lnd server is effectively offline and can not participate in the Lightning Network.

This guide uses a free virtual machine on Google Cloud Platform, but any 24/7 linux server to which you have access should work. It could be another Raspberry Pi at a different location.


To unlock a wallet, the password must be entered. If that password is stored on the RaspiBolt, the wallet funds are possibly vulnerable to someone with physical access to the RaspiBolt. This guide uses a remote computer to store the Password, but limits the functionality that the remote computer can perform; specifically it can not spend any wallet funds.

Hacker access after RaspiBolt reboot Hacker Can ... Hacker Can Not ...
RaspiBolt Physical Access Login, See Wallet Password, Open Wallet, Spend BTC
Remote Computer Login See Wallet Password, Open Wallet Spend BTC, Login to OS



Create Free Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Virtual Machine (VM) instance

Setup Billing as needed. You get US$300 free usage.

  • Click the Hamburger menu icon > Compute Engine > VM Instances GPC
  • Click Create Instance
  • Select Machine Type = Micro
  • Select Boot Disk = Debian GNU/Linux
  • Click Create



  • Select Connect > Open in browser window

  • Note the External IP, and GCP Username of your new VM.
Parameter Your value
GCP External IP __________________________________
GCP Username __________________________________

Install latest lncli

$ wget <paste link>
$ tar -xvzf *.gz
$ cp lnd*/lncli .
$ rm *.gz 
$ rm -r lnd*
$ mkdir .lnd
$ ls -la
$ ./lncli


$ wget
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 14064932 (13M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘lnd-linux-amd64-v0.4.1-beta.tar.gz’
lnd-linux-amd64-v0.4.1-beta. 100%[=============================================>]  13.41M  7.66MB/s    in 1.8s    
2018-04-08 03:49:56 (7.66 MB/s) - ‘lnd-linux-amd64-v0.4.1-beta.tar.gz’ saved [14064932/14064932]

$ tar -xvzf *.gz
$ cp lnd*/lncli .
$ rm *.gz 
$ rm -r lnd*
$ mkdir .lnd
$ ls -la
drwxr-xr-x 5 GCP_Username GCP_Username     4096 Apr  8 07:14 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root         root             4096 Apr  7 23:07 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 GCP_Username GCP_Username      220 May 15  2017 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r-- 1 GCP_Username GCP_Username     3526 May 15  2017 .bashrc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 GCP_Username GCP_Username 16231264 Apr  8 03:56 lncli
drwxr-xr-x 2 GCP_Username GCP_Username     4096 Apr  8 07:15 .lnd
drwxr-xr-x 2 GCP_Username GCP_Username     4096 Apr  8 05:10 .nano
-rw-r--r-- 1 GCP_Username GCP_Username      675 May 15  2017 .profile
drwx------ 2 GCP_Username GCP_Username     4096 Apr  8 05:30 .ssh
-rw-r--r-- 1 GCP_Username GCP_Username      165 Apr  8 03:49 .wget-hsts
$ ./lncli -h
[You should see the lncli help]

Modify local firewall and port forwarding

  • Add a new Port Forward for port 10009 on your router. See Rasberry Pi
  • login as admin to your RaspiBolt
  • Allow rpc from your VM in RaspiBolt firewall

Subsitute GCP_External_IP with your GCP External IP

admin ~  ฿  sudo su
root@RaspiBolt:/home/admin# ufw allow from GCP_External_IP to any port 10009 comment 'allow lnd rpc from GCP VM'
root@RaspiBolt:/home/admin# exit

Create new Certificate/Key file pair

  • login as admin to your RaspiBolt

  • Edit and save the lnd.conf file with the changes shown.

    • Change the rpclisten line as shown
    • If you have:
      • A static IP address: Add tlsextraip=my.vm.ip.address (i.e. your External IP address).
      • A static FQDN: Add tlsextradomain=my.fqdn (i.e. your FQDN).
admin ~  ฿  sudo nano /home/bitcoin/.lnd/lnd.conf
[Application Options]
# use tlsextraip ONLY if you have a static public IP address
# use tlsextradomain ONLY if you have a static public FQDN
  • Hide the existing tls.key and tls.cert files so that lnd regenerates them
admin ~  ฿  sudo mv /home/bitcoin/.lnd/tls.cert  /home/bitcoin/.lnd/tls.cert.backup
admin ~  ฿  sudo mv /home/bitcoin/.lnd/tls.key   /home/bitcoin/.lnd/tls.key.backup
  • Restart lnd to generate new tls files
admin ~  ฿  sudo systemctl restart lnd
admin ~  ฿  openssl x509 -in /home/bitcoin/.lnd/tls.cert -text -noout

You should see my.vm.ip.address or my.fqdn in the result

X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
    DNS:RaspiBolt, DNS:localhost, DNS:my.fqdn, 
    IP Address:, IP Address:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1, IP Address:, 
    IP Address:FE80:0:0:0:2481:BA24:A7E5:3DA1
  • Copy the TLS cert to user admin
admin ~  ฿  sudo cp /home/bitcoin/.lnd/tls.cert /home/admin/.lnd
admin ~  ฿  sudo chown -R admin:admin /home/admin/.lnd

Copy files from RaspiBolt to GCP

In this section you will 'copy & paste' long text strings between login windows.

On RaspiBolt On GCP
$ cd ~/.lnd
sudo xxd -ps -u -c 1000 /home/bitcoin/.lnd/tls.cert
copy long_text_string
echo 'long_text_string' | xxd -r -p - tls.cert
sudo xxd -ps -u -c 1000 /home/bitcoin/.lnd/readonly.macaroon
copy long_text_string
echo 'long_text_string' | xxd -r -p - readonly.macaroon
sudo ls -la /home/bitcoin/.lnd/tls.cert ls -la tls.cert
sudo ls -la /home/bitcoin/.lnd/readonly.macaroon ls -la readonly.macaroon
Check file sizes match Check file sizes match

Setup the VM

$ ls -l . .lnd
total 15852
-rwxr-xr-x 1 GCP_Username GCP_Username 16231264 Apr  8 03:56 lncli

total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 GCP_Username GCP_Username 183 Apr  8 07:19 readonly.macaroon
-rw-r--r-- 1 GCP_Username GCP_Username 741 Apr  8 07:15 tls.cert

Check Wallet hourly, and Unlock if needed

  • Login to your GCP VM
  • Install expect

$ sudo apt-get install expect

  • Create and save an lncli wrapper
$ sudo touch run_lncli
$ sudo chmod +x run_lncli
$ sudo nano run_lncli

Add the code below, after changing GCP_Username, and my.fqdn

# Wrapper for lncli executable
# <home_dir>/run_lncli

# Change next 2 lines`

$home_dir/lncli --rpcserver=$RaspiBoltExternal:10009 \
                --macaroonpath=$home_dir/.lnd/readonly.macaroon  \
                --lnddir=$home_dir/.lnd \
  • Create and save Expect script

Change MyLndWalletPassword and GCP_Username.

$ sudo nano .lnd/lnd_unlock.exp

# File invoked by /etc/cron.hourly to unlock the lnd wallet
# <home_dir>/.lnd/lnd_unlock.exp

# Change next 2 lines
set walletPW "MyLndWalletPassword"
set home_dir "/home/GCP_Username"

set lncli "$home_dir/run_lncli"
set timeout 40
spawn $lncli unlock
log_user 0
expect "Input wallet password: "
send "$walletPW\r"
log_user 1
expect "lnd successfully unlocked!"
  • Create and save hourly cron job.

Note: The cron job will run approximately every 60 mins, but not usually at 'the top of the hour'.

$ sudo touch /etc/cron.hourly/lnd_unlock
$ sudo chmod +x /etc/cron.hourly/lnd_unlock
$ sudo nano /etc/cron.hourly/lnd_unlock

Change GCP_Username

# RaspiBolt LND: Script to unlock wallet
# /etc/cron.hourly/lnd_unlock

# Change next 1 line

$lncli getinfo  2>&1 | grep "identity_pubkey" >/dev/null
if [ "$wallet_unlocked" -eq 1 ] ; then
 echo "Wallet Locked"
 /usr/bin/expect $home_dir/.lnd/lnd_unlock.exp  2>&1 > /dev/null
 echo "Wallet UnLocked"



$ ./run_lncli getinfo
[lncli] Wallet is encrypted. Please unlock using 'lncli unlock', or set password using 'lncli create' if this is the first time starting lnd.

If you see the above, it confirms the communication from your GCP instance to your RaspiBolt is working.

Repeat the above command every 10 mins or so for at max. 1 hour, until you see something like:

$ ./run_lncli getinfo
    "identity_pubkey": "xxxxx",
    "alias": "xxxxx",
    "num_pending_channels": 0,
    "num_active_channels": 1,
    "num_peers": 2,
    "block_height": 1291957,
    "block_hash": "00000000000000ca546331fbe0d83df81b8f4bf2b24f081cce359920faaa8dc1",
    "synced_to_chain": true,
    "testnet": true,
    "chains": [
    "uris": [
    "best_header_timestamp": "1523192388"

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