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2.2. Hello world

This chapter is about creating a minimal Bevy program that is completely tested.

Our 'hello_world' game

This chapter introduces:

  • The Bevy App
  • Test-Driven Development ('TDD')
  • Types of implementations
  • Code coverage.
  • The create_app function

2.2.1. Test-Driven Development

Test-Driven Develop, or TDD, is a software methodology to develop computer code in a systematic way, that is known to improve code quality [Alkaoud & Walcott, 2018] [Janzen & Saiedian, 2006].

To develop code with TDD, one does many, usually short (think minutes!) TDD cycles. A TDD cycle has three steps:

  • Red: write a test that breaks the code
  • Green: fix the test
  • Blue: cleanup
flowchart TD
  classDef red_node fill:#fdd,color:#000,stroke:#f00
  classDef green_node fill:#dfd,color:#000,stroke:#0f0
  classDef blue_node fill:#ddf,color:#000,stroke:#00f

  red[Red\nBreak the code]:::red_node
  green[Green\nFix the code]:::green_node

  red --> green --> blue --> red

This book follows these cycles, by first showing the test(s), then their fixes.

2.2.2. First test: create_app should not crash

Our first test is about creating a computer program that uses the Bevy game library. The Bevy class for this, is called App. Hence, we call the function to create a Bevy program create_app.

Our first trivial test will be if create_app does something, i.e. it does not crash:

fn test_can_create_app() {

The test is the line create_app();, the rest is scaffolding:

  • #[test] indicates that the next function must be run when running all tests
  • fn test_can_create_app() { and } indicate the name, start and end of a function called test_can_create_app
  • create_app(); calls a function called create_app.

This test will break the code, as the function create_app does not exist yet, so the Rust compiler will give an error message. This allows us to make our dreams come true and write that create_app function!

2.2.3. First fix

Here is a possible implementation of create_app:

pub fn create_app() -> App {

All it does is create a new Bevy App and return it. This will pass our test!

2.2.4. Types of implementations

The implementation of create_app shown above is a complete implementation: it does what it is expected to do completely. However, there are other implementations possible:

  • implementations that do not follow the recommended Rust style
  • implementations that are stubs

Here is an implementation that does not follow the recommended Rust style:

pub fn create_app() -> App {
    return App::new();

Following a consistent coding style improves software quality [Fang, 2001]. All code shown in this book is tested to follow the Rust style recommended by the clippy crate.

Here is an implementation that is a stub:

pub fn create_app() -> () {}

In software development, a 'stub' is 'a start of something'. The purpose of a stub is to, for example, start the architectural setup. This stub will pass all tests and hence is acceptable too. If one chooses to write a stub like this, one will need to write an addition test, that, for example, checks if the return value of create_app is indeed of type App.


The main function will not be used in automated testing, as it starts our game. This is useful to play the game, but not for testing. For testing to be done automatically, it is required that there is no user input. Starting the game will require at least that a user needs to do something to close it. Hence, the main function is useless for testing.

Instead, the main function 'just' runs the App.

fn main() {
    let mut app = create_app();

The main function, however, does something our tests do not do: it adds the Bevy default plugins. These plugins will add functionality to an App, such as creating a window to display the program, which can be closed by, among others, pressing ALT + F4. Thanks to this plugin, we can see our App! Our game -a game that does nothing- is hence properly displayed as such:

Our 'hello_world' game

2.2.6. Code coverage

The code coverage of a software project is the percentage of code that has been used at least once by tests. Code coverage correlates with code quality [Horgan et al., 1994] [Del Frate et al., 1995]. Some communities have a mandatory 100% code coverage to pass a code peer-review by committees such as, for example, rOpenSci [Ram, 2013]. When doing TDD well, reaching a 100% code coverage happens almost automatically, as you'll see throughout this book.

However, one needs to decide upon what to test for code coverage. This project now has two functions: main and create_app.

The create_app function is a good candidate to be tested for code coverage, as it can be tested automatically.

The main function is a bad candidate to be tested for code coverage, as it cannot be tested automatically. Instead, when main is called, the game is started, which requires user input, for example, pressing ALT + F4, to close it.

Although the main function is a bad candidate, one can test it if one really wants to! For example, by writing a script that simulates input, such as sending the standard key combination ALT + F4 to the program to close it. However, one needs to decide on a per-project basis if this extra testing is worth the extra effort.

In this book, it is decided to test all code, except for the main function, as writing scripts to simulate user input is judged to be not worth the effort: the programs shown are judged to be not critical enough (read 'critical' as 'people will die if the window does not close with ALT + F4'). You will see that excluding the main function from being tested for code coverage is not a big problem: the main functions used in this book are always short: they create an App and run it!

2.2.7. Conclusion

We can now create an App. It does nothing. We do have tested everything (i.e. nothing) it does!

The full program can be found at

2.2.8. References

  • [Alkaoud & Walcott, 2018] Alkaoud, Hessah, and Kristen R. Walcott. "Quality metrics of test suites in test-driven designed applications." International Journal of Software Engineering Applications (IJSEA) 2018 (2018).
  • [Del Frate et al., 1995] Del Frate, Fabio, et al. "On the correlation between code coverage and software reliability." Proceedings of Sixth International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering. ISSRE'95. IEEE, 1995.
  • [Fang, 2001] Fang, Xuefen. "Using a coding standard to improve program quality." Proceedings Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Quality Software. IEEE, 2001.
  • [Horgan et al., 1994] Horgan, Joseph R., Saul London, and Michael R. Lyu. "Achieving software quality with testing coverage measures." Computer 27.9 (1994): 60-69.
  • [Janzen & Saiedian, 2006] Janzen, David S., and Hossein Saiedian. "Test-driven learning: intrinsic integration of testing into the CS/SE curriculum." Acm Sigcse Bulletin 38.1 (2006): 254-258.
  • [Ram, 2013] Ram, K. "rOpenSci-open tools for open science." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 2013. 2013.