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username question
Gabe hey all welcome to the Q&A! thanks for being here @ryanflorence
ryanflorence Woah, I've never had to be silent for that long before...
Gabe lol
ryanflorence my pleasure!
brandon welcome πŸ˜„
aaronjensen how do you <Match exactly pattern=""> (the parent match only, no sub /foo)
ryanflorence @aaronjensen I don't know, can you visit that url in a browser?
aaronjensen @ryanflorence the analog to matching pattern="foo"... which could match /bar/baz/foo if the parent match was /bar/baz/:id?.
aaronjensen I want to match when :id is blank
ryanflorence @aaronjensen open an issue and we can try to figure it out. @mjackson has been working on the prop and will support "relative urls" to the matched location, which might be what you're talking about
aaronjensen Will do, thanks.
sean More React30 episodes when?
ryanflorence @sean oh man ... we're so booked lately and have stepped up our OSS game so it's hard to find time for it all. We have a whole list of folks and topics we want to cover. I have no specific dates when we'll do the next one, but ... soon?
EvNaverniouk React Router v4 looks very cool. What's the idea behind the version 3 beta? Why not jump right into the work being done on version 4?
ryanflorence @EvNaverniouk version 3 is just version 2 w/o deprecation warnings. @timdorr is working on getting that shipped so he'd be better to ask
antmdvs How do you feel about stateless functional components? You used createClass() in your last presentation. Do you prefer that over ES6 classes and SFCs?
ryanflorence @antmdvs so there are a lot of ways to create a component right? even the old-school 2006 "module pattern" works as a component
ryanflorence in our workshops we switched to classes about a year ago
ryanflorence it was a TRAIN WRECK!
ryanflorence because understanding JS context is hard
ryanflorence and so people had a really hard time getting through the exercises
ryanflorence so then it gets us really introspective
ryanflorence if this is a pain in the neck in a workshop, what about in your actual code w/ your team?
ryanflorence I dunno!
ryanflorence but anyway, we still use createClass in our workshops but we may be switching to classes because of create-react-app's support of "class property declarations"
ryanflorence since that's getting a lot of attention...
antmdvs are there any actual benefits to SFC besides terseness?
ryanflorence seems like it's okay to use the "not-yet-javascript" that it uses
ryanflorence one sec
maxdeviant That basically answered my question πŸ˜„
ryanflorence I'll get there!
mattste **Does v4 have a solution for passing props to a component besides HoC? It'd be nice to do something like **
mattste <Match pattern="/myprofile"><Profile type="personal" /></Match><Match pattern="/mypubicprofile"><Profile type="public" /></Match>
mattste Passing component to <Match /> seems like holdover from the old way of doing things instead of rendering it's children. I may be thinking about this wrong. Awesome job to you and the team on this release. It feels a lot better.
threepointone @mattste <Match pattern="/myprofile" render={x => <Profile type='personal' {...x} />}/>
threepointone [sorry, jumped in]
mattste @threepointone thanks, but That still makes me believe my comment still stands that passing a render prop isn't the component-based path v4 strives to be. It just feels odd
ryanflorence okay, @mattste:
ryanflorence looks up a gist
ryanflorence struggles to find the gist
ryanflorence FOUND IT! πŸŽ‰
ryanflorence @mattste ^ read that, that's why we don't do the "children as elements" in the Match API
ryanflorence so class property declarations aren't JS yet, so we are hesitant to use them in workshops, but in my own code I use them and that's the only way I can bear to use ES classes because they make "auto binding" really nice
ryanflorence as for SFC
ryanflorence those are basically just really cool templates, right?
ryanflorence so if I don't need the lifecycle hooks, and just need to tuck some "markup" away, a SFC is great
ryanflorence so I use classes when I need hooks and state, SFC when I don't
Foxhoundn I think that's a hard thing for beginners to process
Foxhoundn There are Components, PureComponents and Stateless components
Foxhoundn We have moved to using only Stateless components with recompose and I have way less gray hair
mattste Okay, thanks πŸ˜ƒ
CPT Is there planned support for param default values?
ryanflorence @CPT
CPT That makes components less reusable**
ryanflorence <Match render={(props) => <Component params={addDefault(props.params)}/>}/>
ryanflorence wrap that up in a MatchWithDefaults component
ryanflorence BOOM bob's your uncle
CPT thanks
timarney outside of classes what's the most common point of confusion people have in your workshops?
ryanflorence hmm ... hard to pick "one thing"
ryanflorence people struggle with just JavaScript itself
ryanflorence like, not knowing there's [].map and [].filter
ryanflorence how to mess around w/ objects in JS
ryanflorence React really throws JS back in your face
ryanflorence and lots of people haven't done much ... uh ... "real work" with JS before
timarney Interesting
ryanflorence the other thing is probably what a valid JS expression is
ryanflorence we can say "once you do {} in JSX, any valid expression can go there, because it's really just an argument to React.createElement"
ryanflorence but most of us haven't done very much w/ JS expressions before React
ryanflorence but the questions we get in a workshop are rarely react related, usually they're JS questions πŸ˜‚
timarney Ya I guess timing of ES2015 + React
aaronjensen Why isn't render children it seems more common than what is currently used for children
ryanflorence children in Match will always render if it matches or not
ryanflorence check out the animation demo
aaronjensen yes, i know I was just curious as to why the render prop and the children prop aren't reversed since so far the render prop seems to be used more and the children prop is more "natural"
ryanflorence we decided htat since one rendred conditionally and the other was always, that children made more sense to "always render" since you typically expect that API.
aaronjensen got it, thanks.
sandeshsoni scenario : I have login container that does part of login. After login, I want to switch to dashboard container. how do I do this? I have react router. If question is incorrect, suggest a post/gist that looks useful.
EvNaverniouk If you could wave a magic wand and fix one thing about the JS/React community, what would it be?
ryanflorence Aside from normal social justice problems that are just problems w/ the whole world, I guess I don't know what's broken! I love both JS and React communities, so much exploring, so many ideas. It's a blast to be a JS developer today.
ryanflorence so I would leave the wand in its case probably
antmdvs would you like a magic wand to answer all these questions?
antmdvs i noticed @en_js went Twitter-silent after that πŸ˜ƒ
antmdvs This may be a sore subject, but I saw a lot of FUD around the RRv4 preview and Relay (lack of static route config?). Can you talk to (or point me to) the latest developments on that discussion? I'm not using Relay right now, but keeping an eye on it.
ryanflorence first of all, you can use <Relay.Renderer> anywhere in a router v4 app and it just worksβ„’
ryanflorence heh, well, now relay has to solve it instead of us
ryanflorence that was actually really liberating for us to not be int he game of "knowing what to render before we render"
antmdvs good deal
ryanflorence here's a repo I hope people who are interested in a static route config analysis will get involved:
antmdvs πŸ‘
Mohan Thank you for then awesome library. RR4 is turning out to be really cool. Any way RR4 can support code splitting like predecessor?
ryanflorence it doesn't have to, you can code split anywhere you want. The website uses code splitting with a component called
ryanflorence here's a cool example by andrew clark:
threepointone @Mohan
threepointone working on PRPL ootb as we speak
Mohan Thank you
antmdvs code splitting = lazy loading comps for routes?
rgdelato I love your workshop (attended one on my own dime early this year), but it's very limited to specific times/locations you have any plans to teach in an online format, or does that lose too much of the magic?
ryanflorence THANK YOU!!
brandon I would be interested in an online course from you as well
ryanflorence we've done 3 private "online workshops" and they're pretty good
ryanflorence still toying w/ it before we do them publicly
ryanflorence we also have some online content in the works
ryanflorence self-paced stuff
ryanflorence the trick w/ online live workshops is time zones, when do you take a lunch break?! ha!
ryanflorence (and me not feeling like I'm talking to myself for 7 hours straight()
rgdelato Thank you! I was in the process of changing jobs and I knew I wanted to work with React, so your workshop was wonderful πŸ˜„
ryanflorence which workshop was it?
rgdelato was in Carlsbad, in February, I think
ryanflorence ooh, with the fancy stage!
ryanflorence so fancy!
rgdelato yep, that was it! so fancy
rgdelato drove down from LA
ryanflorence @mjackson lives there now
ryanflorence carlsbad
ryanflorence loved it so much
antmdvs On the converse, are you still "touring?"
antmdvs I work for a F500 company in Jacksonville, FL and my .NET team is considering adopting React for a large Silverlight app conversion
ryanflorence yep, we've just had a lot of private workshops lately
ryanflorence before the year is up we'll be in SF, Boston, Phoenix, and maybe NYC for some public workshops
brandon What interests you in the React ecosystem beyond RR?
iamdustan πŸ‘‹
ryanflorence hmm
ryanflorence I dont' get to spend any time w/ them, but I love all the custom renderers
ryanflorence like @iamdustan's react hardware
ryanflorence I like thinking about describing any system with components
iamdustan 😍 I came in at the right time!
ryanflorence haha yeah!
ryanflorence I also like figuring out the optimal way to deliver an app over the network
ryanflorence like PRPL, and service worker app shells, server rendering, etc.
ryanflorence like what will be the standard practice in 5 years for delivering these big apps over a network?
ryanflorence hard to tell right now, but there are so many cool things happening
ryanflorence I've been chasing those questions for like 4 years, fun to see some better answers than some terrible ruby scripts I was writing
ryanflorence speaking of PRPL, this guy @threepointone is working on that w/ router v4
ryanflorence where's a link to your work?
ryanflorence or tweets at least?
threepointone this is initial work, more as it happens
ryanflorence that's the beauty of composable routing, you can compose!
threepointone yo ryan, how and when did you and michael get 'together'?
iamdustan What would you most like to see changed or done next with React?
antmdvs Our app is going to be <input/> dense. Any advice for authoring complex forms in react? What do you do? Any libs or just vanilla?
ryanflorence okay I'm going to tackle sunil's question about me and michael
ryanflorence then @iamdustan, then @antmdvs
Gabe πŸŽ‰
Gabe hahaah
ryanflorence plays some gentle jazz guitar
ryanflorence so there I was
ryanflorence feeling like a foreigner at mountain west ruby conference in utah
ryanflorence one of my co-workers went to BYU with @mjackson
ryanflorence and was like "hey Ryan, come meet my friend, he's another JavaScripter here"
ryanflorence and then I met him, and somehow we talked about AMD cause I was way into back then
ryanflorence from there I was the AMD-guy to him
ryanflorence and we were just twitter acquaintances
ryanflorence then we both ended up doing ember, he hired me to help him get some code going w/ his startup from a few years ago
ryanflorence it was like a month or two of work
ryanflorence then we started tweeting at each other about react
ryanflorence I showed him my 100 line hilarious router prototype
ryanflorence he got involved
ryanflorence then we both spoke at the first react conf
ryanflorence both had people asking us to come do consulting/training for their teams
ryanflorence and decided to partner up and start
ryanflorence I love working with him
ryanflorence we balance each other really well
ryanflorence I'm a dirty hacker and he's a thoughtful engineer
ryanflorence so that's the story πŸ˜„
ryanflorence if you ever want to start a company, I highly suggest getting a partner, I can't imagine doing this alone.
threepointone πŸ˜ƒ great answer, thank you!
ryanflorence > What would you most like to see changed or done next with React?
ryanflorence not sure, really. fibers looks interesting, streamed rendering is going to be cool
ryanflorence we do some crazy hacks with router v4 to get sibling <Match/> <Miss/> to "know about" each other
ryanflorence I'd love to figure out a way to establish relationships between siblings/descendants the way a <form> <button> and <input> all kind of work together
ryanflorence like ...
ryanflorence when you key down "enter" in a text input
ryanflorence if there's a button in the form, it'll submit
ryanflorence but if there isn't a button in the form (and there's at least another non-button input) then it won't submit!
ryanflorence that's a lot like Match and Miss
ryanflorence so right now we can't server render a Miss and get the checksum to match up on the client
ryanflorence but, it's a miss so... hopefully people aren't too bothered by that
ryanflorence sebastian says he likes the match miss api and wants to figure out a way to support it more officially too, so we'll see what happens there
ryanflorence would also love to see it get faster
ryanflorence too many apps need shouldComponentUpdate
ryanflorence which totally bums me out
ryanflorence it's a huge buzz kill for the "always rerender" paradigm of react
ryanflorence > Our app is going to be <input/> dense. Any advice for authoring complex forms in react? What do you do? Any libs or just vanilla?
ryanflorence I get this question a lot at workshops
ryanflorence forms are hard, no matter where you go, and while React makes them easier for me to manage w/ it's declarative model, it's a LOT of code.
ryanflorence but no, I have no suggestions there.
TheZanke holy cow, am I really caught up??
antmdvs 😦
ryanflorence it's tempting w/ forms to want to abstract like crazy
ryanflorence but just make sure you don't "take rendering away" in those abstractions
ryanflorence that's my problem with all the form libs I've looked at, they do the rendering
ryanflorence and so you always end up w/ some limitation and I hate saying "no" to things
ryanflorence I hven't looked in a while though, so maybe there's some awesome ones now
antmdvs i'd like something to generate forms, but i don't want to maintain another schema for form meta
ryanflorence > holy cow, am I really caught up??
ryanflorence man, these questions are getting weird
ryanflorence Yes.
ryanflorence You are caught up.
ryanflorence πŸ˜‚
TheZanke Hahahaha, I just scrolled all the way up to read past questions and thought there was no way I'd catch up.. I was wrong! πŸŽ‰
antmdvs You growing your beard back?
antmdvs niiiiice
TheZanke it's the not bad face
ryanflorence my wife is happy
ryanflorence she HATED my face.
antmdvs a little bit De Niro
TheZanke I see it
ryanflorence are there other questions I've missed?
Gabe I think you are good
antmdvs When's your next conf talk?
ryanflorence no talks coming up
TheZanke This isn't router related.. but... Thunks or Sagas?
sean or observables πŸ˜›
antmdvs @TheZanke
antmdvs so many options
ryanflorence > This isn't router related.. but... Thunks or Sagas?
ryanflorence man, I barely use thunks in redux
ryanflorence someAction(this.props.dispatch)
ryanflorence like ... why not just pass dispatch in myself?
ryanflorence I dunno
ryanflorence I have no good opinion on thunks v. sagas. I would say, explain to the newest dev on the team how to use each and then whichever sounds less crazy, go with that!
TheZanke If I did that, I'd be using jquery, not react
ryanflorence ha!
jmurzy Hey! re: your getting started with RN tweet a couple day ago. Do you have any intentions to support RN with v4?
ryanflorence @jmurzy it's already supported with <MemoryRouter/>
ryanflorence looks up an article about it
jmurzy Oh dude. You guys keep saying that but no that's not enough haha v3 had memory history as well. πŸ˜‚
ryanflorence this dev just busted it out w/o us even knowing, like the day after our announcement of the preview:
jmurzy I am talking about transitions etc
jmurzy Have you see my comment reply to that?
ryanflorence "support" and "deep integration" are kind of different
jmurzy Oh then I guess I meant deep integration πŸ˜‹
ryanflorence but I'm sure somebody will figure that stuff out, and if not, then perhaps our routing model isn't satisfactory for some use-cases on mobile
ryanflorence too many conversations around that for me to remember who, but I know somebody is working on figuring out how to do the native transitions w/ the new api
jmurzy I am only asking cuz I am working on it but if you guys are I don't want to waste time
jmurzy Especially if it's going to live in the core
ryanflorence oh, maybe it's you!
ryanflorence ha, no, we wont' be doing that ourselves any time soon.
jmurzy Gotcha. Thanks!
ryanflorence we may have like react-router/dom and react-router/native or something for stuff like Link between platforms
ryanflorence but I suspect that code for native will come from the community and not us, we haven't done a whole lot with native
jmurzy Yeah that's cool. Do you want me to send in a PR for Link?
ryanflorence absolutely!
jmurzy Great will do.
antmdvs What's the craziest/awesomest example of <Rethink stop={false} /> that you've seen from the community? (that's a reference to Ryan's last talk)
ryanflorence oooh
ryanflorence basically anything @threepointone and ken wheeler have been doing
antmdvs i'm not familiar
ryanflorence Sunil's got this express server, that's booted up by rendering to the DOM in electron a <Server/>
ryanflorence @threepointone link this fine gentleman
ryanflorence rather:
antmdvs kewl
bkonkle When you're conducting React training, what are some of the most common things that trip up people relatively new to JavaScript?
ryanflorence we have a pre workshop survey that dumps some "new JS" in front of them
ryanflorence and says "does this look like JavaScript?"
ryanflorence scale of 1-5
ryanflorence a year ago, answers were mostly left of 3
ryanflorence lately it's always right of 3
ryanflorence so people are catching up to the language
ryanflorence but arrow function syntax mixed with JSX is probably the hardest
bkonkle \o/
ryanflorence I think mostly because their editors dont' know what the heck to do about it
ryanflorence destructuring sometimes doesn't click very quickly either.
Mohan Have you ever tinkered with elm?
ryanflorence yeah, I built a little "people counter" with it
ryanflorence was kinda fun, I didn't ever get used to the syntax
ryanflorence every task was really hard for me
ryanflorence mostly copy/paste, tweak and not really understanding what I was doing, but it was fun anyway!
ryanflorence in other words, I didn't transcend the lowly languages like I was supposed to 😦
antmdvs it takes a trained eye bc destructuring can look exactly like object property shorthand notiation, just on the other side of =
Gabe any other questions for @ryanflorence?
Gabe we have 25 minutes left
bkonkle Static typing - worth the effort?
ryanflorence I'm not qualified to answer that
ryanflorence been in JS my whole life
bkonkle /nod
ryanflorence did a thing w/ go, I was amazed at what my editor could tell me!
ryanflorence I was told:
ryanflorence "if it compiles, it'll work"
ryanflorence turns out, that just meant I couldn't get it to compile
ryanflorence πŸ˜›
bkonkle πŸ˜„
bkonkle PureScript felt the same way for a while.
antmdvs Bro.doYouEven('Redux')?
ryanflorence Do I redux? I like it for shared or persistent state, but I hesitate to relegate React to nothing but a cool way to generate markup.
Mohan What's the most impressive thing you've seen in programming outside of js?
ryanflorence I watch the spaceX rockets land on a boat and realize I'm an idiot.
bkonkle Do you see any potential successors to React on the horizon?
ryanflorence I dunno, depends on what the people decide about components and state
ryanflorence if we go the elm/redux/om way of globalizing state, then it'll probably get replaced by something that's just a smart markup renderer
bkonkle Yep, that makes sense.
ryanflorence if we don't, then React has a long plateau
ryanflorence I was talking to somebody at adobe
ryanflorence forgot who
ryanflorence but she has been following programming trends for 20 years or so
ryanflorence she predicted angular's rise
ryanflorence and when react came out, she said something like "it's not going to peak as high as angular, but it's going to plateau for a LOT longer"
ryanflorence I think that sounds about right to me
bkonkle Wow, prescient!
ryanflorence I'm really happy I spelled plateau correctly
Gabe lol
bkonkle Ha! I think you're right about React not being the first choice anymore for global state devotees like myself.
bkonkle I think eventually something optimized for that case will come out.
Gabe You still rocking that Brad Pitt desktop/login screen?
ryanflorence hahaha
bkonkle lol @Gabe !
ryanflorence when did you see that?
ryanflorence I gotta find that
Gabe you sat next to me at react conf... and I asked you if that was Brad Pitt... cause it was blurry
ryanflorence "Hey Ry! I saved you a seat!"
ryanflorence makes me feel so good.
bkonkle Aww, but the bloom has fallen off of that rose. 😭
bkonkle (the rose being Brad Pitt)
Vinnymac How do you find time to manage life/family, work, and OSS?
ryanflorence I don't!
ryanflorence my wife is always angry, my kids think I'm a jerk, and we ruined everybody's life with router v4
Vinnymac hahahaha
ryanflorence seriously though
ryanflorence I'm really fortunate to be in a position to have a job like I have
ryanflorence when we're flying and at hotels, we get uninterrupted time to work on code
ryanflorence and it pays the bills well enough to take vacation and stuff w/ my family
ryanflorence so when it's flexible, it's really flexible. but it's hard to balance for sure.
ryanflorence I had no idea how much paperwork running a business required
Vinnymac Launching rockets can end lives, idk if router v4 will. But it is good to know it is possible to juggle so much, I hope to achieve that level of stress management.
ryanflorence need a physical thing to balance the stress
ryanflorence I used to play on 2 indoor soccer teams, but that doesnt' work w/ my travel anymore
ryanflorence so I started doing P90X3 and it's a great way to balance the sitting-and-thinking-and-stressing way of life
ryanflorence (FYI this is my new background:
Gabe very nice @ryanflorence but you should bring back Brad for next react conf.. he is lonely
ryanflorence for real
ryanflorence for real
Vinnymac Compiling/Transpiling/Updating === Workout Time
Vinnymac A developers guide to a happy lifestyle by Ryan Florence
ryanflorence :thumbup::skin-tone-3:
Gabe Any other questions for @ryanflorence ? we have a few minutes before we end
rgdelato What's your current favorite React CSS solution?
ryanflorence jsxstyle
ryanflorence the reason why is simple
ryanflorence I know how to compose my UI with components
ryanflorence and now i get to compose not just their content and behavior, but also their looks
ryanflorence so I never switch gears from "JS" to "CSS"
ryanflorence and when I refactor, I don't have to go find stuff from other files
ryanflorence if I cut/paste some JSX, the styles come with it
ryanflorence so it completely eliminates a whole set of tasks when writing code for me
rgdelato thanks! I'll definitely look into it!
rgdelato this was my first search result, lol:
ryanflorence basically every CSS question becomes a component question, and i like the answers there πŸ˜ƒ
ryanflorence JSXStyle: the best version of your components
ryanflorence I like it
Gabe haha nice.... got time for 1 or 2 more q's...
codiro @ryanflorence what do you mean actually under "long plateau"? will react stand straight for a long time?
ryanflorence yeah, I think it's seen a ton of adoption
ryanflorence so it has grown tremendously
ryanflorence eventually it'll stop growing
ryanflorence but people who picked it before continue to pick it again
ryanflorence so after it peaks, we'll see years of "boring" usage
antmdvs What if i want the URL to not reflect the route, i.e. keep it opaque for security reasons in a LOB?
antmdvs is that supported?
antmdvs maybe i'm just being paranoid
ryanflorence use MemoryRouter
antmdvs gotcha
ryanflorence no back button though
ryanflorence but you can implement your own
ryanflorence but sounds like you should rethink the data in your url πŸ˜›
ryanflorence (also, what is a LOB?)
antmdvs Line of business
ryanflorence love those
Gabe alright.. thats all the time we have... let's all thank @ryanflorence for answering all those questions!!
Gabe we'll have a transcript up soon and we'll post it on twitter
sean πŸ‘
antmdvs Thanks, Ryan. That was awesome
ryanflorence Thanks!
TheZanke Thank you!
rgdelato Thanks!
Gabe thanks @ryanflorence πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰
timarney Thanks
antmdvs Thanks, Ryan. That was awesome
antmdvs You should have a canned response next time for the MJ story
antmdvs πŸ˜ƒ
ryanflorence haha
bkonkle Thank you!
threepointone thanks ryan!
Gabe if you all haven't seen the podcast Ryan is a part of... check it out: