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ADS-B Flight Localization

This project will guide you from the beginning with the data inspection and preprocessing up to crafting an end to end application for aircraft localization based on crowdsourced air traffic control communication data. The dataset is a part of the Aircraft Localization Competition powered by OpenSky Network and Cyber-Defence Campus - armasuisse Science and Technology. It contains the ADS-B transmissions collected by the large-scale sensor network and poses the following challenges:

  • volume - perform data preprocessing and training of the ML models on the data that doesn't fit into the memory,
  • velocity - real-time data preprocessing, prediction and visualization,
  • veracity - issue of unsynchronized receivers, incorrect sensors' localizations,
  • value - perform data preprocessing and predictive analytics that leads to insights - prediction of the aircraft current coordinates and altitude,
  • variety - extraction of the data from the JSON arrays nested inside the table.

To ensure that our application meets the scalability and performance requirements we will have to use the appropriate technologies. The following are the tools that are going to be utilized:

  • distributed data preprocessing with Apache Spark and Modin,
  • use of ensemble methods (Apache Spark ML, Sklearn) and TabNet model (Pytorch) for tabular learning,
  • memory-efficient loading of data thanks to custom Pytorch Datasets implementations,
  • utilize Apache Kafka to stream real-time data between internal components of the application,
  • real-time data visualization with Flask and Leaflet.js.

Additional information about the Aircraft Localization Competition can be found on the official website - AIcrowd.




demo gif

Table of contents

  • data_inspection

    The data inspection and visualization notebook will guide you through the process of loading the data, examining the distribution of the features and visualizing an example flight in conjunction with recorded flight parameters such as timestamp, timeAtServer, received signal strength indicator (RSSI), barometric and GPS altitude.

  • data_preprocessing

    The second tutorial contains instructions on how to perform the data preprocessing that consist of the following steps:

    • drop the duplicated rows,
    • check the data frame in terms of missing values,
    • explode the measurements JSON array, sort it according to sensor serial number and limit the number of measurements,
    • extract the sensor, timestamp and RSSI information from an array of measurements,
    • verify sensors' location and correct their elevation,
    • perform data casting and filtering,
    • conduct timestamps synchronization,
    • create linear regression models of timestamp corrections,
    • perform the feature extraction,
    • calculate the normalization parameters,
    • save preprocessed data to HDF5 or MariaDB.
  • prepare_eval_test_datasets

    In this notebook, we will conduct the data preprocessing to make the evaluation and test datasets ready.

  • training_ensemble

    In this notebook, we are going to build the following estimators from the training set:

    • Random forest regressor (Sklearn)
    • Gradient-boosted trees (Apache Spark)

    After training the ensemble models will be assessed on an evaluation set.

  • training_TabNet

    In this notebook, we are going to train the TabNet neural network model. The implementation of all building blocks of the model can be found in the file TabNetBlocks in this repository.

  • TabNetBlocks

    This file contains the Pytorch implementations of the following architectures and tools:

    • TabNet neural network model according to:
    • Attentive Transformer
    • Feature Transformer
    • Ghost Batch Normalization
    • Sparsemax activation function
    • Gated Linear Unit blocks
    • Shared and dependant GLU fully connected layers across all decision steps
  • PytorchDatasets

    The Implementation of the custom Pytorch Datasets that can be used to load the data from HDF5, Pandas or MariaDB, but also to perform data normalization.

  • createDB

    Creates an 'adsb' database that stores in the main table the preprocessed training dataset.

  • config

    The configuration file that includes:

    • Kafka brokers addresses and topics
    • Database (MariaDB) properties
  • ADSB_producer

    The producer simulates the stream of ADS-B data. It allows specifying the frequency of the messages and the data filtering parameters such as aircraft serial, its localization or altitude. The raw, real-time ADS-B data is preprocessed according to the same steps that have been taken during the training set preparation. Subsequently, that data is published to corresponding Kafka topic, so that we can use it to make a real-time prediction and visualization of the aircraft position.

  • ADSB_preprocessing

    Performs the ADS-B data preprocessing that includes:

    • exploding the measurements JSON array,
    • extracting the sensor, timestamp and RSSI information from an array of measurements,
    • conducting timestamps synchronization,
    • adding the sensor localization data,
    • performing the feature extraction,
    • filling missing values.
  • predict

    • Subscribes to a real-time stream of records in given Kafka topic
    • Performs real-time data normalization and prediction using one of the available models:
      • Pytorch TabNet
      • Apache Spark Gradient-boosted trees
      • Sklearn Random forest regressor
    • Calculates the average prediction-target distance error in kilometres
    • Sends the predictions, targets, distance error, timeAtServer and aircraft serial number to the Kafka topic
  • flights_map

    The real-time flight radar map developed using the Flask web framework, leaflet.js, chart.js and JavaScript. The index.html file can be found in the templates directory - here. The static directory should contain the following files: CSS, chart.js, leaflet-hotline and leaflet-rotatedmarker files as well as the logo and the plane icon.

    The ADS-B Flight Radar can be accessed under the following URL in your browser - http://localhost:5001/

    You can click on the plane icon to visualize its route and depict the altitude graph.


Dataset can be downloaded from the Aircraft Localization Competition official website - AIcrowd.

Dataset folder structure is as follows:

	├── round2/
		├── round2_training1.csv
		├── round2_training2.csv 
		├── round2_training3.csv 
		├── round2_sensors.csv 

	├── round2_competition.csv
	|── round2_sensors.csv 

More detailed background information on the provided data can be found here


  1. Install Docker for your system -

  2. Create a directory for mysql data persisted by Docker:

    • cd adsb-flight-localization
    • mkdir mysql
  3. Change the MariaDB and Kafka configuration in

    • mariadb_hostname = 'mariadb'
    • kafka_config = {'servers': ['kafka:9092']}
  4. Build and run the Docker containers:

    Change directory to docker:

    • cd docker

    Set START_RADAR='true' if you want to run the ADSB producer, perform the aircraft localization prediction and launch the flights_map Flask application while starting the Docker containers, otherwise set START_RADAR='false'

    Start the Docker containers without running the ADS-B Flight-Radar, for example, to perform data preprocessing or model training:

    • START_RADAR='false' docker compose up

    Start the Docker containers and the ADS-B Flight-Radar:

    • START_RADAR='true' docker compose up

    If you are starting it for the first time, the docker compose up command begins with building the containers from specified images and Dockerfiles. This process might be compute-intensive, thus if you are experiencing issues (OOM), try to build the jupyter-spark container on its own by executing the following command:

    • cd adsb-flight-localization
    • docker build . -t jupyter-spark:1.0 -f docker/jupyter-spark/Dockerfile

    You can access the Jupyter Notebook (running in Docker) by opening the following URL in your browser (host): http://localhost:8888. If you are asked about the access token, copy it from the console. ADS-B Flight-Radar can be accessed by opening http://localhost:5001.



Apache Spark and Kafka run on JAVA 8/11. Hence, we will start by installing the Java SE Development Kit 8:

  1. Download the JDK from the official site -
  2. Create the directory for JDK:
  • sudo mkdir /usr/lib/jvm
  1. Extract the JDK repository:
  • cd /usr/lib/jvm
  • sudo tar -xvzf jdk-8u281-linux-x64.tar.gz
  1. Set $JAVA_HOME environmental variable in .bashrc file:
    • export JAVA_HOME='/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_281'
  2. Verify the version of the JDK with the following command:
  • java -version

Apache Spark:

  1. Download Apache Spark from
  2. Go to the directory where spark zip file was downloaded and unpack it:
    • tar -zxvf spark-3.0.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz
  3. In .bashrc file configure other environmental variables for Spark:
    • export SPARK_HOME='spark-3.0.0-bin-hadoop2.7'
    • export PATH=$SPARK_HOME:$PATH
    • export PATH=$PATH:$SPARK_HOME/bin
    • export PYTHONPATH=$SPARK_HOME/python;%SPARK_HOME%\python\lib\
    • export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON="python"
    • export PYSPARK_PYTHON=python3

Apache Kafka

  1. Donwload Kafka:
    • wget
  2. Unpack Kafka repository:
    • tar -xvf kafka_2.12-2.7.0.tgz
  3. Create a symbolic link:
    • ln -s kafka_2.12-2.7.0 kafka

Setting up a multi-broker cluster:

  1. Create a config file for each of the brokers using sample properties:

    • cd kafka_2.12-2.7.0
    • cp config/ config/
    • cp config/ config/
  2. Now edit these new files and set the following properties:

    config/ delete.topic.enable=true listeners=PLAINTEXT://:9093 log.dirs=/tmp/kafka-logs-1

    config/ delete.topic.enable=true listeners=PLAINTEXT://:9094 log.dirs=/tmp/kafka-logs-2


  1. Update the apt packages index:
    • sudo apt update
  2. Install MariaDB by running the following command:
    • sudo apt install mariadb-server

Python packages:

Install all packages included in requirements.txt

  1. Create a virtual environment (conda, virtualenv etc.).
    • conda create -n <env_name> python=3.7
  2. Activate your environment.
    • conda activate <env_name>
  3. Install requirements.
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Restart your environment.
    • conda deactivate
    • conda activate <env_name>


  1. To install Node.js run the following commands:
    • curl -fsSL | bash -
    • apt-get install -y nodejs
  2. Verify that the Node.js and npm were successfully installed:
    • node --version
    • npm --version


  1. Install Leaflet.js using npm package manager:
    • npm install leaflet
  2. You will find the Leaflet release files in node_modules/leaflet/dist.
  3. To extend the Leaflet.js capabilities we will install two additional plugins:
    • npm install leaflet-hotline
    • npm install leaflet-rotatedmarker


  1. Use npm to install Chart.js:
    • npm install chart.js


All indispensable JAR files can be found in jar_files directory.


A. Data inspection and preprocessing as well as training of the ML models.

  1. Specify your configuration by modifying file:
    • MariaDB properties
    • Kafka brokers addresses and topics
  2. Run and follow the data_inspection notebook to get an insight into the nature of the data.
  3. Create the MariaDB database by running the script (not necessary if you want to store preprocessed data in the HDF5 file)
  4. Use the data_preprocessing notebook to perform the preprocessing of the entire training dataset (consists of 3 files).
  5. Run the prepare_eval_test_datasets notebook to make the evaluation and test sets ready.
  6. Run the training_ensemble notebook to build the Random forest regressor and the Gradient-boosted trees estimators from the training set:
  7. Use the training_TabNet notebook to train the TabNet neural network model.

B. Real-time data preprocessing, prediction and visualization.

  1. Before each run of the application we have to start the ZooKeeper and Kafka brokers:

    1. Start the ZooKeeper:

      • cd zookeeper/
      • bin/ start conf/
    2. Check if it started correctly:

      • bin/ status conf/
    3. Start the Kafka nodes:

      • cd kafka/
      • bin/ config/
      • bin/ config/
      • bin/ config/
  2. Create the Kafka topics if you run the application for the first time (list of sample topics can be found in file):

    1. Create topic:

      • bin/ --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --replication-factor 3 --partitions 1 --topic topic_name
    2. List available topics:

      • bin/ --list --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
  3. Run the flights_map Flask application and then go to the http://localhost:5001/ to access the map.

  4. Then we can run the to preprocess and publish the real-time ADS-B data to the Kafka topic.

  5. To make a real-time prediction run file (only data that comes after is launched is going to be considered).

  6. Observe the real-time aircraft localization predictions using the Flight Radar map (http://localhost:5001/). You can click on the plane icon to visualize its route and depict the altitude graph.
