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215 lines (164 loc) · 5.83 KB

File metadata and controls

215 lines (164 loc) · 5.83 KB

ng-util 1.0.9

Small utility library for angular.js

Warning: Great effort is taken to ensure as small as possible size, while also maintaining performance. If you mess up, you may see extremely vague error messages. With this in mind, it might make sense to use unminified version for development, and minified for production.


bower install ng-util --save


  1. include the script in page. <script src="bower_components/ng-util/dist/util.min.js"></script>

  2. add module as dependency to app


  1. usage in controller.


		next(null,item * 3);
		next(null,item * 3);
		//do something

  1. usage in router as module loader (ui-router is shown).

			name: 'foo',
			controller: 'FooCtrl',
			url: '/',
			templateUrl: 'templates/app.html',
			resolve: {
				'loadDeps': ['$util',function($util){
					return $util.load('/path/to/myModule.js','/path/to/myModule.css'); //simply return the promise.

configuration $utilProvider

You can configure the module at run time like so:

var app = angular.module('myApp',['$util']);


		cacheBust: true, // cache busting - useful for development. appends ?_v= to query string, ensuring new code always loaded regardless of cacheing.
		extend: function($util){
			//extend the service
			$ = function(){
				console.log('hello world!');
		version: '1.0.0' // file versioning - useful for production. appends ?v= to path as query string, offering fine grain control over cache invalidation.

options list


  • cacheBust Boolean
  • extend Function

named dependencies lists

var app = angular.module('myApp',['$util']);


		'Search': {
			series: true,
			files: ['/services/SearchService.js','/components/SearchComponent.js','/controllers/SearchController.js']
		'Home': {
			series: false,
			files: ['/owl.carousel/owl.carousel.css','/ow.carousel/owl.carousel.min.js','/angular-owl-carousel2/angular-owl-carousel2.js','/controllers/HomeController.js']
			name: 'index',
			controller: 'HomeController',
			url: '/',
			templateUrl: 'templates/Home.html',
			resolve: {
				'loadDeps': ['$util',function($util){
					return $util.loadDeps('Home');
			name: 'search',
			controller: 'SearchController',
			url: '/search?q&page&locale',
			templateUrl: 'templates/Search.html',
			resolve: {
				'loadDeps': ['$util',function($util){
					return $util.loadDeps('Search');

factory $util

  1. async - void async( Array items, Function( item, next(error,result) ), Function( errors,results ) )

    async execution, guaranteed return order

  2. sync - void sync( Array items, Function( item, next(error,result) ), Function( errors,results ) )

    sync execution, guaranteed return order

  3. load - Promise load( ...Array files )

    loads dependencies. returns promise. can be used anywhere $utils can be injected. pass file path's as array or individual arguments. arguments are extracted and flattened so you can choose whichever syntax is most readable to you. first argument can optionally make function behave async or sync. default is async. example:

    $util.load(true,['somefile.js','someotherfile.js']);//result = scripts loaded synchronously, one at a time.
    $util.load('sync','somefile.js','someotherfile.js');//result = same as above.
    $util.load([false,'somefile.js','someotherfile.js']);//result = scripts loaded async, which is default.
    $util.load('async','somefile.js',['someMoreFiles.js','anotherfile.js']); //result = same as above.
  4. loadDeps - Promise loadDeps( ...Array dependencies )

    loads dependencies by key that have been defined using $utilProvider.dependencies() configuration function.

  5. uuid_v4 - String uuid_v4()

    generates an RFC 4122 (v4) compliant uuid and returns it as a string

  6. flatten - Array flatten( Array arr )

    flattens nested arrays.

  7. random_int - Number random_int( Number min, Number max )

    generates a random int between min and max (inclusive)

  8. slugify - String slugify( String text )

    creates an seo friendly "slugified" url from a string

  9. approximate_count - String approximate_count( Number number )

    human readable number formatting like on facebook, twitter, stackoverflow, etc eg.( 943,1,352,5.8m, 3.4k )

  10. query_str - String query_str( Obj queryParams )

    Object to query string (non nested, simple objects only). output includes ? prefix


  1. ng-filechange

    adds ng-filechange which is curiously missing from angular.js allows you to react to a filechange usage <input type="file" ng-filechange="someFunc(files)" />


  1. uc_words

    same as the uc_words() function in php. it capitalized every word in a string and returns the resultant string. usage <span>{{ title|uc_words }}</span>

  2. approximate_count

    see docs for $util.approximate_count() usage <span>{{ user.followers|approximate_count }}</span>