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Core annotations

Jean Bisutti edited this page Nov 18, 2020 · 52 revisions

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Configure core annotations with a global scope


Measures the execution time of the test method.

⚠️ Be cautious with time measurement results. It is a rough and first level result. Data has no meaning below the ~second/millisecond. JIT warm-up, GC, or safe points can impact the measure and its reproducibility. We recommend JMH to do more in-depth experiments.

See also ExpectMaxExecutionTime annotation.

πŸ”Ž Example

      public void test_method() {

On the console:

[QUICK PERF] Execution time of the test method: 5 s 289 ms (5 289 245 600 ns)


The test will fail if the execution time exceeds the maximum expected.

It can be useful to configure @ExpectMaxExecutionTime with a global scope.

⚠️ Be cautious with time measurement results. It is a rough and first level result. Data has no meaning below the ~second/millisecond. JIT warm-up, GC, or safe points can impact the measure and its reproducibility. We recommend JMH to do more in-depth experiments.

See also MeasureExecutionTime annotation.

πŸ”§ Elements

Name Type Meaning Default value
hours int Number of hours 0
minutes int Number of minutes 0
seconds int Number of seconds 0
milliSeconds int Number of milli seconds 0

You can use several @ExpectMaxExecutionTime elements together, as shown in the following example.

πŸ”Ž Example

@ExpectMaxExecutionTime(seconds = 2)

On the console:

[PERF] Execution time of the test method expected to be less than <2 s> but is <5 s 286 ms (5 285 734 000 ns)>


Displays applied QuickPerf annotations in the console.

Displays all applied QuickPerf annotations.

An annotation can have three scopes (global, test class, test method). @DisplayAppliedAnnotations is useful to see which annotations are applied to a test method.

πŸ”Ž Example

      public class AClassWithVariousCoolAnnotations {

           public void test_method {


On the console:

[QUICK PERF] Applied annotations:
@DisableLikeWithLeadingWildcard, @ExpectMaxSelect(value=5), @ProfileJvm, @DebugQuickPerf

QuickPerf won't display @DisplayAppliedAnnotations as part of the applied annotations in the output message.


Disables QuickPerf annotations having a global scope.

πŸ”§ Elements

Name Type Meaning Default value
comment String To comment on the reason why global annotations are disabled. -


Disables all QuickPerf annotations on every scope (test, method, global).

πŸ”§ Elements

Name Type Meaning Default value
comment String To comment on the reason why QuickPerf annotations are disabled. -


The FunctionalIteration annotation shows we are implementing the functional, not performance-related behavior. A typical use case is the development of a new feature. First, this annotation allows us to focus on the implementation of functional behavior by disabling global annotations. In a second step, we remove FunctionalIteration to re-enable global annotations. Later on, we may also add other QuickPerf annotations on the test method.

FunctionalIteration and @DisableQuickPerf annotations both disables QuickPerf annotations. FunctionalIteration helps to describe clearly that we want to work on the functionnal behavior first.


Allows to debug QuickPerf execution by displaying information on the console. For example, this annotation gives the JVM options added by QuickPerf.

πŸ”Ž Example

       public class ADebuggedClass {
            @ExpectMaxQueryExecutionTime(thresholdInMilliSeconds = 2)
            public void retrieveSomething() {

On the console:

  ---- | -----------------------------------------
  Prio | Recorder
  ---- | -----------------------------------------
  2000 | org.quickperf.sql.PersistenceSqlRecorder
  2001 | org.quickperf.sql.display.DisplaySqlRecorder
  2002 | org.quickperf.sql.display.DisplaySqlOfTestMethodBodyRecorder
  2003 | org.quickperf.sql.batch.SqlStatementBatchRecorder
  5070 | org.quickperf.jvm.rss.ProcessStatusRecorder
  6000 | org.quickperf.jvm.jfr.JfrEventsRecorder
  6030 | org.quickperf.jvm.allocation.bytewatcher.ByteWatcherRecorder
  ---- | -----------------------------------------
  Prio | Recorder
  ---- | -----------------------------------------
  3000 | org.quickperf.jvm.allocation.bytewatcher.ByteWatcherRecorder
  3030 | org.quickperf.jvm.jfr.JfrEventsRecorder
  3060 | org.quickperf.jvm.rss.ProcessStatusRecorder
  7000 | org.quickperf.sql.PersistenceSqlRecorder
  7001 | org.quickperf.sql.display.DisplaySqlRecorder
  7002 | org.quickperf.sql.display.DisplaySqlOfTestMethodBodyRecorder
  7003 | org.quickperf.sql.batch.SqlStatementBatchRecorder

Configure core annotations with a global scope

Annotations with a global scope apply to each test.

org.quickperf.annotation.CoreAnnotationBuilder helps to configure core annotations with a global scope.

πŸ”Ž Example

package org.quickperf;

import org.quickperf.annotation.CoreAnnotationBuilder;
import org.quickperf.config.SpecifiableGlobalAnnotations;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;

public class QuickPerfConfiguration implements SpecifiableGlobalAnnotations {

    public Collection<Annotation> specifyAnnotationsAppliedOnEachTest() {

        return Arrays.asList(




⚠️ The class implementing SpecifiableGlobalAnnotations has to be in the org.quickperf package.


πŸ‘‰ Β Core

πŸ‘‰ Β JVM

πŸ‘‰ Β SQL

πŸ‘‰ Β Scopes

πŸ‘‰ Β Create an annotation

Supported frameworks

πŸ‘‰ Β JUnit 4

πŸ‘‰ Β JUnit 5

πŸ‘‰ Β TestNG

πŸ‘‰ Β Spring

How to

πŸ‘‰ Β Detect and fix N+1 SELECT

Project examples

πŸ‘‰ Β Maven performance

πŸ‘‰ Β Spring Boot - JUnit 4

πŸ‘‰ Β Spring Boot - JUnit 5

πŸ‘‰ Β Micronaut Data - JUnit 5

πŸ‘‰ Β Micronaut - Spring - JUnit 5

πŸ‘‰ Β Quarkus - JUnit 5


πŸ‘‰ Β FAQ

πŸ‘‰ Β QuickPerf code

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