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206 lines (160 loc) · 5.94 KB

File metadata and controls

206 lines (160 loc) · 5.94 KB

Badger Mobile Wallet

Your gateway to the world of Bitcoin Cash (BCH) apps.

Badger Mobile Wallet is a Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) wallet. Designed to be simple and straightforward to highlight exciting world of BCH and SLP.

Feature Highlights

  • BCH Wallet
    • Wallet on 145 derivation path
    • Multi-currency fiat conversions for display
  • SLP vault
    • Wallet on 245 derivation path
    • All of your SLP tokens in one place
  • BIP70 support
    • BCH
    • SLP
  • Paper wallet wif sweeping
    • BCH - Bitcoin Cash paper wallets
    • SLP - Simple Token paper wallets

Planned Roadmap

  • Cashscript Integration
    • Contract initialized with base derived address
    • Custom Cashscript contract creation
  • Custom REST API Endpoint
    • Migrate from Bitbox-sdk to BCH-js
    • Allow for rate limit increase
  • Offline Address Signing / Aggregation
    • Signing & authenticating messages
    • Support Schnorr signature aggregation
  • Improve Documentation / UX
    • Map out wallet architecture
    • Redesign UX into multi-purpose tool

Application Overview

Primary Technology

  • react-native
    • redux
    • react-navigation
    • styled-components
  • bitbox-sdk
  • slp-sdk
  • prettier
  • yarn
  • TypeScript

File Structure

  • /
    • Configuration files and project setup
    • assets/
      • Images and fonts packaged with the app
    • /atoms/
      • Lowest level UI components, such as Text, Buttons, Spacer, etc
    • /components/
      • UI components used throughout the app, should be mainly composed of atoms with additional logic
    • /data/
      • The redux store, and all data management logic
    • /navigation/
      • The router of the application
    • /screens/
      • Top level screens, these are what the navigation renders
    • /themes/
      • App color files
    • /hooks/
      • Custom react hooks
    • /utils/
      • Utility methods, mainly for Bitcoin Cash (BCH) related logic
    • /ios/
      • iOS specific project files, modify these through xCode
    • /android/
      • Android specific project files


All data which lives longer than a single screen is stored in redux, the structure of which can be found in the /data folder.

Local State and React Lifecycle

Only use Functional Components with React and stick to using the hook paradigm; except for rare exceptions.
Keeping the entire app on this single pattern will make the code more consistent, future-proof, and easier to maintain.


All styling is done with the styled-components library.
Most of the base components we reuse should be turned into atoms and put into the /atoms folder.

To reuse variables throughout the app (like colo and spacing), define them in one of the ./themes files.


Navigation is managed with the react-navigation library. To contain the logic of navigation in a single place, keep all navigation and router setup in the /navigation folder.

Development Setup

This project use react-native. Please refer to the React Native documentation to get the iOS or Android emulator installed and running before running badger-mobile

Run Local Tests

yarn test

Initial Setup

iOS Setup

> yarn install
> cd ios
> pod install
> cd ..
> yarn run ios

Different iOS Device

> yarn run ios --simulator="iPhone 11 Pro Max"
> yarn run ios --simulator="iPhone 11 Pro"
> yarn run ios --simulator="iPhone 8 Plus"
> yarn run ios --simulator="iPhone 6"
> yarn run ios --simulator="iPhone SE"
> yarn run ios --simulator="iPhone X"

iOS Store Deployment

  1. Load project in XCode
  2. Update version & build numbers
  3. Product > archive project
  4. Sign with deployment keys
  5. Go to the Apple web console to create release
  6. Test on testflight
  7. Release to production

Android Setup

Generate Debug Keystore

  • Required for local development
  • Generate a debug keystore in android/app
    1. cd android/app
    2. keytool -genkey -v -keystore debug.keystore -storepass android -alias androiddebugkey -keypass android -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

Setup Release Keystore

  1. Required for releases
  2. Follow the steps to sign an apk
  3. generate or place the badger-mobile-release.keystore file and put into /android/app
    • Get this from the project lead
  4. update android/ with the keystore filename and password. Template below. Template

MYAPP_RELEASE_STORE_FILE=badger-mobile-release.keystoregit update-index --assume-unchanged android/
MYAPP_RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD= - - - - - - - - - -
  • Suggestion to not commit secrets by mistake: git update-index --assume-unchanged android/

Android Local Install

> yarn install
> Start an Android device - either
  > Android emulator from Android Studio
  > Physical device with USB debugging enabled
> yarn run jetify
 > jetify only required once
> yarn run android

Create Bundles'n'Builds

  • Increment versionCode in android/app/build.gradle
  • Build .apk
    • The .apk file is good for distributing online, or for sending to people direct to sideload.
    • > yarn run android-build
  • Bundle the build
    • The bundle is be used to distributed on the Play Store.
    • > yarn run android-bundle

Android Store Deployment

  • Go to Play console
  • Upload the bundle to a new internal test release
  • Launch to internal test group
  • QA - and testing
  • Fix issues, repeat from beginning
  • Launch to beta
  • Launch to production
  • Update the universal .apk on