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executable file
9320 lines (6217 loc) · 212 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
9320 lines (6217 loc) · 212 KB

Useful commands By @climagic

  • See who's on the Starbucks...
❯❯  tshark -ni en0 -Y "bootp.option.type == 53" -T fields -e bootp.option.hostname -e eth.src_resolved
  • Stop the execution of pid 5149. Same as if you pressed Ctrl-Z in the shell. Resume execution with kill -CONT 5149
❯❯ kill -STOP 5149
  • Find world readable files under CWD that have "password=" in them
❯❯ find . -type f -perm /o=r -print0 | xargs -0 grep -l password=
  • Random curses
import curses as c
import random as r
s = c.initscr()
w = c.newwin(3,7,9,9)
while 1:
    c = s.getch()
    if (c == 32): # Press Spacebar
  • Next time your publishing friends say they can't use the command line, let them know about
  • The ? matches any one character in that place, * matches 0 or more of any character
❯❯ ls -l 091?17*.jpg
  • sshfs is a util that uses FUSE and SSH to mount a remote directory as a local one.
Deb: ❯❯ apt-get install sshfs
Mac OSX: ❯❯ brew install sshfs
Red Hat: ❯❯ yum install fuse-sshfs
Yes Arch too: ❯❯ pacman -S sshfs

❯❯ sshfs user@remotehost: /remotedir localdir
  • Sort data.csv by the 5th column's numeric values in descending order
❯❯ sort -t, -k5nr data.csv | less
  • Count how many times per second the word love is used on Twitter in real time.
❯❯ t stream search -l love |pv -l  >/dev/null
  • Forgot your pres. remote ? use your phone
❯❯ ssh machine "while read -r; do DISPLAY=:0 xdotool getactivewindow key space; done
  • Math properties of 0 and unset variables

(disclaimer: I received $0 for this tweet and have not "sold out")

❯❯ echo $((you**IBM))
  • Edit binary files in a vi like editor
  • Setup vim so that scrolling within a file will provide 5 lines of preceding context before the cursor
❯❯ :set scrolloff=5
  • Make your own spooky noises with sox
❯❯ play -n synth sin 900 bend 0.3,800,1 bend 1.2,-150,1 trim 0 3.5 reverb -w
  • Get the creation date of a domain. Happy anniversary Slashdot
❯❯ whois | awk '/Creation Date/{print $NF}'
  • Print the first 5 log lines from each day in syslog
❯❯ awk 'a[$1 $2]++ < 5' /var/log/system.log
  • Please watch my recent presentation on using awk to analyze logs from the @Bro_IDS
  • Print the longest line in quotes.txt
❯❯ awk 'length > max { max=length;maxline=$0 } END { print maxline; }' quotes.txt
  • Can't wait for the next paycheck? I made 100MB in 5 seconds working from the comfort of my own home
❯❯ yum makecache fast
  • Posting this just because it's so awesome. :-)
  • Generate line stats of a problem over time in old logs. FIXED
❯❯ for i in log.{48..1}.gz ; do printf "$i\\t" ; zgrep problem $i | wc -l ; done
  • Alt. way you can exclude items from a glob match is to expand the glob with Ctrl-x * and then just remove the items you don't want
❯❯ [C-x] *
  • Measure the disk space used by directories starting with a-m, skip exports dir
❯❯ du -sh [a-m]*/ --exclude=export/
  • Measure the disk space used by directories AND FILES starting with a-m, skip export dir
❯❯ du -sh -I export [a-m]*
  • Decode a hex encoded string
❯❯ echo %42%65%20%63%61%72%65%66%75%6c%20%77%68%61%74%2f%68%6f%77%20%79%6f%75%20%64%65%63%6f%64%65%0a | xxd -p -r
  • Show a list of the other candidates for an open source SMB service. Happy 25 Years Samba!
❯❯ look . | egrep "^s.*m.*b" | egrep "^.{4,9}$
  • Stats for most common DOW for these wav files between May and Sept
❯❯ ls 2017-0[5-9]-??.wav |cut -c 1-11 |date -f- +%A |sort|uniq -c|sort -nr
  • Base conversion: calculate binary 1101 ...
❯❯ printf '%x\\n' $((2#1101))
  • Please raise your bar for what you consider proof of pwn
❯❯ clear ; printf " # "; sleep 1 ; scrot -bu CanBeFaked.png
  • This is an easy way to join a file into one line if you're in a hurry. Be careful with large data though, might truncate
❯❯ xargs < file.txt
  • compare folder contents and show the difference @climagic
❯❯  diff -rq dir1 dir2
  • This will load your key into the ssh-agent session so that you can login to hosts without requiring your passphrase each time
❯❯ ssh-add
  • Have more than one tmux sessions running? Start tmux first and this keystroke lets you choose other tmux sessions easily
❯❯ [Ctrl-b] s
  • Fixed headline for a @zackwhittaker article
❯❯ elinks |sed -e 's/Apache Struts security flaw/the fact that/' |less
  • Sometimes error text scrolls by too fast and you can't read it. Try sending STDOUT to /dev/null to see STDERR
❯❯ column -t log > /dev/null
  • Did you know that if your output from 'less' is a pipe, it behaves like cat
❯❯ less log log.2 log.3 | grep " 404 " | more
  • Sometimes in cases where columns are truncated, you can make them visible by passing output through cat
❯❯ dpkg -l '*4.10.0*' | cat
  • Run sudo on the last command in your history. Be careful though. & [Ctrl-a] sudo can be fast too and perhaps safer
❯❯ sudo !!
  • Infinite "music"
❯❯ perl -e \'use bytes; for($t=0;;$t++){ print chr($t*(($t > >13|$t > >8)&30&$t > >4)); }\' | play -t raw -b8 -r8k -e un - vol 0.5
  • "Infinite" data breach
❯❯ while :;do rig |head -1 |tr \'\\n\' ,;echo $RANDOM{,,,,} |tr -d \' \' ;done |sed -r -e \'s/,(...)(..)(....).*/,\\1-\\2-\\3/\'
  • 39 character infinite ASCII maze generator
❯❯ grep -ao "[/\\\\]" /dev/urandom|tr -d \\\\n
  • Pretend you are on a starship (Uses sox)
❯❯ play -n -c1 synth whitenoise band -n 100 20 band -n 50 20 gain +30 fade h 1 86400 1
  • Rename all non-hidden files under current directory by replacing spaces with underscores. Uses Larry Wall's 'rename
❯❯ rename 's/ /_/g' *
  • Create an alias for awk that includes your own custom awk functions
❯❯ alias ohmyawk='awk -i ~/.awk/myfunctions'
  • Show the most recent 20 lines of dmesg with the times converted to local human readable times
❯❯ dmesg -T | tail -n20
  • Bro_IDS cols by name in awk
❯❯ awk -F\\\\t \'/^#fields/{for (i=2;i&lt;=NF;i++){bro[$i]=i-1}} {print $bro["=ts"] FS $bro["id.resp_h"]}\' http.log
  • Remove all the exif metadata tags from photo.jpg to improve privacy before uploading. Thanks @dmpop
❯❯ exiftool -all= photo.jpg
  • If you can't make it to watch totality
❯❯ stellarium --sky-date 20170821 --sky-time 14:27:00 --longitude 87.342581W --latitude 36.782564N
  • Solve the basic arithmetic CAPTCHA
❯❯ elinks -dump | awk -F: '/Math question:/{print $2}' | bc
  • Get a list of 10/8 internal IPs showing up in col 3 or 4
❯❯ awk '$3~/^src:10\\./{print $3};$4~/^dest:10\\./{print $4}' network.log |sort |uniq
  • Poly synth. Press asdfghj. Uses sox
❯❯ n=CDEFGAB;l=asdfghj;while read -n1 k;do x=$(tr $l $n < $k);play -qn synth pl ${x}3 fade 0 .7 & done
  • Asked 5 years ago this month
❯❯ elinks | grep viewed
  • Maybe this is the problem. The vi man page doesn't even mention how to quit
❯❯ man vi | grep -i quit
  • Breakup large log by syslog month/day and recompress
❯❯ zcat month.log.gz | awk \'{print $0 | "gzip -v9c > brokenup.log-"$1"_"$2".gz"}\'
  • What speakers are not on the attendees list
❯❯ comm -23 <(sort speaker.emails |tr A-Z a-z |uniq) <(sort attendee.emails |tr A-Z a-z |uniq)
  • GNU
❯❯ Geez, it sure does take a while for sort to print its help information." (Hint: It\'s --help)
  • Format a list of emails so that when you paste them into Outlook (ugh!), it breaks them up into individual addrs
❯❯ tr $'\\n' \\; < email-list
  • Produce stats on how many images you took on each day, regardless of strange filenaming schemes
❯❯ stat -c %y *.jpg | cut -c1-10 | uniq -c
  • Produce stats on how many photos you took on each day to help find the ones in large batches
❯❯ ls -1 20170*.JPG| cut -c1-8 | uniq -c
  • Print out the total local disk space you are using. Thanks @inc002
❯❯ df -lk | awk \'/^\\//{ SUM += $3 } END { print SUM/2**20 " GiB" }\'
  • Get a list of instructors from a webpage
❯❯ elinks -dump-width 1000 -dump | awk -F: '/Instructor/{print $2}'
  • You can put this in your shell rc to help protect yourself specifically from :(){ :|:& };:
❯❯ :(){ true; };readonly -f :
  • Generate a list of the emails($3) of speakers($8) in an attendee file
❯❯ awk -F\\\\t -v IGNORECASE=1 '$8~/speaker/{print $3}' attendees.tsv
  • Use -D to create a SOCKS5 tunnel inside your SSH connection. Some programs (like a web browser) can use these
❯❯ ssh -D 1917
  • Using a \ before a command also turns off programmable auto tab completion when the extension is not recognized
❯❯ \\mpg123 audio<TAB >
  • cd with no arguments will return you to $HOME
❯❯ cd
  • Watch the Unix clock in style as it approaches 1.5 billion seconds. >10 hours to go
❯❯ while date +%s | figlet ; do sleep 1 ; clear ; done
  • Backup pictures while on travel, but exclude larger RAW images for now
❯❯ rsync -zav -e ssh . user@remote:europe-backup/ --exclude='*.CR2'
  • Render #markdown in the shell.
❯❯ function mdr() { pandoc $1 | lynx -stdin -dump }
  • Kill process if its not updating files (5 min)
❯❯ [[ $( find $HOME/output -type f -mmin -5 | wc -l ) -eq 0 ]] && pkill -f '/usr/bin/whatever'
  • Using your group privilege, mount (removable drive) /dev/sdc1 as if it automounted with its name
❯❯ udisksctl mount -b /dev/sdc1
  • Check the weather for the next few days in Alexandria
❯❯ curl
  • A "rainbow" in your shell
❯❯ yes "$(seq 231 -1 16)" | while read i; do printf "\\x1b[48;5;${i}m\\n"; sleep .02; done
  • Get YT autogen subtitles
❯❯ youtube-dl --write-auto-sub -f 139 -o subtitles CUdwDEKlDrw; grep '<c.color' subtitles.en.vtt|sed 's/<[^ >]\\+ >//g'
  • Print a list of all the classes defined in a #Java jar
❯❯ jar tvf path/to/some.jar | awk '{print $NF}
  • If your Linux device names are long enough that it wraps lines, try using -hP and pipe to column for nicer output
❯❯ df -hP | column -t
  • Randomware
❯❯ dd if=/dev/random of=dont-run-this.bin bs=128 count=$RANDOM ; chmod a+x dont-run-this.bin
  • Show how many emails are distinctly on the CTSC sw vuln list for @TrustedCI
❯❯ comm -13 <(sort announce-inf-l) <(sort announce-sw-l) | wc -l
  • Sed explained with examples
  • Print the number and column name to help write awk expressions
❯❯ head -1 data.csv | tr , $'\\n' | nl
  • Use rlwrap to add readline functionality to nc (or other cmds). Thx rk[ghost] on
❯❯ rlwrap nc smtp.example 25
  • Pause execution of any process called render. As if you pressed Ctrl-Z in shell. Resume with 'killall -CONT render
❯❯ killall -STOP render
  • Finish a download started by a previous instance of wget, or even by another program. 56K respect
❯❯ wget -c
  • Tell the Linux kernel that there have been partition table changes. Great when running live after fdisk
❯❯ sudo partprobe
  • Find out what country/state/city an IP is probably "located" in. No browser required (geoip-bin dpkg)
❯❯ geoiplookup
  • How to "make" /dev/one (377 in octal is 0xFF hex or all 8 bits on, but you knew that :)
❯❯ tr \'\\000\' \'\\377\' < /dev/zero
❯❯ telnet
  • Another TUI program providing network statistics in the terminal. Thx @maxmeranda @hholst80 for reminding me about this cool command
❯❯ bmon
  • iptraf is a nice standalone real time network monitoring and stats utility for Linux that runs in the terminal
❯❯ iptraf
  • Force each dd command in the process table to output its current status (blocks written, etc). The USR1 signal does this
❯❯ killall -USR1 dd
  • Recover deleted files from /dev/sdc1. Right now I'm listening to "deleted" mp3s of Sigur Rós from a reused thumb drive
❯❯ photorec /dev/sdc1
  • Show a 3 month view (last month, current month, next month) in the Linux and FreeBSD versions of cal
❯❯ cal -3
  • Change less' binary view format to not use reverse video on 8-bit chars. Used this for a screenshot
❯❯ LESSBINFMT="*n<%02X >" less /bin/ls
  • Duo from two geolocations on the same date. k1=dateuser k2=geolocation
❯❯ The last one prints cases where a user tries to authenticate to
  • Print lines in log where epoch time (col 1) is before 8am or after 5pm EDT
❯❯ awk '($1 % 86400 < 43200 || $1 % 86400 > 75600) {print}' log
  • Change to /pub and then change back to the dir you were in before. Thanks for the drinks @jed & @laufers
❯❯ cd /pub ; cd -
  • World maps from OpenStreetMap right in your terminal w/ mouse support. Arrow keys & a/z to zoom, or mouse. Thx @adman_X
❯❯ telnet mapscii\\.me
  • There is something kinda fun about using your mouse scroll wheel in elinks from anywhere
❯❯ elinks
  • Print the Unicode emoticons block codes and symbols
❯❯ for i in 1F6{0..4}{{0..9},{A..F}} ; do printf "\\\\\\\\U$i \\U$i\\n" ; done
  • Some commands send their help output to STDERR, Using |& in BASH 4+ sends STDERR to STDIN of next command
❯❯ snmpwalk -h |& grep OID
  • TheUnixWay
❯❯ If you happen to use @HipChat (like at work), did you know you can use s/find/replace/ in it just like in sed?
  • 2 commands, 1 grep
❯❯ { dig +short AAAA towel.blinkenlights\\.nl ; dig +short A towel.blinkenlights\\.nl; } | grep --color=always 42
  • StarWars in ASCII. Also, towel!
❯❯ telnet towel.blinkenlights\\.nl
❯❯ [ Attacks Subtitle Parser ]
  • Generate list of all authors in git repos under repos/
❯❯ for repo in repos/* ; do git -C "$repo" log | grep ^Author: ; done | sort | uniq
  • Function to shorten this commonly used command line pattern & allow for options for final sort
❯❯ topuniq(){ sort|uniq -c|sort "${@:--rn}"; }
  • Check fails from non-workplace
❯❯ awk -F, \'$6=="FAILURE" && $10 == "US" && $12 !~ /(Walla Walla|Crystal Lake)/\' duo-authentication-report.csv
  • ImageMagick's command 'animate' allows you to view animated gifs direct from the URL
❯❯ animate http://climagic\\.org/images/rice-spinner.gif
  • Add image to anim gif
❯❯ convert spin.gif -coalesce -gravity NorthEast -draw \'image over 0,0 0,0 "credit.png"\' -layers Optimize spin2.gif
  • Set the search jump target to 10 lines down so that you see 9 previous lines of context on searches within less
❯❯ less -j10 /var/log/syslog
  • You can use a bracketed command to pipe two find outputs into one tar
❯❯ { find /one; find /two; } | tar zcvf one-and-two.tar.gz -T -
  • 7zip can also list the contents of iso images and extract them too. No need to mount the image
❯❯ 7z l philip-glass-linux-0.8-minimal.iso
  • Use stat to display numerical values for file permissions
❯❯ stat -c '%a %n' * https://t.c...
  • Check physical host for vuln. CVE-2017-5689
❯❯ lspci | grep -q -e MEI -e HECI && echo "Check your firmware for Intel AMT vulnerability"
  • I Vound Ze Force
❯❯ man zforce
  • Know your limits
❯❯ getconf -a | sort -k2nr | grep MAX
  • Print the line before a line containing 'password' in the file 'config'
❯❯ sed -n '/password/{x;p};h' config
  • List the filenames that contain the IP address (-F = fixed string only for faster search)
❯❯ grep -F -l *.log
  • UndocumentedFeatures
❯❯ I've been using SSH for decades and I didn't even know this was possible.
  • See what the word inconceivable really means. dict also shows thesaurus entries, which is quick and useful
❯❯ dict inconceivable
  • SSH version change
❯❯ bro-cut -Cd ts host host_p unparsed_version <software.log|awk -F\\\\t \'$2=="" && $3=="22"{if(l!=$4){print;l=$4}}\'
  • :D I guess they broke with the default info page format for this special info page. This cracked me up
❯❯ info man
  • GNU grep has not well documented options --no-group-separator and --group-seprator="\xe2\x96\xac\xe2\x96\xac\xe2\x96\xac\xe2\x96\xac\xe2\x96\xac\xe2\x96\xac"
❯❯ grep -h --no-group-separator 404 *.log
  • Play a video file recent.mp4 at 8x speed, looping it seamlessly forever
❯❯ mplayer recent.mp4 -loop 0 -speed 8
  • The authbind program allows a non-root user to listen on ports below 1024. Needs to be configured first though
❯❯ authbind nc -v -l 80
❯❯ Its
  • Dump information from a CDP frame received on eth0
❯❯ tcpdump -nn -v -i eth0 -s 1500 -c 1 'ether[20:2] == 0x2000'
  • You can reverse a set of "records" using tac with the -s option and a record separator. Used to make globe spin backwards
❯❯ tac -s "^[[H
  • One world, no pv version
❯❯ o=$(curl -Ls bit\\.ly/globe_vt);yes "$o"|perl -ne \'$/="\\e[H";$\\=$/;print "$_";select(undef,undef,undef,1/24);\'
  • ASCII globe animation
❯❯ oneworld=$( curl -Ls http://bit\\.ly/globe_vt );while sleep .1;do pv -L4220 -q  < "$oneworld";done
  • List traffic from inside to outside
❯❯ awk \'$3~/^172\\.16\\./ && $5!~/^172\\.16\\./{printf("%s %s\\n",strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%T", $1),$0)}\' conn.log
  • (remote: base64 -d > file) On short files over complex transfer paths between hosts, try copy/paste the base64 output
❯❯ base64 -w4095 file
  • Get the entries with 4+ null fields and sort the entries by IPv4 (-V) in the 3rd column
❯❯ egrep -- "\\t-\\t-\\t-\\t-\\t" entries.txt |sort -k3V
  • CheckYourPrivilege @climagic
❯❯  sudo -l
  • You can use -e multiple times for multiple expressions. Nice when you have multiple complex items
❯❯ grep -e foo -e bar -e baz file
  • Starts a WebSocket server and prints all requests to stdout @climagic
❯❯  nc -k -l 4444
  • Generate list of installed RPM names(left align) and their packager in formated columns
❯❯ rpm -qa --queryformat "%-47{NAME} %{PACKAGER}\\n
  • Insert all the possible command line completions into the command line you are editing. Life, the Universe and Everything
❯❯ <Meta-* >
  • Operate and get next line. This executes the current line from your history and on return gives you the next history line
❯❯ <Ctrl-o >
  • This indicates to the program that there is no more input. In the shell, this usually closes the shell
❯❯ <Ctrl-d >
  • Delete everything from the cursor to the beginning of the line. This can also be used to clear a password attempt and start over
❯❯ <Ctrl-u >
  • Delete the previous word on the command line (before the cursor). This is highly useful when reusing old commands
❯❯ <Ctrl-w >
  • This is usually equivalent to running 'clear'. Its usually quicker and doesn't leave the command in your command line history
❯❯ <Ctrl-l >
  • Incremental undo of command line edits
❯❯ <Ctrl-_ >
❯❯ <Meta-
  • Insert the last argument from the previous line in the command history into the current line. Different from !$
❯❯ <Meta-. >
  • Move your cursor to the end of the line. Faster than holding down right arrow
❯❯ <Ctrl-e >
  • Move your cursor to the beginning of the line. Faster than holding down left arrow. In screen, you need to press
❯❯ <Ctrl-a >
  • Reverse search through your command history for 'string'. Press Ctrl-r again to continue searching backwards. ESC when done
❯❯ <Ctrl-r >string

❯❯ alias find='sleep $((RANDOM%60+5))
  • Make the flag of Japan with ImageMagick
❯❯ convert -size 150x100 xc:white -fill red -draw 'circle 75,50 75,75' flagofjapan.png
  • Pipe text from Wikipedia into sed, print regex+6 lines
❯❯ elinks |sed -n '/Article 12/,+6p'
  • The pee command can run head and tail on same input. sponge waits for all the data first
❯❯ ping -c100 | sponge | pee head tail
  • Poor man's hacker typer in the terminal
❯❯ locate --regex '\\.c$' | shuf | head -1 | xargs pv -q -L 20
  • Jeez, how far back do these lastlogs go?
❯❯ last -da|cut -c27-30|uniq|awk -v y=$(date +%Y) \'{if(/Jan/){print $0;print "-- " y--}else{print}}\'
  • Show directory size and sort by human readable amount (MB, GB, etc.). Requires GNU sort for -h option
❯❯ du -sh */ | sort -h
  • Copy files (cp) and preserve their timestamps and permissions (-a) while showing what is happening (-v)
❯❯ cp -av /olddisk /newdisk
  • Clear your copy buffer 10-20 seconds. OSX version
❯❯ while :; do [ ! -z "$a" ] && { a=""; pbcopy  < "$a"; } || a=$(pbpaste); sleep 10; done
  • Clear your copy buffer after 10-20 seconds
❯❯ while :; do [ ! -z "$a" ] && { a=""; xsel  < "$a"; } || a=$(xsel); sleep 10; done
  • A unique really-realtime\xe2\x84\xa2 chat experience on older Unix that maybe Randall never got to use
❯❯ talk
  • Convert Mac OS icon file into a set of images to edit. I just used that for custom firefox profiles
❯❯ iconutil -c iconset firefox.icns
  • Auto type next $n on click
❯❯ n=1;while :;do xinput --query-state 8|grep \'button\\[1\\]=d\' &&{ xdotool type "$n"; n=$[n+1]; };sleep 0.3;done
  • Check the last modified date of a file over HTTP
❯❯ curl -sI | grep Last-Modified
  • !/bin/bash\necho My cksum is 918329835' > magic
❯❯ echo -e '
  • Tron lightcycles in the terminal or Etch-a-sketch. Or make a snake game
  • Meta
❯❯ at 3pm  < \'t update "Post an update at a later time to twitter. Like this one."\'
  • Print the extended ASCII table. For @drscriptt
❯❯ for x in {8,9,{A..F}}{{0..9},{A..F}} ; do printf "$x %c\\n" $( xxd -r  < "0 $x" ) ; done
  • When lexical sorting messes up numeric ordering, use brace expansion to put file args in correct numeric order
❯❯ mplayer movie-p{1..27}.m4v
  • Do an strace of evince and write all syscalls to logfiles even if it forks
❯❯ strace -s8192 -o evincetrace -ff evince file.pdf
  • Print lines from columns.txt where the first column is the same as the second column
❯❯ awk '$1==$2' columns.txt
  • Fill a file with a range of IPs from -, one IP per line
❯❯ printf "%s\\n" 10.0.{1..4}.{1..254} > network-ips.txt
  • For lines with a specific IP in them, convert the epoch times to dates
❯❯ grep logs.txt | cut -f1 | sed 's/^/@/' | date -f -
  • CLI clients for other popular services like Spotify, Tunein, IHeartRadio, etc. A quick search should find them
❯❯ There are also
❯❯ pianobar
  • NameCollisions
❯❯ Co-worker: Do you use Slack?\rMe: Yeah I've been using Slack since 1994 when it came on like 70 floppies.\rCo-worker: Huh?\r
  • Perform arbitrarily large math, while disabling bc's \ + newline output "feature"
❯❯ BC_LINE_LENGTH=0 bc  < "2^4096
  • Show the full last modified epoch time including nanoseconds of /etc/passwd (GNU version)
❯❯ date -d "$(stat -c %y /etc/passwd)" +%s.%N
  • This is some of the best #UNIX humour I've even read. Warning: for geeks only.
  • list all files (-a) in PWD with details (l) and order them by size (S) ascending (-r), make sizes human readable (-h)
❯❯ ls -lShra
  • Lookup allocation/"ownership" information for an IP address. Apparently a lot of IT folk still don't know this
❯❯ whois
  • Backup IMDb board pages in cache
❯❯ mkdir ~/imdb/ ; egrep -lr 'imdb\\.com/.*/board/' ~/.cache/mozilla/firefox | xargs -I{} cp -va {} ~/imdb/
  • When you have 2+ tmux clients on the same session and another one is on a smaller window
❯❯ tmux list-clients ; tmux detach-client -t pts/22
  • Because you shouldn't have to constantly be bombarded with ads for underwear when reading programming documentation
❯❯ elinks
  • Read the BIOS on PC hardware. Thanks @Fr33Wor1d, better late than never
❯❯ dd if=/dev/mem bs=1k skip=768 count=256 2 >/dev/null | strings -n 8
  • Count the number of commas (,) in a text file
❯❯ tr -cd , < file.txt | wc -m
  • Make a bunch of mount point directories all at once. All combos of sdb1 through sde9 inclusive
❯❯ sudo mkdir /mnt/sd{b..e}{1..9}
  • Getting rid of query string in filename by surrounding it with {,}
❯❯ mv image-file-with-query-string.jpg{?query-string=Z29vZCBqb2IK,}
  • Look for email data on a hard drive, even if it was "deleted". Encrypt your FS!
❯❯ sudo strings /dev/sdc | grep -C200 "Received:
  • % US pop. murdered 1960-2015
❯❯ elinks -dump bit\\.ly/qutWZK|tr -d ,|sed -e \'/^2015/q\'|awk \'/^[12]/{p=$6/$2*100; printf "%d %0.4f%%\\n",$1,p}\'
  • Change the hue of an image by -90 degrees. 50 = ( -90 * 100/180 ) + 100
❯❯ convert bluethumb.png -modulate 100,100,50 greenthumb.png
  • Right-align text on 80 columns
❯❯ sed -E ':a /.{80}/!{s/^/ /;ba}' file
  • CLIMagic video: Epic demo of how I watched Superbowl 46 over a netcat stream
  • Print the decimal encoded value of a ). The ' before the character tells printf to interpret the character this way
❯❯ printf "%d\\n" )
  • Make URLs from data before foo
❯❯ grep -B3 "foo" multilinedata.txt |egrep "^Id:" |while read x x id; do echo "https://hostname/${id}"; done
  • Get a sample of 10 lines from a large log file, 100,000 lines from the end of the file
❯❯ tail -n100000 large.log | head
  • An interactive command line game challenge. Allows various solutions. And yes, each of them are solvable in 140
  • unixsongs thread happening on right now. We did a while back with Unix band names
❯❯ Check out the
  • Filename with colons giving you problems with scp or rsync? Use the ./ path prefix B4 filename
❯❯ scp ./file:with:colons.txt user@otherhost:
  • Happy 80th Philip Glass
❯❯ cd /etc;n=CAGBFDEC;stat -c%a *|while read -n1 k;do x=${n:$k:1};sleep .2;play -qn synth tri ${x}4 fade 0 .1937&done
  • Full screen seamless play your mp4 videos without borders. No window switching
❯❯ mplayer -fs -noborder -fixed-vo *.mp4
  • Move mouse in spiral
❯❯ x=0;y=0;while [[ $y -lt 500 ]] ; do xdotool mousemove --polar $x $y ; x=$(($x+4));y=$(($y+1)); sleep 0.01; done
  • Today is day
❯❯ date -d"2009-12-15 +2600 days"||date -v2009y -v12m -v15d -v+2600d; play -n synth sin 2600 trim 0 1 vol .05
  • infosec is in Firefox and Chrome's developers tools, both have a "Copy as curl command" function in their network tab
❯❯ A useful tool for
  • Catch a snooper
❯❯ inotifywait -e open juicy.dat && w | awk \'$5~/\\.00s/\' | mailx -s "Someone accessed juicy.dat"
  • Analyze your whole lastlog to see the different remote hosts for each user
❯❯ last -da | awk \'{print $1 " " $NF}\' | sort | uniq -c
  • See what the POTUS "probably" tweeted
❯❯ t timeline -l realDonaldTrump|egrep ^[0-9]|while read -r f u; do t status -l $f;done |grep Android
  • Show top count for col3, 2016-07 - 2017-01
❯❯ sed -n '/^2017-01/,/^2016-06/p' logs.csv |sed '$d' |awk -F, '{print $3}' |sort|uniq -c|sort -rn
  • Ex "acronym FBI" Thx @Sh1bumi
❯❯ acronym(){ elinks -no-numbering -dump "${1:-RTFM}.html"|sed -n \'/Rank Abbr/,/^$/p\'; }
  • grep gziped log files from .gz files in dirs starting with 2017-01-1 & 1 wild character
❯❯ zgrep SSH::Password_Guessing 2017-01-1?/notice.*gz
  • That program you try to run when your network is laggy
❯❯ lessssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  • Open all your JS source files in vim tabs. Then use :tabn and :tabp to switch between them. :tabe newfile to open new tab
❯❯ vim -p *.js
  • Swirly plasma background. Uses ImageMagick
❯❯ convert -size 2420x1580 plasma:fractal -blur 2x2 -swirl 270 -crop 1920x1080+250+250 swirlbg.png
  • Print the dates for all the following Saturdays in 2017 for use in a document
❯❯ printf "2017-01-14 + %d weeks\\n" {1..50} |date -f- +"%B %_d
  • For MacOS X users. Aphex Twin fans may recognize this as the beginning of "Cow Cud is a Twin"
❯❯ say -v hysterical aphex twin
  • Read man page BUGS in style. saybugs bash
❯❯ saybugs(){ man $1|col -b|sed -n '/^BUGS/,/^[A-Z]/p' |tail -n+2 |{ say --voice=Bad||espeak; }; }
  • Without opening up the man page viewer, search for instances of '!' and display with surrounding context
❯❯ man procmailrc | grep -C10 '!'
  • Prefix each line with the local time based on epoch time in 1st column
❯❯ |gawk \'{printf("%s %s\\n",strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%T", $1),$0)}\'
❯❯ t stream search -l speaker
  • Find email addresses with 2 letter TLDs in them. \ > matches empty string at end of a word
❯❯ egrep -i "@[a-z\\.-]+\\.[a-z]{2}\\ >" emails.txt
  • Sometimes, there are files that find can't find no matter how many options you try
❯❯ find / -please-find-the-file-i-want
  • IToldYouSo
❯❯ Its been 10 years since the iPhone and see, we still use desktops and laptops. New devices just fill in the gaps in our lives.
  • While within
❯❯ [Ctrl-X] [Ctrl-F]
  • A color show in your shell
❯❯ yes "$(seq 16 231)" | while read i; do printf "\\x1b[48;5;${i}m\\n"; sleep .02; done
  • restore a
❯❯ pv bigdump.sql.gz | gunzip | mysql
  • Find files under /var/log that are readable by the current user. Takes groups and ACLs into account
❯❯ find /var/log -readable -ls
  • Fix image aspect ratios for Instagram. Thx @fulldecent
❯❯ mogrify -resize 1080x1350 -gravity center -extent 1080 *.jpg
  • Your laptop says ESSID names while you drive around
❯❯ while true;do iwlist wlan0 scan |awk -F\\" \'/ESSID/{print $2}\' |espeak;done
❯❯ More popular than ever in 2017.
  • Search the file system, but don't descend into the /sys or /proc directories
❯❯ find / \\( -path /proc -o -path /sys \\) -prune -o -print
  • $u))%230))m\u$u\033[0m"; done
❯❯ printf "%x\\n" {1..65535} | while read -r u ; do printf "\\033[38;5;$((16+$((16
  • Use the -w option in diff to ignore differences in whitespace (tabs instead of spaces, etc.)
❯❯ diff -w index.html bookexample/index.html
  • curl supports numeric ranges. This is the full 14 days of unix-mas from 2012
❯❯ curl -Ns http://www.climagic\\.org/uxmas/[1-14]
  • Quickly find the largest 5 files in the CWD tree without crossing filesystem boundaries
❯❯ find . -xdev -ls | sort -n -k 7 | tail -5
❯❯ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
  • Play local microphone on remote machine's speakers. Fun for pranks. Uses sox package
❯❯ rec -t wav - | ssh user@remotehost play -t wav -
  • Encapsulate UDP packets in a TCP stream so it can be tunneled through an SSH tunnel, etc
❯❯ socat -v UDP-LISTEN:8161,fork TCP:localhost:8161
  • Make it snow in your terminal. In case you don't have pv or perl. Also, explains the last command
  • Go directly to the crontab man page that is in chapter 5 of the unix manual pages. Some topics have multiple man pages
❯❯ man 5 crontab
  • Automatically installs your public key to the remote host (this is included in the openssh package)
❯❯ ssh-copy-id 'user@remotehost'
  • Scan your internal network for hosts listening on TCP port 22 (SSH protocol)
❯❯ nmap --open -p T:22
  • Make box around text. By @bartonski
❯❯ function box() { t="$1xxxx";c=${2:-=}; echo ${t//?/$c}; echo "$c $1 $c"; echo ${t//?/$c}; }
  • Delete messages from Dec 11th in the postfix queue
❯❯ mailq | awk '/^[0-9A-F]+ .+ Dec 11 /{print $1}' | xargs -n 1 postsuper -d
  • Display top bandwidth hogs on website
❯❯ awk \'{a[$1] += $10} END {for (h in a) print h " " a[h]}\' access_log | sort -k 2 -nr | head -10
  • CABB1E' -draw "polygon 35,140 115,130 150,55 310,55 350,130 460,150 460,210 35,210" cabbie.png
❯❯ convert -size 500x300 xc:white -fill xc:\'
  • C0FFEE
❯❯ display -size 300x400 -negate xc:'
  • List files in current directory with a .php extension that DO NOT contain a PHP open code block tag
❯❯ grep -L '<?php' *.php
  • Use rev twice to get around cut not being able to relatively remove 3 letters from the end of lines
❯❯ cat uuoc.txt | rev | cut -c 3- | rev
  • Find which Debian package the notify-send program is included with - > libnotify-bin
❯❯ dpkg -S $( which notify-send )
  • Pass the output of which (showing path to lspci) into rpm's -qf, which tells you the pkg
❯❯ rpm -qf $( which lspci )
  • CABB1E is a cool one too since its actual color matches the word. Also,
❯❯ @gumnos @keithpjolley Nice.
  • Do an rsync and limit the bandwidth used to about 200 KBytes/sec. Useful on shared or slow links
❯❯ rsync --bwlimit=200 src dest
  • Determine what lines two different files have in common. The comm program requires sorted files
❯❯ comm -12 <(sort names1) <(sort names2)
  • Make thumbnails of images IMG_3000.JPG - IMG_3499.JPG
❯❯ for i in IMG_3[0-4]*.JPG ; do convert -quality 60 -geometry 300 $i thumbs/$i ; done
  • Join the splits back together
❯❯ cat split-xaa split-xab split-xac > rejoinedlargefile
  • Split a file called largefile into 1 gigabyte pieces called split-xaa, split-xab, split-xac
❯❯ split -b 1G verylargefile split
  • List the 20 largest files or folders under the current working directory
❯❯ du -ma | sort -nr | head -n 20
  • /
❯❯ grep '^[a-fois]\\{6\\}$' /usr/share/dict/words|sed 'h;y/ois/015/;x;G;s/\\n/- >
  • AdaLovelace
❯❯ Ada: I think computers may one day process text, music and pictures.\rCharles: [Bollocks!]\rDon't let the bastards grind you down
  • Print the running average of the last 3 temp values in front
❯❯ awk \'{sum+=$1;n++;if (n==3){print sum/3 "\\t" $0;n=0;sum=0}}\' garage-temp.log
  • Temperature log from JSON
❯❯ while sleep 1m; do date +%F_%T |tr $\'\\n\' " "; curl -s |jq .[2].temperatureF ;done | tee -a temp.log
  • Count unique colors in an image. From @lorddrachenblut (2014)
❯❯ identify -format %k
  • Backslashing the * glob instead of quoting the expression. From @lorddrachenblut (2014)
❯❯ find ./music  -name \\*.mp3 -exec cp {} ./new \\;
  • Build a private mirror of the public mirror. Thx LordD
❯❯ rsync -aqzH (public mirror that supports rsync).???::CentOS /path/to/locate/mirror
  • Use FXP to transfer files between 2 ftp servers. By @lorddrachenblut
❯❯ lftp > mirror -R
  • tag all mp3 in PWD as genre podcast. By @lorddrachenblut (2011)
❯❯ find . -maxdepth 1 -iname '*.mp3' -exec eyeD3 -G podcast \\{} \\;
  • This will run ls without using any alias called ls that might be in place. You can do this with any command
❯❯ \\ls
  • Add this to .vimrc and all searches in vim will use "very magic" mode which acts like egrep. Thx @nickmorrott L3viathan2142
❯❯ nnoremap / /\\v
  • Long list (-l) only the directories in the current directory. .*/ and */ are utilizing your shell's glob matching ability
❯❯ ls -ld .*/ */
  • Show only the processes matching httpd, ignoring the line of the grep process itself (regex trick)
❯❯ ps auxww | grep "[h]ttpd
  • Type 3 CSV cols to Google docs table
❯❯ sleep 5;while IFS=, read {a..z};do for col in a c d;do xdotool type ${!col} $'\\t';sleep 0.3;done;done
  • Log!
  • Show photo filenames where no flash was used. Req. Imagemagick
❯❯ identify -format "%f F:%[EXIF:Flash]\\n" *.jpg | egrep " F:(0|16|24|32)$
  • strace is a sysadmin godsend. This will follow pid 927 and its children, writing to smtpd.
❯❯ strace -p 927 -o smtpd -ff -tt
  • While in
❯❯ [Ctrl-R] %
  • In
❯❯ gv
  • In vim, this will left shift indentation of selected lines by one tab. > for right
❯❯ v (select text with cursor movement) <
  • MakeAFilmFeelUncertain
❯❯ .* Wars
  • KnowVIMber
❯❯ Before this poll, were you aware that vim and less stored your search histories in .viminfo and .lesshst respectively?
  • This vim command will turn off the current search highlighting until the next search. Use :set hlsearch to turn on
❯❯ :noh
  • Help compare sizes
❯❯ curl -L bit\\.ly/moonbox |convert - -fill none -stroke red -strokewidth 2 -draw "rectangle 76,97,1360,352" - |display -
  • 4BitComputing4Ever
❯❯ Today is the 45th anniversary of the Intel's first commercially available processor, the 4004 microprocessor.
  • ] [Esc]
❯❯ [Ctrl-V] (move cursor down across beginning of lines) [I] [
  • Check net before slow scan
❯❯ for d in {1..254};do ping -c3 > /dev/null ||{ echo "VPN is down";break; }; nmap -T1 10.3.0.$d ; done
  • In vim insert mode, use this to use the digraph feature to make an \xc3\xa4. Use :digraphs show available characters
❯❯ [Ctrl-k] a:
  • Professional development: Learn vim while playing an adventure game
  • You can use the -n option with make to preview what it will do first before actually doing it
❯❯ make -n install
  • Who can see your requests?
❯❯ traceroute|awk -F[\\(\\)] '$2~/[0-9]/{print $2}'|while read i;do echo $i;geoiplookup $i;done
  • UnixAMovie Read The Fucking Subtitles
  • Two year cal display using diff side-by-side mode (-y)
❯❯ diff -y <(cal -y 2016) <(cal -y 2017)
  • Record a macro called 'a' that moves down two lines (jj) and then deletes 1 line (dd). Run w/ @a, run 100 times 100@a
❯❯ vim macro: qajjddq
  • KnowVimber
❯❯ @cdevers Possibly. I think @robotterror came up with a good one:
  • YesVimber
❯❯ Happy 25th Anniversary vim! Nov 2nd, 1991 - Nov 2nd, 2016
  • In vim, depending on your term color scheme, these can help you w/ syntax highlighting
❯❯ :set bg=dark or :set bg=light
  • Did they really only change what they say they did?
❯❯ diff <(docx2txt < agreement.docx) <(docx2txt < newagreement.docx)
  • Decode message embedded in redirect
❯❯ curl -sI bit\\.ly/gevpxbegerng |awk -F/ '/^Location:/{print $NF}' |(base64 -di||base64 -Di)
  • Try to handle the case where a space is in 2nd column data
❯❯ awk \'{if(NF==8){print $2}else if(NF==9){print $2 " " $3}}\' names.txt
  • The hidden meaning of
❯❯ printf "%s\\n" {A..Z} | nl | grep "[XKCD]" | awk \'{sum+=$1} END {print sum}\'
  • mping
❯❯ mping(){ ping $@|awk -F[=\\ ] \'/time=/{t=$(NF-1);f=2000-14*log(t^18);c="play -q -n synth 1 pl "f"&";print $0;system(c)}\';}
  • Fire alarm will now lock your screen
❯❯ rec -n stat trim |& awk '/Max.*amp/{if ($NF < 0.99){exit 1}}' && xscreensaver-command -lock
  • The t client doesn't allow streaming of mentions so
❯❯ while :;do t mentions -rl;sleep 1m;done |awk '{if(a[$1]++<1){print}}'
  • ParanoidGeekTips
❯❯ No matter how much the fire alarm may hurt your ears, make sure you press that screen lock button before you leave.
  • AWKtober
❯❯ For the last one, makes your cursor bounce around. On Mac, quote the yes args together. When done, press Ctrl-Z and kill %1.
  • Find incomplete years in data
❯❯ awk -F, '/USC00120784/{print substr($6,0,4)}' weather.csv |uniq -c |awk '$2%4==0&&$1<366||$2%4!=0&&$1<365'
  • Show only up to the first 10 packets by each source IP
❯❯ tcpdump -nn ip | awk \'{s=$3;sub(/\\.[0-9]+$/,"",s);if(a[s]++<10){print}}\'
  • Prefix the epoch time in column 1 with the local time
❯❯ tail -f udp.log|gawk \'{printf("%s %s\\n",strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%T", $1),$0)}\'
  • AWKtober
❯❯ Find your new Raspberry Pi on the network with nmap and awk By @theurbanpenguin
  • Display sudo's insults. Thx @KosGD
❯❯ strings /usr/lib/sudo/ |grep Dave -B0 -A50
  • List top 20 404's URLs in descending order by reqs
❯❯ awk \'$9 == "404" {print $7}\' access.log |sort|uniq -c|sort -rn| head -n 20
❯❯ Celebrate
  • Sort the output of df while keeping the header at the top
❯❯ df -hP | awk \'NR==1;NR >1{print|"sort -k5rn"}\'
  • Print the longest line in quotes.txt
❯❯ awk 'length > max { max=length;maxline=$0 } END { print maxline; }' quotes.txt
  • Print lines of file without printing ones already seen. $0 means whole line in awk. 'a' is an array
❯❯ awk '!a[$0]++' file
  • Print dupes where the 3rd column changed
❯❯ sort gkwzFruP.txt | awk \'{if(l1==$1 && l3!=$3){print ll "\\n" $0}; ll=$0;l1=$1;l3=$3}\'
  • Histo gen by @dez_blanchfield
❯❯ awk -F\':\' \'!max{max=$2;}{r="";i=s=.025*$2/max;while(i-- >0)r=r"-";printf "%40s | %4d | %s %s",$1,$2,r,"\\n";}\'
  • Sum numbers in the third column of data.txt
❯❯ awk '{s+=$3} END {print s}' data.txt
  • I find it amusing that the pulseaudio --kill option has a shortened option (-k) but the --start option does not
❯❯ pulseaudio -k
  • /)' conn.log
❯❯ awk \'($3 == "") || ($1 ~ /^
  • Breakup compressed log by syslog date and recompress
❯❯ zcat large.log.gz |awk \'{print $0 | "gzip -v9c > large.log-"$1"_"$2".gz"}\'
  • Simple lunch location decider
❯❯ echo "Tacos,Burgers,Pizza,Sushi,Salad,Noodles,Veggie wraps" | awk -F, \'{print $1}\'
  • Print only the first From: line in each mail message file. Thx @gumnos
❯❯ awk '/^From:/{print;nextfile}' *
  • Display top 100 files accessed on website
❯❯ awk '{print $7}' access_log | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -100
  • Print out just the first column (whitespace separated) of data.txt
❯❯ awk '{print $1}' data.txt
  • UninstallFlashFriday
  • SEDtember
❯❯ Sometimes regular expressions can get messy....that's what she sed.\rWell that was awkward.\r
  • Censor email addresses in report.txt
❯❯ sed -r -i 's/\\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[a-z]{2,30}\\b/xxx@yyy.zzz/' report.txt
  • Compress consecutive blank lines down to just 2 in the file notes.txt
❯❯ sed -i '/^$/N;/\\n$/N;//D' notes.txt
  • Does the account leak affect people who ping Yahoo?
❯❯ ping
  • Generate output similar to 'tree' without using tree
❯❯ find . -print | sort | sed 's;[^/]*/;|---;g;s;---|; |;g'
  • Print the high CPU process's family tree
❯❯ ps auxwwf | sed -n -r -e '/^.{64} \\//h;/\\\\/H' -e '/^.{14} [8-9][0-9]\\.[0-9]/{x;p}'
  • List files that confuse Git on Windows by differing only by...
❯❯  git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD | tr A-Z a-z | sort | uniq -d
  • Every time a WARN: line is encountered, print the previous Path: line seen along with it
❯❯ sed -n '/Path:/h;/WARN:/{x;p;x;p}'
  • PeopleLikeMeBecause I post barely readable messages that when run carelessly can obliterate all your data and compromise your employment
❯❯ { } yourselves,
  • Joins multiple lines and separates them with the string "<br / >"
❯❯ sed \':a;N;$!ba;s/\\n/<br \\/ >/g\'
  • AWKtober is coming!
❯❯ @surryhill
  • ItCanWait Please stop using your phone while driving. On average, 1180 people are injured each day just in the US from distracted driving
  • Swap each line of input with the next line of input
❯❯ sed -n '$p;h;n;p;g;p'
  • Setting the LANG=C variable will often fix unexpected problems with sort ignoring symbol characters like +, - and *
❯❯ LANG=C sort
  • Evidence that Linux was released Sept 17th 1991
❯❯ wget -O- ftp://ftp.funet\\.fi/pub/linux/kernel/Historic/linux-0.01.tar.gz|tar ztv|sort -k4
  • Quickly print line 9417 of a large file without processing the whole file
❯❯ sed '9417q;d' dbdump.sql
❯❯ How Texas personalizes supercomputing. @TACC
  • AWKtober
❯❯ @ExaGridDba
  • Search irc.log for lines containing Alice and Bob regardless of their order in the line
❯❯ sed '/Alice/!d; /Bob/!d' irc.log
  • Use jq to pretty print some json data with ANSI color coded syntax and use -R in less to process the color
❯❯ jq -C '.' data.json | less -R
  • BroCon2016 (network security monitor) in Austin, TX this week
❯❯ I'm at
  • Joins multiple lines and separates them with the string "
❯❯ sed \':a;N;$!ba;s/\\n/<br >/g\'
  • Show only the directories in the current directory. The / at the end of the wildcards make this work
❯❯ ls -d .*/ */
  • Pretend you are on a starship. Req. sox package
❯❯ play -n -c1 synth whitenoise band -n 100 20 band -n 50 20 gain +30 fade h 1 86400 1
  • Web request chart
❯❯ cat access_log-*|awk \'{print substr($4,5,8)}\'|uniq -c|gnuplot -e "set terminal dumb;plot \'-\' using 1:xtic(2) with boxes
  • or --shift
❯❯ @andrewgilmartin 'less' will let you scroll left to right. Default is by half the screen width, you can change this with -
  • Aperl ? I'll consider it. Thanks
❯❯ @jhparkerb Well, I don't think someone is a fool for using perl, so how about just making it all of
  • In the find man page, show whole paragraphs containing the word modified
❯❯ man find |sed -e '/./{H;$!d;}' -e 'x;/modified/!d;i=='
  • Add separator commas to long numbers
❯❯ printf "10^%d\\n" {0..20} | bc | sed -e :a -e \'s/\\(.*[0-9]\\)\\([0-9]\\{3\\}\\)/\\1,\\2/;ta\'
  • Unwrap lines that end with a backslash in
❯❯ sed -i -e :a -e '/\\\\$/N; s/\\\\\\n//; ta'
  • Live dmesg output in human readable format (colors, timing) @climagic
❯❯ RT @jreybert: dmesg -wH
  • sed allows you to use other characters to demarcate sections. Same as running: sed s/a/emen/ < dated
❯❯ sed statement < dated
  • /!s/$val\ >/$pid/g'
❯❯ sed -i -e '/^\\s*
  • Print config.cfg tab indented to fix a bad console not letting you to see first few columns
❯❯ sed 's/^/\\t/' config.cfg | less
  • Find files you haven't accessed so far this year in a directory. Requires atime attributes. Thx @fs111
❯❯ find . -atime -$(date +%j) -type f
  • SEDtember and
❯❯ Get ready for
  • Find file duplicates in 'Pictures' recursively based on size and mdsum and log them to dupes.txt
❯❯ fdupes -r Pictures > dupes.txt
  • extract all unique hex color codes from a CSS file
❯❯ egrep -oi '#[a-f0-9]{6}' file.css | sort | uniq
  • Listen to the radio from the command line. Try ./iheart-mplayer $((RANDOM%2000))
  • Wait for the friendly Googlebot to pay your site a visit. Brought to you by Carl's Jr
❯❯ tail -f access_log | awk \'$1~"googlebot"\'
  • Gen 20 random users/passwords
❯❯ for i in {1..20} ; do rig|head -1 |tr A-Z a-z;done |while read f l;do echo ${f:0:1}${l}:$(pwgen 12 1);done
  • Total bytes used by 5+ year old directories in CWD
❯❯ find . -mtime +$((365*5)) -maxdepth 1 -exec du -sb {} \\; |awk '{s+=$1}END{print s}'
  • Use -D to create a SOCKS5 tunnel inside your SSH connection. Some programs (like a web browser) can use these
❯❯ ssh -D 9999 you@remotehost
  • line}"; done
❯❯ while read line; do echo "line length is ${
  • Use a for loop to iterate over a list of items (files, numbers, etc) and run processes accordingly
❯❯ for i in *.jpg; do identify "$i"; done
  • Use the && and || logic operators for results based process control
❯❯ pgrep && echo still running || echo "done" | mail admin
  • There are helper commands for dealing with compressed files (gz, bz2 and xz). They have a z, bz or xz prefix
❯❯ zless, zgrep, zcat, zdiff
  • Last one for today. This indicates to the program that there is no more input. In the shell, this usually closes the shell
❯❯ <Ctrl-d >
  • Delete everything from the cursor to the beginning of the line. This can also be used to clear a password attempt and start over
❯❯ <Ctrl-u >
  • Delete the previous word on the command line (before the cursor). This is highly useful when reusing old commands
❯❯ <Ctrl-w >
  • This is usually equivalent to running 'clear'. Its usually quicker and doesn't leave the command in your command line history
❯❯ <Ctrl-l >
  • Incremental undo of command line edits
❯❯ <Ctrl-_ >
❯❯ <Meta-
  • Insert the last argument from the previous line in the command history into the current line. Different from !$
❯❯ <Meta-. >
  • Move your cursor to the end of the line. Faster than holding down right arrow
❯❯ <Ctrl-e >
  • Move your cursor to the beginning of the line. Faster than holding down left arrow. In screen, you need to press
❯❯ <Ctrl-a >
  • Reverse search through your command history for 'string'. Press Ctrl-r again to continue searching backwards. ESC when done
❯❯ <Ctrl-r >string
  • Quick access to the ASCII character table via the ascii program or the man page if you don't have the program
❯❯ ascii || man ascii
  • tmux is a great program that manages multiple terminal sessions and allows you to detach/reattach to the session. Also screen, dvtm
❯❯ tmux
  • Use the 'tee' command to save a copy and see the output of a program at the same time
❯❯ ps auxww | tee output.log
  • Use -k to search for something in all man pages, like 'sound'
❯❯ man -k sound
  • There are several commands inside bash called 'built-ins'. You can access info about them using 'help builtin' or just run 'help
❯❯ help cd
  • Print detailed list (-l) of all (-a) files reverse sorted (-r) by last modified time (-t) and with human readable size (-h)
❯❯ ls -ltrah
  • You can usually press the tab key in the middle of typing a command name, file name or variable to auto complete it
❯❯ <Tab >
  • Takes you back to the previous directory you were in. Good to know if you don't already
❯❯ cd -
  • (With no arguments) Takes you back to your home directory
❯❯ cd
  • description. The
❯❯ Just a reminder about the format of climagic tweets: command
  • Cool visuals you can make in your terminal with your cursor
  • In GNU sort, you can use -V (version sort) to also sort IPv4 addresses numerically according to each class
❯❯ sort -V ipv4addrs.txt
  • Use this pipeline pattern of -v -e term1 -e term2 to skip lines in output
❯❯ | grep -v -e garbage -e unimportant -e donotcare
  • .Top 20 email From TLDs
❯❯ egrep -o "from=<[^ >]+\\.[a-z0-9-]{2,} >" /var/log/maillog |awk -F\\. \'{print $NF}\' |sort |uniq -c |sort -rn |head -20
  • Show stats on messages per day in procmail log
❯❯ grep ^From procmail.log | cut -d' ' -f3- | date -f - +%Y-%m-%d | uniq -c
  • Save your whole postfix queue to a file
❯❯ mailq | awk '/^[0-9A-F]/{print $1}' | tr -d \\* | xargs -n 1 postcat -q > mailq-20160801.txt
  • Print human readable total size of just the files in the current directory. :)
❯❯ ls -lh | head -1
  • Video background
❯❯ youtube-dl -q -o- _gp51lt9kdA|mplayer -wid $(xwininfo -int -name "Desktop"|grep "Desktop"|awk \'{print $4}\') -cache 5000 -
  • Search for PATTERN in .c and .h file. Thx @suresh_kanzaria
❯❯ find . -name \\*.[ch] -exec grep -sl "PATTERN" {} \\;
  • Find directories that have 33000 or more files in them
❯❯ find / -type f | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,' |sort |uniq -c | awk '$1 >=33000'
  • Prepare a list of items (one two three) for SQL list syntax
❯❯ for i in one two three ; do printf "\'$i\'," ; done | sed \'s/,$//\' ; echo
  • If you just ran a command like unzip -l to see the contents, you can use ^-l^^ to run again without the -l
❯❯ ^-l^^
  • Use elinks to read articles on websites that like to waste CPU energy and your time
❯❯ elinks
  • Show the number of UNsuccessful requests per day. (Not HTTP code 2XX or 3XX)
❯❯ awk '$9!~/^[23]/{print $4}' access_log | cut -c1-12 | uniq -c
  • Calculate how much money I'd have if I had a nickel for every potentially hacked wordpress based site
❯❯ echo ".05*37652825" | bc
  • Sorry I missed this one by 2 days. Too damn busy
❯❯ echo epoch day $(( $( date +%s ) / 86400 ))
  • Find files and directories under /var/www that are world writable. Exclude symbolic links
❯❯ find /var/www -perm -o+w -a -not -type l -ls
  • Where log directory is not world readable, brace expansion helps when a wildcard can't
❯❯ sudo grep /var/log/httpd/access_log{.2,.1,}
  • Play a song at the end of long running command to notify you. For @kimadactl
❯❯ make ; mpg123 hawaii-five-o-theme.mp3
  • bitcoin prices in USD. Thx @balazssomfalvi
❯❯ curl -s http://www.coindesk\\.com/price/ |grep bpiUSD |sed \'s/<\\/\\?[^ >]\\+ >//g\' |tr -d " \\t\\r
  • French Flag
❯❯ t=$(($(tput cols)/3));for FR in $(seq $(tput lines));do printf "\\e[44m%${t}s\\e[47m%${t}s\\e[41m%${t}s\\e[0m\\n";done
  • Show the HTTP response code for a URL. Catch it while you can!
❯❯ curl -sI https://www.nianticlabs\\.com/privacy/pokemongo/en/ | head -1
  • Show new pingers. -l makes tcpdump linebuffered
❯❯ sudo tcpdump -l icmp[icmptype]=icmp-echo | awk '{if (!arr[$3]){print $3;arr[$3]++}}'
❯❯ n=0;while : $((n++));do printf "%0${n}d"|grep -qP "^0?$|^(00+?)\\1+$"||echo $n;done
  • Scan directly w/ cur date. Merci @dsampaolo
❯❯ scanimage --format=tiff --mode Color | convert tiff:- ~/Scans/$(date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S").jpg
❯❯ Just fixed a computer by touching it. I still got the power.
  • Shipment status
❯❯ usps_status(){ elinks -dump tools.usps\\.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=$1 |sed -n '/Status of Item/{n;p;q}'; }
  • Generic pipeline template. Just add args
❯❯ grep | awk | sed | grep | grep -v | while read data ; do something to data ; done | tee output
  • Just in case you didn't get enough fireworks already. Req. rss-glx screensavers
❯❯ /usr/lib/xscreensaver/skyrocket --maxrockets 100
  • Get the absolute value of the 4th column of numbers using the square root of the square trick
❯❯ awk -F, '{sqrt($4^2)}' data.csv
❯❯ awk/sed 201[0-9] Together We Can Change Anything" bumper sticker now available at
  • Print the number and column name to help write awk expressions
❯❯ head -1 data.csv | tr , $'\\n' | nl
  • Prefix lines with timestamp. Thx @amenthes_de
❯❯ stdbuf -i0 -o0 ping | while read l; do echo "[$(date \'+%H:%M:%S\')] $l"; done
❯❯ gcalcli
  • In X, use xmodmap to turn your Caps Lock into an Escape key
❯❯ xmodmap -e "remove Lock = Caps_Lock" -e "keycode 66 = Escape
  • Happy Tau (\xcf\x84) day!
❯❯ echo "scale=1000;4*a(1)*2" | BC_LINE_LENGTH=1004 bc -l | cut -c1-629
  • Check the last modified date of a file on a web server
❯❯ curl -I http://langs.eserver\\.org/latin-terms.txt | grep Last-Modified
  • Will show you the top power consuming processes on your Linux laptop
❯❯ powertop
  • infosec
❯❯ I just had a bunch of teenagers run 'ping localhost' in front of a news reporter. They're hackers now!
  • Print out line 107056 of your input file that your program is choking on for invalid input
❯❯ sed -n '107056p' WigleWifi_20140929191654.kml
  • Sigh.. What is happening to our beloved Internet? (also run 'whois level3\.sucks')
❯❯ dig RandomDomainNameThatDoesNotExistLLC\\.com @
  • Print lines not matching (-v) any extended regular expressions (-E) in expressions.conf (-f)
❯❯ grep -E -v -f expressions.conf file.txt
  • Print lines from file where GPS coords are in range
❯❯ awk -F, '((37.19 < $7 && $7 < 37.23) && (-115.81 < $8 && $8 < -115.73))' gpsdata.csv
  • Convert values from x=year,y=month table to linear CSV
❯❯ awk \'{for (i=2;i<=13;i++) {printf "%d-%02d,%d\\n",$1,i-1,$i}}\' data-table.txt
  • Use a sleep and the -u option with scrot to capture a mouseover screenshot
❯❯ sleep 5; scrot -u Phishing-email-example-with-mouseover.png
  • Force a timezone for the date by setting the TZ variable. In this case, get UTC time
❯❯ TZ=UTC date
  • Replace the second occurrence of a regex match. Thx @slmagus
❯❯ echo "fuzzbuzz" | sed -e "s/u/i/2
  • I just ran this vim expression to lower notes in an Arduino sketch 2 octaves
❯❯ %s/\\(NOTE_[A-Z]\\+\\)\\([0-9]\\)/\\=submatch(1).(submatch(2)-2)/g
  • Discover the Super Cow Powers of aptitude
❯❯ o="-vvvvvv";for i in 0 {2..7}; do c="aptitude ${o:0:$i} moo";echo "$ $c"; $c; done
  • % US pop. murdered 1960-2014
❯❯ elinks -dump bit\\.ly/qutWZK|tr -d ,|sed -e \'/^2014/q\'|awk \'/^[12]/{p=$6/$2*100; printf "%d %0.4f%%\\n",$1,p}\'
  • Use a multi-character field separator to get field 3 out of a CSV file that uses double quoted fields
❯❯ awk -F\'","\' \'{print $3}\' data.csv
  • This sequence will close an OpenSSH session from the client side (same as killing ssh process). [RET] = Return/Enter
❯❯ [RET]~.
  • Yes! You can do nested grouping in extended regexes
❯❯ grep -Ev "((accept|drop|reject)log|ftpd)" /var/log/messages | less
  • tbt
❯❯ SSH starts enabling encryption on all remote login sessions." Oh wait, that was 1995 news.
  • If you have trouble saying No, get your computer to say it for you, falling back on a working command
❯❯ (espeak || say || cat)  < No
  • See the current phase of the moon in your terminal. New feature of
❯❯ curl wttr\\.in/Moon
  • Take the current tmux pane from split window and break it out into a full sized window
❯❯ tmux break-pane or <Ctrl-b >:break-pane
  • Rotate a video taken by a "smart"phone user 90 degrees CW. Or just for fun. Try rotate=2 for CCW
❯❯ mplayer -vf rotate=1 video.mp4
  • See what software was used for an image
❯❯ exiftool <(curl -s apod.nasa\\.gov/apod/image/1605/NGC5078-LRGBhager2048.jpg) |grep Software
  • Besides skipping aliases, a backslash before command also avoids Programmable Tab Completion
❯❯ \\vim not-everything-is-a-java-file.class
  • serverless
❯❯ In my experience, most devs don't maintain their servers anyways. So what's new?
  • Quick way to see if your pwd path contains any symlinks in it. If so there would be a difference between the two lines
❯❯ pwd ; pwd -P
  • this is a trick you can use to grep the process without catching grep too
❯❯ @ExaGridDba ps -ef | grep [s]mon
  • Read compressed logs, process only time lines and filter
❯❯ zcat 2016-05-23/smtp.*.gz |awk '$1~/^[0-9]{9}/' |grep -v -e -e root@
  • Calculate 7 years ago in days, accounting for leap years
❯❯ echo $(( ( $( date +%s ) - $( date -d -v-7y +%s ) ) /86400 ))
  • Calculate 7 years ago in days, accounting for leap years
❯❯ echo $(( ( $( date +%s ) - $( date -d "now - 7 years" +%s ) ) /86400 ))
  • Total bytes of files older than ~7 yr
❯❯ find . -xdev -type f -mtime +$((365*7)) -print0|xargs -0 du -bsc|awk '/\\ttotal$/{s+=$0}END{print s}'
  • Ubuntu users, if appstreamcli is running right now, check this URL. 100% CPU bug
❯❯ pgrep appstreamcli && xdg-open
  • Show what files or filehandles are open in the specified directory
❯❯ sudo lsof +D /var/lib/apt/lists
  • DigitalPackRat
❯❯ @w4rchylde I still have my email going back to 1994.
❯❯ Another X screenshot from 1997.  My god I used X as root? Shameful.
❯❯ My "X Window System, Version 11" screenshot from 1999.
  • Use strace to show the files openssl is opening
❯❯ strace -e open openssl s_client -crlf -quiet -starttls smtp -connect smtp.example\\.com:25
  • BTW, if I ran the mail server this was on, I'd run this
❯❯ grep -lr "^Subject: test " Maildir/{cur,new} |xargs rm -v 2 >&1 |tee delete.log
  • When running commands in a subshell, you can use job control (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Z, fg, bg) on the subshell as a whole unit
❯❯ (cmd1;cmd2;cmd3)
  • Rename the filesystem label on a USB thumb drive to Backups
❯❯ sudo mlabel -i /dev/sdg1 -s ::"Backups
  • Press pause on your Roku. [When your kids lose the remote]
❯❯ curl -d "" http://YourRokuIP:8060/keypress/Pause
  • See the last logged in users, but filter out entries for root, reboots and asmith
❯❯ last -da | grep -vE "^(root|reboot|asmith)
  • RemoveALetterBreakAConfigFile
❯❯ ill Gates: The Rod Ahead
  • Get a list of debian packages with linux in their name and only list the ones that are fully installed
❯❯ dpkg -l '*linux*' | grep '^ii'
  • Pipe the output of the man command into other commands to trim down the "insane amounts of drivel"
❯❯ man dpkg | sed -n \'/Doctal/,/2000 /p\'
  • "Tell me about your relationship with your parents."
❯❯ pstree -a
  • Start looking for vulnerable code using ImageMagick
❯❯ find www -name '*.php' -exec egrep -l 'bin/(identify|convert|mogrify|montage)\\b' {} +
  • I posted this tweet using the @ImageTragick vuln and then fixed this server. Yes, its quite serious. Check it
❯❯ identify exploit.mvg
  • I'm disappointed the logo for @ImageTragick vuln was not actually made in ImageMagick
❯❯ strings logo-medium.png|head
  • Press enter every time you hear child cough to determine if per min rate is going down
❯❯ while read -s; do date +%H:%M; done |uniq -c
  • If you are in a directory that is removed and recreated (such as a symlinked current dir), this will put you in the new directory
❯❯ cd .
  • Number of git merges by day of the week. Thx @nicr9_
❯❯ git log --merges | grep ^Date | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
  • List the files below the www directory that don't (-L) have PHP code in them
❯❯ grep -rL '<?php' www
  • script is a nice program that allows you to record your interactive shell session. Great for logging upgrades
❯❯ script upgrade.log
  • Print how many files are inside each directory under the current one
❯❯ find */ | cut -d/ -f1 | uniq -c
  • Remove the previous word on the command line (before the cursor). This is highly useful when reusing old commands
❯❯ <Ctrl-w >
  • This is usually equivilent to running 'clear'. Its usually quicker and doesn't leave the command in your command line history
❯❯ <Ctrl-l >
  • Incremental undo of command line edits. Ctrl-- works the same and Ctrl-? sometimes works as well, although its not documented
❯❯ <Ctrl-_ >
❯❯ <Meta-
  • Insert the last argument from the previous line in the command history into the current line. Different from !$
❯❯ <Meta-. >
  • Move your cursor to the end of the line. Faster than holding down right arrow
❯❯ <Ctrl-e >
  • Move your cursor to the beginning of the line. Faster than holding down left arrow. In screen, you need to press
❯❯ <Ctrl-a >
  • Reverse search through your command history for 'string'. Press Ctrl-r again to continue searching backwards. ESC when done
❯❯ <Ctrl-r >string
  • Takes you back to the previous directory you were in. Good to know if you don't already
❯❯ cd -
  • (With no arguments) Takes you back to your home directory
❯❯ cd
  • With GNU sleep, you can use time suffixes (m = minute, h = hour, d = day). Note that some very large values get truncated
❯❯ sleep 5d
  • ASCII globe animation
❯❯ oneworld=$( curl -Ls http://bit\\.ly/globe_vt );while sleep .1;do pv -L4220 -q  < "$oneworld";done
  • View image metadata without downloading whole 16MB image
❯❯ curl -sr 0-1024 www.nasa\\.gov/images/content/618486main_earth_full.jpg |strings
  • When using multiple file arguments with less or vi, you can use :n and :p to go next file (n) and prev file (p) in list
❯❯ :n and :p
  • Remove the oldest .pcap file in the /netdumps directory
❯❯ rm "$( ls -1dt /netdumps/*.pcap | tail -1 )
  • For those with xscreensaver installed. Press space to draw another one
❯❯ /usr/lib/xscreensaver/penrose -size 16 -ncolors 64 -delay 1000
  • Audio prompt. Could also use different notes/melodies for various return codes
❯❯ PROMPT_COMMAND="play -qn synth sin G3 trim 0 0.1
  • Change the host header to bypass the DNS
❯❯ curl -H "Host:" http://example.climagic\\.org/config.php
  • Alias for running a command as the nobody user. Maybe to reduce privilege or to confirm denial of access
❯❯ alias nobody='sudo -u nobody'
  • climagic video: Joining files together using the join command
  • Search your history for commands matching ssh and then execute command
❯❯ history | grep ssh \r!423
  • (In Linux VM) Used this to bind Mac right command key to Linux VM middle mouse click
❯❯ xmodmap -e "keycode 134 = Pointer_Button2";xkbset m
  • Merge two files together based on the first column in each. Print file1.col1:file2.col2
❯❯ join -o 1.1,2.2 -1 1 -2 1 -t: file1 file2
  • Remove meetings, really fast. (But make sure they are properly quoted)
❯❯ rm -rf "${MEETINGS[@]}
  • This will print only the last line that matches REGEX. Thanks long time listener first time caller @stephensant
❯❯ sed -ne '/REGEX/h;${x;p}'
  • Live insert the last word from the previous command in history into current line. Can repeat to go further. Not the same as !$
❯❯ [Meta-.]
  • Deletes orphaned docker images. Thx @jvz
❯❯ for x in $(docker images | awk \'$1 ~ "<none >" {print $3}\'); do docker rmi $x; done
  • Remove all exif metadata from a photo. Thx @cengizIO
❯❯ exiftool -all= foo.jpg
  • Ping home when mic "hears" something
❯❯ while :;do rec -t raw /dev/null rate 32k silence 1 0.1 2% 1 0.0 2% && ping -c 1 home;sleep 1; done
  • Major colors
❯❯ for i in *.jpg;do printf "$i %s\\n" $(convert "$i" -scale 1x1\\! -format \'%[pixel:u]\' info:- ) ;done |tee -a color-indexes.txt
  • Continually watch processes with names Thx @radome
❯❯ watch -n 0.5 "ps uf -C process1,process2
  • NPM outdate for projects in dir. Thx @afschr
❯❯ for d in */; do echo $d; cd $d; npm outdate; cd - > /dev/null; done
  • Use timeout to only run a command for a set amount of time (1hour)
❯❯ timeout 1h tcpdump -n -i eth0 -w network.pcap not host
  • Find out what country that IP that just pinged your host is from
❯❯ geoiplookup
  • Format XMLs. Thx @deepankarb
❯❯ find -name "*.xml" | while IFS=$\'\\n\' read f ; do xmllint --format "$f" > tmp.xml && mv -v tmp.xml "$f"; done
  • When Apr01 just won't do, show the (long) format start time for all processes on a Linux system
❯❯ ps -o pid,lstart,command ax
  • Well written GUI programs play well with the command line. Multiple args open multiple files
❯❯ gimp IMG_253{1,4,6..9}.JPG
  • Use Facebook authentication for SSH and auto "Like" the host too. New ssh options
❯❯ ssh --like -u fb::Bob_Reach
  • Send those new Windows bash users a gift
❯❯ mkdir fun; touch fun/{R,r}{E,e}{A,a}{D,d}{M,m}{E,e};echo hello  >fun/rEadME;zip -r fun\\.zip fun
  • Convert MP4 to WAV. Thanks @varpt
❯❯ for f in *.mp4; do echo "processing $f"; bname=$(basename $f); ffmpeg -i "$f" "$bname.wav"; done
  • After killing processing using up all your RAM on Linux (Firefox!!), move processes off of swap
❯❯ sudo bash -c 'swapoff -a && swapon -a'
  • Show partitions of only physical SCSI/SATA/SCA drives and not other things like device mapper entries
❯❯ sudo fdisk -l /dev/sd?
  • n[*]}));play -qn synth pl ${n[$r]} trim 0 1;read -p "[A-G]?" g;[[ "$g" == "${n[r]:0:1}" ]]&&echo y||echo n
❯❯ n=({A..G}{2..6});r=$((RANDOM%${
  • Print temperature value from sensor w/ time when temp is over 80
❯❯ while sleep 30; do curl -s |jq '.temp'|awk '$1 >80'|ts ;done
  • Output json data from sensor w/ time when temp reaches over 80
❯❯ while sleep 30; do curl -s |egrep "temp: 8[0-9]" | ts ;done
  • If you like pasting into STDIN pipeline, this trick can prevent the processing from starting until you press [Ctrl-D]
❯❯ tac|tac|
  • Arduino temp sensor to timed logfile and view
❯❯ tail -f /dev/ttyACM0 |gawk \'{print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T") " " $0)}\' |tee temperature.log
  • longnow
❯❯ Hearing of Andy Grove's passing reminds me, we really are still at the beginning of computing. Imagine 1000 years from now.
  • Every time you reuse a command from your command history, it saves a tree in the digital world. \xe2\x99\xbb
❯❯ <Ctrl-r >searchpattern
  • In vim this will search all lines (%s) for wlan0 and replace all the instances per line (g) with eth3 and confirm (c)
❯❯ :%s/wlan0/eth3/gc
  • If you ever want to use a negative offset (from the end) for variable substrings, the space before the - is important
❯❯ echo ${DISPLAY: -1}
  • USER}/2}
❯❯ echo ${USER:0:${
  • set access/modification times of newfile to those of oldfile
❯❯ touch -r oldfile newfile
  • find 4-leaf
❯❯ t=$((COLUMNS*LINES-COLUMNS));r=$((RANDOM%t));printf "\\e[32m";for i in $(seq $t);do [[ $i == $r ]]&&printf "\xf0\x9f\x8d\x80"||printf "\xe2\x98\x98";done
  • Long list the files/directories with only 4 characters by using 4 match any single character patterns (?). For @alecedworthy
❯❯ ls -ld ????
  • Check a domain to make sure its all the ASCII characters you expect and not Unicode look-a-likes
❯❯ echo \xef\xbd\x99o\xcf\x85r\xef\xbd\x82\xef\xbd\x81\xef\xbd\x8e\xef\xbd\ | hexdump -c
  • A rainbow in your shell
❯❯ yes "$(seq 231 -1 16)" | while read i; do printf "\\x1b[48;5;${i}m\\n"; sleep .02; done
  • Show all programs listening TCP/UDP ports. You may want to run this with superuser privileges
❯❯ lsof -Pan -i tcp -i udp
  • pi domain owners
❯❯ for i in $(seq 4 65);do echo -n "${pi:0:$i}.com: ";whois ${pi:2:$((i-2))}.com|grep --col=no "rant Na"||echo;sleep 5;done
  • Happy Pi Day! Calculate \xcf\x80 to 1000 digits using bc and assign it to pi
❯❯ pi=$( echo "scale=1000;4*a(1)" | BC_LINE_LENGTH=1004 bc -l )
  • Req. ImageMagick
❯❯ convert -size 413x314 xc:tan -fill red -pointsize 200 -gravity center -draw "text 0,0 \'3.14\'" -flop pie.png
  • Kill all
❯❯ ps ax -o state -o ppid  | awk \'$1=="Z"{print $2}\' | xargs kill -9
  • Change URL into a more filesystem friendly form and squeeze the repeated _ chars into one
❯❯ echo "$URL" | tr -s / _
❯❯ Gotta love it when a speaker hands out CLI cheatsheets. Thanks @rbowen
  • Generate a random ordered list of 20 numbers. For example to determine order of presentation
❯❯ seq 20 | shuf
  • Show just the Documents followed by person@domain
❯❯ grep -e Document -e person@domain multilinelist.txt |grep -B1 person@domain
  • Make stats of the top file types in this directory and below
❯❯ find . -exec file -b --mime-type {} + | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
  • How many times did they say cyber? Just select all in your browser copy and paste into this command to find out
❯❯ grep -io "cyber" | wc -l
  • in bash, set this option to make sure backgrounded jobs don't get killed when the parent shell exits
❯❯ shopt -u huponexit
  • Adjust all rsync processes on the system so that they have lower (idle) IO priority
❯❯ pgrep rsync | xargs ionice -c3 -p
  • WP abuse
❯❯ grep -h "POST /.*wp-login.php" *-access_log |awk \'$1!~/^my.ip.addr$/{print $1}\' |sort|uniq -c|sort -nr |head -50 > wp-abusers.txt
  • Its a pretty weird day when you find yourself running a command like this to diagnose a problem
❯❯ tcpdump -i eth0 dst net
  • An easy way of selecting the processes owned by someuser
❯❯ ps wu -U someuser
  • Drownattack TLD stats
❯❯ curl -s https://www.drownattack\\.com/top-sites |html2text|awk -F\\. '/^[0-9]+/{print $NF}' |sort|uniq -c|sort -nr
  • Stump your friends. How many months had only 19 days? Answer: 1 (When we switched to Gregorian. Actual month depends on locale)
❯❯ cal 9 1752
  • Show the first and last 5 lines of the file 'log'
❯❯ (head -5; tail -5) < log
  • vim add column Data5=N with an inc. number
❯❯ :let i = 1 | g/|Population=/s/|Population=/\\=printf("|Data5=%d|Population=", i)/ | let i = i+1
  • Show % reports of CPU statistics for every active task in the server at two second intervals
❯❯ pidstat 2 5
  • Lower case all files in a folder
❯❯ for f in *; do b=$(echo "$f" | tr \'[A-Z]\' \'[a-z]\'); mv "$f" "$b"; done
  • Make some waves. Req 256-color term
❯❯ yes "$(seq 19 21; seq 21 -1 18)" |while read i; do printf "\\x1b[48;5;${i}m\\n"; sleep .03; done
  • counts files in the current path by modification month. Thx @aSheepie
❯❯ find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf '%TY-%Tm\\n' | sort | uniq -c
  • Print all from 3rd field to end of line. Very useful for log parsing
❯❯ awk '{ print substr($0, index($0,$3)) }' mail.log
  • "Attempt" to recover an accidentally removed file
❯❯ fgrep --binary-files=text -C 2000 "string in file" /dev/sda > recovereddata.out
  • Make less more like more, but still more than more. Percent of file in prompt, etc. Thx @CLK55
❯❯ export LESS='-sCmqPm--Less--(?eEND:%pb\\%.)'
  • This environment variable will invoke 'less' with these options when it is used. Like when viewing a man page
❯❯ export LESS="-S -j10 -i
  • Terminal based spreadsheet program. Has some degree of vi key support
❯❯ sc
  • This is an X automation tool that allows you to script your keyboard and mouse
❯❯ xdotool
  • You can actually follow more than one log at once and get new updates on them. Use -q to not print filename header
❯❯ tail -f *.log
  • TEXT}
❯❯ TEXT="measure the length of this text" ; echo ${
  • In RPM, determine which packages where installed in Nov 2015
❯❯ rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME} %{INSTALLTIME:date}\\n" | grep "Nov 2015
  • Find and long list mp3 files in Music dir older than a year and larger than 10MB
❯❯ find music -name '*.mp3' -mtime +365 -a -size +10M -ls
  • Show photo filenames where no flash was used. Req. Imagemagick
❯❯ identify -format "%f F:%[EXIF:Flash]\\n" *.jpg | egrep " F:(0|16|24|32)$
  • Stream mp3 at bitrate speed (128Kbits). WARNING: NSFW "lyrics"
❯❯ curl -N --limit-rate 16K http://f.climagic\\.org/techsup.mp3 | mpg123 -
  • Search for names and build a frequency count for each name
❯❯ egrep -wo "(Donnie|Frank|Roberta|Grandma)" story.txt |sort|uniq -c|sort -r
  • Show the total space used on all your local disk partitions
❯❯ df -lP |awk \'{sum += $3} END {printf "%d GiB\\n", sum/2**20}\'
  • Use the */ trick to get only the directories, then use ${dir%/} to remove the trailing / you get
❯❯ for dir in */ ; do echo "${dir%/}" ; done
  • Use perl regex (negative look-behind/look-ahead assertions) to get URLs
❯❯ grep -P -o \'(?<=href=")http:\\S+(?=")\' *.html
  • Create a 1280x720 color plasma image. Different each time. Uses ImageMagick
❯❯ convert -size 1280x720 plasma:green-blue background.png
  • Write 1MB (1048576) of random numbers to a file
❯❯ strings /dev/urandom | tr -c -d '0-9' | dd of=randomnumbers.txt bs=1 count=1M
  • Replace foo with bar only on lines that contain 'bang'. Use in pipeline or with file args. Thanks @Agarri_FR
❯❯ sed "/bang/ s/foo/bar/
  • Poor man's video streaming service at video bitrate
❯❯ Server: nc -l 8762 < video.mpg  Client: nc server 8762 | mplayer -cache 1000 -
  • After all the host keys and auth, you'll be on server3
❯❯ ssh -t user1@server1 \'ssh -t user2@server2 "ssh -t user3@server3"\'
  • rig is this cool little program that generates random identities
❯❯ rig
  • Guitar strum. play is from sox pkg
❯❯ play -n synth pl G2 pl B2 pl D3 pl G3 pl D4 pl G4 delay 0 .05 .1 .15 .2 .25 remix - fade 0 4 .1 norm -1
  • Climagic video - Aliases vs Functions and where to use $1
  • Play music for 60 minutes and then shutdown. Like sleep on alarm clock
❯❯ sudo shutdown -h 60 & mpg123 ambientmusic/*.mp3
  • Using +F option or pressing F in less is similar to tail -f filename.log but can use less's features. Thx @gazoombo
❯❯ less +F filename.log
  • In vim, when you want to paste in code, its often useful to 'set paste' so that the autoindent/syntax doesn't interfere
❯❯ :set paste
  • If you set your production server's time to this date, you will get fired
❯❯ date -s 1970-01-01
  • Nice little demo of the potential of UTF-8 in plain text files
❯❯ vim ''
  • Record a macro called 'a' that moves down two lines (jj) and then deletes 1 line (dd). Run w/ @a, run 100 times 100@a
❯❯ vi macro: qajjddq
  • Change the case (to lowercase) of the first letter E of a filename using brace expansion
❯❯ mv {E,e}ecummings.txt
  • List of empty subdirectories of current directory
❯❯ find . -empty -type d
  • Like ping, but it uses an ARP request to check, which gets around host firewalls blocking ICMP. Only works on same subnet
❯❯ arping
  • Check if cert was signed by key
❯❯ diff <(openssl rsa -in my.key -modulus | grep Modulus) <(openssl x509 -in my.crt -modulus | grep Modulus)
  • Hide the previous command you just ran and forgot to use space
❯❯ alias hideprev='history -d $((HISTCMD-2)) && history -d $((HISTCMD-1))'
  • Show your basic terminal text colors for terminal preferences change
❯❯ printf "\\e[%dm%d dark\\e[0m  \\e[%d;1m%d bold\\e[0m\\n" {30..37}{,,,}
  • 1.jpg
❯❯ curl \'\' -o "trip
  • Use cut to print out columns 1, 5 and 10 through 15 in data.csv and write that to new.csv
❯❯ cut -d, -f1,5,10-15 data.csv > new.csv
  • Copy a file using "ionice -c 3" to give it idle priority to reduce load on the system
❯❯ ionice -c 3 cp vm1.img vm1-clone.img
  • Find file duplicates in 'dir' recursively based on size and mdsum and log to dupes.txt. Thx @sizeof
❯❯ fdupes -r dir > dupes.txt
  • Count syslog hits per minute in your messages log file. Useful for doing quick stats
❯❯ awk -F: {\'print $1 ":" $2\'} messages |uniq -c
  • Todo list
❯❯ todo(){ cd ~/.todo||return 1&& l=$(ls -1t|head -n1)&&t=$(date +%Y%m%d);[[ "$1" == "last" ]]&&cp $l $t; ${EDITOR:-vi} $t;cd -;}
  • Use the exiv2 EXIF program to rename your jpg files according to their exif date/time data. Thx @mvuets
❯❯ exiv2 -k -F rename *.jpg
  • Remove the prefix 'unwanted' from the beginning of each filename with .jpg suffix in CWD
❯❯ rename 's/^unwanted//' *.jpg
  • Create a dynamic SOCKS5 proxy on port 8989 using an SSH connection. Some apps can be configured to use this
❯❯ ssh -D 8989 you@remotehost
  • Print the day of the year. Can be useful with things like find
❯❯ date +%j
  • Pandora music client for the command line. And like many CLI clients, it has more control, features and less bloat
❯❯ pianobar
  • linux
❯❯ What animals live in the snow? Penguins.\rWhat other animals live in the snow? A lot of penguins.
  • Compare the contents of 2 dirs. Show only 2 columns, each for files unique to the directory
❯❯ comm -3 <(ls -1 dir1) <(ls -1 dir2)
  • How many days will it take to transfer 145GiB at 1.35MiB/sec? Use qalc!
❯❯ qalc "145Gibyte / 1.35(Mibyte/second) to day
  • Monitor your wireless card signal strength on the screen
❯❯ watch -n1 cat /proc/net/wireless
  • Want to write a word doc without the fuss? Make a TXT, Markdown, etc. & convert. Thx @BriceDutheil
❯❯ pandoc -o proposal.docx proposal.txt
  • group subdomains by domain. Good use of rev
❯❯ cat longdomainlist.txt | rev | sort | rev
  • Compare just the assignment lines of two config files that use = for value assignment
❯❯ diff <(grep = config.txt) <(grep = config.txt-new)
  • Show the 10 largest directories at top level along with total usage. All in megabytes
❯❯ du -cms .[^.]*/ */ | sort -rn | head
  • On Linux, print out a list of the process IDs that are in the zombie state
❯❯ ps aux | awk \'{if ($8=="Z") { print $2 }}\'
  • Mount a CDROM disc from its ISO image file
❯❯ dd if=/dev/cdrom of=image.iso ; mkdir CDroot ; mount -o loop image.iso CDroot ; cd CDroot
  • 20 years ago IBM supercomputer Deep Blue defeats Garry Kasparov in chess for the first time
❯❯ fliptable(){ echo "\xef\xbc\x88\xe2\x95\xaf\xc2\xb0\xe2\x96\xa1\xc2\xb0\xef\xbc\x89\xe2\x95\xaf \xe2\x94\xbb\xe2\x94\x81\xe2\x94\xbb"; }
  • Write out 20 png format frames from a video starting at 3 minutes, 46 seconds
❯❯ mplayer -vo png -ss 3:46 -frames 20 stairs.mp4
  • Move photos with EXIF data to directories by year created/taken. Be verbose
❯❯ exiftool -v '-Directory<DateTimeOriginal' -d %Y .
  • Get list of top URLs from all logs combined
❯❯ zcat access_log*.gz |cat - access_log |awk '{print $7}' |sed 's/\\?.*//' |sort|uniq -c|sort -nr
❯❯ These are your father's parentheses. Elegant decorations, for a birthday cake.
  • A site that helps you build the find options you want to use and now several other common commands
  • Annoyed by wrapped lines in df output. Try -P to unwrap the lines and piping to column will align the columns
❯❯ df -P | column -t
  • Print disk space used on all ext3 or 4 FS in GiB
❯❯ df -Pl -t ext3 -t ext4 | tail -n+2 | awk '{ sum+=$3 } END { print sum/2**20 }'
  • $PS1
❯❯ PS1=
  • Compress files with xz in PWD according to size, starting with smallest
❯❯ ls -Sr1 | while IFS=$\'\\n\' read -r file; do xz "$file"; done
  • For Mar 22nd, print the req fields for hosts from two letter gTLD
❯❯ fgrep 22/Mar/2015 access_log |awk \'$1~/\\.[a-z][a-z]$/{print $6 " " $7}\'
  • "}; print $0 " " b;}
❯❯ awk \'{print $4}\' apache_log|sort -n|cut -c1-15|uniq -c|awk \'{b="";for(i=0;i<$1/10;i++){b=b
  • Imagine being able to run tail -f /dev/world (You can get the t command for twitter here:
❯❯ t matrix
  • Do an instant replay on your Roku
❯❯ curl -d "" http://YourRokuIP:8060/keypress/InstantReplay
  • CLIMagic video: Epic demo of how I watched Superbowl 46 over a netcat stream
  • Detect 90% of pwn'd PHP code or thereabouts
❯❯ grep -r eval.*base64 source_code_tree
  • Run Nyan Cat in your terminal like its 2011
  • Which days I've worked... By @d1eg0_garc1a
❯❯ git log --date=short --format="%ci"|awk \'{print $1}\'|uniq

❯❯ du -h . | grep "^[0-9\\.]\\+G
  • Do an apt upgrade and save a copy of the output to a current dated filename
❯❯ apt-get upgrade | tee upgrade-$( date +%F ).log
  • Life is too short to run the same command twice
❯❯ export HISTSIZE=0
  • Random color per log line
❯❯ tail -F syslog |while read -r line;do printf "\\033[38;5;%dm%s\\033[0m\\n" $(($RANDOM%255)) "$line";done
  • Because you can't do this in real life
❯❯ nohup sleep 8h
  • Make month histogram of dates of files in current directory
❯❯ ls -la --full-time |tr -s " " |cut -f6 -d " "|cut -c1-7 | sort | uniq -c
  • A nice fade slideshow command you can also use
❯❯ /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glslideshow -pan 20 -duration 20 -delay 0 -fade 5 -clip -window-id
  • Matrix screensaver background
❯❯ /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix -window-id $(xwininfo -int -name "Desktop" |awk \'/Desktop{print $4}\')
  • Move current year pics to 2015 directory
❯❯ find . -maxdepth 1 -daystart -type f -name '*.jpg' -mtime -$( date +%j ) -exec mv -v {} 2015/ \\;
  • Learn a command on each new shell open
❯❯ echo \'man $(ls /usr/bin | shuf -n 1)| sed -n "/^NAME/ { n;p;q }"\' > > ~/.bashrc
  • Show directory size and sort by human readable amount (MB, GB, etc.). Requires GNU sort for -h option
❯❯ du -sh */ | sort -h
  • list top 50 404's in descending order
❯❯ awk \'$9 == "404" {print $7}\' access.log |sort|uniq -c|sort -rn| head -n 50
  • iodine is a client and server that allow you to tunnel IP traffic over DNS, bypassing many firewalls, etc
  • Edit a file on a remote server using vim from your local *nix desktop
❯❯ vim scp://user@server1//etc/httpd/httpd.conf
  • And you probably haven't heard one of these in a while
❯❯ play -n synth sine 480 sine 620 remix 1-2 fade 0 0.5 delay 0.5 repeat 5
  • With this command you can generate a U.S. dial tone using sox play
❯❯ play -n synth sine A sine F remix 1-2 fade 0 5
  • @stormdragon2976 constructed this command that imitates the sound of an old rotary phone using espeak
  • Find any files or directories on your system that are suid or sgid. Older versions of find can try -perm +u+s
❯❯ find / -perm /+s -ls
  • Quick popup notification command after 3 minutes
❯❯ sleep 3m; xmessage -nearmouse "Your tea is ready
  • Get a list of all files last modified in 2013. Useful for passing to xargs or while loop
❯❯ find . -printf "%TY %p\\n" | grep ^2013
  • List all rpm packaged files in /var/log by what rpm they belong to
❯❯ rpm -qa --filesbypkg | grep " /var/log/
  • Say hello using a nice voice
❯❯ wget -q -O- -U Mozilla "\\.com/translate_tts?q=hello&tl=en"|mpg123 -q -
  • Create the "Matrix effect" in your terminal window
  • find all files larger than 100MB and display their human readable size
❯❯ find / -size +100M -exec du -h {} \\;
  • You can use the bc command to convert base 10 numbers to base 16 (hexadecimal). Tip: Specify obase first
❯❯ echo "obase=16;ibase=10;40" | bc
  • Convert hexadecimal number 28 to decimal 40. Can also do echo $((16
❯❯ echo $((0x28))
  • Ever edit a file as a normal user that is owned by root. This vim command will allow you to overwrite it with root perms
❯❯ :w !sudo tee %
  • Turn a Unix epoch time back into a human readable date. Feature of GNU date
❯❯ date -d @192179700
  • Play alarm.wav once site is back
❯❯ while ! curl -m 10 http://www.example\\.com/ ; do echo still down ; sleep 1m ; done ; play alarm.wav
  • CLI generated dubstep. Thx @Butter_Tweets
❯❯ while :; do echo wub wub wub | espeak --stdout | play - pitch -400 bend .3,-600,.3 ; done
  • groundhog0day
❯❯ The groundhog saw /etc/shadow, the rainbows are next. Winter is over.
  • sshfs is a nice util that uses FUSE and SSH to mount a remote directory as a local one
❯❯ sshfs user@remotehost:/remotedir mydir
  • 1
❯❯ You probably learned SSH from me. I wrote the top ssh tutorial for the past 15 years. Search for ssh tutorial. Its the Suso one, usually
  • Apparently according to testing, this is the fastest way to delete millions of small files
❯❯ rsync -a -delete empty/ foo/
  • You started a program, but now want it to notify you when its done
❯❯ <ctrl-z > bg ; wait %1 ; echo "done" | mail -s "done"
  • Download playlist vids
❯❯ youtube-dl --max-quality 37 --title --playlist-start=1 --playlist-end=10 --ignore-errors youtube-playlist-url
  • CLIMagic video: Use comment characters in commands to add meta info to commands
  • Suspend and reattach a process to screen
❯❯ longcmd ; [Ctrl-Z] ; bg ; disown ; screen ; reptyr $( pidof longcmd )
  • By @seidler2547
❯❯ git log --author=$USER --format="- %B" --since=-7days --reverse |mail -s "What I\'ve done this week" boss@company\\.com
  • I find brace expansion useful for renaming files. This cmd expands to "mv Picture.jpg Picture-of-my-cat.jpg"
❯❯ mv Picture{,-of-my-cat}.jpg
  • mnt iPad filesystem. Thx @timothyjones
❯❯ apt-get install ifuse", "ifuse /media/iPad" and "cp -v /media/iPad/DCIM/100APPLE/IMG*MOV /target
  • Use the exiv2 EXIF program to rename your jpg files according to their exif date/time data
❯❯ exiv2 -k -F rename *.jpg
  • tail log & highlight errors (if your grep supports --color) Thx @kvegh
❯❯ tail -f foo.log|egrep --line-buffered --color=auto 'ERROR|WARN|$'
  • Pretend that you're on a starship
❯❯ play -n -c1 synth whitenoise band -n 100 20 band -n 50 20 gain +30 fade h 1 86400 1
  • Extract MP3 from FLV function. Thx @tweetygeekyhbar
❯❯ extr_mp3(){ ffmpeg -i $1.flv -f mp3 -ar 44100 -ac 2 -ab 192k -y -acodec copy $1.mp3; }
  • Mark Zuckerburg could've saved a billion if he knew about ImageMagick. (Instagram)
❯❯ convert +level-colors Firebrick, me.jpg oldme.jpg
  • Show the query and results of 'select' queries going to your mysql server. Won't work on socket conns
❯❯ ngrep -d eth0 -i 'select' port 3306
  • Show what processes are using port 80 either locally or remotely. Need to be root for unowned processes
❯❯ lsof -i TCP:80
  • Wrap the lines of draft.txt at 72 characters wide, doing so at spaces, not middle of word (-s)
❯❯ fold -w 72 -s draft.txt > newdraft.txt
  • Professional development: Learn vim while playing an adventure game
  • Blink eth0's LED so you can find it in the rat's next of server cables. Ctrl-C to stop
❯❯ ethtool -p eth0
❯❯ saveurl() { cat > /dev/null; }
  • Display top RAM using processes. Browser is probably
❯❯ ps aux|tail -n+2 |sort -nrk4 |head -$(($(tput lines)-1)) |cut -c 1-$(tput cols)
  • Remote intercom system. "Kent, this is God!"
❯❯ rec -t wav - | ssh remotehost play -t wav -
  • Quickly find the largest 5 files in the CWD tree without crossing filesystem boundaries
❯❯ find . -xdev -ls | sort -n -k 7 | tail -5
  • Quick and easy way to make a mirror of a website
❯❯ wget -m http://www.example\\.com/
  • Start a web service on port 8000 that uses the current directory as its document root
❯❯ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
  • Automatically installs your public key to the remote host (this is included in the openssh package)
❯❯ ssh-copy-id 'user@remotehost'
  • restore a
❯❯ pv bigdump.sql.gz | gunzip | mysql
  • Show the TCP and UDP ports being listened on and if you're root, also show the process associated, user, etc
❯❯ netstat -lepunt
  • Make slideshow from *.jpg
❯❯ for p in *.jpg; do ffmpeg -loop_input -f image2 -i $p -t 3 -r 4 -s 1080x720 -f avi - > > slides.avi; done
  • Your Linux laptop says ESSID names while you drive around
❯❯ while :;do iwlist wlan0 scan |awk -F\\" \'/ESSID/{print $2}\' |espeak;done
  • Make local webserver available via remoteserver:8080. Req. GatewayPorts yes on sshd
❯❯ ssh -R *:8080:localhost:80 remoteserver
  • Quickly scan network without using nmap, etc
❯❯ for i in 172.16.0.{1..254};do (ping -c1 $i > /dev/null && echo $_) &done > pinged-hosts
  • CLIMAGIC video: Using awk or numsum to sum up numbers in df output
  • Quickly list the directories that are two levels down without having to do something more complex with 'find'
❯❯ ls -ld */*/
  • Search for available python packages through yum, but only show lines for packages starting with python
❯❯ yum search python | grep ^python
  • Scan your internal network for hosts listening on TCP port 22 (SSH)
❯❯ nmap --open -p T:22
  • Turn a mono channel recording of talking into a small mp3
❯❯ lame -b 32 -m m --bitwidth 8 podcast.wav podcast.mp3
  • Delete messages from Jan 20th in the postfix queue
❯❯ mailq |grep " Jan 20 " |awk {\'print $1\'} |xargs -n 1 postsuper -d
  • Make box around text. By @bartonski
❯❯ function box(){ t="$1xxxx";c=${2:-=}; echo ${t//?/$c}; echo "$c $1 $c"; echo ${t//?/$c}; }
  • Make a quick rot13 translation quick reference table
❯❯ echo {a..z} ; echo {n..z} {a..m}
  • Run a command "unreliably". Useful in cron. Remember to use \% instead of % if using in crontab
❯❯ [ $(( $RANDOM % 2 )) -eq 0 ] && command
  • Display top bandwidth hogs on website
❯❯ awk \'{a[$1] += $10} END {for (h in a) print h " " a[h]}\' access_log | sort -k 2 -nr | head -10
  • CLIMagic video: Tar command tutorial
  • This will show a count of all lines that have more than 1 copy. So only show the duplicates. (-d)
❯❯ uniq -cd popular.txt
  • Show the mail servers that mail destined to example\xe2\x80\ is going to go. +short for less info than default
❯❯ dig +short MX example\\.com
  • Split a file into 500 line files called splitfile-xaa, splitfile-xab, etc. Useful for variety of things
❯❯ split -l 500 largefile splitfile-
  • List the filenames that don't contain the pattern specified
❯❯ grep -L pattern *
  • Go directly to the crontab man page that is in chapter 5 of the unix manual pages. Some topics have multiple man pages
❯❯ man 5 crontab
  • Use rev twice to get around limitation of cut not being able to truncate end of a string
❯❯ echo test | rev | cut -c 2- | rev
  • Split a file into multiple using an empty line as the split point. {*} means do this until the end
❯❯ csplit sections.txt '/^$/' {*}
  • Print out the file requested for CLF log entries with HTTP 404 status code
❯❯ awk '$10==404 {print $7}' access_log
  • On Linux and others, display the inodes used per filesystem. Useful for determining how long it takes to backup or search the fs
❯❯ df -i
  • Show a 3 month view (before, current, after) in cal
❯❯ cal -3
  • Find which Debian package the notify-send program is included with - > libnotify-bin
❯❯ dpkg -S $( which notify-send )
  • Pass the output of which (showing path to lspci) into rpm's -qf, which tells you the pkg
❯❯ rpm -qf $( which lspci )
  • Do an rsync and limit the bandwidth used to about 200 KBytes/sec. Useful on shared or slow links
❯❯ rsync --bwlimit=200 src dest
  • Determine what lines two different files have in common. The comm program requires sorted files
❯❯ comm -12 <(sort names1) <(sort names2)
  • Make thumbnails of images IMG_3000.JPG - IMG_3499.JPG
❯❯ for i in IMG_3[0-4]*.JPG ; do convert -quality 60 -geometry 300 $i thumbs/$i ; done
  • Join the splits back together
❯❯ cat split-xaa split-xab split-xac > rejoinedlargefile
  • Split a file called largefile into 1 gigabyte pieces called split-xaa, split-xab, split-xac
❯❯ split -b 1G verylargefile split
  • Spice up your excessive usage of [Ctrl-C]. Needs ack or ack-grep. For @trifero
❯❯ trap "echo;ack-grep --bar | sed \'y/ge/ta/\'" SIGINT
  • poor man's file serve. Use nc serverhost 1234 > output.txt to retrieve file from remote host. NAT bugs this
❯❯ nc -q1 -lvp 1234 < file.txt
  • Bean counter
❯❯ alias coffee='VALUE=$( cat ~/.cupsocoffee ) ; VALUE=$(( $VALUE + 1 )); echo $VALUE > ~/.cupsocoffee ; echo $VALUE'
  • List the 20 largest files or folders under the current working directory
❯❯ du -ma | sort -nr | head -n 20
  • Find out if any duplicate image files exist in the current directory
❯❯ shasum *.jpg | awk {\'print $1\'} | sort | uniq -c | grep -v " 1
  • This will run ls without using any alias called ls that might be in place. You can do this with any command
❯❯ \\ls
  • Show Linux distro release information or die trying
❯❯ lsb_release -a || cat /etc/redhat-release
  • Look at the full year calendar for 2013 and 2014 side by side. (Requires term width > 135)
❯❯ paste <(cal 2015) <(cal 2016)
  • |^$" httpd.conf
❯❯ egrep -v "^
  • Count the number of web server processes running. Or use (pgrep -c httpd)
❯❯ ps auxw | grep "[h]ttpd" | wc -l
  • trim output data width of file to the exact width of your terminal
❯❯ cut -c 1-$COLUMNS file
  • Engage lazy mode
❯❯ for i in {1..10} ; do sleep $(( $RANDOM % 3600 + 1800 )) ; ; done
  • Space usage of directories only (This was the very first CLIMagic command posted on December 15th, 2009)
❯❯ du -sh */
  • (Calmer) Snow in your terminal
  • Snow storm in the terminal
❯❯ while true;do N=$(($RANDOM % $COLUMNS));for i in $( seq 1 $N );do echo -n " ";done;echo \\*;done
  • You might want to use this command to flip your X display for the next one. xrandr -o normal flips back
❯❯ xrandr -o inverted
❯❯ yes NO
  • Tron lightcycles in the terminal or Etch-a-sketch. Take your pick
  • Graph of the history of Unix and its derivatives. Last updated October 2015 (yes its still updated)
  • Show IPv4 and IPv6 addresses per interface in Linux. Thx to all in
❯❯ echo addr show|ip -o -b -|cut -d' ' -f2,7
  • reptyr can be used to reattach a program on another tty to the current tty so you can transfer it into screen/tmux
❯❯ reptyr <pid >
  • Sometimes I like to paste data to grep on stdin, problem is output can interweave with the input. Use sponge + Ctrl-D
❯❯ sponge | grep needle
  • In Mutt, pipe a message (press |) through this command to decode and view a base64 encoded body
❯❯ sed -n '/^$/,$p' | base64 -d | less
  • Encapsulate UDP packets in a TCP stream so it can be tunneled through an SSH tunnel, etc
❯❯ socat -v UDP-LISTEN:8161,fork TCP:localhost:8161
  • Use brace expansion to easily specify a list of 8 interfaces to listen on. p1p1 - p2p4
❯❯ tshark -ip{1,2}p{1..4} -w 20160115.pcap
  • Playback a voicemail at 10 decibels louder and 50% faster without affecting pitch. Req. sox package
❯❯ play msg0114.WAV vol 10 dB tempo 1.5
  • Get data and timestamp til 40X status
❯❯ while :;do wget http://example\\.com/exposed -O exposed-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)||break;sleep 1h;done
  • Rename all single leading digit flac files so that they have a padding 0 for easier sorting
❯❯ rename -v 's/^([0-9])_/0\\1_/' *.flac
  • Brace expansion quickly appends the devel pacakge as well to your list
❯❯ yum install package-with-long-name{,-devel}
  • Poor folk's multi music album player
❯❯ echo "Listen to which album?" ; select album in */ ; do mplayer "$album"/* ; done
  • Actually this might work better for your .bashrc. Shorter and more fun. Thx @nervengiftlabs and @Schlumpf23_v3
❯❯ cowsay $(fortune -s)
  • Dump your paste clipboard to hexdump for character by character investigation of what you just copied
❯❯ (xsel -b || pbpaste) |hexdump -c
  • Pave the road
❯❯ while true; do for i in 02E{{9..5},{6..8}}; do printf "\\u${i}O=o >";sleep 0.09;printf "\\b\\b\\b\\b\\b";done;printf "_";done
  • Finish a download started by a previous instance of wget, or by another program
❯❯ wget -c http://example\\.com/dvd.iso
  • In the
❯❯ echo "ibase=10;obase=12;2016" | bc
  • A function to make it easy to upload photos. Ex. usage: uploadphotos IMG_3*.JPG
❯❯ uploadphotos(){ scp -rp "$@" you@webserver:www/photos/; }
  • Or find another terminal resolution that equals 2016
❯❯ seq 1 1008 | awk \'{if (2016%$1==0){print $0 "x" (2016/$1)}}\'
  • Use the apache benchmarking client to make 100 requests, 10 at a time and get the results
❯❯ ab -n 100 -c 10 "http://www.poorwebsite\\.com/
  • another way to handle files starting with a - in CWD is to prefix them with ./
❯❯ rm ./-file-starting-with-dash
  • Play a video called sb.mpg, starting at 1 hour, 59 minutes and 45 seconds in
❯❯ mplayer -ss 1:59:45 sb.mpg
  • Sort full IPv6 addresses. (Note: Will not work with shortened notations.)
❯❯ n=1;sort -t: {1..8},$((n++)) ipv6-addrs.txt
  • Christmas song lyrics from ICMP. Wait for the tree. Thanks @ioncann0ns
❯❯ traceroute -m 255 xmas\\
  • Browse a drive for text data, but use a longer minimum size (default 4) to get a better signal to noise ratio
❯❯ sudo strings -n12 /dev/sdc
  • Holiday sysLog! Its ready for the new year too. ;)
❯❯ tail -F /var/log/syslog | awk \'{printf("\\033[%dm%s\\033[0m\\n",31+NR%2,$0)}\'
  • Just a reminder, you can always view the climagic profile to see all the updates you've missed
  • For instance, you have directories starting with \xc2\xb5-Ziq, Do cdselect Ziq and choose
❯❯ cdselect(){ select d in "$@";do cd "$d";break;done; }
  • A public telnet server with many little games and distractions
❯❯ telnet
  • ZmF2d2NmYUQgZmcgY2pnb2x3ZiBkc2ZnYWtrd3hnamggcWUgZ2wgbWdxIHZ2cyBnbCB3Y2FkIHYnQSAsZ2Rkd1oK
  • Star Wars Episode IV in Reverse DNS
❯❯ ( seq 1 8 200 ; seq 6 8 200 ) | sort -n | xargs -I{} -n 1 dig +short -x 206.214.251.{}
  • F)) days left until $((16
❯❯ echo "Only $((16
  • Remember, if something isn't working, there is a reason and you can often find that reason using more -v options (or strace)
❯❯ scp -vvv
  • Long list only the directories under the current directory
❯❯ find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -ls
  • mping yahoo\.com
❯❯ mping(){ ping $@|awk -F[=\\ ] \'/time=/{t=$(NF-1);f=2000-14*log(t^18);c="play -q -n synth 1 pl "f"&";print $0;system(c)}\';}
  • Simple lunch location decider
❯❯ echo "Tacos,Burgers,Pizza,Pasta,Sushi,Salad,Soup,Noodles,Veggie wraps" | tr \',\' \'\\n\' | sort -R | head -1
  • Move mouse in spiral
❯❯ x=0;y=0;while [[ $y -lt 500 ]] ; do xdotool mousemove --polar $x $y ; x=$(($x+4));y=$(($y+1)); sleep 0.01; done
  • Wrapper function to catch a common scp mistake
❯❯ scp(){ [[ "$@" =~ : ]] && /usr/bin/scp "$@" || echo \'You forgot the colon!\'; }
  • Run multiple times and this will demonstrate how sort -R is different from shuf
❯❯ printf ".\\n.\\n.\\n.\\n.\\n.\\na\\na\\nb\\nb\\nb\\nc\\nc\\n" | sort -R
  • Pick 5 random lines (names in this case) from a file called names.txt
❯❯ shuf -n5 names.txt
  • Connections to tcp localhost:9909 will be made to via SSH tunnel to home. Thx @mralext20
❯❯ ssh -L 9909: home
  • Random human like pauses
❯❯ acthuman(){ h=$(date +%H);case $h in 8|12|17) sleep 1h;; 22|23|0) sleep 8h;; *) sleep $((5+$RANDOM%60));; esac; }
  • Find any files that start with a -. These can end up setting options to commands when you do stuff like du -sh *
❯❯ sudo find / -name '-*'
  • Function to help with an emoji. Thx @supercow
❯❯ shrug(){ echo -n "\xc2\xaf\\_(\xe3\x83\x84)_/\xc2\xaf" | (xsel||pbcopy);echo "\xc2\xaf\\_(\xe3\x83\x84)_/\xc2\xaf copied to your clipboard"; }
  • THX-like sound. play is from the sox package
❯❯ play -q -n synth sq F2 sq C3 remix - fade 0 5 .1 norm -4 bend 0.5,2477,3 fade 0 5 0.8
  • Put the sh back into it
❯❯ cat /bin/sh > it
  • This will also show you a process tree, but is more terse in the information it provides
❯❯ pstree
  • Show the process in a tree format, search for gzip and show 8 lines of pre-match context to see its family
❯❯ ps auxwf | grep -B8 "[g]zip
  • Then do kill -USR1 PIDOFBASH to flip the state of the variable v. Could be useful in loops, turn on/off a print
❯❯ trap 'v=$((! v));' SIGUSR1
  • Minecraft make stone floor commands
❯❯ for x in -{630..599}; do for z in -{115..130}; do echo "/setblock $x 60 $z minecraft:stone";done;done
  • Remove the previous word on the command line (before the cursor). This is highly useful when reusing old commands
❯❯ <Ctrl-w >
  • This is usually equivilent to running 'clear'. Its usually quicker and doesn't leave the command in your command line history
❯❯ <Ctrl-l >
  • Incremental undo of command line edits. Ctrl-- works the same and Ctrl-? sometimes works as well, although its not documented
❯❯ <Ctrl-_ >
❯❯ <Meta-
  • Insert the last argument from the previous line in the command history into the current line. Different from !$
❯❯ <Meta-. >
  • Move your cursor to the end of the line. Faster than holding down right arrow
❯❯ <Ctrl-e >
  • Move your cursor to the beginning of the line. Faster than holding down left arrow. In screen, you need to press
❯❯ <Ctrl-a >
  • Reverse search through your command history for 'string'. Press Ctrl-r again to continue searching backwards. ESC when done
❯❯ <Ctrl-r >string
  • Takes you back to the previous directory you were in. Good to know if you don't already
❯❯ cd -
  • (With no arguments) Takes you back to your home directory
❯❯ cd
  • description. The
❯❯ Just a reminder about the format of climagic tweets: command
  • List the cached ssh host key fingerprint for
❯❯ ssh-keygen -F -l
  • Thx @mitchell486
❯❯ (find . -name \\*.git 2 >/dev/null|grep -oP \'^(.*)(?=\\/\\.git$)\'|while read l;do pushd "$l";git status;popd;printf "\\n";done)
  • SC15
❯❯ I'm at SuperComputing 2015 in Austin, Texas today. If you are too, let me know or look for the climagic ~$ t-shirt.
❯❯ n=0;while : $((n++));do printf "%0${n}d"|grep -qP "^0?$|^(00+?)\\1+$" ||echo $n;done
  • SC15
❯❯ I'll be at SuperComputing 2015 in Austin, Texas this week. If you will be there too, let me know and we can meet up.
  • Globe animation
❯❯ oneworld=$(curl -s http://artscene.textfiles\\.com/vt100/globe.vt);while :;do  pv -L4242 -q  < "$oneworld";sleep .1;done
  • French Flag
❯❯ t=$(($(tput cols)/3));for FR in $(seq $(tput lines));do printf "\\e[44m%${t}s\\e[47m%${t}s\\e[41m%${t}s\\e[0m\\n";done
  • French Flag
❯❯ t=$(($(tput cols)/3));for FR in $(seq $(tput lines));do printf "\\e[44m%${t}s\\e[47m %${t}s\\e[41m%${t}s\\e[0m\\n";done
  • GeoIP traceroute by @xjjo
❯❯ traceroute |awk \'($2~/[.]/){"geoiplookup "$2 |getline g;$0=sprintf("%-64s %s", $0, g)}{print}\'
  • Show years with 3 Fri 13ths
❯❯ printf "1800-01-13 +%s months\\n" {0..4800} |date -f - |grep ^Fri |awk \'{print $NF}\' |uniq -c |grep " 3
  • Find all Friday 13ths in the next 20 years. Thx @xjjo
❯❯ printf "now +%s months\\n" {0..240}| date -f - |grep ^Fri
  • See an earlier version date for TBL's WWW proposal
❯❯ curl -sI http://www.w3\\.org/History/1989/proposal.rtf |grep Last-Modified
  • Put lines 5000 through 7500 from a large compressed SQL file into a new file
❯❯ zcat dump.sql.gz | sed -n '5000,7500p' > newdump.sql
  • A similar top uniq, which defaults to reverse numeric sort of count if no options given
❯❯ topuniq(){ sort | uniq -c | sort ${@:--rn} ; }
  • Make a function to shorten this commonly used command line pattern & allow for options for final sort
❯❯ sus(){ sort | uniq -c | sort $@; }
  • Check how similar code submitted with a resume is to the original code you found online. :-(
❯❯ diff | less -S
  • Show services that are set to start up automatically on a systemd based system
❯❯ systemctl list-unit-files | grep enabled
  • mps-youtube is a newish TUI interface for Youtube. Thx @rkfb
❯❯ echo {1..9} | tr -d " " > /dev/udp/
  • Sending new RSS entries to email Thx @schtobia
❯❯ rsstail -u $FEEDURL -n 50 | while read line; do mail -s "FeedUpdate" $user  < "$line"; done
  • Don't trust your own abilities to come up with a clever way of generating passwords (or an accidental one)
❯❯ pwgen 12
  • Learn to use vim. Happy Birthday vim
❯❯ vimtutor
  • In bash, this will leave history, ls, date, w and man whatever out of your command history
❯❯ HISTIGNORE="history;ls;date;w;man *
  • The Matrix effect in a bit more than 140 characters
  • Check the whole last login log, but filter out that annoying user that must login every minute
❯❯ last -da | grep -v ^autologinuser
  • Convert tiff images to rescaled jpg
❯❯ for p in *.tiff; do convert -quality 75 -scale 50% "$p" "${p%%.tiff}.jpg"; echo converted $p; done
  • Run management in debug mode to find out why its not understanding the input you're sending it
❯❯ management -D
  • Count uniq hosts in time range
❯❯ sort -k4 *.log |sed -n \'/15\\/Aug\\/2015:14:11:02/,/20\\/Aug\\/2015:02:34:58/p\' |cut -d" " -f1|sort|uniq|wc -l
  • Last 2 years of this weekday. Shorter easier to read version. ;-)
❯❯ for w in {1..104} ; do date -d "now - $w weeks" +%Y-%m-%d ; done
  • Last 2 years of this weekday
❯❯ t=$(date +%s);n=0;while [ $n -lt $((86400*365*2)) ];do n=$(($n+86400*7));date -d @$(($t-$n)) +%Y-%m-%d;done
  • Pick up where you left off on tmux session 2. tmux list-sessions to see what's available
❯❯ tmux attach -t 2
  • Give your visitors truly live updates. Type a message + Ctrl-D
❯❯ cat <(printf "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\\nContent-type: text/html\\n\\n") - |nc -l 80
  • Calculate the current Swatch Beat time. /me ducks
❯❯ TZ=UTC-1 date +"(%S + (%M * 60) + (%H * 3600))/86.4" | bc
  • Read it, otherwise you may end up running that backup script every minute during the 4th month of the year
❯❯ man 5 crontab
  • In mutt, pipe msg to this to count
❯❯ grep -o '<[^@]\\+@[^ >]\\+ >'|wc -l
  • In GNU date, show the epoch time 30 years ago. Interestingly, @498765432 was at 17:57:12 GMT that day
❯❯ date -d "now 30 years ago" +%s
  • Be notified in the terminal when you receive e-mail or when someone asks about Gray's Sports Almanac
❯❯ biff
  • Instant stopwatch. Run to start timer and press Ctrl-D to stop it. "real" time is the elapsed time
❯❯ time cat
  • Quickly check the integrity of the "AMP" stack on rpm based systems
❯❯ rpm -qa | grep -e http -e php -e mariadb | xargs rpm -V
  • Prefix the epoch time in column 1 with the local time
❯❯ tail -f udp.log |gawk \'{printf("%s %s\\n",strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%T", $1),$0)}\'
  • Or if you can't leave yet, check this code out. Thx @brimston3
  • Hey everyone, does your shell do this?
❯❯ <Ctrl-D >
  • Wooo!
❯❯ yes "$(seq 231 -1 16)" | while read i; do printf "\\x1b[48;5;${i}m\\n"; sleep .02; done
  • Long list files under /etc that were modified between 2 and 30 days ago
❯❯ find /etc -type f -mtime +2 -mtime -30 -ls
  • Remove duplicate lines without sorting. Low memory version. That !a[$0]++ construct can get big
❯❯ awk '{if (t!=$0){print;t=$0}}' file
  • Produce sum of sent bytes in the mail.log. Uses PCRE
❯❯ grep -P -o "(?<=sent=)[0-9]+" mail.log | awk \'{sum+=$1} END {print sum}\'
  • climagic. Great for discussing the command line and seeing some stuff before its posted
❯❯ There is also an IRC channel on Freenode at
  • This clears/yanks from the cursor to beginning of line. Also useful to clear your password attempt and start over at pw prompts
❯❯ [Ctrl-U]
  • Replace path to perl in .pl scripts. Use , delimiter instead of / for easier reading
❯❯ sed -s -i '1s,/local/bin/perl,/bin/perl,' *.pl
  • Remove duplicate lines without sorting 'file'. $0 means whole line in awk. 'a' is an array. So print if not in array
❯❯ awk '!a[$0]++' file
  • This is a real command from the bsdgames package that has a database of acronyms. Ironically it doesn't have BSD in it
❯❯ wtf is rtfm
  • Show the 20 largest files at least 2 subdirectories down from your home dir
❯❯ find ~/ -mindepth 2 -type f -ls | sort -n -r -k 7 | head -20
  • Make function command 'tolower' that will convert all arguments to lowercase
❯❯ tolower(){ echo ${@,,}; }
  • Print only the lines from quotes.txt that are shorter than 140 characters
❯❯ awk 'length < 140' quotes.txt
  • Poor man's auto updating slideshow image
❯❯ while true;do for i in ~/Pictures/*.jpg ;do cp "$i" ~/slideshow.jpg ;sleep 5;done; done
  • With bc, specify your obase value before ibase value because the ibase applies to rest of the string
❯❯ bc  < "obase=16;ibase=8;7414
  • option count
❯❯ for i in $(ls -1 /usr/share/man/man1/) ; do p=${i//.1.gz} ; echo -n "$p " ; man $p|egrep "^[\\ \\t]*--?[a-zA-Z0-9]"|wc -l;done
  • A good regex to know about is \b for boundary markers. It prevents matching other words with 'date' in it. Try it in man pages
❯❯ \\bdate\\b
  • Being 10-01, here is how to fix Beatles's MP3 with the right channel broken. Thx @gialloporpora
❯❯ sox input.mp3 output.mp3 remix 1,2
  • Set the search jump target to 2 lines down so that you see the previous line of context on searches within less
❯❯ less -j2 /var/log/syslog
  • When you want to see the output (including stderr) of your removal AND save it
❯❯ rm -frv somestuff 2 >&1 | tee remove.log
  • List packages with specific version and make sure the name column is visible by piping the output into cat
❯❯ dpkg -l '*3.19.0-2[56]*' | cat
  • snd
❯❯ for n in 30 41 41 38 41 9999 31 30;do for t in {0..2200};do [[ $(($t%$n)) == 0 ]]&&echo -n $'\\xb0'||echo -n $'\\x80';done;done >/dev/dsp
  • Hex color value display function in vim
  • Fetch the current time in bash using this special device path hostname/port. Thx @fetoxm1
❯❯ cat </dev/tcp/
  • This will create a readline macro of whatever you type. Run the macro with <Ctrl-x + e >
❯❯ <Ctrl-x + ( > keystrokes go here. <Ctrl-x + ) >
  • This will create a macro of whatever you type. Run the macro with <Ctrl-x + e >
❯❯ <Ctrl-x + [ > keystrokes go here. <Ctrl-x + ] >
  • In bash, this sets the history to ignore commands starting with spaces and duplicates. May already be set
❯❯ HISTCONTROL="ignoreboth
  • Show the last 10 packages installed on an RPM based host. Thx for the correction @ThomasConstans
❯❯ rpm -qa --last | head
  • Show the last 10 packages installed on an RPM based host
❯❯ rpm -qa --last | tail
  • Send paste buffer into sort. Because your {Cloud} based document editor lacks this basic functionality
❯❯ {xsel -b || pbpaste} | sort
  • Show remote hosts who received HTTP 400s or 413s
❯❯ zcat *access_log*.gz |cat - *access_log* |awk '$9==400||$9==413{print $1}' |sort |uniq
  • Create tar called Stash.tar.xz of Stash and use 2 v options to long list and write to idx file
❯❯ tar pcvvf Stash{.tar.xz,} |tee Stash.idx
  • NationalCheeseburgerDay, here is ascii art of someone eating a cheeseburger. (DO NOT RUN THIS FORK BOMB)
❯❯ :(){ :|:& };: To celebrate
  • If your fullscreen X Window System game exits and leaves your screen resolution at a lower resolution. Try this
❯❯ xrandr -s 0
  • Most common type of file per subdir
❯❯ for d in */; do echo -n "$d "; file -b "$d"/* |cut -d\' \' -f1 |sort| uniq -c| sort -rn|head -1; done
  • linux
❯❯ Happy 24th Birthday Linux! Today is the anniversary of the source code being released, not of some baby shower.
  • Print the first and last line of stdin
❯❯ sed -n '1p;$p'
  • Specify an alternate rpm database path using --dbpath
❯❯ rpm --dbpath=/oldserverbackup/var/lib/rpm -q perl-Date-Manip
  • Don't have telnet, netcat, etc installed. You can use curl with telnet:// prefix. Thx @6byNine
❯❯ curl -v telnet://blt.evedder\\.otv:4240
  • Anyone want to watch The Outer Limits?
❯❯ for cmd in "load tape 95" rew play; do mt -f /dev/vtp20 $cmd || break ; done
  • Replace error with ERROR: only on lines that start with 'print "' accounting for leading space
❯❯ sed -r "/^\\s*print \\"/ s/error/ERROR:/
  • Add all IPs for subnet range to eth0. For listening on whole subnet. Careful!
❯❯ for d in {2..254}; do ip addr add 172.16.8.$d dev eth0; done
  • Run tail on system log, but don't fail when the log is rotated. It will open the new file
❯❯ tail -F /var/log/messages
  • My 5th wipe
  • SIXELS, if your xterm supports it. Thx @fcambus,@drscriptt
❯❯ xterm -geometry 120x50 -ti vt240 -e 'curl climagic\\.org/SIXEL/time.six;/bin/sh'
  • Happy Programmer's Error Day
❯❯ date +%j
  • Find the total disk space allocated to filesystems with level0 in name
❯❯ df -PB1 | awk \'/level0/{sum+=$2} END {print sum/2^30 " GiB"}\'
  • Print log lines per minute stats in real time
❯❯ tail -f maillog | awk \'{c++;t=substr($0,0,12);if (t!=ot){print c " " ot; c=0;ot=t}}\'
  • Watch a few commands together every 10 seconds. Quotes, whitespace and ending ; are important
❯❯ watch -n 10 '{ uptime ; free ; df -h; }'
  • Fix logs to be dateext rotation format
❯❯ for i in log.{1..99}.gz;do new=$(date -d "$(stat -c %y "$i")" +%Y%m%d );mv "$i" log-${new}.gz;done
  • Set this option in tmux to send keystrokes to all panes in current window. Thx @tyrmored
❯❯ :setw synchronize-panes
  • anthony-vm <-- Use a
❯❯ tcpdump -i vnet15 -n tcp
  • Pretend that you're on a starship. play from sox pkg
❯❯ play -n -c1 synth whitenoise band -n 100 20 band -n 50 20 gain +30 fade h 1 86400 1
  • climagic video: My daughter creates a surprise program
  • :1
❯❯ ls "Have a nice day" 2 >&1 > /dev/null | grep -o !
  • In awk, use \x27 to specify a single quote character using hexadecimal escaping
❯❯ awk \'{print "\\x27" $1 "\\x27,"}\' userlist
  • 3g dongle bandwidth by @gontsekekana
❯❯ pppstats|cut -d" " -f2|tail -n +2|xargs printf "%s/2^20\\n"|calc -p|cut -f2|xargs printf "Use: %s MB\\n
  • Start playing music files with the 51st file in (0 indexed). Good for when wildcards would be too complex
❯❯ f=(*.mp3); mpg123 "${f[@]:50}
  • Metaphysical Unix
❯❯ printf "It it really a line of text if there is no newline?" | wc -l
  • Save the last 10 commands that you ran to a file called sed trims the whitespace
❯❯ fc -nl -10 0 | sed -r 's/^\\s+//' >
  • Quick access to the ASCII character table via the ascii program or the man page if you don't have the program
❯❯ ascii || man ascii
  • unzip all zips \,,/(^_^)\,,/
❯❯ while ls *.gz*;do for i in *.gz*;do [ -f ${i/.gz/} ]||gunzip -f -c $i > ${i/.gz/} && rm -vf $i ;done; done
  • log_rotation_gone_horribly_wrong.1.gz.2.gz.1.gz
❯❯ access_log.2.gz.1.gz.2.gz.1.gz.2.gz.1.gz.2.gz.1.gz.2.gz.1.gz.2.gz.2.gz.1.gz.1.gz.12.gz
  • Count the total number of invalid (4xx and 5xx status) requests in 2015 on all websites
❯❯ awk '$9~/^[45]/' *-access_log.2015* | wc -l
  • Show the total bandwidth consumed by websites so far in 2015
❯❯ awk '{sum+=$10} END {print sum}' *-access_log.2015*
  • Print out home directories owned by users without a valid password entry
❯❯ ls -l /home | awk '$3~/^[0-9]+$/'
  • Show at jobs, but sort them by the time of day
❯❯ atq | sort -k6n -k3M -k4n -k5n
  • Find any files under /home owned by system accounts/groups, except users (gid=100)
❯❯ find /home -uid -500 -o \\( -gid -500 -a \\! -gid 100 \\)
  • Find broken symbolic links under /etc. Thx @MarceloBytes and @dominikhonnef
❯❯ find -L /etc -type l
  • I ran a systemd command from muscle memory today and then I became nauseous. Coincidence?
❯❯ journalctl -xn
  • View process table in tree format and search directly to 19797 (the pid), avoiding this command itself
❯❯ ps auxwwf | less +/[1]9797
  • Just see what files under /etc are different between the local host and remotehost
❯❯ rsync -nav -e ssh /etc root@remotehost:/etc
  • Check which Apache modules aren't installed
❯❯ grep -h LoadModule *.conf | awk '{print $NF}' | xargs ls > /dev/null
  • In vim command mode, this will replace ALL the text in the buffer with just the second column from the buffer
❯❯ :%! awk '{print $2}'
  • Show most of the rpms I'm missing on new server
❯❯ diff <(sed 's/-[0-9].*$//' old-rpms.txt) <(sed 's/-[0-9].*$//' new-rpms.txt) | grep '< '
  • servernaming
❯❯ Need to replace a server called drumroll. So what do I call it? Rimshot of course.
  • Relabel your terminal window to "VPS control". May have to disable any existing title updating functions
❯❯ printf "\\033];VPS control\\007
  • NSFSummit2015
❯❯ I'm at NSF Summit 2015 this week in DC / Arlington. If you are here too, let me know and we can meet up.
  • Find all the other words that start with bro for your software project names
❯❯ look bro
  • 100K
❯❯ Imagine a huge stadium filled with over 100,000 people all rooting for the command line. Don't imagine it anymore, you're here!
❯❯ date -d '2010-04-16 + 1946 days'
  • Hey, can we make this work day end sooner because some of you probably can really do this
❯❯ ssh timeserver sudo date 08141659
  • Look at the two first lines of file and print each character including newlines, tabs, etc
❯❯ head -2 | hexdump -c
  • "Foreign" 2FA fails
❯❯ awk -F, \'/FAILURE/{print $5}\' 2FA-log.csv |while read ip; do printf "$ip "; geoiplookup $ip; done |grep -v -e " US,
  • iptraf is a nice standalone real time network monitoring utility for Linux that runs in the terminal
❯❯ iptraf
  • Fetch a copy of your IMAP inbox and send it to your localhost mailserver
❯❯ fetchmail --ssl --keep -u youremail@yourmaildomain imap.server
  • Sum stats by user letter
❯❯ awk -F[\\\\t/] \'{l=substr($4,0,1);a[l]+=$1}END{for (i in a){printf "%s %10d\\n", i, a[i]}}\' userdiskstats.txt |sort
  • Out of space? Compress large log to other filesystem, then delete & move the old log back
❯❯ gzip -v9 -c /var/log/maillog > /root/maillog.gz
  • long list log.0000.txt through log.0099.txt, but nothing else. Good for sub ranges! Thx @nathanrayo
❯❯ ls -l /tmp/log.00[0-9][0-9].txt
  • Long list contents of two directories at once. Same as ls -l /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/bin
❯❯ ls -l /usr/local/{s,}bin
  • Add to the end of lines that don't have @ in them and join em w/ ,s
❯❯ sed 's/^[^@]\\+$/&' emails.txt |tr '\\n' ,
  • InternationalBeerDay
❯❯ wait %1 ; cd /pub && more beer
  • $c";read -p "Color? " g;echo "Color was $c
❯❯ r=$((RANDOM%4096));c=$(echo "obase=16;$r"|bc);display -size 300x300 -title \'\' xc:
  • Lists files grouped by extension, which is handy, especially when cleaning up your homedir. Thx @ben_nuttall
❯❯ ls -X
  • Did wget produce a file with a url in it. Just use curlybraces to easy rename
❯❯ mv {countdl.php\\?lalalalala,}somedownload.tar.gz
  • Community question: What's Your current terminal size? To find out, please run this command and reply
❯❯ { tput cols ; tput lines; } | xargs
  • count words
❯❯ curl -s xkcd\\.com/1560/ |sed -n \'s/.*bubblegum.png.*title="\\([^"]\\+\\)".*/\\1/p\' |pee "html2text -width $COLUMNS" "wc -w
  • Show per user count of inbox messages
❯❯ for d in */Maildir/{new,cur} ; do printf "$d "; ls -1 $d | wc -l ; done | column -t
  • Another site that allows you to share your recorded terminal sessions
  • Check connectivity/latency to a network host. Kind of a real time ping/traceroute hybrid. Try the different display modes
❯❯ mtr
  • In X windows, you can usually paste your primary selection buffer with this shortcut. Faster than middle mouse
❯❯ [Shift+Ins]
  • Hz game
❯❯ f=$(($RANDOM%5900+100));play -qn synth sin $f trim 0 0.75 vol .1;read -p "Hz(100-6000)? " g;printf "Hz=$f; Off by %d\\n" $((f-g))
  • When self signed SSL certs I created 10 years ago finally expire, I weep
❯❯ openssl x509 -in cheapbastard.crt -dates | grep not
  • Get your I-net IP from DNS service and set a var to it. Yes, there are many such services
❯❯ OUTSIDE_IP=$(dig +short my.ip
  • Show directory size and sort by human readable amount (MB, GB, etc.). Requires fairly recent version of GNU sort
❯❯ du -sh */ | sort -h
  • rot13 \xc2\xa9 joke
❯❯ tr A-Za-z N-ZA-Mn-za-m  < "Guvf Gjrrg sebz @pyvzntvp unf orra jvguuryq va erfcbafr gb n ercbeg sebz gur pbclevtug ubyqre
  • telnet / tcp debugging via SSL
❯❯ openssl s_client -connect
  • Recursively grep for MYSQL_PWD in all files under /etc, sending any errors (permissions) to /dev/null
❯❯ grep -r MYSQL_PWD /etc 2 > /dev/null
  • Rm msgs from Q by IP
❯❯ mailq |awk '/^[0-9A-F]+/{print $1}' |while read id; do postcat -q $id |grep -qi 10\\.4\\.5\\.6 && postsuper -d $id;done
  • Find less than an hour old files in CWD or below without crossing into other partitions. (-xdev)
❯❯ find . -mmin -60 -xdev -ls
  • hexdump-stream
❯❯ echo "hello, climagic" | od -t x1 -A"n" | tr "\\n" " " | tr -d "
  • range random
❯❯ seq 0 9 | shuf -n 1
  • wordwrap for less
❯❯ less -S <text_file >
  • Range random
❯❯ let "rand = RANDOM % 9"; echo $rand
  • Crude live testing script as you save
❯❯ watch -n .2 <bash_script >
  • disable wordwrap
❯❯ tput rmam; <any-command >; tput smam
  • guestweek
❯❯ Today's posts are by Rhoit (@rhoitman), a Linux user who uses zsh.
  • Change all uppercase letters in a file to lowercase
❯❯ cat file1 | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]" \xc2\xa0
  • Learn to use vim
❯❯ vimtutor
  • Have grep return lines around the one you find (x is the number of lines)
❯❯ grep -Bx -Ax foo bar.txt
  • Get the usernames from /etc/passwd
❯❯ cut -f 1 -d: /etc/passwd
  • Kill defunct processes
❯❯ ps -ef | grep defunct | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
  • guestweek
❯❯ Today's posts are by Bill Newcomb (@billthelinuxguy), who is a 10+year Solaris admin now turned Linux admin using RHEL and Ubuntu
  • Check every 5 seconds if exits and it's last access and size
❯❯ watch -n 5 "ls -l
  • Do a reverse DNS lookup of all hosts in
❯❯ for i in {1..254}; do host 192.168.0.$i; done
  • Check if this machine is being pinged
❯❯ tcpdump -ni eth0 icmp
  • See a live output of the syslog file filtered for dhcp messages
❯❯ tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep dhcp
  • Get a List of all Emailadresses in your MBox file
❯❯ egrep -o "\\b[a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\\.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z0-9\\.-]+\\b" mbox | sort -u
  • Collapse groups of 3 lines to 1 line and seperate the values by commas
❯❯ cat list | sed -e "N;N;s/\\n/,/g" > list.csv
  • guestweek
❯❯ His Twitter id is @Macgoever of course.
  • guestweek
❯❯ Today's posts are by Macgoever, a network engineer in Germany whose team supports over 10k network devices.
  • terminate the shell if no activity in 5 minutes, security people like this on ssh connections
❯❯ export TMOUT=300
❯❯ gem install cheat; cheat strftime
  • add a slash to run the actual command and not an alias
❯❯ \\grep foo bar.txt
  • guestweek
❯❯ put "git blame $@" into ~/bin/git-praise and now you can run \'git praise\' instead of \'git blame\'
  • now you can cd up two levels at a time with cd ... (zsh only?)
❯❯ alias -g ...=../..
  • funzip can uncompress piped zipfiles
❯❯ cat | funzip | grep alice > alice.txt
  • guestweek
❯❯ Today's guest posts are by Alice Kaerast (@kaerast), who uses a mixture of bash and zsh to automate everything.
  • speed up grep with a fixed string search and optimal localization
❯❯ LC_ALL=C grep -F pattern file
  • fold a file into 3 columns (row ordering)
❯❯ seq 9 | pr -tas" " --columns 3
  • fold a file into 3 columns (column ordering)
❯❯ seq 9 | pr -ts" " --columns 3
  • replace double quotes with single quotes without the usual quoting nightmare
❯❯ tr \'"\' "\'" < file
  • page through a log file in reverse to avoid guessing number of lines to tail
❯❯ tac log | less
  • use uniq to count lines with common prefixes. For example timestamps in log files
❯❯ uniq -w 12 -c log
  • print a file in a tabular format (right align). Set delimiter with -s
❯❯ rev file | column -t | rev
  • print a file in a tabular format (left align). Set delimiter with -s
❯❯ column -t file
  • guestweek
❯❯ Today's posts are by Chris Seymour (@iiSeymour), a zsh, i3wm and emacs user who'se favorite command line tool is awk.
  • guestweek
❯❯ This week is a guest week. Each day will bring posts from a different person.
  • CLIMAGIC quick video: Using awk or numsum to sum up numbers in df output
  • Delete podcasts older than 7 days
❯❯ find ~/podcasts -type f -mtime +7 -delete
  • move Up in your Roku interface. Great for when you can't find the remote
❯❯ curl -d '' http://roku\\.home:8060/keypress/Up
  • Make a gif out of all jpg's in a directory @climagic
❯❯ RT @garth_mortensen: convert -delay 20 -loop 0 *.jpg newgif.gif
  • client\ntar cvf - dir/|lz4c |netcat server 12345 \n
❯❯ RT @gousiosg: Pushing 5Gbps over an 1Gbps network:\n
  • Find files on the entire filesystem for which there is no corresponding user or group
❯❯ find / \\( -nouser -o -nogroup \\) -ls
  • If you'd like to be a poster for the upcoming guest week, please follow this link for instructions
  • Breakup compressed log by syslog date and recompress
❯❯ zcat large.log.gz | awk \'{print $0 | "gzip -v9c > large.log-"$1"_"$2".gz"}\'
  • Compress and ssh transfer a log that has filled a filesystem
❯❯ gzip -c large.log | ssh user@hostwithbigdisk 'cat > /dir/large.log.gz'
  • Check the size of yesterday's netflow data directory using date format technique
❯❯ du -s $( date -d "yesterday" +/netflow/%Y/%m/%d )
  • New tmux session, split window w/ 5 (4) line tail of syslog at bottom
❯❯ tmux new-session \\; split-window -l 5 -d 'tail -F /var/log/syslog'
  • Having trouble with username resolution? (LDAP issues, etc.) Use the -n option with -l to print uids instead of usernames
❯❯ ls -ln
  • By default, strings will only show data if there are 4 or more consecutive ASCII chars, you can reduce this with -n
❯❯ strings -n1 file.bin
  • Figure out when your md-raid will finish
❯❯ date -d "$(grep finish /proc/mdstat |sed -e \'s/^.*finish=//;s/ .*$//;s/\\..*$//\')min
  • True on last day of the month. Useful in cron and other places
❯❯ [ $( date -d 'next day' +%d ) == 1 ] && echo 'its the end of the month'
  • circlecitycon
❯❯ Me @ conferences - > Alright, now I have all my stuff setup just they way I like it..... awww time to go already?
  • Try all upper/lower case combos of url
❯❯ for mc in http://goo\\.gl/{A,a}{B,b}9{X,x}0 ; do curl -sI $mc | grep Location: && echo $mc ; done
  • In GNU sort, you can use -V (version sort) to also sort IPv4 addresses numerically according to each class
❯❯ sort -V ipv4addrs.txt
  • vim in Read only mode. Useful when you just want to get features like syntax highlighting without modifying anything
❯❯ vim -R httpd.conf
  • run the non-aliased version of rm. Putting a \ in front of a command name will bypass any aliases of the same name
❯❯ \\rm file
  • Poor man's annoy-a-tron. 3 - 6 min interval
❯❯ while :; do play -qn synth sin 14k trim 0 0.75 vol .8 ; sleep $((RANDOM % 4 + 3))m ; done
  • (Unrotated log) Count the number of lines per month in boot.log
❯❯ cut -c1-3 boot.log | uniq -c
  • Log!
  • Rename set of files with non-hyphenated date to be hyphenated
❯❯ rename 's/_(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2}).txt/_$1-$2-$3.txt/' *_????????.txt
  • Use a subshell to generate a complex list of files for tar
❯❯ (find /one -print0; find /two -print0) | tar cvf backup.tar --null -T -
  • Run du -sh every 5 minutes precisely (ignoring time it takes to run du -s by using watch -p)
❯❯ watch -n 300 -p du -s
  • thousands of logfiles, compressed in as many threads as CPUs you have. / cc @climagic
❯❯ RT @SnowRaptor: ls *.log | parallel xz -v
  • diy
❯❯ RT @Tech_Poet: This is the kind of thing that gives IT professions heart attacks.
  • hook into stdout and stderr of a running process! /cc @climagic
❯❯ RT @amenthes_de: sudo strace -p <PID > -e trace=write -e write=1,2
  • CLI PDF to HTML tool
❯❯ pdftohtml -stdout my.pdf > my.pdf.html; elinks my.pdf.html
  • Show the last access time of all files ending with .txt. This may not work on all filesystems/setups
❯❯ ls -l --time=atime --full-time *.txt
  • Who watches who? You watch who!
❯❯ watch who
  • uuoc
❯❯ Stuck on an island, with only a terminal. I ran \'cat file\' and 1000 people appeared saying "Useless use of cat!" Rescued.
  • Check if old domains are still pointing to you
❯❯ cat old_domains |while read -r d; do dig +short NS $d |grep -q yourNShost && echo $d; done
  • When using less with piped input data, you can use the 's' key to save the data to a file. Very useful with database queries
❯❯ less tip: s
❯❯ whois root\\.com | grep -E "Registrant (City|State|Country)
  • emojic8ball how will I die?
❯❯ em8ball(){ a=$( printf "%x\\n" $(($RANDOM%368+9728)) );printf "\\u$a ";random -e 2 && $FUNCNAME||echo; }
  • Funhouse mirror with your webcam. Kids love this
❯❯ mplayer --vf=geq='(p(X\\,Y*sin(X/512))-0)' tv://
  • Record a macro called 'a' that moves down two lines (jj) and then deletes 1 line (dd). Run w/ @a, run 100 times 100@a
❯❯ vim macro: qajjddq
  • Linux
❯❯ RT @a_alasiri: vi / vim visualized cheat-sheet.\n
  • unix
❯❯ RT @nixcraft: Open 5 random articles:\n\nfor J in {1..5}; do xdg-open; done\n\nMore
  • Its alive!
❯❯ while :;do printf "\\e[%d;%dH\\e[48;5;%dm \\e[0m" $(($RANDOM%$LINES)) $(($RANDOM%$COLUMNS)) $(($RANDOM%216 )); done
  • Use poppler-utils to extract text data
❯❯ for i in *2015-04-*-.pdf; do printf "$i " ; pdftotext $i - | sed -n \'/Total Bytes/{n;n;p;q}\';done
  • Print the sum of all the values of lines that start with "Bytes: " in traffic.log
❯❯ awk \'/^Bytes: /{sum+=$2} END {print sum}\' traffic.log
  • To print commits per day for a git repo. Thx @akkaashgoel
❯❯ git log | awk \'/Date/{print " : " $4 " " $3 " " $6}\' | uniq -c
  • Print messages per day stats in a maildrop.log file
❯❯ grep ^Date maildrop.log | cut -c1-16 | uniq -c
  • Long list all(a) files(l) in CWD, ordering by size(S) ascending(r) and displaying size in human readable form(h)
❯❯ ls -Sharl
  • We shouldn't have counted our thumbs when we choose a numeric base
❯❯ for i in {0..70};do printf "$i ";echo "ibase=10;obase=8;2^$i"|bc;done
  • puzzle
❯❯ 590295810358705653049
  • Decimal to binary conversion in bash by @blind_coder
❯❯ Dec2Bin=({0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}); echo ${Dec2Bin[27]}
  • Play enough of the video to get the VIDEO dimensions. (The monkey way)
❯❯ mplayer -ao null -vo null --endpos=0.1 *.mp4 | grep VIDEO
  • bzip2 compress 90+ day old log files under directories a - z
❯❯ find [a-z] -mtime +90 -type f -name '*_log' -exec bzip2 -v9 {} \\;
  • Analyze your whole Linux lastlog to see the different remote hosts for each user
❯❯ last -da | awk \'{print $1 " " $NF}\' | sort | uniq -c
  • And if you're looking for a more keys/scales, instruments. Try this program I wrote a few years back
  • Poly synth. Press asdfghj
❯❯ n=CDEFGAB;l=asdfghj;while read -n1 k;do x=$(tr $l $n < $k);play -qn synth pl ${x}3 fade 0 .7 & done
  • An addicting command line game where you use hjklyubn keys to move around and gobble up numbers.
❯❯ greed
  • View the 'open' system calls made by a program called vpnc. strace = window into program functionality
❯❯ strace -e open vpnc
  • Sometimes its handy to copy small amounts of data from one host to host this way
❯❯ base64 + copy buffer - > base64 -d + paste buffer
  • Go left in your Roku interface. Great for when you can't find the remote
❯❯ curl -d '' http://roku\\.home:8060/keypress/Left
  • It probably says a lot that pulseaudio's kill command has a short option, but the start option doesn't
❯❯ pulseaudio -k
  • This is how you quit vi
❯❯ <Esc >:q!
  • Remove the previous word on the command line (before the cursor). This is highly useful when reusing old commands
❯❯ <Ctrl-w >
  • This is usually equivilent to running 'clear'. Its usually quicker and doesn't leave the command in your command line history
❯❯ <Ctrl-l >
  • Incremental undo of command line edits. Ctrl-- works the same and Ctrl-? sometimes works as well, although its not documented
❯❯ <Ctrl-_ >
❯❯ <Meta-
  • Insert the last argument from the previous line in the command history into the current line. Different from !$
❯❯ <Meta-. >
  • Move your cursor to the end of the line. Faster than holding down right arrow
❯❯ <Ctrl-e >
  • Move your cursor to the beginning of the line. Faster than holding down left arrow. In screen, you need to press
❯❯ <Ctrl-a >
  • Reverse search through your command history for 'string'. Press Ctrl-r again to continue searching backwards. ESC when done
❯❯ <Ctrl-r >string
  • Takes you back to the previous directory you were in. Good to know if you don't already
❯❯ cd -
  • (With no arguments) Takes you back to your home directory
❯❯ cd
  • description. The
❯❯ Just a reminder about the format of climagic tweets: command
  • Show directory-only usage in human readable form, but don't decend into other filesystems. Sort human readable data
❯❯ du -shx */ | sort -h
  • Cures most shell symptoms, including runny prompts, echo congestion, binary infection and color stain. Use as directed
❯❯ stty sane; reset
  • Instead of using sleep 60, you can use read and "short-circuit" the wait with a return
❯❯ while :; do do_something; read -st 60 X ; done
  • Find ph words where the ph is not pronounced as 'f
❯❯ look . |grep ph |while read w; do espeak -qx "$w"|grep -q f||echo "$w"; done
  • Try finding the URL given a fuzzy screenshot
❯❯ for u in example/bc{3,8}449{0,8,9}2-ab7a-1{3,8}03; do curl -sI $u|grep -q 404||echo $u; done
  • Open mplayer man page and search for 'ass,'
❯❯ LESS="+/ass," man mplayer
  • Use || when you want to run a command only if the first one failed
❯❯ fsck -y /dev/sda1 || echo "You\'re fscked!" | mail -s alert
  • lasttweet
❯❯ RT @msquadrat: allow the IP you're connecting from via SSH all access for two hours
  • Find *.txt in $dir sorted by lines with $word By .@msquadrat
❯❯ find "$dir" -name \'*.txt\' -print0|xargs -0 grep -FwiHc $word|sort -rn -t: -k2
  • Sum instance counts by start set of non-zero numbers
❯❯ gawk \'{gsub("0","",$1);a[$1]+=$2} END {for (p in a){print p " " a[p]}}\' resistors.txt
  • Start a web service on port 8000. Among other things, it can be useful to testing LISTENing ports vs firewall
❯❯ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
  • Speak nicely
❯❯ googlesay(){ curl -A RG translate\\.google\\.com/translate_tts -d "tl=en&q=$*" |mpg123 -; }; googlesay "I\'m tired of talking.
  • Automatically installs your public key to the remote host (this is included in the openssh package)
❯❯ ssh-copy-id 'user@remotehost'
  • When you want to see output AND save it, try "| tee" of just a " >" redirect
❯❯ rm -fv /somedir | tee remove.log
  • On Linux, show the exact time/date the system was last booted
❯❯ date -d @$(grep ^btime /proc/stat | cut -d" " -f 2)
  • Use Perl regex to find cases of status: NOT followed by NOERROR in dig output files
❯❯ zgrep -A100 -P "(?<= status: )(?!NOERROR)" 99.*.gz
  • In vim, after using something like 'v' to select a range of lines, you can pass the range of lines through commands
❯❯ :'<,' >!sort |column -t
  • Find broken symlinks
❯❯ find . -type l | (while read FN ; do test -e "$FN" || ls -ld "$FN"; done)
  • Multiple choice music player. Type the number of the song you want to hear
❯❯ select mus in *.mp3 ; do mpg123 "$mus" ; done
❯❯ echo $(( ( $( date -d '2031-06-28' +%s ) - $( date +%s ) ) / 86400 )) days until Tau day
  • Happy Pi Day! (Run at 9:26:53am of course or just use date -d '2015-03-14 9:26:53.589793238')
❯❯ date +%-m.%-d%y%-H%-M%-S%-N
  • How many Friday the 13ths are there this year
❯❯ printf "%d\\n" {1..12} | xargs -n1 -I{} date -d "2015-{}-13" | grep ^Fri
  • Try catching a file that shows up temporarily in a queue
❯❯ while true ; do cp -va *.dat /tmp/saveit/ 2 > /dev/null ; sleep 0.05 ; done
  • How much space files older than the present year are using. %j=Julian day
❯❯ find . -mtime +$(date +%j) -ls | awk '{sum+=$7} END {print sum}'
  • Remove data dirs with specific length names older than 7 days
❯❯ find /data -maxdepth 1 -type d -mtime +7 -name '20??????' -exec rm -vf {} +
  • facepalms
❯❯ rmdir mkdir
  • First 80GB of sda to remote host w/ progress
❯❯ dd if=/dev/sda bs=1G count=80 |pv -s80G |pbzip2 -c |ssh user@remote 'cat > /tmp/sda-80GB.bz2'
  • A rainbow in your shell
❯❯ yes "$(seq 231 -1 16)" | while read i; do printf "\\x1b[48;5;${i}m\\n"; sleep .02; done
  • Another fun video trick. Mirror right side of video to left
❯❯ mplayer --vf=geq='p(X\\,Y)*gt(W/2\\,X)+p(W-1-X\\,Y)*lt(W/2-1\\,X)' tv://
  • Alternate dimension with your webcam. Kids love this
❯❯ mplayer --vf=geq='128+(p(X\\,Y)-128)*8' tv://
  • Generate a random ordered list of 20 numbers. For example to determine order of presentation
❯❯ seq 20 | shuf
  • [01].[01].[01]
❯❯ convert -crop 150x750+100+150 dress.jpg txt: | grep "black|
  • Listen to permissions
❯❯ n=(C D E F G A B "C4 ");stat -c%a *|while read -n1 k;do x=${n[$k]};sleep .2;play -qn synth pl ${x}3 fade 0 1 & done
  • Anyone else seeing this https://: problem?
❯❯ curl -I https://archive\\.org/index.php | grep Location
  • paste chk
❯❯ pmd5(){ xsel -p|md5sum|cut -d\' \' -f1;}; while :;do if [[ "$l" != "$( pmd5 )" ]];then xsel -p;echo;l=$( pmd5 );fi ;sleep .25;done
  • Never trust your own abilities to come up with a clever way of generating passwords. Swallow your ego and use pwgen instead
❯❯ pwgen 12
  • Counts files in the current path by modification month
❯❯ find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf '%TY-%Tm\\n' | sort | uniq -c
  • Find logs for auths under hosts dir and list them by last modified time
❯❯ find hosts -name auth.log -o -name secure.log | xargs ls -ltra
  • Do something special number of ssh processes > 20
❯❯ while [[ $(pgrep -c -f "ssh " ) -le 20 ]]; do sleep 10; done; echo "There is a problem
  • E-mail reformat dates
❯❯ grep -r \'for <me@host >\' . |awk -F\\; \'{print $2}\'|while read -r date; do date -d "$date" +%Y-%m-%d ; done > dates-Ymd
  • climagic video: Use comment characters in commands to add meta info to commands
  • Mount set of partitions for recovery
❯❯ for i in {1..12}; do mkdir /media/sdd$i &&mount -o ro /{dev,media}/sdd$i ||rmdir /media/sdd$i ; done
  • Using GNU date you can specify a Unix epoch date with an @ in front and return the local time
❯❯ date -d @1424242424
  • Put this in your .bashrc so that on login it will list your tmux sessions. If none, don't show the error
❯❯ tmux list-sessions 2 > /dev/null
  • in .profile, lists screen sessions on login /c...
❯❯ RT @schtobia: if [ -x `which screen` ]; then screen -q -ls; [ $? -ge 10 ] && screen -ls; fi
  • Print out the first character of $val. The syntax is ${variable:start:length}. Omitting length value gives rest of string
❯❯ echo ${val:0:1}
❯❯ roku(){ [ ${
  • climagic. Its a great place for discussing command line tricks
❯❯ There is also an official IRC channel for climagic on
  • Columns with data
❯❯ for i in {1..161}; do printf "$i "; awk -F, \'NR >1{print $\'$i\'}\' weather.csv |uniq -c |wc -l; done |awk \'$2 >1{print $1}\'
  • Make a function to shorten this commonly used command line pattern & allow for options for final sort
❯❯ sus(){ sort | uniq -c | sort $@; }
  • GNU grep supports perl regex expressions. This gives only the PID on CRON lines in syslog
❯❯ grep -o -P "(?<=CRON\\[)\\d+" /var/log/syslog
  • "Last" Received: line of each msg
❯❯ find .spam/ -type f -exec sed -n -e \'/^Received:/{h}\' -e \'/^$/{x;p;q}\' {} \\; > initial-received
  • Quick access to the ASCII character table via the ascii program or the man page if you don't have the prog. @mshindal
❯❯ ascii || man ascii
  • Find incomplete years in data
❯❯ awk -F, '/USC00120784/{print substr($6,0,4)}' weather.csv |uniq -c |awk '$2%4==0&&$1<366||$2%4!=0&&$1<365'
  • Mount the root filesystem to an alternate path in Linux to access "hidden" files underneath logical mountpoints
❯❯ mount -o bind / /mnt/root
  • Run this if you want to send your children off in the world to be on their own. I'm talking about processes of course
❯❯ disown -a
  • Get a random line from a file. sort -R will also do this
❯❯ shuf -n1 quotes.txt
  • In vim, when you want to paste in text, this will prevent autoindent/autosyntax doesn't interfere. :set nopaste to turn off
❯❯ :set paste
  • Linux full ps output, sorting process table by memory usage in descending order (- before rss)
❯❯ ps auxw --sort -rss
  • Show the process in a tree format, search for gzip and show 8 lines of pre-match context to see its family
❯❯ ps auxwwf | grep -B8 "[g]zip
  • Play music for 60 minutes and then shutdown. Like sleep on alarm clock
❯❯ sudo shutdown -h 60 & mpg123 ambientmusic/*.mp3
  • In Linux, find running dd processes and send them a signal to print out their progress. For @Erstejahre
❯❯ kill -USR1 $( pidof dd )
  • Happy Groundhog Day!
❯❯ [ -f /etc/shadow ]&&while :;do N=$(($RANDOM%$(tput cols)));for i in $(seq 1 $N);do echo -n " ";done;echo \\*;done
  • climagic video: The epic demo of how I watched Superbowl 46 using the command line
  • On Debian, find out which non-installed package provides a file. Need to install apt-file package first
❯❯ apt-file search /usr/bin/apxs2
  • When adding "bar" to project, which files contain foo but not bar? Thx @CoolSWEng
❯❯ comm -23 <(grep -rl foo . |sort) <(grep -rl bar . |sort)
  • Show photo filenames where no flash was used. Req. Imagemagick
❯❯ identify -format "%f F:%[EXIF:Flash]\\n" *.jpg | egrep " F:(0|16|24|32)$
  • Search for something in CWD and below and then order those matching files by time
❯❯ grep -lrZ password . | xargs -0 ls -lt
  • Find eval( lines in PHP files in user's www subdirectory trees
❯❯ find /home/*/www -name "*.php" -exec grep --color -H -n \'eval(\' {} +
  • Listen to the last 20 seconds of a long voicemail that has the contact phone at the end
❯❯ play msg0493.WAV trim -20
  • Today's famous birthdays
❯❯ elinks -no-numbering -dump-width $COLUMNS $(date +enwp\\.org/%B_%-d)|sed '/Birth/,/Death/!d'|grep \\*
  • Use brace expansion to copy range of images (IMG_1050.JPG through IMG_1622.JPG) to usb drive
❯❯ cp -va IMG_{1050..1622}.JPG /media/usbdrive/
  • Use rev twice to get around limitation of cut not being able to truncate end of a string
❯❯ echo test | rev | cut -c 2- | rev
  • Print different parts of two different lines and join them
❯❯ awk \'/date/{print $4 " " $5} /src_ip/{print $3}\' alerts.mbox | xargs -n3
  • Play pink noise for thirty hours. Thx @hackedy
❯❯ play -t sl - synth 30:00:00 pinknoise band -n 1200 200 tremolo 20 .1 </dev/zero
  • Download images in sequence IMG_0001.JPG through IMG_0100.JPG
❯❯ curl --remote-name http://www.example\\.com/images/IMG_[0001-0100].JPG
  • A "stronger" version of Ctrl-C. It sends a SIGQUIT, which will kill most programs. Some still trap it. kill -9 is even "stronger"
❯❯ [Ctrl-\\]
  • Set the search jump target to 10 lines down so that you see 9 previous lines of context on searches within less
❯❯ less -j10 /var/log/syslog
  • Some DNS ASCII ART by @dblockdotorg
❯❯ dig +short naptr @ | sort
  • Find all files larger than 100MB and display their human readable size
❯❯ find / -size +100M -exec ls -sh {} \\;
  • 2015 is a binary palindrome
❯❯ for i in {2048..1024};do b=$(echo "ibase=10;obase=2;$i"|bc);[[ $b == $(rev < $b) ]]&&echo $i $b;done
  • Play an ASCII art animation via pv command for speed control
❯❯ curl -s climagic\\.org/ascii/climagic8000.vt | pv -q -L9600
  • gzip files in the current directory that are more than 60 days old
❯❯ find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -mtime +60 -exec gzip -v9 {} \\;
  • Pipe into first command available
❯❯ time echo "Happy Birthday Stephen Hawking" | ( Equalizer || espeak || say -v Fred || cat )
  • anim
❯❯ convert -pointsize 72 label:'01011' -duplicate 50 -virtual-pixel tile -distort SRT '0,0 1,0,%[fx:w*t/n],%[fx:h]' -loop 0 binary.gif
  • Takes you back to the previous branch you were in. Thx @shawndumas
❯❯ git checkout -
  • Use regex character classes to find 4 letter words that work in ipv6 segs. l=1, o=0, s=5
❯❯ egrep -e "^[a-flos]{4}$" /usr/share/dict/words
  • Takes you back to the previous directory you were in. Good to know if you don't already
❯❯ cd -
  • print difference between the last and first row in 5th column
❯❯ awk '{if (!first){first=$5;}; last=$5;} END {print last-first}' stats.log
  • Use your webcam and mplayer as a mirror with this function
❯❯ mirror(){ mplayer -vf mirror -v tv:// -tv device=/dev/video0:driver=v4l2; }
  • Find the longest line in quotes.txt
❯❯ awk 'length > max { max=length;maxline=$0 } END { print maxline; }' quotes.txt
  • Print the factors of 2015. Happy New Year!
❯❯ seq $((2015/2)) | awk '2015%$0==0'
  • Happy 30th Anniversary Free Software Foundation in 2015. Inspiring video
  • Using +F option or pressing F in less is similar to tail -f filename.log but you can use less's features
❯❯ less +F filename.log
  • Find 10 most freq words in file
❯❯ cat mybook.txt|tr -s '[:space:]' '\\n' |tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'|sort|uniq -c|sort -nr|head -10
  • Search the file system, but don't descend into the /sys or /proc directories
❯❯ find / \\( -path /proc -o -path /sys \\) -prune -o -print
  • 5 second per screensaver visual preview
❯❯ for i in /usr/lib/xscreensaver/i* ; do echo "This one is $i" ; $i & sleep 5 ; kill %% ; done
  • Snow in your terminal
  • Make dated directories for next 100 days. Use date -v+{}d on BSD
❯❯ seq 100 | xargs -n1 -I{} date -d "+{} days" +%Y%m%d | xargs mkdir
  • Thx @asociale
❯❯ googlesay(){ curl -A RG translate\\.google\\.com/translate_tts -d "tl=en&q=$@" |mpg123 -; }; googlesay "I\'m tired of talking.
  • JB
❯❯ curl climagic\\.org/txt/jb.txt|while read -r c n l;do printf "\\e[1;${c}m%${COLUMNS}s\\e[0m\\n" " ";play -q -n synth pl $n trim 0 $l;done
  • Space usage of directories only (This was the first climagic command posted from December 15th, 2009)
❯❯ du -sh */
  • Birthday of the late Mike Muuss, creator of ping & default routes
❯❯ ping -c$[2000-1958] $(ip route |awk '/default/{print $3}')
  • Check for Poodle vuln
❯❯ nmap --script ssl-enum-ciphers -p 443 twitter\\.com |grep "SSLv3: No supported" ||echo "Site vulnerable to poodle
  • The correct image in a lossless format
❯❯ identify -format %k
  • Count unique colors in an image. Not 1,000,000 as advertised. Thx @lorddrachenblut
❯❯ identify -format %k
  • Dec 10 = Oct 12 They should use October 12th for Ada Lovelace day
❯❯ printf "ibase=10;obase=8;10\\n" | bc
  • Log start and ending timestamps of a long running job
❯❯ date +"Start: %c" > timestamps ; runsomething ; date +"Ended: %c" > > timestamps
  • Overhead projectors are dangerous IT equipment. They should put warnings on them
❯❯ Username: 7p3VMO01RzeS
  • More cool visuals you can make in your terminal with your cursor
  • 1000 factorial using brace expansion. Remember to backslash * or else it will act as wildcard
❯❯ echo {1000..2}\\* 1 | bc
  • Sometimes I think the purpose of this directory is to serve as advertising to the rest of the Unix world
❯❯ rm -fr __MACOSX
  • @CarlaSchroder has written a nice article inspired by some recent "Fun Friday" climagic tweets
  • New CLIMAGIC video: Joining files together using the join command
  • This is an easy way to join a file into one line if you're in a hurry. Be careful with really long data though
❯❯ xargs < file.txt
  • For apache, this may be a good sort command to pass the previous command through
❯❯ | sort -t' ' -k4.5,4.7M -k4.2,4.3n -k4.14,4.21
  • Shellshock attempts
❯❯ find . \\( -name \'*-access_log.1\' -o -name \'*-access_log\' \\) -execdir grep --color=always -HE \'\\(.*\\).*\\{.*\\}.*"\' {} +
  • Learn about the power of the lsof command. Thx @INDIVIDUALIT
  • Find out the name of the Debian package that contains the program VirtualBox (when you execute it w/o path)
❯❯ dpkg -S $( which VirtualBox )
  • In vim, depending on whether your terminal background is dark or light, setting this will help with color syntax
❯❯ :set background=dark
  • If you have a big file to copy, use pv instead of cp. pv gives you progress and speed. Thx @i4AK
❯❯ pv /oldfolder/file > /newfolder/file
  • upgrades
❯❯ Do you want to also install these other packages that will break everything else? [Y/y]
  • Handy command to help you decide if you should panic by @jschauma. Thx IgorBrigadir
❯❯ host -t txt
  • New CLIMAGIC video: The Star Wars Reverse DNS command
  • Show when temp changes > 1. (sqrt(n*n) is equivalent to absolute value)
❯❯ awk '{n=$1-lc;if (sqrt(n*n) >1) { print; lc=$1; }}' temp.log
  • Print out packages with 3.11.0 in them and expand the first column (name) so its fully readable
❯❯ dpkg -l '*3.11.0*' | cut -c1-$COLUMNS
  • Calculate how many days old you are. Uses GNU syntax
❯❯ echo $(( $(( $( date +%s ) - $( date -d "1989-11-29" +%s ) )) / 86400 ))
  • Star Wars Episode IV in Reverse DNS
❯❯ ( seq 1 8 200 ; seq 6 8 200 ) | sort -n | xargs -I{} -n 1 dig +short -x 206.214.251.{}
  • Generate 0 through 255 directories with 0 through 255 subdirectories inside each in one command
❯❯ mkdir -p {0..255}/{0..255}
  • Emoticon prompt for BASH shows return status as emoticon
❯❯ PS1=\':$( [ $? == 0 ] && echo ") " || echo "( " )\'
  • ] and, presto!, all comments are gone. Thx @m_strehl
❯❯ Skimming through config files got so much better right now: In less(1) enter &^[^
  • xkcd
❯❯ So hopefully you\'ll be able to defuse the "tar bomb" if you ever are in that situation. Sorry BSD users but you are goners. ;-)
  • If you didn't know, GNU tar now auto-detects the compression algorithm you need. No option required
❯❯ tar xvf archive.tar.bz2
  • Function to draw a dividing line in a terminal. Thx @Fluffkin
❯❯ separator(){ printf '%*s\\n' $(tput cols) '' | tr ' ' -; }
  • Fix a typo in the previous command. :-(
❯❯ !!:s/right/rite/
  • This used to be a right of passage for most Linux users. Today few recognize it
❯❯ make config && make dep && make zImage
  • I have to admit, this spam subject did make me run "look f | egrep ^f..k$"
❯❯ Subject: F**k binary
  • Merge files together based on fields. -o specifies output format
❯❯ join -o 1.1,2.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7 -1 1 -2 1 -t: passwd shadow
  • jpegtran also rotates images, but without quality loss like IM convert. Thx @kaihendry
❯❯ jpegtran -rotate 90 -outfile rot90.jpg image.jpg
  • Run sudo on the last command in your history. be careful because this can bite you. & [Ctrl-a] is just as fast
❯❯ sudo !!
  • Alert me when ping desktop fails. Quick diagnostics
❯❯ while ping -c 1 desktop; do sleep 10; done; xmessage "Desktop unreachable at $(date)
  • whoops
❯❯ Hostnames, they are important.
  • Add header by using "pee"(included in moreutils)
❯❯ RT @Heliac1999: df -Ph | pee "head -n 1" "tail -n+2 | sort -k5nr
  • Start on the second line (-n+2) of output and sort by 5th column numerically descending. Thx @chenghlee
❯❯ df -Ph | tail -n+2 | sort -k5nr
  • Show the processes of user 'someuser' in long form. Thx @clodoco
❯❯ ps wu -U someuser
  • Organize files by month modified
❯❯ find . -maxdepth 1 -printf "%TB %f\\n" | while read -r month file ; do mv -v "$file" $month/ ; done
  • su tux -c xeyes\nX11 ... wrong authentication.\n
❯❯ RT @mvidner:
  • ShowMeTheText
❯❯ Website slow? Try using elinks.
  • You can use the strings command on binary data to see the readable portions of it. I use this all the time
❯❯ strings imagefile.jpg
  • Pandora music client for the command line. And like many CLI clients, it has more control, features and less bloat
❯❯ pianobar
  • CLIMagic variety show
  • Quick ref alias
❯❯ alias what_are_those_damn_conditional_expressions="man bash | sed -n \'/^CONDITIONAL EXPRESSIONS/,/^SIMPLE COMMAND/p\'
  • Just a quick and dirty way to list interface names and just their TX/RX byte lines
❯❯ ifconfig | grep -oE -e "^[^\\ ]+" -e ".*bytes.*
  • If you are in a directory path containing symlinks, this will put you into the physical directory path that the symlinks point to
❯❯ cd -P .
❯❯ sleep 5; xdotool click --repeat 1500 --delay 20 4
  • In case you didn't know, pipe output to less so you can limit output to a page at a time. -S will prevent wrapped lines
❯❯ ls -l | less -S
  • Print "columns" 5 and 11 through the end of line. Throw the rest away
❯❯ find . -ls | awk \'{$1=$2=$3=$4=$6=$7=$8=$9=$10=""; print $0}\'
  • If you use mutt, this can be a useful command to pipe an e-mail into to check for malicious domains in URLs
❯❯ egrep -o https?://[^/]*/
  • reptyr can be used to reattach a program on another tty to the current tty so you can transfer it into screen/tmux. Thx @d3m0n35
❯❯ reptyr
  • Using a trap, increment $a by 1 through a USR1 signal. Then do kill -USR1 PIDOFBASH to do it
❯❯ trap 'a=$((++a)); echo a is now $a' SIGUSR1
  • You started a program, but now want it to notify you when its done
❯❯ <ctrl-z > bg ; wait %1 ; echo "done" | mail -s "done"
  • A logical && after sleep gives a chance to "Ctrl-C" out w/o it running the other command if you "chicken out"
❯❯ sleep 1m && shutdown -h 0
  • By @stackpivot
❯❯ perl -e 'use bytes; for($t=0;;$t++){ print chr($t*(($t > >11|$t > >23)&53&$t > >3)); }'  |play -t raw -b8 -r8k -e un -
  • Go to random site using up to 12 letter word from dictionary
❯❯ elinks http://www.$( look . | grep -E "^[a-z]{,12}" | shuf | head -n 1 ).com
  • Show what files or filehandles are open in the /tmp directory (if its not a seperate partition). This can be slow
❯❯ lsof +D /tmp
  • Make sure all photos in current directory have been backed up
❯❯ for i in *.JPG; do ls -l /multimedia/photos/family/$i ; done > /dev/null
  • Reverse DNS for list of IPs
❯❯ sort -u -t. -k1n,1 -k2n,2 -k3n,3 -k4n,4 |while read -r ip; do r=$( dig +short -x $ip ); echo "$ip - > $r"; done
  • Wait for a wget download to finish then shutdown the computer
❯❯ while pgrep wget ; do sleep 5 ; done ; shutdown -h now
  • Remember doing this?
❯❯ while true; do echo $((++n)); done
  • Math music by viznut
❯❯ perl -e 'use bytes; for($t=0;;$t++){ print chr($t*(($t > >12|$t > >8)&63&$t > >4)); }' | play -t raw -b8 -r8k -e un -
  • Long list only the normal files (not directories, etc) in the current directory in last modified order
❯❯ ls -ltrah | grep -E '^-'
  • Show the total space used on all your local disk partitions
❯❯ df -lkP | awk \'{sum += $3} END { printf "%d GiB\\n", sum/(2**20) }\'
  • Simple meal location decider function
❯❯ eatwhat(){ echo "Tacos,Burgers,Pizza,Sushi,Salad,Pasta" | tr \',\' \'\\n\' | sort -R | head -1; }
  • Convert image to color
❯❯ jp2a -b --colors --fill
  • ASCII art stereogram generated using aa3d. Focus past the text on the screen
  • less often tries to interpret known extensions using lesspipe. If you want to avoid that and see raw data, try this method
❯❯ less < van.doc
  • Top 50 404's in descending order
❯❯ zcat access_log*.gz | cat access_log - | awk \'$9 == "404" {print $7}\' |sort|uniq -c|sort -rn| head -n 50
  • ferguson |grep --line-buffered -P "^\s+@" |while read l; do date +%H:%M;done|uniq -c
❯❯ t stream search \\
  • Rainbowstream is another CLI twitter client that is colorful and allows in-terminal image viewing. Thanks @dtvd88
  • Long time follower @jeroenhjanssens is giving a webcast today at 1pm EST on data science at the command line
  • rig is this cool little program that generates random identities and is nice for testing forms
❯❯ rig
  • Using brace expansion to make it quicker to specify args when the tarfile and directory name are same base
❯❯ tar zcvf directory{.tar.gz,}
  • An answer on this site provides an interesting solution for coloring multiple tail outputs. Thx @DanFromGermany
  • script is a nice program that allows you to record your interactive shell session. Great for logging upgrades
❯❯ script shellsession.log
  • hacktheplanet
❯❯ Grand Central Station!
  • tail syslog continuously and add extra newline, which may help with readability when lines are long
❯❯ tail -f syslog |awk \'{print $0 "\\n"}\'
  • In ZSH, you can press Meta + h to display the man page of the command to the left of the cursor. Thx @_dhamidi
❯❯ [Meta-h]
  • Show usage of files/directories, sorted by the human readable size. -h is available with newer versions of sort
❯❯ du -sh * |sort -h
  • This is how my day has been
❯❯ play -n synth sine 480 sine 620 remix 1-2 fade 0 0.5 delay 0.5 repeat 5
  • @sehetw likes to use the -w option, which ignores all whitespace-only changes between files
❯❯ diff -w file-with-crlf.dos file-with-lf.txt
  • Quickly navigate your filesystem using a couple of functions. Thx @kidpixo
  • Show what is different between two directories containing plugin code
❯❯ diff -uNr plugin-orig plugin-current | less
  • Even though my complaint is about it being the default everywhere, you can use the output of this program to set the color
❯❯ dircolors
  • 4 RPG fans
❯❯ d20kill(){ n=$(($RANDOM%20+1));case $n in 20)kill -9 $1;echo 'Critical hit!';;1[0-9])kill $1;echo 'Hit';;*)echo 'Miss';;esac; }
  • Roll a digital 6 sided die. Thx @marissa_rae
❯❯ echo $(($RANDOM % 6 + 1))
  • Quickly see what day of the week some date this year is on, just use a -v for each part of the date in BSD date
❯❯ date -v Nov -v 15d
  • Quickly see what day of the week some date this year is on, you can just use date -d "short date" in GNU date
❯❯ date -d "Nov 15
  • Watch ESSID's in your area every 5 seconds including count at the end
❯❯ watch -n 5 "iwlist wlan0 scan | grep ESSID | pee cat \'wc -l\'
  • Old term is new term. Thx @JCaesar (love your cipher and your salad)
  • .*//' manifests/nodes.pp|egrep -o '\$\w+') modules|sort -t: -k2 |uniq
❯❯ fgrep -roH -f<(sed 's/
  • Look up a definition for the word autonomy in a few online sources. You probably need to install dict for this
❯❯ dict minging
  • Set your keyboard repeat rate under X windows to 220 ms delay before repeat and 60 cps. YMMV
❯❯ xset r rate 220 60
  • UTF8 sanitize. Thx @mvidner
❯❯ iconv -f utf8 -t utf8//ignore < mostly_utf8_with_some_invalid_characters > utf8_offending_characters_removed
  • Happy 15th System Administrator Day! I bring you the epic tale of The Stick!
  • In vim, this search will find non-ascii characters and things like invisible space characters generated by "friendly" apps
❯❯ /[\\x80-\\xff]
  • In OS X, send the base64 data in your copy/paste buffer into base64 for decoding
❯❯ pbpaste | base64 -D
  • In X windows, send the base64 data in your copy/paste buffer into base64 for decoding
❯❯ xsel -b | base64 -d
  • AT&T telephone building moved in 1930 during working hours
  • xiki
❯❯ All those new options and syntaxes should keep climagic going for years.
  • Show SMTP transaction to see if e-mail is valid
❯❯ swaks --to cancelation@comcast\\.net --server\\.com --quit-after RCPT
  • The ascii command also allows you to convert ascii text into the various numeric bases
❯❯ ascii -s "show me the codes" | column -t
  • Quick access to the ASCII character table either through the ascii program or the man page if you don't have the prog
❯❯ ascii || man ascii
  • Here is a short list of other useful readline keystrokes you can use in bash. Thx @komidore64
  • Find files under the current directory tree that have a space in the filename
❯❯ find . -name '*\\ *'
  • Test your shell-fu in a "wargame" environment. Many climagic tricks can be used here
  • joke
❯❯ Kellogg's is tightening up its cybersecurity because they have lots of old serial connections. They're also worried about air gaps.
  • Instead of using sleep 60, you can use read and "short-circuit" the wait with a return. Thx @jpluscplusm
❯❯ while :; do read -st 60 X ; done
  • Remove the previous word on the command line (before the cursor). This is highly useful when reusing old commands
❯❯ <Ctrl-w >
  • This is usually equivilent to running 'clear'. Its usually quicker and doesn't leave the command in your command line history
❯❯ <Ctrl-l >
  • Manual lists this as Ctrl-_ but Ctrl-- usually works too. Incremental undo of command line edits
❯❯ <Ctrl-- >
❯❯ <Meta-
  • Insert the last argument from the previous line in the command history into the current line. Different from !$
❯❯ <Meta-. >
  • Move your cursor to the end of the line. Faster than holding down right arrow
❯❯ <Ctrl-e >
  • Move your cursor to the beginning of the line. Faster than holding down left arrow. In screen, you need to press
❯❯ <Ctrl-a >
  • Reverse search through your command history for 'string'. Press Ctrl-r again to continue searching backwards. ESC when done
❯❯ <Ctrl-r >string
  • Takes you back to the previous directory you were in. Good to know if you don't already
❯❯ cd -
  • (With no arguments) Takes you back to your home directory
❯❯ cd
  • description. The
❯❯ Just a reminder about the format of climagic tweets: command
  • Kinda philosophical. What is a line of text really? (Disclaimer: I know the manpage does say "newline" count)
❯❯ printf "hello" | wc -l
  • space per user
❯❯ getent passwd|while IFS=: read -r user n uid n n home n;do if [[ $uid -ge 500 ]];then printf "$user ";du -sh $home;fi;done
  • Redirect "external" port 3000 from your router to port 3000 of Thx @ntnmrndn
❯❯ upnpc -a 3000 3000 tcp
  • Show 5 lines of context output after every match of any div tag in index.html
❯❯ grep -A5 '<div' index.html
  • More fireworks! GUI output, but many CLI options. You need the rss-glx screensavers package
❯❯ /usr/lib/xscreensaver/skyrocket
  • Virtual fireworks noises (WARNING: screamer)
❯❯ play -n synth sine 8000 bend 0.5,-1800,5 flanger 0 3 0 20 10 tri 20 quad trim 0 7
  • Bottle rocket sound
❯❯ play -n synth whitenoise 200 fade 0.2 1 1 trim 0 0.5 ; sleep 1 ; play -n synth whitenoise 200 fade 0 1 1 trim 0 1
  • Right, that was overkill. I forget that the default function of uniq is to just print out the unique lines. Duh!
❯❯ uniq data.txt
  • Print the lines that only occur once in data.txt
❯❯ sort data.txt | uniq -c | grep "^\\ *1
  • Maybe find file/dirs in an unreadable /tmp dir
❯❯ look .| egrep "^[a-z]{1,5}$" |while read word; do [ -e /tmp/$word ] && echo $word ; done
  • Print the last field of every other line in the file data.txt. Use NR%2==1 for the "other" line
❯❯ awk \'(NR%2==0) { print $NF }\' data.txt
  • update Mac OSX on command line Thx @qtfimik
❯❯ softwareupdate -iav
  • How I feel after I switch over to a new router at home and finally get it connected
  • Find out what Linux distro you are using
❯❯ lsb_release -a || echo "Its probably Red Hat based.
  • Use brace expansion to copy range of images (IMG_1050.JPG through IMG_1622.JPG) to usb drive
❯❯ cp -va IMG_{1050..1622}.JPG /media/usbdrive/
  • Convert something typed in qwerty layout on a dvorak layout. ;-)
❯❯ tr "qwertyuiop[]sdfghjkl;\'zxcvbnm,./" "\',.pyfgcrl/=oeuidhtns\\-;qjkxbmwvz
  • sudo makecoffee works too. But /sbin/printf is "more powerful" so be careful
❯❯ alias makecoffee=\'printf "\\xE2\\x98\\x95\\n"\'
  • "}; print $0 " " b;}
❯❯ awk \'{print $4}\' apache_log|sort -n|cut -c1-15|uniq -c|awk \'{b="";for(i=0;i<$1/10;i++){b=b
  • Quickly give yourself an Unix time epoch value 1 year from now. Use date -v+1y +%s on Mac/BSD date
❯❯ date -d "now + 1 year" +%s
  • Here, play some robotfindskitten, that will make things all better and you won't have to think about parsing HTML
❯❯ robotfindskitten
  • Print only the data between open and close pre tags in an HTML doc
❯❯ sed -n -e '/<pre >/,/<\\/pre >/p' < data.html
  • Fast extract audio track from a set of videos
❯❯ for vid in *.avi ; do mplayer -ao "pcm:file=${vid%%.avi}.wav:fast" -vo null "$vid" ; done
  • Use readline shortcuts in GUI (eg. Ctrl-U)
❯❯ printf \'include "/usr/share/themes/Emacs/gtk-2.0-key/gtkrc"\\ngtk-key-theme-name = "Emacs"\\n\'
  • Find .htaccess files with "allow from" directives (that may need revision)
❯❯ find www -name .htaccess -exec grep -l "Allow from" {} +
  • How Wargames would have ended if they had been using two factor auth
  • Player chooses c h m o d as his letters. It didn't give him the access he needed. Not in the wheel group I guess
  • This will show a count of all lines that have more than 1 copy. So only show the duplicates. (-d)
❯❯ uniq -cd
  • Show a 3 month view (before, current, after) in cal
❯❯ cal -3
  • Find which Debian package the notify-send program is included with - > libnotify-bin
❯❯ dpkg -S $( which notify-send )
  • Pass the output of which (showing path to lspci) into rpm's -qf, which tells you the pkg
❯❯ rpm -qf $( which lspci )
  • /\xE2\x96\x88/g' < qr-code
❯❯ sed -e 's/
  • You're SSH'd to your home box and you want to port forward to your router's web admin via localhost:8080
❯❯ [Enter]~C -L 8080:
  • Use sox to invert track and get hidden audio signal
❯❯ sox -m -v1 24.flac -v-1 24_CTF.flac signal.wav silence 2 5 2%
  • For your Friday amusement. Thx @komidore64
  • A rainbow in your shell
❯❯ yes "$(seq 231 -1 16)" | while read i; do printf "\\x1b[48;5;${i}m\\n"; sleep .02; done
  • CircleCityCon in Indy. Wearing the climagic logo t-shirt so if you see me, say hi. climagic meetup near registration area at 7:10pm
❯❯ I'm at
  • Unless you have this option turned off for your filesystem, this will show you the last accessed time of files
❯❯ ls -l --time=atime
  • vim tip: pressing '.' in command mode will repeat the last change made (insert, append, delete, etc.). Can be prefixed with number
❯❯ .
  • Clear the contents of logfile, reducing it to 0 bytes. Often used when you don't want to change the perms/mode of the file
❯❯  >logfile
  • Pass two runs of ifconfig 60 seconds apart through the same grep using a subshell
❯❯ ( ifconfig eth0 ; sleep 60 ; ifconfig eth0 ) | grep X
  • Find specific lines matching session opened and print the 3rd word from end
❯❯ awk '/session opened/ {print $(NF-2)}' /var/log/auth.log
  • theinternetofthings
❯❯ Dude, you ssh\'d into someone\'s mouth?
  • Remote intercom system. "Kent, this is God!"
❯❯ rec -t wav - | ssh remotehost play -t wav -
  • Show the path to the executable that was run to start PID 2394. Need permission
❯❯ lsof -p 2394 |awk \'{if ($4=="txt"){print $NF}}\' |head -1
  • mod
❯❯ find . -name \'*.html\' |while IFS=\\n read f ; do r=$(mktemp);touch -r "$f" $r;t=$(stat -c %y "$f");mod "$f";touch -r $r "$f";rm $r;done
  • Use regex boundary markers (\b) to find instances of the string ed alone in a file
❯❯ grep -E "\\bed\\b" queue.txt
  • Mmmmm, donuts. Today is national donut day. Requires rss-glx package
❯❯ /usr/lib/xscreensaver/lattice --tasty
  • Take a single 1280x720 picture of your TV input, which is often your webcam
❯❯ mplayer -vo png -frames 1 tv:// -tv width=1280:height=720
  • Order filesystems by percent usage and keep header in place
❯❯ df -hP |column -t |tee  >( head -n1 > /dev/stderr ) |grep % |sort -k5nr
  • Show perms/owner at each dir level
❯❯ treeperms(){ d=$(cd "$1" ; pwd -P) ; ls -ld "$d"; [[ "$d" != "/" ]] && treeperms $(dirname "$d"); }
  • Don't watch the clock yourself, Auto check when a tunnel interface times out
❯❯ while ifconfig utun0 > /dev/null; do sleep 15; done; date
  • Because you ain't got time to use find -type f -exec blah. Just redirect the errors to devnull
❯❯ grep -li color /etc/* 2 > /dev/null
❯❯ function box(){ t="$1xxxx";c=${2:-=}; echo ${t//?/$c}; echo "$c $1 $c"; echo ${t//?/$c}; }
  • Display top bandwidth hogs on website
❯❯ awk \'{a[$1] += $10} END {for (h in a) print h " " a[h]}\' access_log | sort -k 2 -nr | head -10
  • Filter by port range to host and connection state. Thx @hecky and @raganello
  • Show what processes are using port 80 either locally or remotely. Need to be root for unowned processes
❯❯ lsof -i TCP:80
  • Learn vim while playing an adventure game
  • Mouse spiral
❯❯ x=0;y=0;while [[ $y -lt 500 ]] ; do xdotool mousemove --polar $x $y ; x=$(($x+3));y=$(($y+1)); sleep 0.001; done
  • Tron lightcycles in the terminal or Etch-a-sketch. Take your pick
  • Another one to try
❯❯ /usr/lib/xscreensaver/apple2 -text -fast -program $SHELL
  • Use phosphor for your terminal
❯❯ /usr/lib/xscreensaver/phosphor -scale 2 -delay 5000 -geometry 1024x768 -program $SHELL
  • climagic, meet the magic keyboard
  • The origin of the sudo command as told by its co-author Bob Coggeshall. Thx normod
  • Foremost is a file recovery program that can extract files from disk images and more.
❯❯ foremost
  • Play all the media files in the current directory by mod time for file
❯❯ ls -tr > timeordered ; mplayer -playlist timeordered
  • saves you searching for disks and other block devs attached to your
❯❯ lsblk
  • The real meaning of
❯❯ for i in {A..Z}; do echo $i; done |nl |grep "[XKCD]" |awk \'{sum+=$1} END {print sum}\'
  • \xcf\x80 * l33t% = 42 Happy
❯❯ echo "scale=10; 3.1415926535 * (1337.0/100.0)" | bc
  • Print the decimal encoded value of an * (everything)
❯❯ printf \'%d\\n\' "\'*
  • Lego keyboard. Now you have a new project
  • After receiving this command about 100x from followers over the years, I can finally safely post it. Thx @NuxRo
  • Your own mv function for files with a "template"
❯❯ my_mv(){ d_id=$( basename "$(pwd)" |cut -d\' \' -f2); mv -v "$1" "special_${d_id}-$2_$1; }
  • Untar a program file and cd into the directory it created without the .tar.gz extension
❯❯ tar xvf program-1.2.3.tar.gz ; cd ${_%%.tar.gz}
  • :$:s/.png/.jpg/
❯❯ convert -quality 80 Screenshot-2014-05-20.png !
  • :1"{}
❯❯ curl http://example\\.com/vids/ | grep -Po \'(?<=")[^"]+.webm(?=")\' | xargs -I{} -n1 wget !
  • This document explains the differences between !$, Meta+. and $_ for referencing "last args"
  • $_ is a shell special variable that expands to the last argument given in the prev command. Thx @PetrHodac
❯❯ mkdir -p /tmp/a/b/c ; cd $_
  • You may have heard about Docker and Linux containers. Here is a good primer on LJ. Thx @brimston3
  • How to setup THX startup sound, cd+video and Ackbar Ctrl-C for yourself
  • Correction, but I wasn't really serious
❯❯ cd(){ builtin cd $@; mplayer -quiet -geometry 400x280+0+0 "$(ls -1 ~/Videos/*|shuf| head -1)" & }
  • Make your shell more like a website
❯❯ cd(){ builtin cd $@; mplayer -quiet -geometry 400x280+0+0 "$(ls -1 ~/Videos/|shuf| head -1)" &); }
  • For the non-believers. TIMTOWTDI!
❯❯ grep "Yes it" $( which frozen-bubble ) && wc -l $_
  • Convert to mp3. One of the reasons @erikaheidi & @laceytech <3 Linux
❯❯ for f in *.wav; do lame --vbr-new -V 3 "$f" "${f%.wav}.mp3"; done
  • Disable the Back/Forward keys (at least on my keyboard). Great for babies
❯❯ xmodmap -e "keycode 166 = 0x0000" -e "keycode 167 = 0x0000
  • SVG 2 PNG in CWD
❯❯ find . -maxdepth 1 -name \'*.svg\' |while IFS=$\'\\n\' read f ; do inkscape "$f" --export-png="PNG/${f%%.svg}.png"; done
  • THXsh startup sound
❯❯ echo '(play -q -n synth sine F2 sine C3 remix - fade 0 4 .1 norm -4 bend 0.5,2399,2 fade 0 4.0 0.5 &)' > > ~/.bashrc
  • Idea: Backslashing the * glob instead of quoting the expression. Thx @lorddrachenblut
❯❯ find ./music  -name \\*.mp3 -exec cp {} ./new \\;
  • Easy peasy time warp tweety @DrFNFurter
❯❯ at "now + 5 years"  < \'t update "...pation"\'
  • tarbombparty
❯❯ @discreetsecure Heh, then address everyone you know in the Cc line and watch them start repling to all.
  • If you want to learn about tar, watch this video I made 4 years ago
  • Detect
❯❯ tarbomb(){ [[ $( tar tf "$1" |sed \'s,^\\./,,\' |awk -F/ \'{print $1}\' |sort |uniq |wc -l ) -eq 1 ]] && echo "OK" || echo \'Tarbomb!\'; }
  • Its not Friday yet?
❯❯ while [[ $( date +%A ) != "Friday" ]]; do echo Its not Friday yet ; sleep 1h ; done ; echo "Yea Friday
  • Send every two files found through diff. (Of course, this may not always be what you want) For @mgpreppy
❯❯ find -print0 | xargs -0 -n 2 diff
  • Move all files modified in the last 2 mins to ./target .Thx @davidnormo
❯❯ find ~/path/to/files -mmin -2 -execdir mv -t ./target/ {} +
  • MIND BLOWN! \xcf\x80 * l33t% = 42 Thx @Notfound404__
❯❯ echo "scale=10; 3.1415926535 * (1337.0/100.0)" | bc
  • epoch //via @climagic
❯❯ RT @blubtwit: Happy 1400000000
  • See what is in the file called '-'. 9 times out of 10 for me this is the output of strace or tcpdump
❯❯ less ./-
  • Show the differences between two directories. comm can also be good for this
❯❯ diff <(cd dir1 ; ls -1 | sort) <(cd dir2 ; ls -1 | sort)
  • AA countdown to 1.4 billion epoch
❯❯ e=1400000000;while [[ $(date +%Y) -ne $e ]];do figlet $(($e-$(date +%s)));sleep 1;clear;done;figlet $e
  • See what local time for you the
❯❯ e=1400000000;date -d @$e || date -r $e
  • Start a web service on port 8000. Among other things, it can be useful to testing LISTENing ports vs firewall
❯❯ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
  • See the last logged in users, but filter out entries for root, reboots and asmith
❯❯ last -da | egrep -v "^(root|reboot|asmith)
  • How scientist and climagic follower @MikeRSpencer is using the command line to help track snowfall in Scotland
  • Lots of amusing anecdotes of command line mistakes here. Especially in the comments
  • opps
❯❯ Man takes picture of himself every day for 10 years, then carelessly runs dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sda to copy his 1st drive to 2nd.
  • 4fun
❯❯ grep -o --binary-files=text '[[:alpha:]]' /dev/urandom |tr -d '[a-zA-Z]' |xargs -n $(($COLUMNS/2)) |tr -d ' '| lolcat -f | pv -L80k
❯❯ List thread: "Subject: Troubleshooting Linux Applications Without Using the Command Line
  • |^\ *$)" httpd.conf | less
❯❯ egrep -v "(^
  • Alias for mplayer when you want its window matched with special rule for devilspie or other
❯❯ alias mplayerdp=\'mplayer -title "mplayer dp"\'
  • Use the -d option when you want to see the directory itself instead of what's inside when you use wildcards like this
❯❯ ls -ld *log*
  • Send a signal to any/all dd processes to give a status report every five minutes
❯❯ while :; do killall -USR1 dd ; sleep 5m ; done
  • Moves the first line of the file to the end, allowing to cycle through it. Thx @benthorben
❯❯ sed -ni '1h;1!p;${x;p}' queuefile
  • 1: What's in this chest? Kid
❯❯ Kid
  • Using a logical && after sleep gives you a chance to Ctrl-C out of sleep without it running the rest
❯❯ sleep 5m && rm -fr /
  • Sleep for 5 days, 2 hours, 1 minute and 15 seconds. This syntax works in GNU coreutils sleep at least
❯❯ sleep 5d 2h 1m 15s
  • full process output in a tree view so you can see the parent - > child process relationships
❯❯ ps auxwf
  • scrot is a nice command for capturing screenshots of the whole screen, a window or a selected area
❯❯ scrot -s screenshotname.png
  • Check if file is done downloading from Firefox (not 0 bytes) before moving
❯❯ [ -s ./ ] && mv -v
  • Cures most shell symptoms, including runny prompts, echo congestion, binary infection and color stain. Use only as directed
❯❯ reset
  • Use -r to download a byte range from large file
❯❯ curl -r 61049103-61865118 hackerpublicradio\\.org/eps/hpr1418.mp3 | mpg123 -
  • Watch in real time as people mention your city on Twitter
❯❯ t stream search -l "yourcityname state
  • More secure than telnetmallows, but not as hip as moshmellows. Thx @hubert3 & @JCaesar
❯❯ speedometer -k 256 -i 0.2 -r eth0 -t eth0
  • Use multiple search terms, grep's count result and sort to find a doc by "scoring"
❯❯ grep -Irc -e php -e mysql *.pkgs |sort -t: -k2nr|head
  • Start playing music files with the 51st file in (0 indexed). Good for when wildcards would be too complex
❯❯ f=(*.mp3); mpg123 ${f[@]:50}
❯❯ Its a UNIX system, I know this.
  • I find brace expansion very useful for renaming files. Expands to "mv Picture.jpg Picture-of-my-cat.jpg"
❯❯ mv Picture{,-of-my-cat}.jpg
  • f4f3f0 -opaque \
❯❯ convert detroit-green-shape.png -fuzz 3% -fill \\
  • Side by side comparison of zip index
❯❯ pr -W $COLUMNS -m -t <(unzip -l | sort -k4 ) <(unzip -l | sort -k4 ) | less
  • Display changelog of 1st arg (pkg). If 2nd arg set, search for it in the log
❯❯ changelog(){ rpm -q --changelog $1 |less -j3 ${2:++/"$2"}; }
  • Start searching for text data, but skip the first 25GB (25k of 1MB blocks) of the drive
❯❯ sudo dd if=/dev/sdc bs=1M skip=25k | strings -n12
  • Search a drive for text data, but use a longer minimum size (default 4) to get a better signal to noise ratio
❯❯ sudo strings -n12 /dev/sdc
  • Sum up the bandwidth consumed by requests for matched lines. BTW, it was 35GB
❯❯ awk '/itdance.gif/{sum+=$10} END { print sum }' access_log
  • Give your photo a 70s look
❯❯ convert +level-colors Firebrick, me.jpg oldme.jpg
  • This will run ls without using any alias called ls that might be in place. You can do this with any command
❯❯ \\ls
  • Use rev twice to get around limitation of cut not being able to truncate end of a string
❯❯ echo test | rev | cut -c 2- | rev
  • Wkly Box Of. change
❯❯ elinks imdb\\.to/1fzw0R4 |sed -n -e 's/[$,]//g' -e '/Gross/,/Weekend/p'|grep '(USA)'|tac|awk '{print $1-last; last=$1}'
  • Determine what lines the file names2 has that are unique. The comm program requires sorted files
❯❯ comm -13 <(sort names1) <(sort names2)
  • You can put DATETIME in your shell rc file & use it to make time format
❯❯ DATETIME="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"; ps auxwwf > $(date +psauxwwf-$DATETIME)
  • In pulseaudio, set the application volume of input sink
❯❯ pactl set-sink-input-volume 353 60%
  • Get PA sink id
❯❯ pactl list| awk \'/(^Sink| = "\'$(pidof pianobar)\'")/{if($0 ~ /^Sink/){s=$3};if($0~/{print s;exit};}\'
  • Use less as your pager and open the man page perlre and find first instance of "Look-Around"
❯❯ LESS="-p Look-Around" man -P less perlre
  • Almost 2^16
❯❯ f=$(curl -Ls twitter\\.com/climagic | grep -Po \'(?<=followers_count&quot;:)[0-9]+\') ;bc  < "ibase=10;obase=2;$f
  • earthday
❯❯ The command line gives you more computing power for less energy.
  • This alone should save several megawatt hours today
❯❯ killall firefox; killall chrome
  • earthday
❯❯ If each of my 65,000 followers shut off one computer for today it would save over 100 Megawatts.
  • How many of you will actually do it instead of just retweeting it?
❯❯ shutdown -h 0 || shutdown now || halt
  • earthday How many of you will actually do it?
❯❯ shutdown -h 0 || shutdown now || halt
  • with GNU sort doing a version sort would have the same effect
❯❯ RT @iiSeymour: @climagic sort -V ipv4addrs.txt
  • Sort IPv4 addresses numerically according to each class
❯❯ sort -t . -n -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 ipv4addrs.txt
  • See all the programs in path dirs with suid or sgid bits set
❯❯ find ${PATH//:/ } -type f -maxdepth 1 -perm /6000 -ls
  • pzl
❯❯ 32596b4a6e657464 4849676748626751 6e6267455861325a 69596b4253633442 53626c4248497968 435a734133596b4a 4749693548497468 4749675541633d6f
  • Move all duplicate files in CWD (except first in set) into 'dupes' sub-directory
❯❯ fdupes -f . | xargs --delimiter='\\n' mv -vt dupes/
❯❯ This one cracked me up. Thx @LizQuilty
  • Check which hosts in IP list are not up
❯❯ for i in $( cat ip-list ); do ping -c1 $i 2 >&1 > /dev/null || echo $i not up; done
  • Get Google results number
❯❯ gresults(){ s="$@"; wget -q -O- -U Mozilla\\.com/search?q=\\"$s\\" |egrep -o "About [0-9,]+ results";}
  • kill -9, the song. Warning: NSFW lyrics
  • Find all those crazy options you have to use to make an LDAP search, because you know you can't remember them. ;)
❯❯ history |grep ldapsearch
  • Or as @raganello just reminded me, you can just use the --last option. But that's too easy. ;-)
❯❯ rpm -qa --last
  • List rpms by date installed
❯❯ rpm -qa --queryformat "%{INSTALLTIME} %{INSTALLTIME:date} %{NAME}\\n" |sort -n |cut -d\' \' -f2-
  • Some interesting historical insight into sed's y command. Thx @gumnos
  • Reduce the verbosity of mplayer output by turning down the msglevel of most modules
❯❯ mplayer -msglevel all=-1:statusline=5:cplayer=5 *.mp3
  • Or as @jacalvo_zentyal mentioned you can use time read or my favorite, time cat. Ctrl-D and read the "real time" in the output
❯❯ time cat
  • Quick and dirty stopwatch with nanosecond accuracy. [Enter] stops it
❯❯ echo $(a=$(date +%s.%N); line; b=$(date +%s.%N); echo "$b-$a"|bc )
  • Show a list of mail users and their login failed attempt count
❯❯ grep "LOGIN FAILED" maillog | egrep -o "user=[^,]+," | sort | uniq -c
  • I know it may be annoying at first, but it will save you hours later
❯❯ cd(){ builtin cd $@; /etc/init.d/sssd restart; }
  • Generate 16 x 4 random long-word passphrases from a list of common words
❯❯ shuf common-words-10k.txt |egrep ".{5,}" |head -64 |xargs -n4
  • As kinda a one off thing. If you find yourself doing a lot of line trimming, try this for one keystroke line delete
❯❯ :map <F2 > dd
  • Whenever I have to reboot this scene plays in my head except with "reboot"
  • It can be both @Brisawoman @rcalsaverini ;-)
❯❯ elinks -dump http://thefuckingweather\\.com/?zipcode=Fargo | grep " IT\'S" | (espeak||cat)
  • Some people really go out of their way to insult others. Thx @brimston3
❯❯ for d in {0..255}; do dig +short -x 202\\.78.246.${d}; done
  • Get a list of website hostnames you've visited
❯❯ echo "select host from moz_hosts;" | sqlite3 places.sqlite > ~/history-hosts.txt
  • If you cant find an error message in your language on Google, run your command "in English". Thx @MarcCornella
❯❯ LANG=en apt-get upgrade
  • On Debian, find any packages that manage files in /boot and list them uniquely
❯❯ dpkg -S '/boot/*' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq
  • Check what services are still using old now removed libraries and need to be reloaded. Thx @nmcfarl
❯❯ sudo lsof -n | grep ssl | grep DEL
  • Create an HD color plasma image. Different each time. Uses ImageMagick
❯❯ convert -size 1920x1080 plasma:fractal background.png
  • An alias that prints out extended ASCII chars
❯❯ alias extendedascii=\'for i in {C..F}{{0..9},{A..F}}; do printf "$i \\x$i\\n"; done ; echo\'
  • A few people have asked about my urxvt settings, so I'll share my Xdefaults file
  • Spice up your excessive usage of [Ctrl-C]
❯❯ trap "echo;ack-grep --bar | sed \'y/ge/ta/\'" SIGINT
  • Confuse people SSHing to your host with a redirect back to theirs
❯❯ socat -d -d TCP-L:22,reuseaddr,fork SYSTEM:"nc \\$SOCAT_PEERADDR 22
  • Convert a string in quotes to its hexadecimal codes in ASCII
❯❯ ascii -s "show me the hex codes" | awk \'{print $3}\'
  • Automatically installs your public key to the remote host (this is included in the openssh package)
❯❯ ssh-copy-id 'user@remotehost'
  • In vim, depending on whether your terminal background is dark or light, setting this will help with color syntax
❯❯ :set background=dark
  • status=none allows you to suppress the ending status info if you don't want it
❯❯ dd status=none if=/dev/zero of=bigfile bs=1k count=1M
  • Quickly find out how much data space is left on the partition that the current directory you are in resides
❯❯ df -h .
  • Display an ASCII art cat. There, after 4 years I finally posted an ack command
❯❯ ack-grep --thpppt
  • New rot546 is super strong encryption
❯❯ rot546(){ s=$@;for ((r=0;r<43;r++)){ s=$(tr A-Za-z N-ZA-Mn-za-m  < "$s"|base64);};echo "$s"; }
  • Nobody will criticize your ideas again
  • Poor man's auto updating slideshow image
❯❯ while true;do for i in ~/Pictures/*.jpg ;do cp "$i" ~/slideshow.jpg ;sleep 5;done; done
  • See how many references to pi are made in the Linux version 3.14 patch
❯❯ xzgrep -E -o "\\bpi\\b" patch-3.14.xz | wc -w
  • See the BUGS part of the mutt man page. Thx mof18202 (check man man for 'col -b' trick)
❯❯ man mutt | col -b | sed -n '/^BUGS/,+10p'
  • Linux manpages. :3
❯❯ RT @mof18202: "BUGS: More than you can imagine." I like honest
  • Upgrade new
❯❯ sed -i \'s/{% url \\([a-z_]*\\) /{% url "\\1" /\' $(find . -name "*.html")
  • Spinning ASCII art globe
❯❯ curl -s http://artscene.textfiles\\.com/vt100/globe.vt | pv -L9600 -q
  • Divide files by the column count in each line. Thx @unfo
❯❯ awk -F\';\' \'{ fname=sprintf("lines_with_%s_columns.txt", NF); print > > fname }\'
  • If you encounter a file that is hard to type/tab complete, try using a ? to replace the characters you can't type
❯❯ mplayer M?rklintage*
  • The pee command can run head and tail on same input. sponge waits for all the data first
❯❯ ping -c100 | sponge | pee head tail
  • Exploding cow animation I found in old e-mail
❯❯ curl -s www.climagic\\.org/ascii/explodingcow-animation-1995.gz |zcat |pv -L2400 -q
  • Today's famous birthdays
❯❯ elinks -no-numbering -dump-width $COLUMNS $(date +"")|sed \'/Births/,/Deaths/!d\'|grep \\*
  • reptyr can be used to reattach a program on another tty to the current tty so you can transfer it into screen/tmux
❯❯ reptyr <pid >
  • Using -e multiple times for multiple expressions is possible and a bit more readable
❯❯ grep -e string1 -e string2 -e regex1 file
  • Someone made a clone of 2048 in only 278 lines of bash script. Sorry about your time. Thx @PBirkants
  • pi_backup is a new command that simply returns an index number where your data is stored within pi. See also, pi_restore
❯❯ pi_backup /
  • Req. ImageMagick
❯❯ convert -size 413x314 xc:tan -fill red -pointsize 200 -gravity center -draw "text 0,0 \'3.14\'" -flop pie.png
  • EFF! Thx @Matteotom
❯❯ dig -t NAPTR +short | sort
  • Show a count of the number of sent messages by day through your mail server
❯❯ grep status=sent /var/log/maillog | cut -c1-7 | uniq -c
  • isintime 8am 5pm && update Thx @brimston3
❯❯ isintime(){ s=$(date +%s);[ $(date -d "$1" +%s) -lt $s ] && [ $s -lt  $(date -d "$2" +%s) ]; }
  • Run update every 5min between 8am and 5pm
❯❯ while true; h=$(date +%_H); [[ $h -ge 8 && $h -lt 17 ]] && update; sleep 5m; done
  • Only run update every 5min between 8am and 5pm
❯❯ while true; h=$(date +%_H); [ $h -ge 8 && $h -lt 17 ] && update; sleep 5m; done
  • You can specify alternate rpm db paths if you want. You can even do this on non-rpm based systems
❯❯ rpm --dbpath=~/backup-rpm-dir -qi httpd
  • climagic
❯❯ I still haven't figured out a way to notify you when Twitter is down from the shell yet. Maybe just 'weechat irc.freenode\\.org/
  • % Pkt loss
❯❯ elinks -no-numbering -no-references internetpulse\\.net/?Metric=PL |egrep --color=no -e \'Dest|Gener\' -e "NTT.*XO" -e " 0 .* 0
  • PWD is ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml and I needed to copy from a xfce4-backup dir I made
❯❯ cp -a ${PWD/xfce4/xfce4-backup}/* .
  • A text mode file manager similar to mc, but isn't as cumbersome as mc IMHO. View, play, manage media files quickly. Thx @mtelesha
❯❯ ranger
  • See what the word inconceivable really means
❯❯ dict inconceivable
  • Check what databases are stored inside a simple compressed mysql dump file
❯❯ zgrep "^CREATE DATABASE" dbbackups.mysql.gz
  • thedownside it means I have to reboot my computers
❯❯ Moving into a bigger cube is nice, but on
  • You can use rev to reverse a word or sentence
❯❯ rev  < "Naomi, sex at noon taxes I moan
  • Find out if xfce4-terminal uses the libvte library or not. Check your own terminal program
❯❯ ldd /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal | grep libvte
  • Find out if the terminator terminal uses the libvte library or not. Check your own terminal program
❯❯ ldd /usr/bin/terminator | grep libvte
  • Print the line if it has a 6th column of text in it
❯❯ awk '$6' scan.txt
  • Move a directory while you're inside it. Only works if on same partition
❯❯ mkdir sub1 sub2; cd sub1 ; mv ../sub1 ../sub2 ; cd . ; pwd
  • Climagic video demonstrating gnome-terminal's scrollback being written to disk
  • Still a problem after 2 years. Don't use libvte based terms (gnome-terminal, Terminator, xfce4-term, etc.)
  • Quickly find the largest 5 files in a directory tree on a single file system
❯❯ find . -xdev -ls 2 > /dev/null | sort -k7nr | head -5
  • Random color per log line
❯❯ tail -F syslog |while read -r line;do printf "\\e[38;5;%dm%s\\e[0m\\n" $(($RANDOM%255)) "$line";done
  • Stump your friends. How many months had only 19 days? Answer: 1 (The Month the United States switched to Gregorian)
❯❯ cal 9 1752
  • Sleep infinitely or until the next shutdown, whichever comes first
❯❯ sleep infinity
  • Yes this works and sleeps for 255 seconds. (doesn't work on all versions of sleep)
❯❯ sleep 0xFF
  • List the contents of each gz compressed file, including the compression ratio/uncompressed size. Doesn't work on stdin- >gzip
❯❯ gzip -l *.gz
  • Copy file to the previous directory you were in. See "tilde expansion" in bash man page. Thx @gumnos
❯❯ cp file.txt ~-/
  • Remove the previous word on the command line (before the cursor). This is highly useful when reusing old commands
❯❯ <Ctrl-w >
  • This is usually equivilent to running 'clear'. Its usually quicker and doesn't leave the command in your command line history
❯❯ <Ctrl-l >
  • Manual lists this as Ctrl-_ but Ctrl-- usually works too. Incremental undo of command line edits
❯❯ <Ctrl-- >
  • Insert the last argument from the previous line in the command history into the current line. Different from !$
❯❯ <Meta-. >
  • Move your cursor to the end of the line. Faster than holding down right arrow
❯❯ <Ctrl-e >
  • Move your cursor to the beginning of the line. Faster than holding down left arrow. In screen, you need to press
❯❯ <Ctrl-a >
  • Reverse search through your command history for 'string'. Press Ctrl-r again to continue searching backwards. ESC when done
❯❯ <Ctrl-r >string
  • description. The
❯❯ Just a reminder about the format of climagic tweets: command
  • (With no arguments) Takes you back to your home directory
❯❯ cd
  • Takes you back to the previous directory you were in. Good to know if you don't already
❯❯ cd -
  • Date the system booted last. Uses Perl regex (zero-width look behind assertion)
❯❯ date -d "now - $( uptime | grep -o -P "(?<=up )[^,]+" )
  • Thx @gumnos
❯❯ look .|awk \'/^[a-g]{3,}$/{print gensub("."," pl &3","g",toupper($0))}\'|while read w;do echo $w;play -n synth $w fade h 0 2;done
  • Download a series of timed images from a site with 1 second delay between
❯❯ wget -w1 http://www.example\\.com/{00..23}h{00,15,30,45}m.png
  • Find 4+ letter words that are spelled using only musical note letters
❯❯ look . | egrep "^[a-g]{4,}$
  • Stack a lot of files Thx @amenthes_de
❯❯ convert -size 1920x1080 `find . -iname "*test*" | sed "s/^/ -page +0+0 /"` -layers flatten stack.png
  • Find a file with a newline or carriage return characters in its name. Req by @peelman
❯❯ find . -name '*['$'\\r'$'\\n'']*'
  • Swap integer values without intermediary variable using XOR Equals (As long as they aren't too big). Thx @spikygeek
❯❯ ((A^=B,B^=A,A^=B))