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Create Window Family Addin


This sample demostrated how to migrate the Revit WindowWizard Plugin to be used within AppBundle of Design Automation for Revit.

Migration Steps

Here is the main steps to migrate the Revit addin, before read the detail steps, please make sure you go through the official Convert Addin Doc and understand the framework.

Before we start:

  • Build the WindowWizard project under \Revit 2019 SDK\Samples\FamilyCreation\WindowWizard\CS, load it into Revit to make sure it works good.

Get rid of all UI Stuff:

  • Remove References to all the UI related assembly, including RevitAPIUI.dll, System.Windows.dll;

  • Check all the .cs file, and remove all the reference to Autodesk.Revit.UI and System.Windows.Forms;

  • Remove WizardUI.cs file, which is the main Window UI part to collect all the input parameter, we will get all these input parameter from a JSON file instead later.

  • Create a new class CreateWindowData in namespace Revit.SDK.Samples.WindowWizard.CS to replace Autodesk.Revit.UI.ExternalCommandData, the code should look as follow, and then replace all the usage of ExternalCommandData to CreateWindowData.

   using Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices;
   public class CreateWindowData
       public Application Application { get; set; }
       public Document Document { get; set; }
  • In Utility.cs, use Application to replace UIApplication, and use doc directly as the parameter in FilteredElementCollector().
  • In DoubleHungWinCreation.cs, use Application to replace UIApplication, and update the all the referenced place.

Let's make it work as AppBundle of Design Automation for Revit

  • Add reference to DesignAutomationBridge.dll(please download at Nuget), remove the command class, create the new class CreateWindowApp from IExternalDBApplication, also add a helper class RuntimeValue to switch between local and cloud, the code should look like:
    internal class RuntimeValue
        // Change this to true when publishing to Revit IO cloud
        public static bool RunOnCloud { get; } = true;

    public class CreateWindowApp : IExternalDBApplication
        public ExternalDBApplicationResult OnStartup(ControlledApplication application)
            if (RuntimeValue.RunOnCloud)
                DesignAutomationBridge.DesignAutomationReadyEvent += HandleDesignAutomationReadyEvent;
                // For local test
                application.ApplicationInitialized += HandleApplicationInitializedEvent;

            return ExternalDBApplicationResult.Succeeded;

        public void HandleApplicationInitializedEvent(object sender, Autodesk.Revit.DB.Events.ApplicationInitializedEventArgs e)
            Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application app = sender as Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application;
            DesignAutomationData data = new DesignAutomationData(app, "C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\Revit 2019\\Samples\\WindowFamilyTmp.rft");

        public void HandleDesignAutomationReadyEvent( object sender, DesignAutomationReadyEventArgs e)
            e.Succeeded = true;
            e.Succeeded = CreateWindowFamily(e.DesignAutomationData);

        protected bool CreateWindowFamily( DesignAutomationData data )
            if (data == null)
                return false;

            Application app = data.RevitApp;
            if (app == null)
                return false;

            string modelPath = data.FilePath;
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modelPath))
                return false;

            Document doc = data.RevitDoc;
            if (doc == null)
                return false;

            CreateWindowData createWindowData = new CreateWindowData();
            createWindowData.Application = app;
            createWindowData.Document = doc;

            if (!doc.IsFamilyDocument)
                Console.WriteLine("It's not family document");
                return false;
                if (null != doc.OwnerFamily && null != doc.OwnerFamily.FamilyCategory
                    && doc.OwnerFamily.FamilyCategory.Name != doc.Settings.Categories.get_Item(BuiltInCategory.OST_Windows).Name)
                // FamilyCategory.Name is not "Windows".
                    Console.WriteLine("It's not windows family template");
                    return false;
                WindowWizard wizard = new WindowWizard(createWindowData);
                return wizard.RunWizard();

        public ExternalDBApplicationResult OnShutdown(ControlledApplication application)

            return ExternalDBApplicationResult.Succeeded;
  • Since the UI is removed, we will use JSON file instead as input of parameters, create 2 new classes TypeDAParams and WindowsDAParams to handle the input JSON format parameter as follow(Make sure to install Newtonsoft.Json by NuGet Package Manager first):
        using System;
        using System.IO;
        using Newtonsoft.Json;

        namespace Autodesk.Forge.RevitIO.CreateWindow

            internal class TypeDAParams
                public String TypeName { get; set; } = "New Type";
                public Double WindowHeight { get; set; } = 4;
                public Double WindowWidth { get; set; } = 2;
                public Double WindowInset { get; set; } = 0.05;
                public Double WindowSillHeight { get; set; } = 3;


            internal class WindowsDAParams
                public TypeDAParams[] Types { get; set; } = { new TypeDAParams() };

                public String WindowStyle { get; set; } = "DoubleHungWindow";
                public String GlassPaneMaterial { get; set; } = "Default";
                public String SashMaterial { get; set; } = "Default";
                public String WindowFamilyName { get; set; } = "Double Hung.rfa";

                static public WindowsDAParams Parse(string jsonPath)
                        if (!File.Exists(jsonPath))
                            return new WindowsDAParams();

                        string jsonContents = File.ReadAllText(jsonPath);
                        return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<WindowsDAParams>(jsonContents);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine("Exception when parsing json file: " + ex);
                        return null;
  • Update the method WindowWizard.RunWizard() as follow to use the different way for parameter collection:
        public bool RunWizard()
            // For Window Family Creation workItem
            WindowsDAParams windowFamilyParams;
            if (RuntimeValue.RunOnCloud)
                windowFamilyParams = WindowsDAParams.Parse("WindowParams.json");
                windowFamilyParams = WindowsDAParams.Parse("C:\\Users\\zhongwu\\Documents\\WindowParams.json");

            m_para = new WizardParameter();
            m_para.m_template = windowFamilyParams.WindowStyle;

            if (m_para.m_template.Equals("DoubleHungWindow", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                m_winCreator = new DoubleHungWinCreation(m_para, m_commandData);
                foreach (TypeDAParams type in windowFamilyParams.Types)
                    DoubleHungWinPara dbhungWinPara = new DoubleHungWinPara(m_para.Validator.IsMetric);
                    dbhungWinPara.Height = type.WindowHeight;
                    dbhungWinPara.Width = type.WindowWidth;
                    dbhungWinPara.Inset = type.WindowInset;
                    dbhungWinPara.SillHeight = type.WindowSillHeight;
                    dbhungWinPara.Type = type.TypeName;
                    m_para.CurrentPara = dbhungWinPara;
                    if (!m_para.WinParaTab.Contains(dbhungWinPara.Type))
                        m_para.WinParaTab.Add(dbhungWinPara.Type, dbhungWinPara);
                        m_para.WinParaTab[dbhungWinPara.Type] = dbhungWinPara;
                m_para.GlassMat = windowFamilyParams.GlassPaneMaterial;
                m_para.SashMat = windowFamilyParams.SashMaterial;
            return Creation();
  • Use different approaches to save the new created RFA file, add the following code to the constructor of class DoubleHungWinCreation:
        if (RuntimeValue.RunOnCloud)
            para.PathName = "WindowFamily.rfa";
            para.PathName = "C:\\Users\\zhongwu\\Documents\\DoubleHungWin.rfa";
  • To make the new created family file could be previewed, modify the code to create the thumbnail for the family as follow:
        if (File.Exists(m_para.PathName))

        SaveAsOptions saveOpts = new SaveAsOptions();
        // Check for permanent preview view
        if (m_document.GetDocumentPreviewSettings().PreviewViewId.Equals(ElementId.InvalidElementId))
            // use 3D view as preview
            View view = new FilteredElementCollector(m_document)
                .Where(vw =>
                    vw.ViewType == ViewType.ThreeD && !vw.IsTemplate

            if (view != null)
                saveOpts.PreviewViewId = view.Id;

        m_document.SaveAs(m_para.PathName, saveOpts);

Last Step

  • Update the addin file, change "AddIn Type" to "DBApplication", and add Name node, the file should looks as follow:
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <AddIn Type="DBApplication">
            <Name>Create Window Family App</Name>
            <Description>This command is to create window family via wizard</Description>

Let's Try Now

  • Until now, you could test your addin locally to make sure it creates double hung window as expected.

Extend to support more WindowFamily Types

  • Add 2 more classes(FixedWinCreation, SlidingDoubleWinCreation) which derived from WindowCreation to support more window types, check the files FixedWinCreation.cs & SlidingDoubleWinCreation.cs for the details.
  • Add 2 more classes(FixedWinPara, SlidingDoubleWinPara) which derived from WindowParameter to handle the specific type of window in WindowParameter.cs, the code looks like:
    /// <summary>
    /// This class inherits from WindowParameter
    /// TBD: Add more specific parameters related Fixed window
    /// </summary>
    public class FixedWinPara : WindowParameter
        /// <summary>
        /// store the m_inset
        /// </summary>
        double m_inset = 0.0;

        /// <summary>
        /// store the m_sillHeight
        /// </summary>
        double m_sillHeight = 0.0;

        /// <summary>
        /// set/get Inset property
        /// </summary>
        public double Inset
                m_inset = value;
                return m_inset;

        /// <summary>
        /// set/get SillHeight property
        /// </summary>
        public double SillHeight
                m_sillHeight = value;
                return m_sillHeight;

        /// <summary>
        /// constructor of FixedWinPara
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isMetric">indicate whether the template is metric of imperial</param>
        public FixedWinPara(bool isMetric)
            : base(isMetric)
            if (isMetric)
                m_inset = 20;
                m_sillHeight = 800;
                m_inset = 0.05;
                m_sillHeight = 3;

        /// <summary>
        /// constructor of FixedWinPara
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fixedPara">FixedWinPara</param>
        public FixedWinPara(FixedWinPara fixedPara)
            : base(fixedPara)
            m_inset = fixedPara.Inset;
            m_sillHeight = fixedPara.SillHeight;

    /// <summary>
    /// This class inherits from WindowParameter,
    /// TBD: Add more specific parameters related SlidingDouble window
    /// </summary>
    public class SlidingDoubleWinPara : WindowParameter
        /// <summary>
        /// store the m_inset
        /// </summary>
        double m_inset = 0.0;

        /// <summary>
        /// store the m_sillHeight
        /// </summary>
        double m_sillHeight = 0.0;

        /// <summary>
        /// set/get Inset property
        /// </summary>
        public double Inset
                m_inset = value;
                return m_inset;

        /// <summary>
        /// set/get SillHeight property
        /// </summary>
        public double SillHeight
                m_sillHeight = value;
                return m_sillHeight;

        /// <summary>
        /// constructor of SlidingDoubleWinPara
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isMetric">indicate whether the template is metric of imperial</param>
        public SlidingDoubleWinPara(bool isMetric)
            : base(isMetric)
            if (isMetric)
                m_inset = 20;
                m_sillHeight = 800;
                m_inset = 0.05;
                m_sillHeight = 3;

        /// <summary>
        /// constructor of SlidingDoubleWinPara
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="slidingDoublePara">SlidingDoubleWinPara</param>
        public SlidingDoubleWinPara(FixedWinPara slidingDoublePara)
            : base(slidingDoublePara)
            m_inset = slidingDoublePara.Inset;
            m_sillHeight = slidingDoublePara.SillHeight;
  • Modify the WindowWizard.RunWizard() to accordingly to support the 2 types as follow:
        public bool RunWizard()
            // For Window Family Creation workItem
            WindowsDAParams windowFamilyParams;
            if ( RuntimeValue.RunOnCloud)
                windowFamilyParams = WindowsDAParams.Parse("WindowParams.json");
                windowFamilyParams = WindowsDAParams.Parse("C:\\Users\\zhongwu\\Documents\\WindowParams.json");

            m_para = new WizardParameter();
            m_para.m_template = windowFamilyParams.WindowStyle;

            if (m_para.m_template.Equals("DoubleHungWindow", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                m_winCreator = new DoubleHungWinCreation(m_para, m_commandData);
                foreach (TypeDAParams type in windowFamilyParams.Types)
                    DoubleHungWinPara dbhungWinPara = new DoubleHungWinPara(m_para.Validator.IsMetric);
                    dbhungWinPara.Height = type.WindowHeight;
                    dbhungWinPara.Width = type.WindowWidth;
                    dbhungWinPara.Inset = type.WindowInset;
                    dbhungWinPara.SillHeight = type.WindowSillHeight;
                    dbhungWinPara.Type = type.TypeName;
                    m_para.CurrentPara = dbhungWinPara;
                    if (!m_para.WinParaTab.Contains(dbhungWinPara.Type))
                        m_para.WinParaTab.Add(dbhungWinPara.Type, dbhungWinPara);
                        m_para.WinParaTab[dbhungWinPara.Type] = dbhungWinPara;
                m_para.GlassMat = windowFamilyParams.GlassPaneMaterial;
                m_para.SashMat = windowFamilyParams.SashMaterial;
            else if(m_para.m_template == "SlidingDoubleWindow")
                m_winCreator = new SlidingDoubleWinCreation(m_para, m_commandData);
                foreach (TypeDAParams type in windowFamilyParams.Types)
                    SlidingDoubleWinPara slidingDoubleWinPara = new SlidingDoubleWinPara(m_para.Validator.IsMetric);
                    slidingDoubleWinPara.Height = type.WindowHeight;
                    slidingDoubleWinPara.Width = type.WindowWidth;
                    slidingDoubleWinPara.Inset = type.WindowInset;
                    slidingDoubleWinPara.SillHeight = type.WindowSillHeight;
                    slidingDoubleWinPara.Type = type.TypeName;
                    m_para.CurrentPara = slidingDoubleWinPara;
                    if (!m_para.WinParaTab.Contains(slidingDoubleWinPara.Type))
                        m_para.WinParaTab.Add(slidingDoubleWinPara.Type, slidingDoubleWinPara);
                        m_para.WinParaTab[slidingDoubleWinPara.Type] = slidingDoubleWinPara;
                m_para.GlassMat = windowFamilyParams.GlassPaneMaterial;
                m_para.SashMat = windowFamilyParams.SashMaterial;
                m_winCreator = new FixedWinCreation(m_para, m_commandData);
                foreach (TypeDAParams type in windowFamilyParams.Types)
                    FixedWinPara fixedWinPara = new FixedWinPara(m_para.Validator.IsMetric);
                    fixedWinPara.Height = type.WindowHeight;
                    fixedWinPara.Width = type.WindowWidth;
                    fixedWinPara.Inset = type.WindowInset;
                    fixedWinPara.SillHeight = type.WindowSillHeight;
                    fixedWinPara.Type = type.TypeName;
                    m_para.CurrentPara = fixedWinPara;
                    if (!m_para.WinParaTab.Contains(fixedWinPara.Type))
                        m_para.WinParaTab.Add(fixedWinPara.Type, fixedWinPara);
                        m_para.WinParaTab[fixedWinPara.Type] = fixedWinPara;
                m_para.GlassMat = windowFamilyParams.GlassPaneMaterial;
                m_para.SashMat = windowFamilyParams.SashMaterial;
            return Creation();

Written by

Revit SDK sample, Updated by Zhong Wu, Forge Partner Development