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Course created by Wes Bos. Join the challenge (for free!) here - JavaScript30

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Hi there!

This repository is created to keep track of my progress in the awesome JavaScript 30 Day Challenge and commiting & logging what I have learnt on daily basis.

Also, please have a look into the users I have helped so far regarding JavaScript30 course queries here.

If you have any JavaScript/JavaScript30 course realted queries, please create a new issue here. I will try to respond as soon as possible. I am always happy to help and learn new stuff from our JS community.



Day 1: 11 Dec 2016

Thoughts: Learned about key event, transitionend event & ES6 template strings.

Tool Found: Nice tool for finding JavaScript event keycodes at

Demo: You can play/stop a auto drum routine by pressing spacebar here & here

Day 2: 13 Dec 2016

Thoughts: Learned about Css transition & transform, ES6 const keyword and live UI update after few seconds.

Day 3: 16 Dec 2016

Thoughts: Learned about CSS variables & updating them using JavaScript

Day 4: 22 Dec 2016

Thoughts: Learned more about JavaScript array methods like filter, map, sort, reduce & others. Really liked ES6 Arrow functions. Shorter functions are most welcome.

ES6 Arrow function

Day 5: 25 Dec 2016

Thoughts: Learned few tips about flexbox. Planning to learn more about flexbox at soon.

Day 6: 27 Dec 2016

Thoughts: Learned about Fetch API, getting .json() from fetch response, ES6 spread operator.

Day 7: 30 Dec 2016

Thoughts: Learned about new array methods like some, every, find, findIndex. Day 7 of 30

Day 8: 3 Jan 2017

Thoughts: Had so much fun learning today. Did lots of coding & painting today. Canvas

Day 9: 5 Jan 2017

Thoughts: Learned few useful Dev tools tricks. Debugging JavaScript code is so much fun, easy and colorful now. Canvas

Found one more useful trick called console.trace(). It helps to print a stack trace from the point where the method was called as you can see in this given example below. console.trace()

Day 10: 8 Jan 2017

Thoughts: Learned a user-friendly feature used by popular email clients.

Tool Found: It's so easy now to convert our ES5 code into readable ES6 using

Day 11: 9 Jan 2017

Thoughts: Learned some nice tips on creating custom interface for HTML5 video player. Really liking the ES6 arrow functions from day 4 onwards.

ES6 arrow functions

Tool Found: ESLint v3.13.1 has been released today.

Day 12: 10 Jan 2017

Thoughts: Learned about key sequence detection & Konami code. Also, found that BuzzFeed site's hidden easter egg is still working. To see it in action just press ':arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_left: :arrow_right: :arrow_left: :arrow_right: B A'.

Day 13: 11 Jan 2017

Thoughts: Learned a bit more about window events & a very useful javascript debounce function. Today's project helped me to fix an issue related to resize events which was slowing down our site. The goal behind debounce implementation is to reduce overhead by preventing a function from being called several times in succession.

Day 14: 12 Jan 2017

Thoughts: Learned more about array & object reference vs actual copy. Found that primitive types are manipulated by value & reference types are manipulated by reference. Numbers and booleans are primitive types in JavaScript -- primitive because they consist of nothing more than a small, fixed number of bytes that are easily manipulated at the low (primitive) levels of the JavaScript interpreter. Objects, on the other hand, are reference types. Arrays and functions, which are specialized types of objects, are therefore also reference types. These data types can contain arbitrary numbers of properties or elements, so they cannot be manipulated as easily as fixed-size primitive values can. Since object and array values can become quite large, it doesn't make sense to manipulate these types by value, as this could involve the inefficient copying and comparing of large amounts of memory.

Day 15: 13 Jan 2017

Thoughts: Learned some useful stuff on local Storage & event delegation.

Completed all of the project goals for today:- Day 15

Tested all new buttons. Data is also persisting on page reload:- Day 15 new taks

Day 16: 14 Jan 2017

Thoughts: Today learned about assigning to new variable names using ES6 Object destructuring and how we can update CSS rules like textShadow or anything using javascript. Just like canvas this was a fun challenge today. I tried some css effects like this:-

Day 16 new taks

Day 17: 15 Jan 2017

Thoughts: Updated code to show modified band names on which sort actually happens and on right side the actual band names. After code modifications it looks like this:-

Day 17 new taks

Day 18: 18 Jan 2017

Thoughts: Learned more about Array.prototype.reduce() and its usability test case scenario. reduce() is quite simple & effective in specific scenarios like in the example below:-

Day 18 new taks

Tools/Sites Found:

Day 19: 21 Jan 2017

Thoughts: It was too much fun today. Learned a lot about canvas and pipelining real-time images.

Day 20: 22 Jan 2017

Thoughts: Learned about native SpeechRecognition interface of the Web Speech API and how we can make use of it. Something like we do in google voice search. I think we can use it in various ways. Only limit is our imagination. Also liked the use npm browser-sync for time-saving synchronised browser testing.

Day 21: 24 Jan 2017

Thoughts: Worked on Device Orientation using Chrome sensors devtools. Also learned about Geolocation & Orientation Api. Unlike desktops, mobile devices commonly use GPS hardware to detect location. Tweet Link Here 🐦

Day 22: 29 Jan 2017

Thoughts: Learned about Element.getBoundingClientRect() method and worked on some css effects Tweet Link Here 🐦

Day 23: 5 Feb 2017

Thoughts: "The Voiceinator 5000" challenge was great. Also, learned about SpeechSynthesis interface.

Day 24: 11 Feb 2017

Thoughts: Sticky Nav was really an interesting challenge. Learned about the requirement of padding top in nav element and other UI effects using css.

Day 25: 11 Feb 2017

Thoughts: Learned about Event.stopPropagation() & EventTarget.addEventListener() boolean options like capture, once & passive. More details about it here:

Day 26: 13 Feb 2017

Thoughts: It was super-fun learning abt this really slick "follow along" nav found on Stripe's pricing page. Tweet Link Here 🐦

Day 27: 14 Feb 2017

Thoughts: Understood the basics behind the "Click and Drag to Scroll" challenge. element.offsetLeft play a great role in this logic.

Tip: Simple & time-saving tip

console image

Day 28: 15 Feb 2017

Thoughts: Finished the fantastic video speed controller UI challenge today. These offset properties are pretty important for proper aligments. For block-level elements, offsetTop, offsetLeft, offsetWidth, and offsetHeight describe the border box of an element relative to the offsetParent. The offsetParent element is the nearest ancestor that has a position other than static.

Day 29: 16 Feb 2017

Thoughts: Finished the beautiful countdown break clock challenge today. Learned about timestamps, set & clear intervals and The method returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC. Because now() is a static method of Date, we can always use it as instead of new Date().now().

Day 30: 20 Feb 2017

Thoughts: Finally finished #JavaScript30 Day 30 Whack A Mole 🔨 challenge. It was fun learning experience. Highly recommend the entire course.

Demo: You can play the game here and keep the audio on for some fun.


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