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File metadata and controls

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Version: 7.0.0 Type: application AppVersion: 0.0.0

A Helm chart for PagoPA microservice


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Pod labels affinity
autoscaling object - Autoscaling using KEDA
autoscaling.advanced object {} Autoscaling advanced
autoscaling.cooldownPeriod int 300 Autoscaling cooldown period
autoscaling.enable bool false Enable Autoscaling
autoscaling.maxReplica int 1 Autoscaling maximum replicas
autoscaling.minReplica int 1 Autoscaling minimum replicas
autoscaling.pollingInterval int 10 Autoscaling event polling intervall
autoscaling.triggers list [] Autoscaling triggers as per Keda scalers
azure.workloadIdentityClientId string "" Azure Workload Identity Client ID (e.g. qwerty123-a1aa-1234-xyza-qwerty123)
azure.workloadIdentityEnabled bool true Enable workload identity
canaryDelivery object - This section allow to configure canary deployment
canaryDelivery.create bool false Beta/Enable Canary/BlueGreen Deployment
canaryDelivery.ingress object {"bluegreen":false,"envConfig":{},"envSecret":{},"header":true,"headerName":"X-Canary","headerValue":"pagopa","image":{"repository":"","tag":""},"weightPercent":10} Configure how ingress canary should be
canaryDelivery.ingress.envConfig object {} Environment config to use for the canary container
canaryDelivery.ingress.envSecret object {} Load secrets as environment variables from kv for the canary container
canaryDelivery.ingress.headerName string "X-Canary" the header name used to call the canary deployment
canaryDelivery.ingress.headerValue string "pagopa" the header values used to call the canary deployment
canaryDelivery.ingress.image.repository string "" Docker reposity for the container canary
canaryDelivery.ingress.image.tag string "" Container TAG
canaryDelivery.ingress.weightPercent int 10 the weight percent used into canary deployment. Can be used toghether with header
configMapFromFile object {} Configure files to mount as config map. This files definition are inside the values*.yaml file
configMapFromFileCustomPath string "/mnt/file-config" CustomPath to allow to choose where to put your files
container.args list []
container.command list []
deployment object - Configure deployment
deployment.create bool true Create or not the deployment manifest
deployment.forceRedeploy bool false Force redeploy container
deployment.replicas int 1 Number of replicas (will be replaced by autoscaling if enabled)
envConfig object {} Environment config to use for the container
envFieldRef object {} Environment config from k8s metadata
envSecret object {} Load secrets as environment variables from kv
externalConfigMapFiles object {} Configure values from config maps external to chart. E.g already present into cluster, see documentation
externalConfigMapFiles.configMaps list [] Config maps to mount as files: e.g. [{name: "configmap", key: "user.xml", mountPath: "/config/user.xml" }]
externalConfigMapFilesCustomPath string "/mnt/file-config-external" CustomPath to allow to choose where to put your files
externalConfigMapValues.configMaps list [] Config maps to mount as files: e.g. [{name: "configmap", key: "mykey"}]
fullnameOverride string "" Helm chart fullname override
image object {} image: configuration for the container
image.pullPolicy string "Always" Pull policy to use
image.repository string "" Docker reposity for the container
image.tag string "v0.0.0" Container TAG
ingress object - Ingress configuration
ingress.annotations map {} custom annotations for ingress
ingress.create bool false Create or not the ingress manifest
ingress.forceSslRedirect bool true if force ssl redirect is enabled string "" Hostname for the ingress like
ingress.path string "/please-put-a-path" Path where the application can response like: `/app(/
ingress.pathType string "ImplementationSpecific" pathType
ingress.proxyBodySize string "1m" the size allowed by for client request body
ingress.rewriteTarget string "/$1" the rewrite target for ingress
ingress.servicePort int 8080 service port to reach
keyvault object {"name":"","tenantId":""} Configure keyvault to use inside secret prover to load secret directly string "" Key vault name
keyvault.tenantId string "" Tenant ID
livenessProbe object {} LivenessProbe
livenessProbe.exec object {"command":[]} exec options
livenessProbe.exec.command list [] Command can be in yaml or array version e.g.: command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", '[ -d "/csv" ]']
livenessProbe.failureThreshold int 1 failureThreshold
livenessProbe.handlerType string "httpGet" Choose the probe type: "httpGet" or "exec" or "tcpSocket"
livenessProbe.httpGet object {"path":"/alive","port":9999} httpGet options
livenessProbe.httpGet.path string "/alive" path
livenessProbe.httpGet.port int 9999 port
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 1 initialDelaySeconds
livenessProbe.periodSeconds int 1 periodSeconds
livenessProbe.successThreshold int 1 successThreshold
livenessProbe.tcpSocket object {"port":9999} tcpSocket options
livenessProbe.tcpSocket.port int 9999 tcpSocket.port
livenessProbe.terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 30 terminationGracePeriodSeconds
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 1 timeoutSeconds
nameOverride string "" Helm chart name override
namespace string "" Namespace in which deploy the microservice
nodeSelector object {} K8s node selectors
persistentVolumeClaimsMounts object {"create":false,"mounts":[]} Configure optional volume that will be mount (using a PVC)
persistentVolumeClaimsMounts.mounts list [] Mounts with pvc volume: (e.g. [{name: "tmp", mountPath: "/tmp", pvcName: "xyz"}]])
podAnnotations object {} podAnnotations
podDisruptionBudget object {"create":false,"maxUnavailable":"","minAvailable":0} generate PodDisruptionBudget
podDisruptionBudget.create bool false create
podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable mutually exclusive with minAvailable "" Max number of pods unavailable before destroy node
podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable mutually exclusive with maxUnavailable 0 Min number of pods that must be alive before destroy node
podSecurityContext object {"seccompProfile":{"type":"RuntimeDefault"}} podSecurityContext
podSecurityContext.seccompProfile object {"type":"RuntimeDefault"} seccompProfile
podSecurityContext.seccompProfile.type string "RuntimeDefault" type
providedVolumeMount object {} Configure how secrets taken from SecretS storage Class are mounted inside the pod
readinessProbe object {} ReadinessProbe
readinessProbe.exec object {"command":[]} exec options
readinessProbe.exec.command list [] Command can be in yaml or array version e.g.: command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", '[ -d "/csv" ]']
readinessProbe.failureThreshold int 1 failureThreshold
readinessProbe.handlerType string "httpGet" Choose the probe type: "httpGet" or "exec" or "tcpSocket"
readinessProbe.httpGet object {"path":"/alive","port":9999} httpGet options
readinessProbe.httpGet.path string "/alive" path
readinessProbe.httpGet.port int 9999 port
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 1 initialDelaySeconds
readinessProbe.periodSeconds int 1 periodSeconds
readinessProbe.successThreshold int 1 successThreshold
readinessProbe.tcpSocket object {"port":9999} tcpSocket options
readinessProbe.tcpSocket.port int 9999 tcpSocket.port
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 1 timeoutSeconds
resources object - POD resources section
resources.limits object {"cpu":"150m","memory":"128Mi"} limits is mandatory
resources.limits.cpu string "150m" cpu
resources.limits.memory string "128Mi" memory
resources.requests object {"cpu":"40m","memory":"96Mi"} request is mandatory
resources.requests.cpu string "40m" cpu
resources.requests.memory string "96Mi" memory
restartPolicy string "Always" Restart policy
secretProviderClass object {"create":true} Configure secret provider with secrets to mount as environment variables
secretProviderClass.create bool true create
securityContext object {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["all"]},"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true} securityContext
securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation bool false allowPrivilegeEscalation
securityContext.capabilities object {"drop":["all"]} capabilities
securityContext.capabilities.drop list ["all"] drop
securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem bool true readOnlyRootFilesystem
service.create bool true create the service manifest
service.ports list [8080] Which ports use (! this port is used even inside the deployment)
service.type string "ClusterIP" Which type of service to use
serviceAccount object - Service account configuration
serviceAccount.create bool false Create the service account object. If true use this object, otherwise use only the name reference string "" Service account name, this service account already exists
serviceMonitor.create bool false Create or not the service monitor
serviceMonitor.endpoints list []
sidecars list [] Sidecars, each object has exactly the same schema as a Pod, except it does not have an apiVersion or kind
startupProbe object {} startupProbe
startupProbe.exec object {"command":[]} exec options
startupProbe.exec.command list [] Command can be in yaml or array version e.g.: command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", '[ -d "/csv" ]']
startupProbe.failureThreshold int 1 failureThreshold
startupProbe.handlerType string "httpGet" Choose the probe type: "httpGet" or "exec" or "tcpSocket"
startupProbe.httpGet object {"path":"/alive","port":9999} httpGet options
startupProbe.httpGet.path string "/alive" path
startupProbe.httpGet.port int 9999 port
startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 1 initialDelaySeconds
startupProbe.periodSeconds int 1 periodSeconds
startupProbe.successThreshold int 1 successThreshold
startupProbe.tcpSocket object {"port":9999} tcpSocket options
startupProbe.tcpSocket.port int 9999 tcpSocket.port
startupProbe.terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 30 terminationGracePeriodSeconds
startupProbe.timeoutSeconds int 1 timeoutSeconds
strategy object {} strategy type for deployment: Recreate or RollingUpdate
strategy.rollingUpdate object {"maxSurge":1,"maxUnavailable":0} rollingUpdate
strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge int 1 maxSurge
strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable int 0 maxUnavailable
strategy.type string "RollingUpdate" type
terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 30 Termination grace period in seconds
tmpVolumeMount object {"create":true,"mounts":[{"mountPath":"/tmp","name":"tmp"}]} Configure optional tmp volume to mount (Use instance storage)
tmpVolumeMount.mounts list [{"mountPath":"/tmp","name":"tmp"}] Mounts to add to the tmp volume: (e.g. [{name: "tmp", mountPath: "/tmp"}]])
tolerations list [] Pod taints toleration

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.14.2