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Insteon Hub Binding

Bernd Pfrommer edited this page Jul 13, 2015 · 14 revisions

Documentation of the Insteon Hub binding bundle.

Note: Starting with openHAB 1.8 you can also use the InsteonPLM binding to connect to your Insteon Hub. The InsteonPLM binding supports the new 2014 Hub, which the InsteonHub binding does not.


For installation of the binding, please see Wiki page Bindings.

Configuring the binding

If you only have one Insteon Hub, configure the following values in the openhab.cfg file (in the folder '${openhab_home}/configurations'). If you have multiple Insteon Hubs, please see the section below on configuring multiple hubs.

################################ Insteon Hub Binding #########################################


Items Configuration

All item configurations require a device property to be defined. This device property is 3-bytes and is defined in hex notation (example: 12.AB.34). An easy way to find a device's ID is by using the Insteon app.

In addition to the device, a bindingType property needs to be defined. Valid types are "dimmer", "switch", and "input_ubyte". The following sections define these types in greater detail.

dimmer bindingType

The dimmer bindingType supports Dimmer and Rollershutter item types.

Example for Dimmer:

Dimmer Dim1 "Kitchen Lights" { insteonhub = "device=12.AB.34, bindingType=dimmer" }

Example for Rollershutter:

Rollershutter RS1 "My Rollershutter" { insteonhub = "device=11.AA.11, bindingType=dimmer" }

switch bindingType


Switch Sw1 "Basement Lights" { insteonhub = "device=22.BB.22, bindingType=switch" }

input_ubyte bindingType

Insteon reports analog device values as a number from 0 to 255. input_ubyte reports this value of the associated device as a Number to the openhab bus. This bindingType is read-only. For input as a percentage from 0 to 100, use the dimmer bindingType.


Number Num1 "Depth Sensor" { insteonhub = "device=33.CC.33, bindingType=input_ubyte" }

input_percent bindingType

To declare a sensor that is mapped to a read-only percent type, you can use the input_percent binding type.


Number Num1 "Some Analog Sensor" { insteonhub = "device=44.DD.44, bindingType=input_percent" }

input_on_off bindingType

To declare a sensor that is mapped to a read-only On/Off type, the input_on_off binding type can be used.


Switch TheSwitch "Some Read-Only Switch" { insteonhub = "device=55.EE.55, bindingType=input_on_off" }

input_open_closed bindingType

Used to declare a contact sensor. This is a read-only type that translates a device's state to Open/Closed events.


Contact FrontWindow "Front Window" { insteonhub = "device=66.FF.66, bindingType=input_open_closed" }

Multiple Hubs

If you need to support multiple Insteon Hubs, you can optionally configure them in the openhab.cfg file with unique IDs

################################ Insteon Hub Binding #########################################

When configuring for multiple hubs, you will need to specify the hub ID in the item configurations. Here is an example:

Dimmer Dim1 "Kitchen Lights" { insteonhub = "device=12.AB.34, bindingType=dimmer, hubid=FIRST_HUB" }


User Interfaces


(link to openHAB forum)




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