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File metadata and controls

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552 lines (263 loc) · 18.8 KB

Create a new observation

A video tutorial about making an observation is available at

To create a new observation you must first `Create a new project with BORIS`_ or `Open an existing project with BORIS`_.

Clicking on Observations > New observation will show the New observation window.

New observation window

This window allow adding various observation data:

  • a mandatory Observation id (must be unique across all observations in the open project);
  • Date, which will be automatically set on the current date and time, but you can alternatively set this info on your media date and time, or whatever you prefer.
  • Description, which can host all the relevant information about your observation, but can be also left empty.
  • Independent variables (e.g. to specify factors that may influence the behaviors but will not change during the observation within a project).See the `independent variables`_ section for details.
  • Time offset. BORIS allow specifying a time offset that can be added or subtracted from the media timecode.
  • The Limit observation to a time interval option can be used to limit the observation to an arbitrary time interval.

You must then indicate if you want to make an observation based on pre-recorded media (audio / video) or a live observation.

Live observation

During the live observation BORIS will show you a timer that will be used for recording time for coded events.

Click on the Live observation radio button to create a live observation.

New live observation

Scan sampling

In the above tab you can select a time for Scan sampling observation. In this case the timer will stop at every time offset you indicated and all the coded events will have the same time value.

Start from current time

If you want that the time starts from the current time you can check the Start from current time checkbox.

Live observation starting from current time

If the Day time option is checked the start time will be the computer current time when you will press the Start button.

If the Epoch time is checked the start time will be the number of seconds since the Jan 1st, 1970 (1970-01-01). See Unix time for details. This option is usefull for long observations (few days) or observations that start before midnight and end after.

Start the observation

Click the Start button to begin the live observation or Save to save it in the Observations list.

The main window during a live observation will look like this:


See the `Live observations`_ section to start coding.

Observation from media file(s)

Click on the Observation from media file(s) radio button to create an observation based on one or more media files.

Media files tab

The Observation from media file(s) tab contains 2 tabs: Media files and Data files.

Click the Media files tab and add one or more media files using the Add media button. You have 3 options:

  • with absolute path: the whole media file path will be recorded in the project
  • with relative path: the media file path will be recorded relatively to the position of the BORIS project file (the directory of the BORIS project file must be included). This option is useful if you have to have to move your BORIS project file on another computer.
  • from directory with absolute path: all the media file found in the directory will be added to the playlist (the whole media file path will be recorded in the project)
  • from directory with relative path: all the media file found in the directory will be added to the playlist (the relative media file path will be recorded in the project)

Information about the selected media file will be extracted and displayed in the media list: media file path, media duration, number of frames by second (FPS), the presence of a video stream, the presence of an audio stream .

Media files tab

The dropdown list in the first column allow you to choose a player (for a maximum of 8). If you want to observer more media files simultaneously you must use consecutive players (starting from 1). See example below:

Media files tab

If you have to synchronize 2 (or more) videos you can use the Offset column to indicate when the 2nd player should start. For example if the video loaded in the second player starts 15 seconds after the first video you have to input 15 in the Offset cell. If the second video starts before the first player you can set a negative value in the Offset cell

If you have to play sequentially many videos you have to select the same player (#1) for all video you have loaded. This means that an event occurring at time tx in the media file queued as second (e.g. second_video.mp4) in the playlist will be scored as happening at time t1 + tx (where t1 is the duration of the first media file, e.g. first_video.mp4).

The Remove selected media button can be used to remove all the selected media files.

All the media types reported at can be played in BORIS.

The Use media file name as observation id button will set the first media file name as observation id

Spectrogram visualization

BORIS allow you to visualize the sound spectrogram during the media observation. Activate the Visualize spectrogram check box. BORIS will ask you to generate the spectrograms for all media files loaded in the first player.

spectrogram generation

The spectrogram visualization will be synchonized to the media position during the observation.

spectrogram visualization

Close current behavior between videos

This option is disabled for now.

External data files


At this time only 2 external data can be plotted with your media file

You can select one or more external data files to be plotted synchronously with your media. Click the Data files tab and use the Add data file button to select a data file.

External data file tab

The data files must be plain text files with at least 2 columns separated by comma or TAB. One column must contain a timestamp that will be used to synchronize the plot with the media. The sampling rate can be variable.

Example of a plain text data file with 5 columns separated by comma (,):

Display,X Pos,Y Pos,Start Time (secs),Pupil Diameter

In the above example the 4th column contains the timestamp and the 5th the value to be plotted.

Input the index of the column containing the timestamp and the index of the column containing the value to be plotted. The two indices must be separated by a comma (,). Click OK to close the window.

Selection of columns (time, value)

A new row will be added in the data files table.


You can modify/complete the following parameters by directly typing in the table cells:

  • Columns to plot
  • Plot title: the title of the plot
  • Variable name
  • Converters: Used if the timestamp is not expressed in seconds (see below for details)
  • Time interval: The time interval that will be plotted (in seconds)
  • Start position: the start position of data for synchronisation with the media (in seconds)
  • Substract first value: if the timestamp does not start with a 0 value you can choose to substract the first value to all timestamp values.
  • Color: the color of the color

NOTE : if you want to record the value of the plotted variable in a modifier of a behavior (see `Value from external data file modifier`_) the modifier must have the same variable name.

You can check if the data from file can be correctly plotted by using the Show plot button. If the data are compatible you will see a plot otherwise you will obtain a message with an explanation.

For now only 2 values can be plotted synchronously with your media file. The values can come from the same file or from two different files.

During the observation tha values you have selected in external data files will be plotted synchronously with your media file.

Observation with 2 values plotted from external data files: Temperature and salinity


If the values in the timestamp column are not expessed in seconds (like 12.45) but in another format (HH:MM:SS, MM:SS, ISO8601 2018-01-18T12:31:40Z ...) you must use a converter that will convert the current format in seconds.

See the Converters' tab in the project configuration: `converters tab`_

A double-click on the converters cell will allow you to select a converter for each column to be plotted



Use the Show plot button to verify if your external data can be plotted without problem. The Close plot button will close the plot window.


Converters can also be used to convert values that are not time value.

Example of a converter for inverting value:

OUTPUT = - float(INPUT)

Start the observation

Click the Start button to start coding. The Observation window will be closed and you'll be transferred to the main BORIS window. If you do not want to start the observation click the Save button. The observation will be saved in the observations list.

The main window during the observation of a single media file will look like this:


See the `media coding`_ section to start coding.

Observation from pictures

Click on the Observation from pictures radio button to create an observation based on pictures.

Observation from pictures tab

Use the Add directory to select a directory containing the pictures you want to code. You can select many directories, in this case the pictures will be browsed in the order of the directories were added.

The Use the pictures directory as observation id button will set the directory name as observation id


You have 3 option for the coding time:

  • No time: no time will be recorded. The image index (the position of image in the directory) and the image file path will be recorded.
  • Use the EXIF DateTimeOriginal tag: the time will be extracted from the EXIF tag of the picture file (if any).
  • Time lapse: this option will let you define the time interval between the pictures.

Start the observation

Click the Start button to start coding. The Observation window will be closed and you'll be transferred to the main BORIS window. If you do not want to start the observation click the Save button. The observation will be saved in the observations list.

The main window during the coding of a picture directorywill look like this:


See the `media coding`_ section to start coding.

Various options

Limit observation to a time interval

This option can be used to limit the observation to a time interval for live or media based observations.


Observations list

The Observations > Observations list will show you all the observations contained in the current BORIS project.

The following values are displayed: the observation id, the description of observation, the coded subjects, the observation duration (as the difference between the last recorded event and the first one), the percent of exhaustivity of the coding (as the sum of the length of the coded events divided by the observation duration), the media file(s) or LIVE in case of live observation, the values of the independent variables.

Observations list

The observations can be sorted by clicking in the desired column header (alphabetic order ascending or descending).

Checking the observations

The status of observation is displayed in the first column (Observation id). If the background of this column is red the observations has one or more UNPAIRED state events. These UNPAIRED observations will not be analyzed. See `Fix unpaired state events`_ for details.

Observations list with warning

Filtering the observations

The observations list can be filtered selecting a field and a condition in the drop-list boxes.

In the following example observations are filtered: only observations with description containing the In the pool subject are shown:

Observations list

Observations can be filtered with Independent variables values.

The following example displays only the observations that do not contain "Sunny" in the Weather independent variable :

Observations list

Observations with a value of Temperature independent variable between 18 and 22:

Observations list

Observations with a value of Visitors independent variable greater than 1000:

Observations list

Delete observations

The observations can be deleted from the project using the following procedure: File > Edit project > Observation's tab

Select all observations to remove

Click the Remove selected observations button and confirm the deletion.

Please note that the deletion is irreversible.

Import observations from a project file

The Observations > Import observations option allows to import observations from a BORIS project file into the current project. Choose the project file and then the observations to import. BORIS will check if observations with same id are already existing in the current project. BORIS will also check if behaviors and/or subjects used in the imported observations are not defined in the current project.