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398 lines (290 loc) · 11.2 KB

Next.css Core Module

Core Module is part of Next.css framework. This module contains original Material Color Palette CSS styles for your Next.css project. You can use in all modern websites with module bundlers, like webpack, rollup, parcel.

Next.css on GitHub

How to Install

You can install with npm or yarn package managers.

npm i @nextcss/core @nextcss/reset @nextcss/material-colors
yarn add @nextcss/core @nextcss/reset @nextcss/material-colors

Simple import to your project, and add class rules to you HTML tags. Check available selector rules below.

import '@nextcss/reset';
import '@nextcss/core';
import '@nextcss/material-colors';

How to use

Example feature list block. Watch the resolution here Learn more about available CSS selectors below.

<section class="fs-16 lh-1.6 bg-grey-50 fg-grey-700 py-50">
  <!-- Container -->
  <div class="container-lg">
    <!-- Intro -->
    <div class="container-md text-center mb-20">
      <h1 class="fs-24 md:fs-30 fw-500 fg-grey-900 mb-10">Why Next.css</h1>
      <p>The world’s developers thinking in pixels, we also thinking in pixels.</p>
    <!-- Feature list -->
    <div class="flex flex-wrap">
      <!-- Feature box -->
      <a href="#" class="md:w-12/6 lg:w-12/4 p-15">
        <div class="bg-white p-25 radius-3 shadow-1">
          <h2 class="fs-20 fw-500 fg-grey-900 mb-8">Shooting Stars</h2>
          <p class="leading-relaxed text-base mb-4">
            Fingerstache flexitarian street art 8-bit waistcoat. ..
          <span class="fg-pink-500 inline-flex align-center">Learn More →</span>
      <!-- Repeated block here -->


Responsive prefixes

Most classes you will encounter can be used with responsive prefixes. This gives you the option to use classes according to the screen size.


<p class="fs-12 sm:fs-13 md:fs-14 lg:fs-16 xl:fs-18">
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.


Prefix Screen size Breakpoint
Default none
sm: Small 390px
md: Medium 768px
lg: Large 1024px
xl: Extra large 1400px


Containers are used to limit the width of content, preventing content from overflowing beyond the specified size.


<div class="container-xl">content</div>


Classname Max. width Classname Max. width
container-xs 480px container-xs/2 240px
container-sm 640px container-sm/2 320px
container-md 768px container-md/2 384px
container-lg 1024px container-lg/2 512px
container-xl 1280px container-xl/2 640px

Padding and Margins

Padding is used to create space around an element's content, inside of any defined borders.


<div class="px-5 py-10 mx-5 my-10">content</div>


These classes can be combined with Responsive prefixes.

Classname Classname Side Values (1px step) Values (5px step)
p-{value} m-{value} around [0..10] [15..500]
px-{value} mx-{value} horizontal [0..10] [15..500]
py-{value} my-{value} vertical [0..10] [15..500]
pt-{value} mt-{value} top [0..10] [15..500]
pb-{value} mb-{value} bottom [0..10] [15..500]
pl-{value} ml-{value} left [0..10] [15..500]
pr-{value} ml-{value} right [0..10] [15..500]


Borders allow you to specify the style, width, and color of an element's border.


<div class="b-2 b-dashed radius-5">content</div>

Border with

Classname Side Values (1px step) Values (5px step)
b-{value} around [0..10] [15..100]
bx-{value} horizontal [0..10] [15..100]
by-{value} vertical [0..10] [15..100]
bt-{value} top [0..10] [15..100]
bb-{value} bottom [0..10] [15..100]
bl-{value} left [0..10] [15..100]
br-{value} right [0..10] [15..100]

Border style

Classname Usage Styles
b-{style} common [none|solid|dashed|dotted|double|groove|inset|outset|ridge]
b-{style} tables [collapse|separate]

Border radius

These classes can be combined with Responsive prefixes.

Classname Values (1px step) Values (5px step) Specific values
r-{value} [0..10] [15..100] [1000|10000]

Font size


<p class="fs-12 sm:fs-13 md:fs-14 lg:fs-15 xl:fs-16">
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.


These classes can be combined with Responsive prefixes.

Classname Values (1px step) Values (2px step) Values (5px step)
fs-{value} [10..20] [22..40] [45..150]

Font weight


<p class="fw-900 sm:fw-800 md:fw-700 lg:fw-600 xl:fw-500">
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.


These classes can be combined with Responsive prefixes.

Classname Values (100px step)
fw-{value} [100..900]

Line height


<p class="lh-1.6">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>


Classname Values (0.1 step)
lh-{value} [0..6]

Text manipulation


<p class="uppercase underline text-center">
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.


Classname Relsult
uppercare text-transform: uppercase
lowercase text-transform: lowercase
capitalize text-transform: capitalize
underline text-decoration: underline
line-through text-decoration: line-through
no-transform text-transform: none
no-decoration text-decoration: none

These classes can be combined with Responsive prefixes.

Classname Relsult
text-left text-align: left
text-center text-align: center
text-right text-align: right
text-justify text-align: justify
text-trim text-overflow: ellipsis



<div class="block md:flex">content</div>


These classes can be combined with Responsive prefixes.

Classname Result
inline display: inline
block display: block
inline-block display: inline-block
flex display: flex
inline-flex display: inline-flex



<ul class="flex">
  <li class="order-2">Item 2</li>
  <li class="order-1">Item 1</li>


These classes can be combined with Responsive prefixes.

Classname Values (1 step) Specific values
order-{value} [0...12] [first|last]



<div class="md:h-300 md:overflow-y-overlay">
  <div class="flex overflow-hidden">content</div>


These classes can be combined with Responsive prefixes.

Classname Direction Specific values
of-{value} Both [auto|hidden|visible|scroll|overlay]
of-x-{value} Horizontal [auto|hidden|visible|scroll|overlay]
of-y-{value} Vertical [auto|hidden|visible|scroll|overlay]



<div class="h-300 overscroll-contain">content</div>


These classes can be combined with Responsive prefixes.

Classname Direction Specific values
os-{value} Both [auto|contain|none]
os-x-{value} Horizontal [auto|contain|none]
os-y-{value} Vertical [auto|contain|none]

Object fit and position


<div class="w-200 h-200">
  <img src="" alt="" class="fit-cover" />


These classes can be combined with Responsive prefixes.

Classname Specific values
fit-{value} [contain|cover|fill]
object-{value} [center|top|right|bottom|left]

Floating and Box sizing


<div class="float-none md:float-left">content</div>
<div class="clear-both">content</div>
<div class="box-content">content</div>


These classes can be combined with Responsive prefixes.

Classname Specific values
float-{value} [left|right|none]
clear-{value} [left|right|both|none]
box-{value} [border|content]

Production build

We strongly recommend to use postcss with autoprefixer and postcss-purgecss. This stack will extend the CSS rules with browser specific prefixes, like -webkit and will remove unused styles in production build.

npm i -D postcss autoprefixer @fullhuman/postcss-purgecss

Our postcss.config.js config. You need to configure the content parameter for your project.

module.exports = {
    process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
      ? [
              content: ['./{pages,components}/**/*.{js,jsx}'],
              safelist: ['html', 'body'],
              defaultExtractor: (content) => content.match(/[\w-/:]+(?<!:)/g) || [],
      : ['autoprefixer'],


MIT License. Copyright (c) 2021 Zsolt Tovis