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Simultaneous Clustering and condition-specific Differential (SimCD) expression analysis is a unified Bayesian method based on a hierarchical gamma-negative binomial (hGNB) model, to simultaneously perform clustering and differential expression analysis for single-cell RNA-seq data. SimCD is capable of including both gene- and cell-level biological explanatory variables to better model scRNA-seq data and it also obviates the need for any sophisticated pre-processing steps.


After loading the SimCD R and C codes available in the "Src" directory of this github repo, the only remaining installation step is to create shared object files (.so files) from the c codes so that they can be later loaded into R using "dyn.load" function. The shared object files can be created from the C source codes (.c files) using the below script:

R CMD SHLIB [options] [-o dllname] files

As an example one can use the below script to create the shared object files:

R CMD SHLIB CRT_matrix.c

Quick Start

The main function scnbr_V4 takes as input:

  • Counts: A matrix of scRNA-seq count data, rows are corresponding to genes and columns are corresponding to samples.
  • X: A design matrix for cell level covariates such as condition, age and sex (i.e. $x_{j}^{(1)}$).
  • Z: A design matrix for gene level covariates such as gene length or GC content (i.e. $x_{g}^{(2)}$).
  • K: Latent space dimension.
  • Burnin: Number of burn-in iterations in MCMC.
  • Collections: Number of collected posterior samples after burn-in iterations.
  • PGTruncation: The truncation level used for genrating random numbers from Polya-Gamma distribution
  • randtry: To be used for set.seed() function.


Given a count gene expression matrix from single cell RNA-sequencing data as well as cell and gene level biological covariates, SimCD simultaneously cluster cells and detect condition-specific differentially expressed genes for scRNA-seq count data. Here, in below R codes we have applied SimCD to a pre-processed Src scRNA-seq data. The pre-processed CORTEX dataset gene expression data, cell-level covariates and gene-level covariates are in count_cortex, xcov and zcov parameters in the below R code resepectively. We have run the scnbr_v4 function which is the main SimCD function to infer the latent parameters with latent space dimension (K) equal to 10. Here, in this example we have collected 1000 MCMC samples (Collections) after 1000 burn-in iterations (Burnin).

# Loading the shared object files created from .c files based on the steps described in the SimCD installation procedure:


# Loading the pre-processed CORTEX dataset

# Running SimCD by passing the pre-processed CORTEX dataset gene expression data, cell-level covariates and gene-dependent covariates
# counts: scRNA-seq gene expression count data
# X: cell-level biological covariates such as treatment condition, age and sex
# Z: gene-level biological covariates such as gene length or GC content
# K: Latent space dimension
# Burnin: Number of burn-in iterations in MCMC sampling
# Collections:  Number of collected posterior samples after burn-in iterations
# PGTruncation: The truncation level used for genrating random numbers from Polya-Gamma distribution
# randtry: To be used for set.seed() function.
resSimCD<- scnbr_v4(counts=count_cortex, X=xcov, Z=zcov, K=10, ncores=24, Burnin = 1000L, Collections = 1000L, PGTruncation = 10L, randtry = 2020)


After that the Gibbs sampling inference procedure is done and SimCD's latent parameters are learned, we can visualize the cell embedding space by plotting the t-SNE visualization of latent space model parameter $\theta_j$ which can be later used for cell clustering. To do this, one can use the below R code:

# The SimCD-inferred embedding of cells can be accessed in reshgnb$Theta
tsne<-Rtsne(t(resSimCD$Theta),perplexity = 40,theta=0,pca=FALSE)

ggplot($Y), aes((V1),(V2), color=factor(cell_type),show.legend =FALSE)) +
  labs(colour = "Cell type") +
  guides(color=FALSE) +
  geom_point(size=1.5) +
  xlab(paste0("Dim1")) +
  ylab(paste0("Dim2")) + 
  scale_colour_tableau() +
  theme_bw() + 

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To do condition-specific differential expression (DE) analysis using SimCD, one can use the derived symmetric Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence values for each gene based on inferred model parameters $\beta_{g}^{(1)}$ and rank them to extract the full list of DE genes across specific conditions. These values can be accessed from resSimCD$kl parameter.