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510 lines (373 loc) · 15.9 KB

jekyll_draft Gem Version

Jekyll has various ways of specifying that a page or document is visible when the website is published in production mode. The Jekyll documentation is scattered and incomplete regarding this topic. This plugin’s filters provide a simple means for marking draft pages in development mode.

A secret document is a special form of a draft document. Secrets are always drafts, but not the converse.

Jekyll_draft provides the following:

  • Jekyll block tags: if_draft and unless_draft.
  • Jekyll block tags: if_secret and unless_secret.
  • Jekyll inline tags: else_if_not_draft, else_if_draft, else_if_not_secret and else_if_secret. These are meant for use within if_draft, unless_draft, if_secret and unless_secret, respectively. Both of them are identical; they are both provided so usage seems natural.
  • Jekyll inline tag draft_html, which generates HTML that indicates if the document it is embedded within is a draft or a secret.
  • Liquid filters:
    • is_draft returns a boolean indicating if the document passed to it is a draft.
    • is_secret returns a boolean indicating if the document passed to it is a secret.
    • draft_html returns the same string the draft_html tag returns, indicating if the document passed to it is a draft.
  • Module Jekyll::Draft defines an API that your plugin can call. It has the following methods:
    • draft? returns a boolean indicating if the document passed to it is a draft or a secret.
    • draft_only? returns a boolean indicating if the document passed to it is a draft and not a secret.
    • draft_html returns the same string that draft_html tag returns; the response indicates if the document passed to it is a draft.
    • root returns the path to the root of the collection that the document passed to it is a member of. This method is not functionally related to Jekyll draft documents; it should be packaged separately ... maybe one day...
    • secret? returns a boolean indicating if the document passed to it is a draft.

The difference between the tag called draft_html and the filter of the same name is that the tag only works on the document that it is embedded in, while the filter works on any document passed to it. Both the tag and the filter call the same API methods defined in the Jekyll::Draft module.

More information is available on Mike Slinn’s website.

Front Matter

To mark a blog as a draft, put it in the _drafts directory.

To mark any other article as a draft, add the following to its front matter:

published: false

To mark any article (including blog posts) as a secret, add the following to its front matter:

secret: true

Secret documents are a type of draft document, so the above implies:

published: false
secret: true


The demo subdirectory has working examples of this Jekyll plugin's functionality in a demonstration website. It can be used to debug the plugin or it can run freely. Please examine the HTML files in the demo to see how the plugin works.

To run the demo freely from the command line, type:

$ demo/_bin/debug -r

Now point your web browser to http://localhost:4444. You should see:

jekyll_draft demo

When the demonstration is running, any time you modify the .html files, the demo website will regenerate. Each time you make a change, the website instantly regenerates. This helps the learning experience.

Please play with the contents of the .html files, so you can learn how to write Jekyll pages that include this functionality.


For Use In A Jekyll Website

  1. Add the CSS found in demo/assets/css/jekyll_draft.css to your Jekyll layout(s).

  2. Add the following to your Jekyll website's Gemfile, within the jekyll_plugins group:

    group :jekyll_plugins do
      gem 'jekyll_draft', '>2.0.0' # v2.0.0 was a dud, do not use it
  3. Type:

    $ bundle

For Use In a Gem

  1. Add the following to your gem’s .gemspec:

    spec.add_dependency 'jekyll_draft', '>2.0.0' # v2.0.0 was a dud, do not use it
  2. Type:

    $ bundle

Usage in a Web Page

if_draft, unless_draft, if_secret and unless_secret Block Tags

The if_draft and if_secret block tags acts as if-then or if-then-else programming constructs.

The following generates <p>This is a draft or a secret document!</p> if the document it is embedded in is a draft, and the Jekyll website generation was performed in development mode:

{% if_draft %}
  <p>This is a draft or a secret document!</p>
{% endif_draft %}

The following generates <p>This is a draft document!</p> if the document it is embedded in is a draft and not a secret, and the Jekyll website generation was performed in development mode:

{% if_draft_only %}
  <p>This is a draft document!</p>
{% endif_draft %}

The following generates <p>This is a secret document!</p> if the document it is embedded in is a secret, and the Jekyll website generation was performed in development mode:

{% if_secret %}
  <p>This is a secret document!</p>
{% endif_draft %}

The following enhances the previous example by also generating <p>This is not a draft or a secret document!</p> when in production mode:

{% if_draft %}
  <p>This is a draft or a secret document!</p>
{% else_if_not_secret %}
  <p>This is not a secret document, but might be a draft!</p>
{% else_if_not_draft %}
  <p>This is not a draft or a secret document!</p>
{% endif_draft %}

The unless_draft, unless_draft_only and unless_secret block tags acts as Ruby unless-then or an unless-then-else programming constructs.

{% unless_draft %}
  <p>This is not a draft or a secret document!</p>
{% endunless_draft %}
{% unless_draft_only %}
  <p>This is not a draft document, but might be a secret!</p>
{% endunless_draft %}
{% unless_secret %}
  <p>This is not a secret document, but might be a draft!</p>
{% endunless_draft %}

This is how you can specify an else clause for unless_draft:

{% unless_draft %}
  <p>This is not a draft document!</p>
{% else_if_draft %}
  <p>This is a draft document!</p>
{% endunless_draft %}
{% unless_draft %}
  <p>This is not a draft document!</p>
{% else_if_draft %}
  <p>This is a draft or a secret document!</p>
{% else_if_draft_only %}
  <p>This is a draft document!</p>
{% else_if_secret %}
  <p>This is a secret document!</p>
{% endunless_draft %}

You can use the keywords else_if_draft and else_if_not_draft interchangeably. They are actually made by registering the same code twice with different subclass names. Use the keyword that makes the most sense to you.

draft_html Inline Tag

Here is an example of embedding the draft_html inline tag into an HTML document:

  <p>Is this a draft document? Look here to see: {% draft_html %}</p>

By default, if the document is a draft or a secret, and the Jekyll website generation was performed in development mode, draft_html emits <i class='jekyll_draft>Draft</i> or <i class='jekyll_secret>Secret</i> , otherwise it does not emit anything.

You can change this behavior several ways:

  • Add the published_output parameter to specify the HTML that should be emitted if the document is not a draft or a secret, and the Jekyll website generation was performed in development mode. The default message will continue to be output for draft documents when the published_output parameter is used.

    {% draft_html published_output="<p>Not a draft or a secret</p>" %}
  • Add the draft_output parameter to specify the HTML that should be emitted if the document is a draft, the secret_output parameter to specify the HTML that should be emitted if the document is a secret, and the Jekyll website generation was performed in development mode:

    {% draft_html
      draft_output="<p>Is a draft</p>"
    {% draft_html
      draft_output="<p>Is a draft</p>"
      published_output="<p>Not a draft</p>"
    {% draft_html
      secret_output="<p>Is a secret</p>"
    {% draft_html
      draft_output="<p>Is a draft</p>"
      published_output="<p>Not a draft or a secret</p>"
      secret_output="<p>Is a secret</p>"
  • Add the draft_class parameter to specify the CSS class that should be added to the emitted HTML if the document is a draft, add the secret_class parameter to specify the CSS class that should be added to the emitted HTML if the document is a secret, and the Jekyll website generation was performed in development mode:

    {% draft_html draft_class="my_draft_class" %}
    {% draft_html
      published_output="<p>Not a draft or a secret</p>"
    {% draft_html draft_class="my_draft_class" secret_class="my_secret_class" %}
    {% draft_html
      published_output="<p>Not a draft or a secret</p>"
  • Add the draft_style parameter to specify the CSS class that should be added to the emitted HTML if the document is a draft, and the Jekyll website generation was performed in development mode:

    {% draft_html draft_style="font-size: 24pt;" %}
    {% draft_html secret_style="font-size: 24pt; color: red;" %}
    {% draft_html
      draft_style="font-size: 24pt;"
      secret_style="font-size: 24pt; color: red;"
    {% draft_html
      draft_style="font-size: 24pt;"
      published_output="<p>Not a draft or a secret</p>"
      secret_style="font-size: 24pt; color: red;"

Liquid Filters


By default, the draft_html Liquid filter generates HTML if a page is invisible when published in production mode. If the page is not a draft then the empty string is returned.

The optional parameters for the draft_html inline tag are not available for use with the draft_html filter.

The default generated HTML for draft pages is:
" <i class='jekyll_draft'>Draft</i>"

The default generated HTML for secret pages is:
" <i class='jekyll_secret'>Secret</i>"

Invoke the filter like the following; the output depends on whether the document is a draft or a secret:

{{ page | draft_html }} => " <i class='jekyll_draft'>Draft</i>"
{{ page | draft_html }} => " <i class='jekyll_secret'>Secret</i>"

Here is a code snippet that shows the draft_html filter in use:

{% assign docs = site.myCollection | sort: "order" %}
<ol id="titles">
{% for doc in docs %}
    <a href="{{doc.url}}" class="title">{{doc.title}}</a>{{ doc | draft_html }}
{% endfor %}


This filter detects if a page is invisible when published in production mode, and either returns true or false.

{{ page | is_draft }} <!-- true for draft and secret documents in development mode -->


This filter detects if a page is invisible when published in production mode, and either returns true or false.

{{ page | is_draft_only }} <!-- true for draft documents in development mode, but not secret documents -->


This filter detects if a page is invisible when published in production mode, and either returns true or false.

{{ page | is_secret }} <!-- true for secret documents in development mode, but not draft documents -->

Invoking From Another Jekyll Plugin

require 'jekyll_draft'

puts 'Found a draft or a secret' if Jekyll::Draft.draft? post

draft_or_secret = Jekyll::Draft.draft_html post

Usage in a Plugin

The methods in lib/draft_html.rb can be invoked by qualifying them with Jekyll::Draft. Here is a complete example of a Jekyll Support plugin that displays an indication of whether the page is a draft or not:

require 'jekyll_plugin_support'

module MyPluginTag
  MyPluginError = JekyllSupport.define_error
  PLUGIN_NAME = 'my_plugin'.freeze
  VERSION = '0.1.0'.freeze

  class MyPluginTag < JekyllSupport::JekyllTag
    def render_impl
        Draft or not? #{Jekyll::Draft.draft_html(@page)}

Liquid::Template.register_tag(MyPluginTag::PLUGIN_NAME, MyPluginTag::MyPluginTag) { "Loaded #{MyPluginTag::PLUGIN_NAME} v#{MyPluginTag::VERSION} plugin." }



After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

Install development dependencies like this:

$ BUNDLE_WITH=development bundle

To install this gem onto your local machine, run:

$ bundle exec rake install

Debugging The Demo

Set breakpoints, then use the Visual Studio Code launch configuration called Debug Demo.

Debugging From Another Jekyll Site

Run bin/attach and pass the directory name of a Jekyll website that has a suitable script called _bin/debug. The demo subdirectory fits this description.

$ bin/attach demo
Successfully uninstalled jekyll_draft-1.1.2
Successfully uninstalled jekyll_draft-2.0.0
jekyll_draft 2.0.0 built to pkg/jekyll_draft-2.0.0.gem.
jekyll_draft (2.0.0) installed.
jekyll_draft 2.0.0 built to pkg/jekyll_draft-2.0.0.gem.
jekyll_draft (2.0.0) installed.
Fetching gem metadata from
Resolving dependencies...
Bundle complete! 21 Gemfile dependencies, 104 gems now installed.
Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.

INFO PluginMetaLogger: Loaded else_if_draft v0.1.0 plugin.
INFO PluginMetaLogger: Loaded else_if_not_draft v0.1.0 plugin.
INFO PluginMetaLogger: Loaded String and String, v2.0.0 plugin.
INFO PluginMetaLogger: Loaded if_draft v2.0.0 plugin.
INFO PluginMetaLogger: Loaded unless_draft v2.0.0 plugin.
INFO PluginMetaLogger: Loaded String and String, v2.0.0 plugin.
INFO PluginMetaLogger: Loaded exec v1.4.2 plugin.
INFO PluginMetaLogger: Loaded noselect v1.4.2 plugin.
INFO PluginMetaLogger: Loaded pre v1.4.2 plugin.
INFO PluginMetaLogger: Loaded jekyll_pre v1.4.2 plugin.
Configuration file: /mnt/f/work/jekyll/my_plugins/jekyll_draft/demo/_config.yml
           Cleaner: Removing /mnt/f/work/jekyll/my_plugins/jekyll_draft/demo/_site...
           Cleaner: Removing /mnt/f/work/jekyll/my_plugins/jekyll_draft/demo/.jekyll-metadata...
           Cleaner: Removing /mnt/f/work/jekyll/my_plugins/jekyll_draft/demo/.jekyll-cache...
           Cleaner: Nothing to do for .sass-cache.
DEBUGGER: Debugger can attach via TCP/IP (
DEBUGGER: wait for debugger connection...

Now attach to the debugger process. This git repo includes a Visual Studio Code launcher for this purpose labeled Attach rdbg. It uses TCP/IP port 45409 to attach; you might need to modify that value.

Now point your web browser to http://localhost:4444

Releasing A New Version

To release a new version,

  1. Update the version number in version.rb.

  2. Commit all changes to git; if you don't the next step might fail with an unexplainable error message.

  3. Run the following:

    $ bundle exec rake release

    The above creates a git tag for the version, commits the created tag, and pushes the new .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.