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FlexiBLAS - A BLAS and LAPACK wrapper library with runtime exchangeable backends

Version 3.4.4 - DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11260086

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Copyright 2013-2024 by Martin Köhler (0000-0003-2338-9904) and Jens Saak (0000-0001-5567-9637)


This Documentation includes:

About Flexiblas

FlexiBLAS is a wrapper library that enables the exchange of the BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra System) and LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage) implementation used in an executable without recompiling or re-linking it. This could in principle also be achieved using the LD_LIBRARY_PATH mechanism, if all BLAS and LAPACK were consistently implemented as a single library file with a fully compatible interface. Unfortunately, not all BLAS and LAPACK libraries are realized as only this exact one shared library containing all required symbols. Implementations with differing numbers of library files (shared objects) clearly break this mechanism of easily switching via the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

The FlexiBLAS library provides a GNU Fortran compatible interface to all functions and subroutines provided by the Netlib reference implementations. As backends FlexiBLAS can employ all BLAS and LAPACK implementations which consist of a single shared library directly. Other variants like the Intel MKL or ATLAS that use multiple files are integrated by FlexiBLAS by wrapping all files into a single surrogate library.


The build system used by FlexiBLAS is cmake which prefers an out-of-source build:

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ../ <FURTHEROPTIONS>
    make install

If the build system should try to build backends for BLAS and LAPACK libraries that are not known to the FindBLAS cmake module, or reside in non-standard paths on your system, make sure to include their location (containing directory) to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. At the end of the configuration step, cmake will inform you about the additional backends found on your system.

The configuration via cmake can be influenced further by the following options:


    Defines an alternative location for the installation of the resulting library. The default installation location is /usr/local. The library called is installed in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib and the default search path for backends is CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/flexiblas.


    Turns the inclusion of debugging symbols ON or OFF. The default is OFF.


    Enables 8-byte integers for the Fortran interface. Be aware that the application and the backend libraries must be compiled to support 8-byte integers as well. Since most applications and libraries still use the classic 32-bit integers the default is OFF.


    Enables the CBLAS frontend. If the backend itself contains a CBLAS interface that one is used. Otherwise, FlexiBLAS acts like the CBLAS-wrapper from Netlib. This option is set to ON by default.

  • -DABI=GNU|Intel

    Selects the ABI (Application Binary Interface) of the Fortran Interface. By default, the compiler used determines which ABI is used, but it can also be forced using this parameter. The difference between both ABIs is how complex values are returned from Functions. The GNU-style returns them as a normal return value on the stack. The Intel (F2C, GNU F77) style returns them as additional parameters in front of the proper function arguments. That means it is a subroutine from the C point of view.


    Deactivate the automatic search for the BLAS library with the name BLASNAME.

  • -DEXTRA=List

    Add an additional list of BLAS libraries to the default setup of FlexiBLAS. See below for details.


    Turn ON/OFF the build of an Intel MKL custom library instead of searching for the MKL directly. This is necessary if you plan to switch between single and multi-threaded MKL in your application. Turning this option on requires having the MKLROOT environment variable set properly and an MKL version >=11.1. The default is OFF.


    Configures the build to work only in the build directory. In this case, FlexiBLAS searches in the root of the build directory for its configuration file and the build directory is added to the default library search path. Turning on this option is only useful during the development in order to work independently from an installed FlexiBLAS. If you plan to install FlexiBLAS, set it to OFF which is also the default value.


    Enable/disable the automatic search for BLAS libraries during configuration. They need to be added separately using the -DEXTRA option or configured afterward. The default value is ON.


    Turn ON/OFF the LAPACK support of FlexiBLAS. If enabled FlexiBLAS also includes the wrappers around LAPACK. Default value is ON.


    Selects LAPACK API compatibility level. By default, the newest one is used. If a LAPACK library loaded at runtime does not provide all functions and subroutines, the missing ones are loaded from the fallback. The following LAPACK versions are supported:

    3.12.0 LAPACK 3.12.0 yes
    3.12.0-wodprc LAPACK 3.12.0 without deprecated routines yes
    3.11.0 LAPACK 3.11.0 yes
    3.11.0-wodprc LAPACK 3.11.0 without deprecated routines yes
    3.10.1 LAPACK 3.10.1 yes
    3.10.1-wodprc LAPACK 3.10.1 without deprecated routines yes
    3.10.0 LAPACK 3.10.0 yes
    3.10.0-wodprc LAPACK 3.10.0 without deprecated routines yes
    3.9.1 LAPACK 3.9.1 yes
    3.9.1-wodprc LAPACK 3.9.1 without deprecated routines yes
    3.9.0 LAPACK 3.9.0 yes
    3.9.0-wodprc LAPACK 3.9.0 without deprecated routines yes
    3.8.0 LAPACK 3.8.0 yes
    3.8.0-wodprc LAPACK 3.8.0 without deprecated routines yes
    3.7.1 LAPACK 3.7.1 yes
    3.7.1-wodprc LAPACK 3.7.1 without deprecated routines yes
    3.7.0 LAPACK 3.7.0 yes
    3.7.0-wodprc LAPACK 3.7.0 without deprecated routines yes
    3.6.1 LAPACK 3.6.1 yes
    3.6.1-wodprc LAPACK 3.6.1 without deprecated routines yes
    3.6.0 LAPACK 3.6.0 no
    3.6.0-wodprc LAPACK 3.6.0 without deprecated routines no
    3.5.0 LAPACK 3.5.0 no
    3.4.2 LAPACK 3.4.2 no
    3.4.1 LAPACK 3.4.1 no
    3.4.0 LAPACK 3.4.0 no
    3.3.1 LAPACK 3.3.1 no
    3.3.0 LAPACK 3.3.0 no

    Set the default BLAS at compile time. If the option is not set NETLIB is used by default.

  • -DLINK_OPENMP=OFF/ON Link FlexiBLAS against the compiler's OpenMP implementation. This might be necessary if Python/NumPy and OpenMP flags like OMP_PROC_BIND are used. Be default this is avoided in order to avoid OpenMP as cross-dependency in applications that do not require OpenMP. If the OS does not support the RTLD_NODELETE flag in its dlopen call, setting this option to ON can be helpful.

  • -DLTO=ON/OFF Enables the Link Time Optimization in the compiler, if supported. By default this is enabled.

The PROFILE=ON/OFF option was removed from version 1.1.0 onward. Beginning with version 3.0.0 profiling is done using a hook functionality and is no longer compiled in FlexiBLAS directly. See the Profiling section for details.

The following BLAS backends are tested during development:

The following compilers are tested:

  • GCC >= 6.x
  • Intel icc/ifort Classic 2021
  • Intel icx/ifx oneAPI >= 2022
  • AMD AOCC 4.2.0

Other compilers might work, but not tested.

Setup with precompiled reference BLAS and LAPACK

On many Linux and BSD operating systems static versions of BLAS and LAPACK can be installed from the package management system. These versions can be used instead of FlexiBLAS's internal fallback implementation. In order to use a provided static library providing a BLAS API it needs to be ensured that this library is compiled with support for position-independent code (-fPIC).

The BLAS implementation is set in the configuration procedure via

    cmake -DSYS_BLAS_LIBRARY=/absolute/path/to/liblas.a

The BLAS library has to provide all functions and subroutines available in the reference BLAS implementation since LAPACK 3.0.

The LAPACK fallback implementation can be provided in the same way via

    cmake -DSYS_LAPACK_LIBRARY=/absolute/path/to/liblapack.a \

The LAPACK library must provide all symbols that the reference implementation from NETLIB with the given version provides. A list of supported LAPACK versions are given above. If the version is not specified cmake tries to obtain it with a call to LAPACK's ILAVER. Note that the path must be absolute, the ~-operator to reference the home directory is not allowed.

Setup with Custom BLAS and LAPACK Implementations.

By default, FlexiBLAS tries to locate as many BLAS and LAPACK installations as possible on your system. If you want to add our own ones to the default setup you can pass the -DEXTRA option to cmake. It specifies a semicolon-separated list of additional BLAS names that should be added. For each additional library name name in the list, a path needs to be specified via -Dname_LIBRARY=PATH_TO_NAME. If special linker flags are required the option -Dname_LINKER_FLAGS="FLAGS" can be passed to cmake. For example, if a custom build OpenBLAS-0.3.4 and OpenBLAS-0.3.10 should be included, the following options have to be added to cmake:

    -DEXTRA="OpenBLAS034;OpenBLAS0310" \
    -DOpenBLAS034_LIBRARY="/home/user/openblas-0.3.4/libopenblas.a;gomp;pthread;" \

Setup on Debian and Derivatives

The easiest way is to build a Debian package out of the source and install it. At the moment we support the package creation on Ubuntu 20.04 and Debian 11 (Testing) since they provide OpenBLAS and BLIS split in different packages depending on the used threading model. In order to build the package the following prerequisites need to be installed:

    sudo apt-get install debhelper cmake gfortran gcc libatlas-base-dev \
	libopenblas-openmp-dev libopenblas-pthread-dev libopenblas-serial-dev \
	libopenblas64-openmp-dev libopenblas64-pthread-dev \
	libopenblas64-serial-dev libblis-openmp-dev libblis-pthread-dev \
	libblis-serial-dev libblis64-openmp-dev libblis64-pthread-dev \
	libblis64-serial-dev libblas-dev libblas64-dev liblapack-dev \

Afterwards, you can build the Debian package out of the source code by typing:

    fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc

inside the extracted source. After building the package the source directory can be cleaned using

    debian/rules clean

The build process creates a set of packages that are available one directory level above. They are installed using:

    sudo dpkg -i ../libflexiblas*.deb

If you update from FlexiBLAS <= 2.0.0 please remove all related packages and configuration files before.

Setup on Fedora

If you are using Fedora Linux, you can install FlexiBLAS easily using dnf since FlexiBLAS is part of Fedora Linux. Just type

dnf install flexiblas

This installs most likely one of the latest FlexiBLAS releases.

Thanks Iñaki Ucar ( for packaging and maintaining the Fedora integration.


  • If FlexiBLAS is not automatically selected by the update-alternatives mechanism you have to select it via (Ubuntu and Debian derivatives):

      sudo update-alternatives --config
      sudo update-alternatives --config
      sudo update-alternatives --config
      sudo update-alternatives --config

    On non-Debian based systems the names may differ. If your are using a non-x86_64 architecture, you have to adjust the architecture triplet accordingly.

  • FlexiBLAS requires that you use the reference implementation of LAPACK that means if update-alternatives uses the LAPACK implementation provided by other BLAS libaries many programs will fail. Please select FlexiBLAS as well via:

      sudo update-alternatives --config
      sudo update-alternatives --config
      sudo update-alternatives --config
      sudo update-alternatives --config

    On non-Debian based systems the names may differ. If your are using a non-x86_64 architecture, you have to adjust the architecture triplet accordingly.

  • Due to a bug in the Ubuntu OpenBLAS packages FlexiBLAS does not work with the OpenBLAS package versions between 0.2.6 and 0.2.8-4. If you have one of these versions installed, please update OpenBLAS before installing FlexiBLAS.

  • If FlexiBLAS should be used on MacOS X and OpenBLAS is installed via brew, it is necessary to extend cmake's search path by setting:

    export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/opt/openblas:$CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
  • If the Intel Compiler suite is used, please ensure that either the classic or the LLVM based compilers are used for both, C and Fortran.


FlexiBLAS comes with the reference BLAS and reference LAPACK test suite. The tests are executed using

     make test

and use the NETLIB BLAS implementation by default in order to check compliance with the reference implementation. Other BLAS and LAPACK implementations can be tested by setting the FLEXIBLAS_TEST environment variable. The variable has the same meaning as the FLEXIBLAS environment variable but only for the tests. If single tests need to be selected we refer to the help of the cmake ctest utility.

Configuration Files

FlexiBLAS reads a set of configuration files at startup. These are:

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/etc/flexiblasrc
  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/etc/flexiblasrc.d/*.conf
  • ${HOME}/.flexiblasrc
  • ${HOME}/.flexiblasrc.$(hostname)

If FlexiBLAS is compiled with the INTEGER8 option enabled, flexiblasrc is replaced by flexiblasrc64.








in case of a 64-bit integer build.

The files contain a mapping between the name of a backend and the corresponding name of the shared object. The setting in the user-owned file overrides the global settings. All settings are superseded eventually by setting environment variables. The syntax of the file is similar to the KDE configuration files or the ini-files known from early MS-Windows versions. Basically, it is a key-value store with section support. In the first section of the configuration file are global definitions like the default BLAS backend or the verbosity level:

    default = NETLIB
    verbose = 0

Then for each BLAS backend, there is a block of the following style:

    library =
    comment = Information text about the BLAS backend

If the library argument defines a relative path, FlexiBLAS searches inside its default path (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/flexiblas or CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/flexiblas64) for this shared object. If the path is absolute it tries to open the library directly. The name of the backend is case-insensitive!

Additionally, one can define additional search paths in the first section. Therefore one has to add a key-value entry of the following style to the first section:

    pathXXX = /additional/search/path

where the XXX part of the key should be an increasing unique integer for each additional search path.

If no default mapping is set in one of the configuration files, FlexiBLAS will use the standard Netlib implementation.

The user config files can be handled using the flexiblas tool. This tool can manage the user and the system configuration file, excluding adding additional search paths.

The flexiblas tool can be used for example to:

  • List all installed backends and the complete configuration:

      flexiblas list
  • Set the default backend:

      flexiblas default NAME_OF_THE_BACKEND

If the name of the backend is not given, the default setting is removed.

New BLAS backends can also be added to the configuration files using the flexiblas tool. For this please look at the output of

    flexiblas help

Caution: In case of a 64-bit integer build the flexiblas tool is renamed to flexiblas64 in order to setup both, a 32-bit and a 64-bit version in parallel.

Selecting the Backend at Runtime

The behavior of the FlexiBLAS wrapper is controlled by a set of environment variables described below and in the above-mentioned configuration files. The most important environment variable is called FLEXIBLAS. This variable describes the shared object library file where the backend BLAS implementation is contained. The variable supports three types of descriptions. If the value does not contain a / FlexiBLAS searches for the given name in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/flexiblas. That means the value is interpreted as the name of one of the wrapper libraries. If it does not find it there, it searches the configuration files for a line matching the value and fetches the actual name of the shared object library from there. Otherwise, the value is interpreted as a full path description of the BLAS backend library shared object file to use. If the variable is not set, the Netlib reference BLAS, or the default from the configuration files is used. See the documentation for details on the names, syntax, and locations of the configuration files.

Usage Example

If FlexiBLAS is built with an interface to the ATLAS library then one can use the following in an application to call the ATLAS instead of the default BLAS:

    FLEXIBLAS="" ./yourapp

In case FlexiBLAS should use OpenBLAS and is registered as OpenBLAS in one of the configuration files the application can be started as follows:

    FLEXIBLAS=OpenBLAS ./yourapp

Remember you can list all installed backends with:

    flexiblas list

Linking a Program Against FlexiBLAS

By default FlexiBLAS produces a library called, which one can link against a program just like the reference BLAS implementation. Other libraries are not necessary.

Environment Variables


    This is the main variable used by FlexiBLAS. It selects the BLAS library which is used as the backend. This should be a shared object which contains or allows to resolve all symbols defined in the Netlib reference BLAS library. The default search path is CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/flexiblas or CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/flexiblas-profile. Alternatively, an absolute path to a shared object can be given. If the variable is not set it uses as default, or any other backend that is specified as default in the configuration files. For example, if OpenBLAS and ATLAS are available the following two additional implementations can be used: * - to select OpenBLAS * - to select ATLAS FlexiBLAS installs a command flexiblas that can be used to find a list of all available backends (flexiblas list) and prescribe the users default (flexiblas set NAME_OF_BACKEND)


    Enables some additional output at the startup of FlexiBLAS. This can be useful if a backend is not loaded correctly, or when log files should contain the actual BLAS backend used in a certain run of the user application, e.g., because several implementations are compared for benchmark purposes. If the variable is not set, it is assumed to be 0 and the additional output is turned off.


    If set to one, FlexiBLAS does not load LAPACK from the backends. Only the internal fallback is used. In this way detailed profiling and logging is possible. The default value is 0.


    Enable / Disable colored output in verbose mode. The default value is 1.


    Specify a flexiblasrc config file. The settings in the file overwrite all setting in the system/user/host config file.


    Add additional paths, in a colon-separated list, to the search paths of the FlexiBLAS library. The paths are added in front of the search list.

Attention: In the case of a 64-bit integer build, all environment variables begin with FLEXIBLAS64 instead of FLEXIBLAS.

64-Bit Integer Build

As already mentioned in the case when the 64-bit integer interface is enabled, the names of all libraries, directories, and environment variables are suffixed by 64, that means in order to link against the 64-bit library, you have to use:

    gcc -lflexiblas64 ...

The flexiblas tool is now named flexiblas64. This allows to installed of both variants on a single system.


Since version 3.0.0 the profiling framework is no longer compiled into the library. It is now realized using the function overloading support of FlexiBLAS. The profiling is enabled by loading in the for function overloading. This is done using the FLEXIBLAS_HOOK environment variable before starting a problem.

The profiling output can be controlled using the following environment variables:


    Loads the profile library and installs the functions hooks for it. If already another hook is loaded, The profile library can be chain-loaded by adding it separated by a colon from the other hook libraries.


    Sets a filename to write profiling output to. If the variable is set, the profiling output will be redirected to this file. Otherwise, it is written to the standard error output stderr which is the default setting if the variable is not set.

Octave Interface

The GNU Octave interface is a separate package that can be downloaded from:

and installed via:

    pkg install -verbose flexiblas-octave.tar.gz

from the command-line prompt in GNU Octave. After installing the package you can get an overview of the installed functions by calling:

    pkg describe -verbose flexiblas

from the GNU Octave command-line prompt. This package only works on Linux and BSD versions of GNU Octave, but NOT on any version of MS-Windows!

Backend Builder

In order to build backends later without reconfiguring or rebuilding FlexiBLAS, a CMake helper tool exists in tools/backend_builder. This tool can be used to build your own backends individually.

Cite As

M. Köhler, J. Saak. FlexiBLAS - A flexible BLAS library with runtime exchangeable backends. LAPACK Working Note: 284, 2013.


We thank Christian Himpe (0000-0003-2194-6754) for documenting, testing, and providing feedback.

We also thank Iñaki Ucar (0000-0001-6403-5550) for creating a Fedora package and pointing out Linux software maintainer-related issues with the configuration and building process.

Bug Reports

If you find a bug in FlexiBLAS please prepare a minimal examples which reproduces the bug. Without minimal examples, we cannot fix the bug. Send feedback to:


The whole library is provided under the conditions of the LGPLv3 and later The testing code ( contained in test/ ) and the Reference Implementation implementation (contained in contributed/) are covered by the license of LAPACK ( ). See COPYING.NETLIB for more details about this license.