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Aiffel AI Project


모두의 연구소

Integrated Development Environment


  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Interpreter (Script)
  • Dynamic Typing
  • Platform Independent

Google Colab

  • GPU : K80
  • RAM : 32GB
  • Runtime : 24 hours
  • Background Execution: No



  • Datathon
  • Aiffelthon

AI Basic

  • AI Study
  • NLP Study
  • CV Study


Korean Conversation EDA

대화문 비교 분석(일상 대화 요약)

  • Data : AI HUB 한국어 대화 요약
  • Json Parsing
  • Text Normalization : Constraction. Stopword
  • Tokenization : MeCab. Okt
  • Visualization : LDA. Wordcloud. Folium
  • Tokenizer Performance Evaluation : Cosine Similarity


Satelite Imagery Object Detection

FAIR1M 위성영상에서의 객체 인식 성능 개선

  • Data : FAIR1M2.0
  • Xml Parsing
  • Baseline Model : MMRotate RoI Transformer
  • Exploratory Data Analysis : Class Frequency. Image Size. Object Size
  • Data Cleansing : Patch. Size Based Posted Filtering by GSD
  • Data Augemntation : Patch. Hue/Brightness/Blur
  • QGIS : Annotation File Converts to Geojson
  • Evaluation Metric : FP/FN. Precision/Recall/F1-Score/AP. Mean Precision/Mean Recall/Mean F1-Score/mAP
  • Further investigation : Semantic Segmentation

AI Study

Number Theme Content Library Data
01 Classification Decision Tree. Random Forest. Support Vector Classifier. SGD Classifier. Logistic Regression sklearn load_digits, wine, breast_cancer
02 Regression Linear Regression sklearn load_diabetes. Forecast use of a city bikeshare system
03 Stock Price Forecasting Time Series Decomposition ARIMA. seasonal_decompose Yahoo Finance : Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (005930.KS)
04 House Sale Prediction Kaggle sklearn. keras. tensorflow House Sales in King County
05 Rock Siccsors Paper Classfier Image Classfication keras. tensorflow Rock Scissors Paper Image
06 Lyric Bot Text Generation keras. tensorflow Song_Lyrics
07 News Summary Text Summarization (Abstractive and Extractive) keras. tensorflow news_summary_more
08 Mustache Sticker Face Bounding Box. Landmark OpenCV. dlib CelebA. ibug 300-W
09 Film Review Sentimental Analysis LSTM. Attention Mechanism. Transformer. Word2Vec MeCab. gensim. keras. tensorflow Naver sentiment movie corpus v1.0
10 Shallow focus Semantic Image Segmentation pixellib. OpenCV. torch unsplash image. deeplabv3_xception_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels
11 Chatbot Transformer regex. hanspell. soynlp. keras. tensorflow Chatbot data for Korean v1.0
12 Goods Info Search From Image OCR. Web Crawling keras_ocr. tesseract. OpenCV. selenium Book Cover Image. Naver Book
13 Q&A : Machine Reading Comprehension BERT SentencePiece. keras. tensorflow KorQuAD 1.0
14 Image Generator DCGAN imageio. pillow. OpenCV. keras. tensorflow CIFAR-10
15 Recommender System ALS implicit. scipy MovieLens 1M
16 Image-to-Image Translation Pix2Pix OpenCV. keras. tensorflow Cityscapes
17 Session Based Recommendation GRU keras. tensorflow MovieLens 1M

NLP Study

Number Theme Content Library Data
02 Perplexity(PPL) GPT-1 SentencePiece. MeCab. regex. torch. tensorflow Korean Parallel Corpora. Naver sentiment movie corpus v1.0
04 Multiclass Text Classification Naive Bayes Classifier. Linear Classifier. Support Vector Machine. Decision Tree. Ensemble Method. Nearest Neighbors. Neural Network Model. Dummy Classifier. DNN. 1D-CNN sklearn. keras. tensorflow Reuters-21578
06 WEAT(Word Embedding Association Test) TfidfVectorizer. Word2Vec. Cosine Similarity Okt. Word2Vec. sklearn KOBIS Synopsis
08 Korean-English Translator Seq2seq with Attention Mechanism MeCab. regex. keras. tensorflow Korean Parallel Corpora
10 Korean-English Translator Transformer SentencePiece. regex. keras. tensorflow Korean Parallel Corpora
12 Chatbot Data Augmentation : Word2Vec. Glove. FastText. BLEU Score. Transformer MeCab. gensim. fasttext. nltk. PCA. regex. keras. tensorflow Chatbot data for Korean v1.0
14 Pretrained Language Model BERT SentencePiece. regex. keras. tensorflow kowiki
16 HuggingFace Custom Project beomi/kcbert-base MLM. facebook/bart-large MNLI. google/electra-base-discriminator MNLI. distilbert-base-uncased MRPC Keras Model . Huggingface Transformers Trainer. Pipeline Korpora korean_petitions(청와대 국민청원). tensorflow_datasets(tfds.load('glue/mnli')). tensorflow_datasets(tfds.load('glue/mrpc'))

CV Study

Number Theme Content Library Data
04 Data Augmentation ResNet50. Flip Left Right. Audjust Brightness. Cutmix. Mixup keras. tensorflow Stanford Dogs Dataset
06 Object Detection RetinaNet OpenCV. pillow. tensorflow KITTI-360