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Simple, small rotary encoder library


Rotary encoder implementations suck. I've come across so many devices with rotary encoders that are barely usable because of erratic encoder behaviour.

I don't know why there are so many bad rotary encoder implementations out there. I know there are some good ones, too, but they have other issues (e.g. they're bloated or specific to certain platforms).

The goals/features of this library are:

  • Easy to use, consistent interface: provide the logic levels at the A, B terminals and receive back the rotation (clockwise, counter-clockwise, none).

  • Fully unit tested.

  • Small code size: simple update routine can compile down to about a dozen instructions on an 8-bit AVR MCU.

  • Error recovery in case of illegal transitions without erratic rotation output.

  • Support arbitrarily many encoders, using only one byte of state per encoder.

  • Support for half- and full-step encoders, even combinations of both in the same project.

  • Support for both "simple" and debounced algorithms. The simple implementation can be used if code size must be minimised by all means.

  • Support for both "pure C" and C++ environments. Support for both "plain" and polymorphic classes in C++.

The library intentionally doesn't provide features such as rotation speed or acceleration to keep it simple and small. Such features can easily be added outside of the library if needed.


The library requires a C90 compliant C compiler and/or a C++98 compliant C++ compiler. If you want to use the polymorphic wrapper template, a C++11 compliant compiler is required.

How to use this library

First and foremost, in order for this library (or in fact any code handling rotary encoders) to work correctly, you must avoid losing transitions between encoder states. The simplest and most effective way of doing this is to use edge-triggered interrupts, and to avoid running unnecessary code in the interrupt handler.

Here's a simple, yet fully working, example of using a PEC11R encoder connected to pins PA1 and PA2 of an ATtiny824 microcontroller.

#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/io.h>

#include <rotaryencoder/debounced_encoder.h>

static encoder_state es;
static volatile uint8_t encoder_value;

  if (PORTA.INTFLAGS & (PIN1_bm | PIN2_bm))
    PORTA.INTFLAGS = PIN1_bm | PIN2_bm; // Clear interrupt flags
    // Update encoder state
    switch (encoder_debounced_full_step_update(&es, (PORTA.IN >> 1) & 0x3))

int main(void)
  // Configure edge-triggered interrupts for both terminal inputs
  PORTA.PIN1CTRL = PORT_ISC_BOTHEDGES_gc; // Encoder Terminal A
  PORTA.PIN2CTRL = PORT_ISC_BOTHEDGES_gc; // Encoder Terminal B

  // Initialize encoder state
  encoder_debounced_full_step_init(&es, (PORTA.IN >> 1) & 0x3);

  sei(); // Enable interrupts

  uint8_t last_encoder_value = 0;

  for (;;)
    if (encoder_value != last_encoder_value)
      last_encoder_value = encoder_value;
      // Do something with last_encoder_value

  return 0;

Most of this is boilerplate/setup code.

The code makes use of the fact that ENCODER_TERMINAL_A is defined as 0x01 and ENCODER_TERMINAL_B is defined as 0x02. Thus, the terminal argument to both the init and update calls can be computed by simply shifting and masking the value read from PORTA.

Note how the interrupt service routine only increments or decrements the global variable encoder_value. This means the interrupt can be re-triggered quickly, ensuring we're not missing any transitions.

All further processing is done in the idle loop, i.e. checking if the encoder value has changed and acting upon the new value. This can take much longer than the time between two interrupts without causing any problems.

Different encoder flavours

There are two different flavours of encoders: full-step and half-step. Full-step encoders have detents every "full step", half-step encoders every "half step". The two terminals of the encoder run through a gray code sequence as follows:

  Full-Step Encoder                    Half-Step Encoder

    clockwise --->                       clockwise --->

      D       D           detents       D   D   D   D
      .       .                         .   .   .   .
    ___     ___       1             1   . ___   . ___
   |  .|   |  .|   |     A (bit 0)      .|  .|  .|  .|   |
 __|  .|___|  .|___|  0             0  __|  .|___|  .|___|
      .       .                         .   .   .   .
      ___     ___     1             1   .   ___ .   ___
 |   |.  |   |.  |       B (bit 1)     |.  |.  |.  |.  |
 |___|.  |___|.  |__  0             0  |___|.  |___|.  |__

 <--- counter-clockwise             <--- counter-clockwise

        <---- counter-clockwise // clockwise ------------>
  BA    11 <- 10 <- 00 <- 01 <- 11 -> 10 -> 00 -> 01 -> 11
 half   ||          ||          ||          ||          ||
 full   ||                      ||                      ||

There are also encoders without detents. These work exactly the same, but you're free to choose if you want to count full steps or half steps.

Full-step encoders usually have their detents where both bits are high. This is preferable for low-power applications, as both encoder switches are off in this state, which means no current is flowing through the pull-up resistors.

Different strategies

This library implements two different strategies to generate encoder events: simple and debounced.

As a rule of thumb, you should always use the debounced strategy, unless you really need to save code memory.

The simple strategy will generate events at one particular transition in either direction. This means if your encoder is stuck in a position near this transition, it is possible that the library will generate a lot of alternating "turn clockwise" and "turn counter-clockwise" events. If your encoder also has a push button, pushing the button may easily generate an unintentional event.

The debounced strategy will generate events at different transitions, depending on direction, effectively implementing a hysteresis. This is more complex (and thus requires more code), but it avoids the aforementioned problems.

Different implementations

For each combination of encoder flavour and strategy, the library also offers two different implementations. One that is based on an explicit transition table, and one that implements the logic of the transition table in code. Both implementations behave identically.

The transition table based implementation (functions/classes with a _tt suffix) all use exactly the same update code and different transition tables. This may be beneficial if you're using different encoder flavours in the same project, as both flavours can use the same code.

On the other hand, the "pure code" implementation has more potential to be optimised by the compiler, especially when using whole-program optimisation.

Code size

The following table shows the size of the code generated for both the main() function and the interrupt service routine from the example code earlier in this document. The code was compiled using avr-gcc with whole program optimization enabled, so all code was eventually inlined into those two functions. For the transition-table-based implementations ([tt]), the size of the transition table is also shown.

main() ISR Table
debounced/full 48 bytes 130 bytes -
debounced/half 52 bytes 140 bytes -
simple/full 50 bytes 84 bytes -
simple/half 50 bytes 82 bytes -
debounced/full [tt] 48 bytes 128 bytes 28 bytes
debounced/half [tt] 52 bytes 128 bytes 24 bytes
simple/full [tt] 50 bytes 128 bytes 16 bytes
simple/half [tt] 50 bytes 128 bytes 16 bytes

You can see that the size of the main() function is identical for the table-based and non-table-based implementations. That's because the init code is identical. You can also see that the code size of the interrupt service routine (ISR) doesn't change for the table-based implementations. That's because the code is identical and only the transition tables change. Last but not least, you can see that the "pure code" implementations use less code space (the transition tables are also stored in code memory).

C++ wrappers

In a C++ environment, you can use wrapper classes for the C API, for example:

rotaryencoder::debounced_encoder_full_step enc;


These wrappers have zero overhead compared to the C API. Alternatively, you can use the encoder_poly_wrapper template that implements encoder_interface. This incurs the usual vtable and virtual function call overhead, but allows you to work with interfaces instead of concrete classes:

using namespace rotaryencoder;

void handler(encoder_interface& ei)

encoder_poly_wrapper<debounced_encoder_full_step> enc;
