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Riak Task Queue

Build Status

Persistent task queue with scheduler and multiple worker instances on top of Riak KV.



Above all, we have tasks. They describe the following properties:

  • status:
    • todo, for the newly created tasks
    • nextup, for tasks that have already been scheduled for execution
    • done or failed, for complete tasks
  • tags (not implemented), features of the instance required for the task execution
  • priority, priority of the task
  • assignee, instance that have been chosen for the task execution
  • retry, number of restart attempts
  • in, task's input
  • out, output of the task
  • laf, duration of the task execution
  • sat, time when task was started
  • cat, time when task was created


Worker Instances

We have worker instances to execute tasks. Each of them manage its own input queue of tasks, executing one task per time in arrival order. When task is complete, it's moved to the output queue. The task remains there until it would be commited by scheduler.


To execute a task, we simply put it to Riak KV using riaktq_task:open/{4,5} functions. Once per specified interval (1 minute by default), the scheduler does:

  • commit completed tasks on instances, changing their status to done or failed
  • restart tasks with failed status and retry > 0, lowering their priority by 1
  • assign tasks with todo status to instances for future execution, changing their status to nextup
  • rollback lost tasks to todo status (in case of instance failure)

Note that, the scheduler won't start a next iteration while the previous one in progress and there is could be many instances but only one scheduler.

How To Use

To build and start playing with the library, execute following commands in the shell:

## Building the development image and running the container with Riak KV within it.
$ ./
## Building the application and executing an erlang shell.
$ make app shell

Here is a minimal example:

%% Creating a pool of Riak KV connections and adding it to the supervision tree.
RiakPoolConf =
  #{name => kv_protobuf,
    size => 5,
    connection =>
      #{host => "",
        port => 8087,
        options => [queue_if_disconnected]}},
supervisor:start_child(whereis(riaktq_sup), riakc_pool:child_spec(RiakPoolConf)),

%% We could register an event manager to receive state transitions of tasks.
TaskEventManager = riaktq_eventm_task,
supervisor:start_child(whereis(riaktq_sup), riaktq:eventm_task_spec(TaskEventManager)),

%% Set scheduler's node name
SchedulerNode = 'tq-scheduler@',
{ok, _} = net_kernel:start([SchedulerNode]),

%% Creating a scheduler and adding it to the supervision tree.
Bucket = {<<"riaktq_task_t">>, <<"task">>},
Index = <<"riaktq_task_idx">>,
Group = riaktq_instance_sup,
SchedulerConf =
  #{group => Group,
    riak_connection_pool => kv_protobuf,
    riak_bucket => Bucket,
    riak_index => Index,
    event_manager => TaskEventManager,
    interval => timer:seconds(5)},
supervisor:start_child(whereis(riaktq_sup), riaktq:scheduler_spec({scheduler, Group}, SchedulerConf)),

%% Creating five instances with `riaktq_echo` handler,
%% and adding them to the supervision tree.
  Name = <<"echo-", (integer_to_binary(N))/binary>>,
  InstanceConf =
    #{group => Group,
      name => Name,
      module => riaktq_echo,
      options => #{},
      transport_options => #{scheduler_node => SchedulerNode}},
  supervisor:start_child(whereis(Group), riaktq:instance_spec(Name, InstanceConf))
end || N <- lists:seq(1, 5)],

%% Opening a new task
Pid = riakc_pool:lock(kv_protobuf),
riaktq_task:open(Pid, Bucket, <<"task-42">>, riaktq_task:new_dt(<<"echo">>)).

%% Getting result
Task = riaktq_task:get(Pid, Bucket, <<"task-42">>),
riakc_map:fetch({<<"out">>, register}, Task).
%% <<"echo">>

%% Shell got {riaktq_task_transition_data,assign,
%%               {<<"riaktq_task_t">>,<<"task">>},
%%               <<"task-42">>,
%%               {map,
%%                   [{{<<"assignee">>,register},<<"echo-1">>},
%%                    {{<<"cat">>,register},<<"1506163346614292">>},
%%                    {{<<"in">>,register},<<"echo">>},
%%                    {{<<"priority">>,register},<<"0">>},
%%                    {{<<"retry">>,register},<<"0">>},
%%                    {{<<"status">>,register},<<"nextup">>}],
%%                   [],[],
%%                   <<131,108,0,0,0,1,104,2,109,0,0,0,12,35,9,254,249,6,117,
%%                     153,72,0,0,0,1,97,2,106>>}}
%% Shell got {riaktq_task_transition_data,close,
%%               {<<"riaktq_task_t">>,<<"task">>},
%%               <<"task-42">>,
%%               {map,
%%                   [{{<<"assignee">>,register},<<"echo-1">>},
%%                    {{<<"cat">>,register},<<"1506163346614292">>},
%%                    {{<<"in">>,register},<<"echo">>},
%%                    {{<<"laf">>,register},<<"16">>},
%%                    {{<<"out">>,register},<<"echo">>},
%%                    {{<<"priority">>,register},<<"0">>},
%%                    {{<<"retry">>,register},<<"0">>},
%%                    {{<<"sat">>,register},<<"1506163352875478">>},
%%                    {{<<"status">>,register},<<"done">>}],
%%                   [],[],
%%                   <<131,108,0,0,0,1,104,2,109,0,0,0,12,35,9,254,249,6,117,
%%                     153,72,0,0,0,1,97,3,106>>}}

%% We could register an event manager to receive daily reports at specified time.
QueryEventManager = riaktq_eventm_query,
supervisor:start_child(whereis(riaktq_sup), riaktq:eventm_query_spec(QueryEventManager)),

ObserveTime = {0,0,0}, %% 00:00:00
ObserveQueries =
  [ #{key => <<"tasks-that-done">>, status => <<"done">>},
    #{key => <<"tasks-that-created-at-least-1second-before">>, age => 1} ],
ObserverConf =
  #{riak_connection_pool => kv_protobuf,
    riak_index => Index,
    event_manager => QueryEventManager,
    queries => ObserveQueries,
    time => ObserveTime,
    interval => timer:seconds(5)},
supervisor:start_child(whereis(riaktq_sup), riaktq:observer_spec(observer, ObserverConf)).

%% Shell got {riaktq_query_result,<<"tasks-that-done">>,[<<"task-42">>]}
%% Shell got {riaktq_query_result,<<"tasks-that-created-at-least-1second-before">>,
%%                                [<<"task-42">>]}


The source code is provided under the terms of the MIT license.