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File metadata and controls

executable file
352 lines (298 loc) · 14.8 KB

alt text

Kafka Basics

  • kafka is a distributed streaming platform which can be used for stream processing and a connector to import and export bulk data from databases and other systems alt text
  • producer alt text

    • is an application that sends messages to kafka (publisher)
  • message

    • is a small to medium sized piece of data (key-value pair)
      • programmatically you need to convert to bytes (kafka only accepts bytes)
  • consumer alt text

    • is an app/process that receives data from kafka (subscriber)
  • broker alt text

    • is a single kafka server
  • cluster

    • group of computers (brokers)
  • Topic alt text

    • A unique name for a kafka(data) stream
      • push message to a particular topic
  • partitions alt text

    • part of a topic
    • a topic can be really huge (100gb+)

Why partition a topic?

  • a topic can be larger than the space in a single computer (broker).
    • In this case the broker might have challenge in storing the whole topic.
    • The obvious solution is to distribute parts of the topic to multiple brokers as partitions.
    • alt text
    • Every partition sits on a single machine (you cant break it further)
    • Every partition has a unique index id (per topic)
  • Offset alt text

    • unique id for a message within a partition
    • this index is assigned as message arrives (in order of arrival)
    • this id is immutable
    • it is a global unique identifier of a message
    • for you to access a particular message you need (topicName -> partitionNum -> offset)
  • consumer groups alt text

    • a group of consumers acting as a single logic unit (scalability)

    Why do we need to create a group?

    • many consumer form a group to share work
    • think of it as groupWork where each member works on a unit of the larger task (divide and conquer)
    • when datastream becomes too huge for a consumer to handle, you need to divide the task (partitions) to multipe consumers called consumer group
    • this is highly useful to increase speed of processing and scalability
    • this is a tool for scalability
    • note that max number of consumers in a group is equal to total number of partition in a topic
    • kafka doesnt allow more than 2 consumers to read on the same partition simultaneously (in order to avoid double reading of records)

How it works

  • the following are cmds for starting up a kafka-debzium cluster using shell script (this can be docarized)
  • this project has docarized most of these steps
  • other steps(logic) have been coded using scala
  • data transformation is handled by spark
  • Note that these steps are here only for demo on how the topology works. consumer api and producer api have been used in this project using scala

Step 0: install kafka

  • not necessary if you docaraize

Step 1: start zookeeper

  • zookeeper alt text
    • coordinate brokers and maintains their config inorder to avoid race conditions
    • necessary for creating a cluster.
    • kafka is shipped with zookeeper
    • cmd: bin/ config/
    • config/ is the default config file
    • default port is 2181

Step 2: Install kafka

  • kafka broker - server

    • need a config file
    • cmd: bin/ config/
    • config/ is the default config file
    • each broker must have individual config file with unique props:
      • port number
      • log.dirs
    • default port is 9092
    • kafka creates topic by default automatically if you send message without specifying
  • kafka topic -

    • cmd:
        --zoookeeper localhost:2181 
        --create --topic abctopic --partition 2 
        --repication-factor 1
    • repication-factor
      • number of copies of each partition stored on different brokers alt text
    • how to get full details of a topic
      • cmd:
                  --zoookeeper localhost:2181 
                  --describe --topic abctopic
      alt text
    • ISR means In sync replica - you can have multiple replicas but not all are insync with the leader - isr shows the number of replicas that are insync with the leader
  • kafka producer

Here is the producer Workflow alt text

  1. create property object

    • acks
      • acks=0 (producer will not wait for ack),
        • loss of msgs
        • high throughput
        • no retries
      • acks=1 (producer wil wait for ack from only the leader broker)
        • chances of loss is thinnner
        • followers might loose
      • acks=all (leader will wait untill all followers send ack before sending ack to producer)
        • slowest option
        • no loss
        • highest reliable but has highest latency
      • retries - how many times the producer will retry after getting an error (default is 0)
      • - time between 2 retries. default is 100 ms
      • - in async send how many msg you can send without getting feedback
        • increasing this value will increase memory usage and increase throughput
        • order of delivery is not guaranteed (set it to 1 if you prefer order)
  2. create producer object

  3. create producer record object

  4. Instantiate producer object

  5. Serialization -convert to byte

    • strings, int, double and long
    • custom serializers but avoid using them (there are millions of generic serializers)
    • a good example of custom serializers is avro
    • creating a custom serializer you need deserializers
  6. Partitioner assign partition # depending on key and partition properties

    • using key can result to
    • using custom partitioner
  7. Producer keeps the message in memory on the partition buffer

    • this is configurable
  8. Producer sends the batch to the broker

    • if success the broker sends ack
    • if error occures the producer will retry
      • time and number of retry is configurable
    • callback and Ack Approaches used by kafka
      • Send and forget:

        • producer send msg to broker and doesn't care if it was received or not
        • you might lose message be careful
      • Synchronous send:

        • Send a message and wait untill we get a response
          • Success: we get a record metadata object (most of the time we dont care abt it)
          • Exception: error message - we care because we want log error message
        • this method is blocking because it limits you wait to wait for response before doing anything else
        • throughput is minimized because of network delay
      • Asynchronous send

        • high throughput
        • send message and provide callback function to receive ack (record metadata obj)
        • disadvantage is you might loose order of your message log in the partition residing at the broker
  • cmd:
bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 
        --topic abctopic
  • programmatically you need: alt text
    • step 1: to create KafkaProducerObject (Producer )

      • 3 props are mandatory
        • bootstrap.servers. (provide multiple)
        • key.serializer.
        • value.serializers
    • step 2: then create (ProducerRecord ) alt text

      • here u specify topicName and message (key and value)
      • you can also specify timestamp and partition
      • sending 1000 messages using same key will land in one partition (*if partition is not specified)
      • If you don't send key, then kafka will distribute evenly your messages on partitions
      • if you hard code partition then your message will land on that specifid parttion
      • if You dont set timeStamp, kafka will set it by default
    • step 3: close that kafkaProducerObject

  • kafka consumer

    • cmd:
    bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 
                                --topic abctopic
    • same command as producer (broker-list is same as bootstrap-sever)

         val kafkaProps = new Properties()
          var streams:Map[String, KafkaStream[String,String]] = Map.empty
          kafkaProps.put("zookeeper.connect", zooKeeper)
    • consumer group

      • enables reading of messages in parallel by a single application
      • why do we even need it ?
        • allows you to parallel process a topic
        • automatically manages partition assignment
        • detects entry/exit/failure of a consumer and perform partition rebalancing
      • no complexity at producer side
      • in this settings consumer do not share partition inorder to avoid duplicate reads
      • so you need to have a higher number of partitions than consumers for this to work efficiently
      • Rebalancing
        • what happens one one of the consumers excits the group or comes back to the group?
          • group coordinator - one of he brokers is elected as a group coordinator

            • manages the list of group members
            • initiates a rebalance activity
          • group leader

            • executes the rebalance activity
            • sends new partition assignment to coordinator
        • during rebalancing none of the consumers are allowed to read
  • kafka Offsets Types:

    • current offset
      • kafka uses an integer index to mainatain the current position of a consumer
      • so consumer doesn't get record twise
    • committed offset
      • offset position that is already processed by a consumer
      • critical in rebalancing
        Auto commit
    • - default is true
    • - default is 5ms
      • lower value yields repetition of processing

Manual commit

  • - set it to False
  • - default is 5ms

Two process of manual commit

  • commit sync - blocking
  • commit async - will not retry for obvious reasons
  • You need to take care when using this method since waiting long before polling will make the broker think the consumer is dead hence triggering rebalancing
    • there is a workaround
      • onPartitionsRevoked listener - triggered just before broker takes away your partitions
        • this is where you commit your current offset
      • onPartitionsAssigned - triggered just after rebalancing completes

Step 3: Configure for fault tolerance

alt text

  • fault tolerance is important because it makes sure cluster continues to operate in the event that one broker fails
  • fault tolerance can be done by making multiple copies of your partitions on different brokers
  • Replication factor --replication-factor n

    • replication factor is used to achieve fault tolerance
    • if you set n to 3 means 3 replica will be created
    • use this fro super sensitive data
    • use this if you have a lot of downtimes
    • use this if your server is not powerful with lots of power outage
    • rf is defined at the topic level and is applied to all partions within that topic
  • Leader and Follower Model alt text

    • Kafka implements this model
    • For every partition one broker is elected as the leader
    • for every partition we have a leader. the leader handles all communication
    • The leader takes care of all client interractions
    • The leader has the responsibility to receive and send messages from specific partition
    • Producer and consumers can only interract with the leader
    • the leader relays all copies to the followers

Broker Configuration

  • important for usecase customization
  1. zookeeper.connect

    • zookeeper address
    • links multiple brokers to form a cluster
    • necessary to form a cluster
    • all brokers are running on diff server- how do they know abt each other?
    • If they don't know about each other the are not part of the cluster
    • It is critical for all brokers to know the zookeeper address
  2. delete.topic.enable

    • default value is false
    • in production you should always set to false otherwise set it to true
    • in development mode you might want to delete a topic
  3. auto.create.topics.enable

    • default is true
    • kafka automatically creates a topic if you send data without a topic
    • in prod you should set it to false coz you need a more controlled approach
    • setting it to true will make kafka reject any incoming messages without topic
  4. default.replication.factor

  5. num.partitions

    • default for both of them is 1
  6. - retention by time (default is 7 day) data will be deleted after 7 days

  7. log.retention.bytes - retention by size (size is applicable to partition)

    • kafka doesn't retain data forever that's not it's work
    • REMEMBER KAFKA IS NOT A DATABASE where you can store data and query it later
    • kafka is only a message broker after delivering data it cleans itself

Schema evolution design strategy

  • so that our producers and consumers can evolve - otherwise we will have to create duplicate producers and consume each time we change the structure of our message

  • this can be implemented using avro

    • avro defines schema using json
  • steps using avro