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Generic Sums to Variant and back again

Before we start, I should remind you that I've written a Generics-Rep (Datatype Generics) tutorial in the Simple-JSON docs here: I've also written a tutorial on how to work with inferred types with constraints here: These should make for useful concrete background reading which make the ideas in this post flow naturally.

You can also learn about what Variants are and how polymorphic variants work from the README in the Variant library here:


One problem I run into fairly often in PureScript is that I often want to work with plain old sum types, but I need to have them transported via JSON. While sum types don't have a natural representation in JSON, Variants (as in polymorphic variants) do, with the most plain representation being that of a record, of a "type" field and a "value" field. And so, I consider the basically equivalent forms:

data Fruit = Apple | Banana Int | Kiwi String

type Fruity = Variant
  ( "Apple" :: {}
  , "Banana" :: Int
  , "Kiwi" :: String

I've made some concrete decisions from the start, of course, in that since my objective is to reach some simple JSON-compatible representation. This means that...

  • Constructors with no arguments take an empty record argument in the Variant form
  • I do not allow sum types with multiple arguments (because as products, they can be represented as records)


And so with this, I implemented a genericSumToVariant function:

data Fruit = Apple | Banana Int | Kiwi String
derive instance genericFruit :: Generic Fruit _

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
  logShow $ genericSumToVariant Apple
  logShow $ genericSumToVariant (Banana 3)
  logShow $ genericSumToVariant (Kiwi "green")

  -- results:
  -- (inj @"Apple" {})
  -- (inj @"Banana" 3)
  -- (inj @"Kiwi" "green")

  log $ JSON.writeJSON $ genericSumToVariant Apple
  log $ JSON.writeJSON $ genericSumToVariant (Banana 3)
  log $ JSON.writeJSON $ genericSumToVariant (Kiwi "green")

  -- results:
  -- {"type":"Apple","value":{}}
  -- {"type":"Banana","value":3}
  -- {"type":"Kiwi","value":"green"}

That's not all either, as we can also get the reverse with variantToGenericSum:

  -- converts the other way around too, given a fixed sum type
    { expected: Apple
    , actual: variantToGenericSum (Variant.inj (SProxy :: _ "Apple") {})

  let testJSON1 = """{"type":"Apple","value":{}}"""
    { expected: Right Apple
    , actual: variantToGenericSum <$> JSON.readJSON testJSON1

Amazing! Now let's dig into how this works.


If you're familiar enough with working with Generics-Rep, you can probably guess that I use it to convert from and to the generic forms, and so the top level functions are a wrapper around the implementation that provide for some constraints to be applied.

-- | Convert a generic sum into a variant
genericSumToVariant :: forall a rep r
   . GR.Generic a rep => GenericSumToVariant rep r
  => a -> Variant r
genericSumToVariant a = genericSumToVariantImpl (GR.from a)

-- | Convert a variant into a generic sum, where the type of the sum determines
-- | the type of the variant, because you could not construct the sum otherwise.
-- | This also means that we can recover from the alternative introduced when
-- | expanding and contracting the Variant rows.
variantToGenericSum :: forall a rep r
   . GR.Generic a rep => GenericSumToVariant rep r
  => Variant r -> a
variantToGenericSum v =
  case <$> (variantImplToGenericSumImpl v) of
    -- ...


Given our constraints that we only deal with sum types and their constructors, our type class for solving out the row type of a Variant with only instances for those reps. This also means that our class is only able to solve for the row using the representation, meaning that we must always provide a concrete sum type to do our transformation -- which is fair, because how would an anonymous sum become identified? This blog is about programming, not philosophy.

class GenericSumToVariant rep (r :: # Type) | rep -> r where
  genericSumToVariantImpl :: rep -> Variant r
  variantImplToGenericSumImpl :: Variant r -> Maybe rep

The Maybe is here because the conversion of the variant to a rep is akin to decoding, so there are many failure cases within the branches of the solution. However, we know that given a concrete solution of the whole, we will not have a failing branch. We could encode this information in the type class by adding even more parameters, but I chose not to overload the kind signature with our petty details.

The constructor case

Let's start with the base case: when we have a constructor of our sum type. In this branch, we need to provide for a single member of the row type, which we can build by constructing a row from an empty one:

instance genericSumToVariantConstructor ::
  ( IsSymbol name
  , Row.Cons name ty () r
  , GenericSumToVariantArg a ty
  ) => GenericSumToVariant (GR.Constructor name a) r where

And these constraints are enough, that declare a label at which a type exists in a Variant singleton. The other class GenericSumToVariantArg handles the conversion of the value, where NoArguments will be converted to {} and any other argument unwrapped.

And so the implementation for sum to variant is a matter of constructing the variant value, and the variant to sum is to attempt reading the value at the label to return a constructed rep.

instance genericSumToVariantConstructor ::
  ( IsSymbol name
  , Row.Cons name ty () r
  , GenericSumToVariantArg a ty
  ) => GenericSumToVariant (GR.Constructor name a) r where
  genericSumToVariantImpl (GR.Constructor a) =
    Variant.inj nameS value
      nameS = SProxy :: _ name
      value = genericSumToVariantArgImpl a
  variantImplToGenericSumImpl v = do
    x :: ty <- Variant.prj nameS v
    Just $ GR.Constructor $ variantArgImplToGenericSumImpl x
      nameS = SProxy :: _ name

The sum case

For the sum case, we need to put together the solution that comes from the left and the right sides, creating a union of the solutions. For the sum to variant case, we need the following constraints:

  • Solve the left side subrow
  • Solve the right side subrow
  • Solve the union of the left and right sides
  • Solve that the left is a subset of the total union
  • Solve that the right is a subset of the total union

i.e. for a + b = c, c - b > 0 and c - a > 0

However, for the variant to sum case, we will also need to provide some extra constraints so that we can constrain our variant: we need to be able to shrink the total variant into the subrow variant that our branch can solve for. This involves some extra constraints from Variant.

instance genericSumToVariantSum ::
  ( GenericSumToVariant a ra
  , GenericSumToVariant b rb
  , Row.Union ra ra' r
  , Row.Union rb rb' r
  , Row.Union ra rb r
  -- For Variant
  , RL.RowToList ra raL
  , VariantTags raL
  , RL.RowToList rb rbL
  , VariantTags rbL
  ) => GenericSumToVariant (GR.Sum a b) r where

  -- for a subrow case, expand the solution to the whole
  genericSumToVariantImpl (GR.Inl a) = Variant.expand (genericSumToVariantImpl a :: Variant ra)
  genericSumToVariantImpl (GR.Inr b) = Variant.expand (genericSumToVariantImpl b :: Variant rb)

  -- contract the whole into the solvable parts, and provide the alternative of the two
  variantImplToGenericSumImpl v = do
    readLeft <|> readRight
      readLeft = do
        v' :: Variant ra  <- Variant.contract v
        gs :: a <- variantImplToGenericSumImpl v'
        Just (GR.Inl gs)
      readRight = do
        v' :: Variant rb  <- Variant.contract v
        gs :: b <- variantImplToGenericSumImpl v'
        Just (GR.Inr gs)

And this is about it. By having the sum solve the top level where the work is divided into the sub parts, we solve the whole system.


Hopefully this has shown you that by building a bit on top of the knowledge from the tutorials I linked, one can build a solution for solving some concrete problems by leveraging information about types generically using constraints, i.e. getting computers to do their damn job.
