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Parsing type-level strings to extract types


Last time, I wrote "Well-typed path params in PureScript 0.12", in which I talked about how I used the Record-Format library Csongor Kiss made to then make a Symbol (type-level string) templated URL to Record parsing library that allows us to use the template to make a function of String -> Either _ { | fields }, where fields is extracted from parameters in the template:

main = do
  let (parseURL'
        -- inferred type:
        :: String -> Either String { name :: String, age :: String })
        = parseURL (SProxy :: SProxy "/hello/{name}/{age}")
  let parsed = parseURL' "/hello/Bill/12"
  case parsed of
    Right r -> do
      assert $ == "Bill"
      assert $ r.age == "12"
    Left e -> ...

While this works very well for homogeneous records of String, our solution last time for heterogeneous records was to make a convertRecord function to read the different fields here. While this works if you provide a concrete type in the context, I wanted to push the type information back into the template, like so:

main = do
  let (parseURL2'
        -- inferred type:
        :: String -> Either String { name :: String, age :: Int })
        = parseURL (SProxy :: SProxy "/hello/{name:String}/{age:Int}")

Well, this works! But let's dig into how it works.

Revisiting ParseURLImpl

The heavy lifting of this library happens in the ParseURLImpl type class defined as

class ParseURLImpl (xs :: FList) (from :: # Type) (to :: # Type)
  | xs -> from to where
    :: FProxy xs
    -> String
    -> Either String (Builder { | from } { | to })

Where the xs :: FList is the formatting information from before, and the from and to rows are for returning our Record.Builder. And in the FCons (Var name) case for our formatting parameter, we have the constraints:

instance consVarParseURLImpl ::
  ( IsSymbol name
  , Row.Cons name String from' to
  , Row.Lacks name from'
  , ParseURLImpl tail from from'
  ) => ParseURLImpl (FCons (Var name) tail) from to where

So we can see here that the Row.Cons for the builder uses the whole name parameter and sets String as its type, e.g. given "/hello/{name}/{age}", we would get a builder for ( name :: String, age :: String ). So if we wanted to add optional type annotations for the parameters, we would have to use a type class that would parse out the name and type we want to use from the supplied Symbol:

instance consVarParseURLImpl ::
- ( IsSymbol name
- , Row.Cons name String from' to
+ ( ParseTypedParam s name ty
+ , ReadParam ty
+ , IsSymbol name
+ , Row.Cons name ty from' to
  , Row.Lacks name from'
  , ParseURLImpl tail from from'
- ) => ParseURLImpl (FCons (Var name) tail) from to where
+ ) => ParseURLImpl (FCons (Var s) tail) from to where

So we use this ParseTypedParam type class with the symbol of Var to get back name and ty, and apply the ReadParam ty constraint to be able to read the string value to Either _ ty.

Accordingly, we need to change the body of the instance to use readParam on the String value to the type result:

  parseURLImpl _ s = do
    split' <- split
-   let first = Builder.insert nameP split'.before
+   value <- readParam split'.before
+   let first = Builder.insert nameP value
    rest <- parseURLImpl (FProxy :: FProxy tail) split'.after
    pure $ first <<< rest


The class definition is practically a stub that calls the implementation:

class ParseTypedParam (s :: Symbol) (name :: Symbol) (ty :: Type) | s -> name ty
instance parseTypedParam ::
  ( Symbol.Cons x xs s
  , ParseTypedParamImpl x xs "" name ty
  ) => ParseTypedParam s name ty

Symbol.Cons is a new compiler-solved type class which can be used to deconstruct a given Symbol into its head and tail:

class Cons (head :: Symbol) (tail :: Symbol) (symbol :: Symbol)
  | head tail -> symbol, symbol -> head tail

The two fundeps are very useful here, as they allow us to perform not only deconstruction but construction of a Symbol from its parts, though Append is more easily applicable:

class Append (left :: Symbol) (right :: Symbol) (appended :: Symbol)
  | left right -> appended, right appended -> left, appended left -> right


This class contains the actual implementation by building up an accumulating Symbol for the actual name we want to return along with the type that the parameter should have:

class ParseTypedParamImpl
  (x :: Symbol) (xs :: Symbol) (acc :: Symbol)
  (name :: Symbol) (ty :: Type)
  | x xs acc -> name ty

No type annotation

First, we should handle the case in which the whole string has been parsed without running into a type annotation, where we will return the total accumulated Symbol with the default String type:

instance noMatchTypedParamImpl ::
  ( Symbol.Append acc x name
  ) => ParseTypedParamImpl x "" acc name String

We match the end of the string has been reached by matching on an empty string for the tail of the Symbol.Cons deconstructed Symbol.

With type annotation

Then in the case that we run into a colon, we assume that the rest of the string is the type name, so we feed that into a MatchTypeName class that we'll define to get back the type that we want to return:

else instance colonSplitParseTypedParamImpl ::
  ( MatchTypeName tyName ty
  ) => ParseTypedParamImpl ":" tyName name name ty

class MatchTypeName (s :: Symbol) (ty :: Type) | s -> ty
instance stringParamTypeSymbol :: MatchTypeName "String" String
else instance intParamTypeSymbol :: MatchTypeName "Int" Int
else instance errParamTypeSymbol ::
  ( Symbol.Append "Can't match type annotation to type: " s msg
  , TE.Fail (TE.Text msg)
  ) => MatchTypeName s ty

And in the case that the type annotation isn't matched, we give back the custom error message with the Symbol like so:

Error found:
in module Test.Main
at test/Main.purs line 32, column 11 - line 32, column 72

  A custom type error occurred while solving type class constraints:

    Can't match type annotation to type: Inta

while applying a function parseURL
  of type ParseURL t0 t1 => SProxy t0 -> String -> Either String { | t1 }
  to argument SProxy
while inferring the type of parseURL SProxy
in value declaration main

Base case

For the base case where we neither have the end of the string or the type annotation, we should continue to apply the constraint with the rest of the string, while accumulating the name Symbol:

else instance baseParseTypedParamImpl ::
  ( Symbol.Cons y ys xs
  , Symbol.Append acc x acc'
  , ParseTypedParamImpl y ys acc' name ty
  ) => ParseTypedParamImpl x xs acc name ty

And that's all! We get to remove all the old convertRecord related code and keep the ReadParam code as-is.


We can leave the first usage unchanged and the inferred type will remain the same:

  -- let (parseURL'
  --       -- inferred type:
  --       :: String -> Either String { name :: String, age :: String })
  let parseURL'
        = parseURL (SProxy :: SProxy "/hello/{name}/{age}")
  let parsed = parseURL' "/hello/Bill/12"
  case parsed of
    Left e -> do
      log $ "didn't work: " <> e
      assert $ 1 == 2
    Right r -> do
      assert $ == "Bill"
      assert $ r.age == "12"

In the second usage, we can now remove the type annotations altogether by adding the type annotations to the template:

  -- let (parseURL2'
  --       -- inferred type:
  --       :: String -> Either String { name :: String, age :: Int })
  let parseURL2'
        = parseURL (SProxy :: SProxy "/hello/{name:String}/{age:Int}")
  let parsed2 = parseURL2' "/hello/Bill/12"
  case parsed2 of
    Left e -> do
      log $ "didn't work: " <> e
      assert $ 1 == 2
    Right r -> do
      assert $ == "Bill"
      assert $ r.age == 12

And so without any more conversion work, we can get the result directly as a heterogeneous record with the fields being of the type of the annotations.


Hopefully this has shown you how type-level string parsing in PureScript 0.12 gives you a lot of power for not too much work by giving you the ability to construct and deconstruct Symbols with Symbol.Cons and chain overlapping instances with instance chains.
