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  • Install via chocolatey
  • Install pip (package manger) / check installed with Python
  • Check PATH environment variables
  • Install packages


  • Chocolatey
# simple method
cinst python -y

# better method
choco install python3 --install-arguments="'/quiet InstallAllUsers=1 PrependPath=1'"
  • Will install under C:\Python39
  • User data stored under %appdata%\python

Setup, Configuration, and Installs

# upgrade pip
python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip

# essential installs
pip install wheel setuptools easy_install pipx virtualenv lastversion radian mkdocs keep

# others
pip install lastversion # super useful for detecting GitHub versions and downloading from github using a CLI
pip install b2 # backblaze B2 client
pip install googleapis # google APIs client interface
pip install Markdown # markdown and python

# upgrades
pip install --upgrade lastversion radian mkdocs keep b2


Installing pip

If installing Python did not add the pip.exe to python's scripts path, install pip using get-pip/ · pypa/get-pip (

pip --version
curl -sSL -o

Upon execution, will install pip, setuptools and wheel in the current Python environment.

It is possible to provide additional arguments to the underlying script. These are passed through to the underlying pip install command, and can thus be used to constraint the versions of the packages, or to pass other pip options such as --no-index.

python "pip < 21.0" "setuptools < 50.0" "wheel < 1.0"
python --no-index --find-links=/local/copies options

This script also has it's own options, which control which packages it will install.

  • --no-setuptools: do not attempt to install setuptools.
  • --no-wheel: do not attempt to install wheel.

Outdated Content:


As of April 10, 21:

PS C:\Users\jimbrig\Dev\jimsdots\python> pip list
Package        Version
-------------- ---------
appdirs        1.4.4
argcomplete    1.12.2
certifi        2020.12.5
chardet        4.0.0
click          7.1.2
colorama       0.4.4
Deprecated     1.2.12
distlib        0.3.1
filelock       3.0.12
future         0.18.2
idna           2.10
Jinja2         2.11.3
joblib         1.0.1
keep           2.10.1 **
livereload     2.6.3 **
lunr           0.5.8
Markdown       3.3.4 **
MarkupSafe     1.1.1
mkdocs         1.1.2 **
nltk           3.6.1
packaging      20.9
pip            21.0.1
pipx  **
PyGithub       1.54.1 **
PyJWT          1.7.1
pyparsing      2.4.7
PyYAML         5.4.1
regex          2021.4.4
requests       2.25.1
setuptools     56.0.0
six            1.15.0
terminaltables 3.1.0
tornado        6.1
tqdm           4.60.0
urllib3        1.26.4
userpath       1.4.2
virtualenv     20.4.3 **
wheel          0.36.2
wrapt          1.12.1

Note: packages marked with asterisks ** are my most used packages

Package Installation

Run this script or pick what to install and run in terminal:

pip install pip pipx virtualenv PyGithub mkdocs keep livereload Markdown