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Selenium README

This example demonstrates how to use aXe with the Selenium browser automation tool and Node development tools.

Selenium integration enables testing of full pages and sites.

To configure the example

  • Node must be installed; please follow the directions at to install it.
  • Firefox must be installed; please follow the directions at to install it. On Unix, ensure that Firefox is on your path.
  • npm install -g grunt-cli to install the Grunt task runner (may need to be run with sudo on Unix or as Administrator on Windows)
  • Move to the doc/examples/selenium directory
  • npm install to install dependencies

To run the example

  • Move to the doc/examples/selenium directory
  • grunt test to run Selenium

This should launch an automated Firefox window, load and analyze the configured web pages, and then output aXe test results to JSON files, one per URL.

To modify the example

To run the example on your own web pages, edit Gruntfile.js. The urls property of the ks-selenium task controls which URLs the example will run on, so simply edit that property to put in the URLs you wish to test.

The example is simply logging the analysis results to files. The aXe documentation should be consulted for more details on customizing and analyzing calls to axe.a11yCheck.