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Operator for the smart gateway

Deployment to an existing cluster

Released Smart Gateway Operator

Use the OperatorHub in OpenShift to deploy from the Community catalog for a released version of Smart Gateway Operator.

Development Instance of Smart Gateway Operator in STF

The easiest way to get everything deployed is with the Service Telemetry Framework (STF). You can deploy a development version with the stf-run-ci role

This snippet will deploy the master (future main) branch across all repositories related to STF.

git clone
oc new-project service-telemetry
oc patch --patch '{"spec":{"defaultRoute":true}}' --type=merge
ansible-playbook build/run-ci.yaml -e __service_telemetry_events_enabled=false -e __service_telemetry_storage_ephemeral_enabled=true

Alternatively you can deploy the latest published artifacts. Currently this is not the recommended method.

ansible-playbook build/run-ci.yaml -e __local_build_enabled=false

Generate a bundle

Use the script.

## Begin bundle creation
-- Generating operator version
---- Operator Version: 1.3.1620788433
-- Create working directory
---- Created working directory: /tmp/smart-gateway-operator-bundle-1.3.1620788433
-- Generate Dockerfile for bundle
---- Generated Dockerfile complete
-- Generate bundle
~/src/ ~/src/
INFO[0000] Generating bundle manifests version 1.3.1620788433
INFO[0000] Bundle manifests generated successfully in /tmp/smart-gateway-operator-bundle-1.3.1620788433
INFO[0000] Building annotations.yaml
INFO[0000] Generating output manifests directory
INFO[0000] Writing annotations.yaml in /tmp/smart-gateway-operator-bundle-1.3.1620788433/metadata
INFO[0000] Building Dockerfile
INFO[0000] Writing bundle.Dockerfile in /home/lmadsen/src/
---- Replacing variables in generated manifest
---- Generated bundle complete at /tmp/smart-gateway-operator-bundle-1.3.1620788433/manifests/smart-gateway-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
-- Commands to create a bundle build
docker build -t -f /tmp/smart-gateway-operator-bundle-1.3.1620788433/Dockerfile /tmp/smart-gateway-operator-bundle-1.3.1620788433
docker push

Build and test against CodeReady Containers

NOTE: You'll need a Red Hat subscription to access CodeReady Containers. Access of the pull secret is available at Upstream CodeReady development is available at

A procedure for testing in CodeReady Containers will be available soon.

  • buildah
    • 1.14.0
  • kubernetes
    • v1.16.2
  • crc
    • crc version: 1.6.0+8ef676f
  • oc
    • openshift-clients-4.2.0-201910041700
  • operator-sdk
    • v0.15.2 (!0.13.0 which causes regressions via gen-csv command)

Set up CRC and buildah

Setup CRC and then login with the kubeadmin user.

$ crc setup
$ crc start --memory=32768
$ crc console --credentials

Install buildah via dnf.

sudo dnf install buildah -y

Login to CRC registry

REGISTRY=$(oc registry info)
TOKEN=$(oc whoami -t)
INTERNAL_REGISTRY=$(oc registry info --internal=true)
buildah login --tls-verify=false -u openshift -p "${TOKEN}" "${REGISTRY}"

Create working project (namespace)

Create a namespace for the application called service-telemetry.

oc new-project service-telemetry

Build the operator

buildah bud -f build/Dockerfile -t "${REGISTRY}/service-telemetry/smart-gateway-operator:latest" .
buildah push --tls-verify=false "${REGISTRY}/service-telemetry/smart-gateway-operator:latest"

Deploy with the newly built operator

Install required RBAC rules and service account.

oc apply \
    -f deploy/role_binding.yaml \
    -f deploy/role.yaml \
    -f deploy/service_account.yaml \
    -f deploy/operator_group.yaml

Pick a version from deploy/olm-catalog/smart-gateway-operator/ and run the following commands. Adjust version to what you want to test. We'll be using v1.0.0 as our example version.

INTERNAL_REGISTRY=$(oc registry info --internal=true)
oc apply -f deploy/olm-catalog/smart-gateway-operator/${CSV_VERSION}/smartgateway.infra.watch_smartgateways_crd.yaml

oc create -f <(sed "\
    s|image: .\+/smart-gateway-operator:.\+$|image: ${INTERNAL_REGISTRY}/service-telemetry/smart-gateway-operator:latest|g;
    s|namespace: placeholder|namespace: service-telemetry|g"\

Validate that installation of the ClusterServiceVersion is progressing via the oc CLI console.

oc get csv --watch

If you see PHASE: Succeeded then your CSV has been properly imported and your Operator should be running locally. You can validate this by running oc get pods and looking for the smart-gateway-operator and that it is Running.

You can bring up the logs of the Smart Gateway Operator by running oc logs <<pod_name>> -c operator.

Simple Smart Gateway Deployment

To create a Smart Gateway, you'll need to connect it to a compatible AMQP 1.x message bus. For demonstration purposes we're going to use the Red Hat AMQ Interconnect Operator, create an AMQ Interconnect instance, then create a Smart Gateway instance that connects to it.

Create Message Bus Deployment

Subscribe to the AMQ Interconnect Operator and AMQ Certificate Manager. After subscribing create a new Interconnect object.

Create AMQ Interconnect Subscription

oc apply -f - <<EOF
kind: Subscription
  name: amq7-interconnect-operator
  namespace: service-telemetry
  channel: 1.2.0
  installPlanApproval: Automatic
  name: amq7-interconnect-operator
  source: redhat-operators
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace

You can check the status of the AMQ Interconnect ClusterServiceVersion installation with oc get csv. When complete you should see PHASE: Succeeded.

Create Interconnect Object

Create a simple Interconnect object to deploy AMQ Interconnect router.

kind: Interconnect
  name: amq-interconnect
  namespace: smart-gateway
  - distribution: multicast
    prefix: collectd
  - distribution: multicast
    prefix: ceilometer
    livenessPort: 8888
    placement: AntiAffinity
    resources: {}
    role: interior
    size: 1
  - expose: true
    port: 5671
    saslMechanisms: ANONYMOUS
    sslProfile: openstack
  - port: 55672
  - port: 5672
  - generateCaCert: true
    generateCredentials: true
    name: openstack
  users: amq-interconnect-users

Validate that you see an AMQ Interconnect router come up with oc get pods.

Creating a Smart Gateway

Create a Smart Gateway deployment.

Create Smart Gateway Instance

oc apply -f - <<EOF
kind: SmartGateway
  name: cloud1-metrics
  namespace: service-telemetry
  amqpUrl: amq-interconnect:5672/collectd/telemetry
  debug: true
  prefetch: 15000
  serviceType: metrics
  size: 1