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Folders and files

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This module contains utilities to analyze data from JetBrains Marketplace.

Preprocess data

This module contains a script to preprocess raw data to perform further analysis.

  1. allows you to collect information about the course structure.


Execute one of the following commands with necessary arguments:

poetry run collect_course_structure [arguments]


docker run hyperstyle-analysis-prod:<VERSION> poetry run collect_course_structure [arguments]

Required arguments:

  • course_sources_path — Path to course sources to extract course structure.
  • output_path — Path to .csv file where to save the course structure.

After this step you will get a new file with the course structure, e.g. for the course from the test folder with the following structure:

├── section-info.yaml
├── section-remote-info.yaml
└── lesson/
    ├── lesson-info.yaml
    ├── lesson-remote-info.yaml
    ├── task1/
    │   ├── task-info.yaml
    │   ├── task-remote-info.yaml
    │   ├── src/
    │   │   └── ...
    │   └──
    ├── task2/
    │   ├── task-info.yaml
    │   ├── task-remote-info.yaml
    │   ├──
    │   └── src/
    │       └── ...
    └── task3/
        ├── task-info.yaml
        ├── task-remote-info.yaml
        └── src/
            └── ...

the following file will be generated.

  1. allows you to process data from the previous step:
  • Merge course data with task info
  • Add submission group
  • Add submission attempt


Execute one of the following commands with necessary arguments:

poetry run process_course_data [arguments]


docker run hyperstyle-analysis-prod:<VERSION> poetry run process_course_data [arguments]

Required arguments:

After this step you will get a new file with course data with courseId_preprocessed suffix.

  1. collects data from the course into the tasktracker task content file format


Execute one of the following commands with necessary arguments:

poetry run tasktracker_content_collector [arguments]


docker run hyperstyle-analysis-prod:<VERSION> poetry run tasktracker_content_collector [arguments]

Required arguments:

  • course_sources_path — Path to course sources to extract course structure.
  • destination_path — Path to directory where yaml file will be created.
  1. filtering data by the start research date. Grouping by package name.


Execute one of the following commands with necessary arguments:

poetry run tasktracker_task_filter [arguments]


docker run hyperstyle-analysis-prod:<VERSION> poetry run tasktracker_task_filter [arguments]

Required arguments:

  • document_path — Path to documentdata.csv.
  • destination_path — Path of the file to save filtered data.
  • start_date — Start of the research in the DD.MM.YYYY format.
  1. Divide filtered tasktracker file to 2 files - the first with emails that have been presented in the edu csv file, and the second file without them.


Execute one of the following commands with necessary arguments:

poetry run tasktracker_edu_validation [arguments]


docker run hyperstyle-analysis-prod:<VERSION> poetry run tasktracker_edu_validation [arguments]

Required arguments:

  • filtered_data — Path to the data filtered by tasktracker_task_filter.
  • destination_path — Path of the directory to save divided data.
  • users_file — Tasktracker users.csv file.
  • researches_file — Tasktracker researches.csv file.
  • edu_file — Edu csv file.
  1. determines the lesson and the task for TaskTracker records (if possible) by mapping with the data about submissions to the platform.


Execute one of the following commands with necessary arguments:

poetry run tasktracker_platform_step_mapping [arguments]


docker run hyperstyle-analysis-prod:<VERSION> poetry run tasktracker_platform_step_mapping [arguments]

Required arguments:

  • tasktracker_file_path — Path to .csv file with TaskTracker dataset.
  • platform_file_path — Path to .csv file with platform dataset.
  • output_path — Path to output directory where updated TaskTracker dataset will be saved.

Simple general statistics

This module allows you to visualize simple general data statistics to perform further analysis.

  1. allows you to plot line charts how students solve tasks from the course.

    Execute one of the following commands with necessary arguments:

    poetry run plot_task_solving [arguments]


    docker run hyperstyle-analysis-prod:<VERSION> poetry run plot_task_solving [arguments]

    Required arguments:

    • preprocessed_course_data_path — Path to .csv file with preprocessed data by
    • course_structure_path — Path to .csv file with the course structure gathered by

    Optional arguments:

    Argument Description
    ‑‑course‑name Name of the course to display on the chart.
  2. allows you to plot line charts how many attempts students spend to solve the tasks from the course.

    Execute one of the following commands with necessary arguments:

    poetry run plot_task_attempt [arguments]


    docker run hyperstyle-analysis-prod:<VERSION> poetry run plot_task_attempt [arguments]

    Required arguments:

    • preprocessed_course_data_path — Path to .csv file with preprocessed data by
    • course_structure_path — Path to .csv file with the course structure gathered by

    Optional arguments:

    Argument Description
    ‑‑course‑name Name of the course to display on the chart.
  3. allows you to plot line charts how many duplicate submissions students sent during tasks solving.

    Execute one of the following commands with necessary arguments:

    poetry run plot_task_duplicates [arguments]


    docker run hyperstyle-analysis-prod:<VERSION> poetry run plot_task_duplicates [arguments]

    Required arguments:

    • preprocessed_course_data_path — Path to .csv file with preprocessed data by
    • course_structure_path — Path to .csv file with the course structure gathered by

    Optional arguments:

    Argument Description
    ‑‑course‑name Name of the course to display on the chart.

Charts plotted with this module can be found in this section.

Test logs analysis

This module allows you to run tests and parse its output to perform further analysis.

Note: This module only works with courses that have a structure like in Kotlin Onboarding! This means that your task module name should have a specific format. For example, assume you have a task in the folder Introduction/LastPush/CompleteTheProject, then your module should be named Introduction-LastPush-CompleteTheProject

  1. allows you to run tests via Gradle and save Gradle logs to perform further parsing.

    Execute one of the following commands with necessary arguments:

    poetry run gradle_tests_runner [arguments]


    docker run hyperstyle-analysis-prod:<VERSION> poetry run gradle_tests_runner [arguments]

    Required arguments:

    • submissions_path — Path to .csv file with submissions.
    • course_sources_path — Path to course sources.
    • logs_output_path — Path to the folder to store logs.

    Optional arguments:

    Argument Description
    ‑‑timeout Timeout in seconds for subprocess to be executed.
    ‑‑n‑cpu Number of CPUs to use for parallel execution.
    ‑‑force‑ignore‑tests Force to ignore substitution of test files if they are visible to the user.
    ‑‑debug Run the script in debug mode.
    ‑‑script‑logs‑path Path to a file where to save script logs.
  2. allows you to parse Gradle logs into json strings:

    • Gradle exceptions will match the structure of the ExceptionData dataclass. For example:
        "path": "src/main/kotlin/Main.kt", 
        "line_number": 4, 
        "column_number": 9, 
        "message": "Conflicting declarations: val firstUserAnswer: String, val firstUserAnswer: String"
    • Gradle tests will match the structure of the TestData dataclass.
        "class_name": "Test", 
        "test": "testCountExactMatchesFunction()", 
        "method_name": "testCountExactMatchesFunction()", 
        "duration": "0s", 
        "result": "passed", 
        "error_class": null, 
        "message": null

    Execute one of the following commands with necessary arguments:

    poetry run gradle_logs_parser [arguments]


    docker run hyperstyle-analysis-prod:<VERSION> poetry run gradle_logs_parser [arguments]

    Required arguments:

    • submissions_path — Path to .csv file with submissions.
    • gradle_logs_path — Path to a folder with gradle logs.

    Optional arguments:

    Argument Description
    ‑‑debug Run the script in debug mode

Charts plotted with this module can be found in this section.

Inspections analysis

This module allows you to gather IntelliJ inspections and also contains functions that are necessary for their visualization. allows you to gather IntelliJ inspections. Execute one of the following commands with necessary arguments:

poetry run inpsections_gathering [arguments]


docker run hyperstyle-analysis-prod:<VERSION> poetry run inpsections_gathering [arguments]

Required arguments:

  • submissions_path — Path to .csv file with submissions.
  • --tool-path — Path to the Hyperstyle entry point.
  • --language-version — Language version of code snippets.
  • --host — Code quality server address.
  • --port — Code quality server port.

Optional arguments:

Argument Description
‑‑venv Path to venv to run the tool.
‑‑disable List of inspectors to disable. Example: pylint,flake8.
‑‑debug Run the script in debug mode.
‑‑script‑logs‑path Path to a file where to save script logs.

Charts plotted with this module can be found in this section.


This module contains Streamlit app that visualizes all statistics gathered from students' submissions.

To run the app, you need to execute the following command:

poetry run streamlit run ./visualization/

The app consists of several pages:

  1. README contains an application description and input fields for common resources:

    1. Submissions path — Path to .csv file with submissions, parsed test logs and inspections.
    2. Course structure path — Path to .csv file with course structure.
  2. General stats contains charts from the Simple general statistics module:

    • Task attempts:

    • Task solving:

    • Task duplicates:

  3. Group tests timeline contains charts from the Test logs analysis module:

    • General tests timeline:

    • Parametrized tests timeline:

  4. Aggregated timeline stats contains charts from the Test logs analysis module:

    • Average tests timeline:

    • Tests chain:

  5. Inspections stats contains charts from the Inspections analysis module:

    • Inspections frequency:

    • Inspections fixing examples:

  6. Submissions viewer allows you to view user submissions within some group.

  7. Automated analysis allows you to automatically analyse submissions' data.

    • Median attempts analysis allows you to find suspicious tasks whose median number of attempts is not less than a threshold and view group submissions from these tasks.

    • Failed users analysis allows you to find suspicious tasks whose relative number of failed users is not less than a threshold and view group submissions from these tasks.

    • Median test attempts analysis allows you to find suspicious tests whose median number of attempts is not less than a threshold and view group submissions that contain these tests.