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File metadata and controls

944 lines (485 loc) · 38 KB

Protocol Documentation

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Field Type Label Description
session_id string session_id is the ID of a chunked upload session to abort.


AtomicIncRequest is used by atomic increment/decrement methods.

Field Type Label Description
store_key string The key of the store that the record belongs to.
record_key string The key of the record that the property belongs to.
property_name string The name of the integer property to perform the operation to.
lower_bound int64 lower_bound is the lower bound of the interval.
upper_bound int64 upper_bound is the upper bound of the interval.
hint Hint Performance hints.


AtomicIntRequest is used by atomic arithmetic methods (CompareAndSwap{Greater,Less}Int, Atomic{Add,Sub}Int).

Field Type Label Description
store_key string The key of the store that the record belongs to.
record_key string The key of the record that the property belongs to.
property_name string The name of the integer property to perform the operation to.
value int64 value is the operand for each method (see method descriptions).
hint Hint Performance hints.


AtomicIntResponse indicates whether an atomic operation has updated a property and includes the old value of the property.

Field Type Label Description
updated bool updated indicates that the condition is satisfied and the property has been updated.
value int64 value is the property value before the atomic operation.


BlobMetadata contains necessary metadata when creating (uploading) a new blob object.

Field Type Label Description
store_key string store_key is the key of the store that the record belongs to.
record_key string record_key is the key of the record the new blob object belongs to.
size int64 size is the byte length of the object.
hint Hint Performance hints (write only).
md5 bytes md5 is the MD5 hash of the blob content. If supplied for uploads, the server validates the content using the hash value. For downloads, the server returns the stored hash value of the blob content. The length of the hash value is 0 (not present) or 16 (present) bytes.
crc32c uint32 crc32c is the CRC32C checksum of the blob content. Specifically, it uses the Castagnoli polynomial. If supplied for uploads, the server validates the content using the checksum. For downloads, the server returns the checksum of the blob content. Open Saves provides both MD5 and CRC32C because CRC32C is often used by Cloud object storage services.
has_crc32c bool has_crc32c indicates if crc32c is present.
chunked bool chunked is set true if the attached blob is chunked, otherwise false (read only).
chunk_count int64 Number of chunks (read only).


Field Type Label Description
session_id string session_id is the ID of a chunk upload session. Not used for downloads.
number int64 number is the number of the chunk.
size int64 size is a byte size of the chunk.
hint Hint Performance hints (write only).
md5 bytes md5 is the MD5 hash of the chunk content. If supplied for uploads, the server validates the content using the hash value. For downloads, the server returns the stored hash value of the chunk content. The length of the hash value is 0 (not present) or 16 (present) bytes.
crc32c uint32 crc32c is the CRC32C checksum of the chunk content. Specifically, it uses the Castagnoli polynomial. If supplied for uploads, the server validates the content using the checksum. For downloads, the server returns the checksum of the chunk content. Open Saves provides both MD5 and CRC32C because CRC32C is often used by Cloud object storage services.
has_crc32c bool has_crc32c indicates if crc32c is present.


Field Type Label Description
session_id string session_id is the ID of a chunked upload session to commit.
hint Hint Performance hints.
record Record Optional record object to update during the commit operation


CompareAndSwapRequest is used by the CompareAndSwap methods to atomically update a property value.

Field Type Label Description
store_key string The key of the store that the record belongs to.
record_key string The key of the record that the property belongs to.
property_name string The name of the integer property to perform the operation to.
value Property value is the new property value to set.
old_value Property old_value is compared against the current property value.
hint Hint Performance hints.


CompareAndSwapResponse is returned by CompareAndSwap and indicates whether the request has updated the property value.

Field Type Label Description
updated bool updated indicates that the condition is satisfied and the property has been updated.
value Property value is the old value of the property.


CreateBlobRequest is used for CreateBlob, a client-streaming method. The first message should contain metadata, and the subsequent messages should contain content.

Field Type Label Description
metadata BlobMetadata metadata is the metadata used to initialize the blob object with.
content bytes content is the binary content of the blob object.


Field Type Label Description
store_key string The key of the store that the record belongs to.
key string The key of the record to get.
ttl_in_seconds int64 TTL


Field Type Label Description
chunk_urls string repeated Public signed URLs of the chunk objects uploaded against the record ordered according to chunk number


Field Type Label Description
store_key string store_key is the key of the store that the record belongs to.
record_key string record_key is the key of the record the new blob object belongs to.
chunk_size int64 Size of each chunk
chunk_count int64 Expected number of chunks. When set to non-zero, the server checks if it has received the exact number of chunks when CommitChunkedUpload is called.


Field Type Label Description
session_id string session_id is a chunked


Field Type Label Description
store_key string The key of the store to create the record into.
record Record The record to create.
hint Hint Performance hints.


Field Type Label Description
store Store Store to create.


Field Type Label Description
store_key string The key of the store that the record belongs to.
record_key string The key of the record to delete a blob from.
hint Hint Performance hints.


Field Type Label Description
store_key string The key of the store that the record belongs to.
key string The key of the record to delete.


Field Type Label Description
key string The key of the store to delete.


Field Type Label Description
store_key string The key of the store that the record belongs to.
record_key string The key of the record to get.
chunk_number int64 chunk_number is the number of the chunk to get.
hint Hint Performance hints.


GetBlobChunkResponse is a server-streaming response to return metadata and content of a chunked blob object. The first message contains metadata and the subsequent messages contain the binary data of the chunk inthe content field.

Field Type Label Description
metadata ChunkMetadata
content bytes


Field Type Label Description
store_key string The key of the store that the record belongs to.
record_key string The key of the record to get.
hint Hint Performance hints.


GetBlobResponse is a server-streaming response to return metadata and content of a blob object. The first message contains metadata and the subsequent messages contain the rest of the binary blob in the content field.

Field Type Label Description
metadata BlobMetadata metadata is the metadata used to initialize the blob object with.
content bytes content is the binary content of the blob object.


Field Type Label Description
store_key string The key of the store that the record belongs to.
key string The key of the record to get.
hint Hint Performance hints.


Field Type Label Description
store_keys string repeated The keys of the stores the records belongs to.
keys string repeated The keys of the records to get.


Field Type Label Description
results GetRecordsResponse.Result repeated


Field Type Label Description
status google.rpc.Status
store_key string
record Record


Field Type Label Description
key string The key of the store to retrieve.


Performance optimization hints for the server. The server may silently ignore the hints when not feasible.

Field Type Label Description
do_not_cache bool If true, do not cache the record for future requests.
skip_cache bool If true, skip the cache check and always check the metadata server. If false, allow file size to determine cache checks.
force_blob_store bool If true, always store the blob in blob storage, rather than in the metadata server. If false, allow file size to determine where to store the blob.
force_inline_blob bool Tells the server to not use blob storage. Always store the blob into the metadata entity. The server will return an error if the blob is too large. The exact size limit depends on the backend implementation.


ListStoresRequest contains conditions to filter stores. Multiple conditions are AND'ed together.

Field Type Label Description
name string Store name. This is an exact match.
tags string repeated List of tags
owner_id string owner_id is the owner of stores, represented as an external user ID.


Field Type Label Description
stores Store repeated List of stores that match the provided criteria.


Field Type Label Description
ping string An optional string to send with the ping message.


Field Type Label Description
pong string An optional string that is copied from PingRequest.


Property represents typed data in Open Saves. This is limited to one type per key.

Field Type Label Description
type Property.Type
integer_value int64
string_value string
boolean_value bool


QueryFilter is a filtering condition when querying records.

Field Type Label Description
property_name string Propety name of the filter.
operator FilterOperator Operator of the filter.
value Property Value to compare the property with.


QueryRecordsRequest contains conditions to search particular records. Multiple conditions are AND'ed together.

Field Type Label Description
store_key string store_key is the primary key of the store. Optional. The method queries all stores when omitted.
filters QueryFilter repeated List of filters
tags string repeated List of tags
owner_id string owner_id is the owner of records, represented as an external user ID.
sort_orders SortOrder repeated List of sort orders to return records. These SortOrders are applied in sequence.
limit int32 the limit of the number of records to return.
keys_only bool If keys_only is set to true, the server will only return records.key and store_keys in the QueryRecordsResponse message.
offset int32 Number of records to skip when performing queries.


Field Type Label Description
records Record repeated List of records that match the criteria.
store_keys string repeated List of store keys that each of the records belongs to. The order of keys is the same as the records field, e.g. store_keys[0] is the store for records[0], and so on.


Record represents each entity in the Open Saves database.

Field Type Label Description
key string key is the user defined primary key. It is recommended to use uniformally distributed key (e.g. UUID) rather than monotonically increasing values for performance reasons. See for details.
blob_size int64 Byte length of the blob (read-only)
properties Record.PropertiesEntry repeated Typed values that are indexed and searchable. The number of properties allowed in a record is backend dependent.
owner_id string owner_id is the owner of the record, represented as an external user ID. Open Saves doesn't maintain list of valid users and it is the responsibility of the client to keep track of user IDs.
tags string repeated tags are queryable strings to categorize records Examples: "player:1", "system", "inventory:xxx"
created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at is the point in time in UTC when the Record is created on the Open Saves server. It is managed and set by the server.
updated_at google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at is the point in time in UTC when the Record is updated on the Open Saves server. It is managed by the server and updated every time the Record is updated.
chunked bool chunked is set true if the attached blob is chunked, otherwise false.
chunk_count int64 The number of chunks in the associated chunked blob.
opaque_string string Opaque string where you can store any utf-8 string (e.g. JSON) that is too big and does not fit in the properties. This will not be indexed or queryable. The maximum length is 1,048,487 bytes on Datastore but the actual limit might be smaller because the total Record size is capped at 1,048,572 bytes.
signature bytes Signature is a server-generated unique UUID that is updated each time the server updates the record. The server returns the current signature for read requests. The client may optionally populate this field and send update requests, and the server will check the value against the latest value and abort the request if they don't match.


Field Type Label Description
key string
value Property


SortOrder is a way to order records returned by QueryRecords.

Field Type Label Description
direction SortOrder.Direction Direction to sort by (either ascending or descending).
property SortOrder.Property Property to sort by. If using a user defined property, user_property_name must be passed in as well.
user_property_name string The name of the user defined property.


Store represents an internal bucket to contain records.

Field Type Label Description
key string key is the user defined primary key. It is recommended to use uniformally distributed key (e.g. UUID) rather than monotonically increasing values for performance reasons. See for details.
name string name is a user defined name of the store. It is indexed and queriable with ListStore, but is otherwise opaque to the server.
tags string repeated tags are queryable strings to categorize stores Examples: "player:1", "system", "inventory:xxx"
owner_id string owner_id is the owner of the store, represented as an external user ID. Open Saves doesn't maintain list of valid users and it is the responsibility of the client to keep track of user IDs.
created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at is the point in time in UTC when the Store is created on the Open Saves server. It is managed and set by the server.
updated_at google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at is the point in time in UTC when the Store is updated on the Open Saves server. It is managed by the server and updated every time the Store is updated.


Field Type Label Description
store_key string The key of the store that the record belongs to.
record Record The content to update the record with.
hint Hint Performance hints.


UploadChunkRequest is used by UploadChunk, which is a client-streaming method. The first message should contain the metadata, and the subsequent messages should contain the content field until EOF.

Field Type Label Description
metadata ChunkMetadata metadata is the metadata to associate the chunk to.
content bytes content is the binary content of the chunk.


FilterOperator has a list of comperators.

Name Number Description
LESS 2 <


Supported structured data types

Name Number Description


Direction is the ways to sort a list of records returned by querying.

Name Number Description
ASC 0 Sort by ascending order.
DESC 1 Sort by descending order.


Property to sort by, which can either be system defined properties or a user property.

Name Number Description


Public interface of the Open Saves service.

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
CreateStore CreateStoreRequest Store CreateStore creates and returns a new store.
GetStore GetStoreRequest Store GetStore fetches store with the specified key.
ListStores ListStoresRequest ListStoresResponse ListStore returns stores matching the provided criteria.
DeleteStore DeleteStoreRequest .google.protobuf.Empty DeleteStore deletes a single store with the specified key.
CreateRecord CreateRecordRequest Record CreateRecord creates a new record. This returns an error if the specified key already exists.
GetRecord GetRecordRequest Record GetRecord returns a record with the specified key.
GetRecords GetRecordsRequest GetRecordsResponse GetRecords fetches multiple records by keys.
QueryRecords QueryRecordsRequest QueryRecordsResponse QueryRecords performs a query and returns matching records.
UpdateRecord UpdateRecordRequest Record UpdateRecord updates an existing record. This returns an error and does not create a new record if the key doesn't exist.
DeleteRecord DeleteRecordRequest .google.protobuf.Empty DeleteRecord deletes a single record with the specified key.
CreateBlob CreateBlobRequest stream BlobMetadata CreateBlob adds a new blob to a record.
CreateChunkedBlob CreateChunkedBlobRequest CreateChunkedBlobResponse CreateChunkedBlob starts a new chunked blob upload session.
CreateChunkUrls CreateChunkUrlsRequest CreateChunkUrlsResponse CreateChunkUrls returns the TTL signed url for the record blob chunks.
UploadChunk UploadChunkRequest stream ChunkMetadata UploadChunk uploads and stores each each chunk.
CommitChunkedUpload CommitChunkedUploadRequest BlobMetadata CommitChunkedUpload commits a chunked blob upload session and makes the blob available for reads. An optional record can be passed to perform an update within the same transaction.
AbortChunkedUpload AbortChunkedUploadRequest .google.protobuf.Empty AbortChunkedUploads aborts a chunked blob upload session and discards temporary objects.
GetBlob GetBlobRequest GetBlobResponse stream GetBlob retrieves a blob object in a record. Currently this method does not support chunked blobs and returns an UNIMPLEMENTED error if called for chunked blobs. TODO(yuryu): Support chunked blobs and return such objects entirely.
GetBlobChunk GetBlobChunkRequest GetBlobChunkResponse stream GetBlobChunk returns a chunk of a blob object uploaded using CreateChunkedBlob. It returns an INVALID_ARGUMENT error if the blob is not a chunked object.
DeleteBlob DeleteBlobRequest .google.protobuf.Empty DeleteBlob removes an blob object from a record.
Ping PingRequest PingResponse Ping returns the same string provided by the client. The string is optional and the server returns an empty string if omitted.
CompareAndSwap CompareAndSwapRequest CompareAndSwapResponse CompareAndSwap compares the property to old_value and updates the property to value if the old_value and the current property are equal. The updated field in CompareAndSwapResponse is set to true if the swap is executed. For example, CompareAndSwap(property, value = 42, old_value = 24) will set the property to 42 if the current value is 24. CompareAndSwap also supports swapping with a value of another type, e.g. CompareAndSwap(property, value = "42", old_value = 24). Otherwise it will not update the property and return the current (unchanged) value and updated = false. The operation is executed atomically. Errors: - NotFound: the requested record or property was not found.
CompareAndSwapGreaterInt AtomicIntRequest AtomicIntResponse CompareAndSwapGreaterInt compares the number of an integer property to value and updates the property if the new value is greater than the current value. The updated field in AtomicResponse is set to true if the swap is executed. For example, CompareAndSwapGreaterInt(property, value = 42) will replace property with 42 and return {value = old value, updated = true} if 42 > property. Otherwise it will not update the property and return the current (unchanged) value and updated = false. The operation is executed atomically. Errors: - NotFound: the requested record or property was not found. - InvalidArgument: the requested property was not an integer.
CompareAndSwapLessInt AtomicIntRequest AtomicIntResponse CompareAndSwapLessInt does the same operation as CompareAndSwapGreaterInt except the condition is the new value is less than the old value.
AtomicAddInt AtomicIntRequest AtomicIntResponse AtomicAddInt adds a number to an integer property atomically. For example, AtomicAdd(property, 42) will run property += 42 and return the old value. The updated field in AtomicIntResponse is always set to true. Errors: - NotFound: the requested record or property was not found. - InvalidArgument: the requested property was not an integer.
AtomicSubInt AtomicIntRequest AtomicIntResponse AtomicSubInt does the same except it subtracts a number.
AtomicInc AtomicIncRequest AtomicIntResponse AtomicInc increments the number of an integer property if less than upper_bound. Otherwise it resets the property to lower_bound. if (property < upper_bound) { property++ } else { property = lower_bound } This makes the property an incrementing counter between [lower_bound, upper_bound]. It returns the old value of the property. The updated field in AtomicIntResponse is set to true. Errors: - NotFound: the requested record or property was not found. - InvalidArgument: the requested property was not an integer.
AtomicDec AtomicIncRequest AtomicIntResponse AtomicDec decrements the number of an integer property by one if more than lower_bound. Otherwise it resets the property to upper_bound. if (lower_bound < property) { property-- } else { property = upper_bound } This makes the property a decrementing counter between [lower_bound, upper_bound]. It returns the old value of the property. The updated field in AtomicIntResponse is always set to true. Errors: - NotFound: the requested record or property was not found. - InvalidArgument: the requested property was not an integer.

Scalar Value Types

.proto Type Notes C++ Java Python Go C# PHP Ruby
double double double float float64 double float Float
float float float float float32 float float Float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
bool bool boolean boolean bool bool boolean TrueClass/FalseClass
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode string string string String (UTF-8)
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str []byte ByteString string String (ASCII-8BIT)