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AAB Resource Obfuscation Tool

License Android Gradle Plugin BundleTool JDK Version Gradle Version ResChiper Version

Table of Contents


ResChiper is a tool designed for obfuscating Android AAB resources. It allows you to protect your resources from unauthorized access and reduce your app's AAB size.

Getting Started

Follow these steps to integrate the AAB Resource Obfuscation Tool into your Android project:


Before you begin using ResChiper, ensure that your app meets the following requirements:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK): ResChiper requires JDK 17, Make sure your app is configured with JDK 17.
  • Android Gradle Plugin (AGP): version 8.0 or later version.


1. Add ResChiper Gradle Plugin

In your project's root-level build.gradle file, add the ResChiper Gradle plugin to the buildscript section:

buildscript {
  dependencies {
    classpath "io.github.goldfish07.reschiper:plugin:<latest_version>"
  repositories {

2. Apply the Plugin

In your app-level build.gradle file, apply the ResChiper plugin:

apply plugin: "io.github.goldfish07.reschiper"

3. Configure the Plugin

In your app/build.gradle file, configure the ResChiper plugin by specifying your desired settings. Here's an example configuration:

resChiper {
    enableObfuscation = true //by default res obfuscate is enabled
    obfuscationMode = "default" //["dir", "file", "default"]
    obfuscatedBundleName = "reschiper-app.aab" // Obfuscated file name, must end with '.aab'
    //mappingFile = file("path/to/your/mapping.txt").toPath() // Mapping file used for incremental obfuscation
    whiteList = [
                  //Whitelist rule (directory name to exclude)
                  "res/raw", // raw dir will not be obfuscated
                  "res/xml", // xml dir will not be obfuscated

                  //Whitelist rule (file name to exclude)
                  "res/raw/*", // all files inside raw directory will not be obfuscated
                  "res/raw/success_tick.json", // success_tick.json file will not be obfuscated
                  "res/xml/*", // all files inside xml directory will not be obfuscated

                  // White list rules (resource name to exclude)

                  // for google-services
                  //firebase crashlytics
    mergeDuplicateResources = true // allow the merge of duplicate resources
    enableFileFiltering = true
    enableFilterStrings = true
    fileFilterList = [ // file filter rules
//                       "*/armeabi-v7a/*",
//                       "*/arm64-v8a/*",
//                       "*/x86/*",
//                       "*/x86_64/*"
    unusedStringFile = "path/to/your/unused_strings.txt" // strings will be filtered in this file
    localeWhiteList = ["en", "in", "fr"] //keep en,en-xx,in,in-xx,fr,fr-xx and remove others locale.


To obfuscate your resources and generate an obfuscated AAB, run the following Gradle command in the project's root directory.:

./gradle clean :app:resChiperDebug --stacktrace

This command will execute the obfuscation process from the project root, and the obfuscated AAB will be generated in the app/build/outputs/bundle/debug directory.

Configuration Options

The ResChiper extension provides various configuration options for resource obfuscation, including enabling/disabling obfuscation, specifying mapping files, white-listing resources, and more.

  • enableObfuscation: Enable or disable resource obfuscation.
  • obfuscationMode: to obfuscate only directories set obfuscationMode = "dir", to obfuscate only files set obfuscationMode = "file" and to obfuscate both directory and files set obfuscationMode = "default".
  • enableFilterStrings: Input the unused file splits by lines to support remove strings.
  • enableFileFiltering: Support for filtering files in the bundle package. Currently only supports filtering in the META-INFO/ and lib/ paths.
  • obfuscatedBundleName: Name of the obfuscated AAB file.
  • mergeDuplicateResources: eliminate duplicate resource files and reduce package size.
  • mappingFile: Path to the ProGuard mapping file (set only when mapping.txt used for obfuscation).
  • whiteList: Set of resource names to exclude from obfuscation.
  • fileFilterList: List of file patterns to filter out.
  • unusedStringFile: Path to a file containing unused strings.
  • localeWhiteList: Set of locales to include in the AAB.


you can check some configuration example here


resources that are not obfuscated during the build process.
you can find whitsList configs here.


After running the obfuscation process, you can expect the following output files:

  • aab: This is the obfuscated bundle package, which contains your Android App Bundle (AAB) with obfuscated resources.
  • resources-mapping.txt: This file contains the resource obfuscation mapping. It can be used as input for future obfuscation processes to achieve incremental obfuscation. This is especially useful if you want to maintain consistency across different builds.
  • -duplicated.txt: This log file provides information about merged resources. It helps you identify and track any duplicate resources that were merged during the obfuscation process.

These output files will be generated as a result of running the ResChiper tool, and you can find them in the relevant directories within your project's build output.


ResChiper is inspired by the following projects and tools:


Apache License v2.0 logo

Copyright (C) 2023 goldfish07 (Ayush Bisht) <>
This file is part of ResChiper.

ResChiper is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 as published by
the Apache Software Foundation, either version 2.0 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.