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Logainm Application Programming Interface (Version 0.9): Data dictionary

Note: This documentation describes a prerelease version of the Logainm API. Features are being added on an ongoing basis. The documentation will be revised in advance of the v1.0 release.

This document describes the data structure of the results made available via the Logainm Application Programming Interface (API). Logainm is a comprehensive management system for data, archival records and placenames research conducted by the Government of Ireland. For general information regarding the API and for developer guidelines please consult the developer documentation.



Most API queries will return a placeList object. This contains a list of one or more places, if found, and additional metadata related to the query.

Property name Type Cardinality Description
TotalCount integer one The total count of place records retrieved.
TotalPages integer none or one If the place list is paginated, the total number of pages in the result set.
CurrentPage integer none or one If the place list is paginated, the current page number.
CountPerPage integer none or one If the place list is paginated, the maximum count of results returned per page.
Places place none or one or many The retrieved place records.
SimilarNames string none or one or many A set of names which have a similar spelling to the query text (if performing a textual search). For example, if searching for 'Ballybunion', 'Ballybunnion' will be suggested.
RelatedNames string none or one or many A set of names which are related to the query text (if performing a textual search). For example, if searching for 'Lismore', the list of related names will suggest 'Lismore and Mocollop', 'Lismore Demesne', agus 'Lismore Road'.


The place object is at the core of the Logainm API: it represents a geographic location and includes associated toponymic, lexical, and other metadata. Queries specifying a place identifer in the request path will retrieve a single place object (if one exists) while broader queries may return one or more place objects in the response body.

Property name Type Cardinality Description
ID integer one The unique place identifier.
ReplacementID integer none or one If this value is set the requested place record has been merged into another record in the database. The value is the replacement record identifier.
DateCreated ISO 8601 datetime one The date and time of entry creation.
DateModified ISO 8601 datetime none or one The date and time of most recent modification to entry.
Permalink string one A permanent static hyperlink where a human reader can find more information about the place. This automatically redirects to the Irish or English version of the place information page.
Featured ISO 8601 datetime none or one or many Denotes the date or dates on which this place was featured as the place of the day on the website, if featured.
Cluster cluster none or one Metadata representing a group of places, of which this place is a member, that share placenames and are colocated or are proximate to each other.
Placenames placename one or many One or more placenames, and associated metadata, that are given to this place.
Glossary glossary none or one Describes words commonly found in Irish placenames and that are present in placenames associated with this place.
Categories category none or one or many Describes the categories associated with this place. Only in exceptional cases will places have more than one category.
IncludedIn placeSummary none or one or many Summary information regarding the administrative units (counties, civil parishes, etc.) which include this place.
Includes category none or one or many Describes the place categories included within the bounds of this place.
Geography geography none or one Geographical location of the place expressed in terms of latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates.
GridReferences gridReference none or one or many Geographical location of the place expressed in terms of Irish Grid Reference System coordinates.
Gaeltacht placeProperty none or one Indicates whether the place is in the Gaeltacht.
PostOffice placeProperty none or one Indicates whether there is or was once a post office in this place.
NorthernIreland placeProperty none or one Indicates whether this place is in Northern Ireland.
Images image none or one or many Describes one or more scanned records from the Placenames Branch archive relating to this place.
Resources resource none or one or many Describes one or more toponomy resources available on relating to this place.
Links link none or one or many Provides one or more links to related data in external resources. External resources include OSI, Placenames Northern Ireland, Wikipedia, Geonames, etc.
BornHere biographyLink none or one or many Provides links to biographical data from for any persons born in this place, if available.
Folklore folkloreLink none or one or many Provides links to folkloric data from dú associated with this place, if available.
SameAs sameAs none or one or many Specifies one or more co-references to this place in data sets other than the Placenames Database of Ireland. Consistent with OWL Web Ontology SameAs definition.


Metadata representing a group of places that share placenames and are colocated or are proximate to each other.

Property name Type Cardinality Description
FocusID integer one Identifies the place that forms the 'focus' of the cluster. It may represent the place category most readily associated with a particular placename or feature the richest set of metadata among all the cluster members.
Members clusterMember one or many Represents the individual places that make up the cluster.


Represents a member of a cluster.

Property name Type Cardinality Description
PlaceID integer one The place identifier.
Category category none or one The place category.


Describes a toponym associated with one or more places.

Property name Type Cardinality Description
ID integer one The placename identifier.
Language ISO 639-1 language code none or one Indicates the language of the placename, if known.
Wording string one The placename itself.
Genetive string none or one In the case of Irish-language placenames this specifies the placename's grammatical form in the genitive case.
Main boolean one If true this is the place's main/canonical name. This is only important if the place has more than one name in the same language.
Acceptability acceptability none or one Indicates the research and approval status of the placename.
Audio audio none or one Describes an audio file providing an indicative pronunciation of the placename.
SubNames subName none or many A list of two or more discrete placenames. Provided when the parent placename is composed of two more or more names that are conjoined, e.g. Rathgarvan or Clifden, or when part of the parent placename fulfils a qualifying or disambiguating role.


Indicates the research and approval status of a placename.

Property name Type Cardinality Description
ID integer one The acceptability status identifier.
TextEN string none or one An English-language label describing the acceptability status.
TextGA string none or one An Irish-language label describing the acceptability status.


Describes an audio file providing an indicative pronunciation of a placename.

Property name Type Cardinality Description
FileName string one The audio file name.
Uri string one The audio file URI.


A discrete name which may used in composing longer placenames.

Property name Type Cardinality Description
Text string one The text of the name.
Disambiguates boolean one If true, this name provides some form of disambiguation in respect of the parent placename. A disambiguating subName might, for example, distinguish the parent placename from other, similar names.


Summary information regarding a particular place.

Property name Type Cardinality Description
ID integer one The place identifier.
NameEN string none or one The English-language placename.
NameGA string none or one The Irish-language placename.
Category category none or one The place category.


Expresses a geographical location in terms of latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates.

Property name Type Cardinality Description
Accurate boolean one Indicates whether the coordinates are believed to be precise. Inaccurate coordinates are those that have been obtained by extrapolation from neighbouring places.
Coordinates coordinates one or many One or more pairs of latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates. Most places are represented by a single pair of coordinates. However, certain geographical features, such as rivers or islands, in particular, may have two or more pairs.


Represents a pair of geographic coordinates.

Property name Type Cardinality Description
Latitude double one The latitudinal coordinate.
Longitude double one The longitudinal coordinate.


Expresses a geographical location in terms of Irish Grid Reference System coordinates.

Property name Type Cardinality Description
Square string one Specifies the grid square.
Easting long none or one Specifies the easting in the square.
Northing long none or one Specifies the northing in the square.


Describes a property of a particular place.

Property name Type Cardinality Description
Extent string one Specifies the extent to which the property applies to a particular place. If all, the property applies to the whole place. If part, the property only applies to some of the place.


Describes a scanned record from the Placenames Branch archive.

Property name Type Cardinality Description
FileName string one The image file name.
LabelEN string none or one An English-language description of the image category, if known.
LabelGA string none or one An Irish-language description of the image category, if known.
Uri string one The image URI.


Describes a toponomy resource available on

Property name Type Cardinality Description
ID integer one The resource identifier.
TypeID string one Identifies the resource type.
TitleEN string none or one The resource's English-language title.
TitleGA string none or one The resource's Irish-language title.
PageReference string none or one Specifies the page or pages within the resource associated with a particular place, if applicable.
Supplier supplier none or one Metadata regarding the publisher/supplier of the resource.


This possible values of the TypeID property are as follows:

Value Description
jpg A JPEG image.
pdf A PDF document.
zip A ZIP file.


Metadata regarding the publisher/supplier of a toponmy resource.

Property name Type Cardinality Description
ID integer one The supplier identifier.
NameEN string none or one The supplier's English-language name.
NameGA string none or one The supplier's Irish-language name.


Provides a link to related data in an external resource.

Property name Type Cardinality Description
Type string one The external resource type. External resources include OSI, Placenames Northern Ireland, Wikipedia, Geonames, etc.
Target string one The link target. This may be a URI, URL, or other identifier, depending on the resource type.


This possible values of the link type property are as follows:

Value Description
Geonames The link is a URL for a Geonames entry.
Osi The link is an Ordnance Survey Ireland resource identifier.
PlacenamesNi The link is a Placenames Northern Ireland resource identifier.
WikipediaEn The link is a URL for an English-language Wikipedia entry.
WikipediaGa The link is a URL for an Irish-language Wikipedia entry.


Provides links to biographical data from for any persons born in a particular place.

Property name Type Cardinality Description
ID integer one The biography's identifier.
Title string one The biography title.
Uri string one The URI for the biography.


Provides a link to folkloric data from dú associated with a particular place.

Property name Type Cardinality Description
Type string one The external resource type. At present this will always describe resources from the Dúchas project.
UriEN string one The URI for the folkloric data resource (English-language interface).
UriGA string one The URI for the folkloric data resource (Irish-language interface).


Specifies a co-reference to a particular place in data sets other than the Placenames Database of Ireland. Consistent with OWL Web Ontology SameAs definition.

Property name Type Cardinality Description
Uri string one The URI of the external resource.


Describes a place category. Categories encompass both administrative units and geographical features. One or more categories may be returned as part of a place object or a reference list of category objects may be obtained from the appropriate API endpoint.

Property name Type Cardinality Description
ID string one The category identifier.
NameEN string none or one The English-language category name.
NameGA string none or one The Irish-language category name.
NamePluralEN string none or one The English-language category name plural form.
NamePluralGA string none or one The Irish-language category name plural form.
Count integer none or one The number of placenames associated with this category, if known.


Describes a set of related words commonly found in Irish placenames. One or more glossary entries may be returned as part of a place object or a reference list of glossary objects may be obtained from the appropriate API endpoint.

Property name Type Cardinality Description
ID integer one The glossary entry identifier.
Headword string one The glossary entry headword.
Translation string none or one An English-language translation of the glossary headword.
Forms string none or one or many Alternate spellings of the glossary headword.
Count integer none or one The number of placenames associated with this glossary entry, if known.