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This documentation was formatted to create the crts-manual.pdf file using Doxygen which doesn't translate super neatly to the github page.

Please see the crts-manual.pdf in this repo for the complete CRTS documentation


About {#About}

The Cognitive Radio Test System (CRTS) provides a flexible framework for over the air test and evaluation of cognitive radio (CR) networks. Users can rapidly define new testing scenarios involving a large number of CR's and interferers while customizing the behavior of each node individually. Execution of these scenarios is simple and the results can be quickly visualized using octave/matlab logs that are kept throughout the experiment.

CRTS evaluates the performance of CR networks by generating network layer traffic at each CR node and logging metrics based on the received packets. Each CR node will create a virtual network interface so that CRTS can treat it as a standard network device. Part of the motivation for this is to enable development of upper layer protocols. The CR object/process can be anything with such an interface. We are currently working on examples of this in standard SDR frameworks e.g. GNU Radio. A block diagram depicting the test process run on a CR node by CRTS is depicted below. \image latex Cognitive_Radio_Test_Process_Block_Diagram.eps "Cogntive Radio Test Process" width=12cm

In addition to this CR test framework, a particular CR has been developed with the goal of providing a flexible, generic structure to enable rapid development and evaluation of cognitive engine (CE) algorithms. This CR has been named the Extensible Cognitive Radio (ECR). The basic idea of the ECR is rather simple, a CE is fed data and metrics relating to the current operating point of the radio. It can then make decisions and exert control over the radio to improve its performance. A block diagram of the ECR is shown below. \image latex Extensible_Cognitive_Radio_Block_Diagram.eps "The Extensible Cognitive Radio" width=12cm

The ECR uses the
OFDM Frame Generator of liquid-dsp and uses an Ettus Univeral Software Radio Peripheral (USRP).

CRTS is being developed using the CORNET testbed under Virginia Tech's Wireless@VT Research Group.

Installation {#Installation}

Dependencies {#Dependencies}

CRTS is being developed on Ubuntu 14.04 but should be compatible with most Linux distributions. To compile and run CRTS and the ECR, your system will need the following packages. If a version is indicated, then it is recommended because it is being used in CRTS development.

CRTS also relies on each node having network synchronized clocks. On CORNET this is accomplished with Network Time Protocol (NTP). Precision Time Protocol (PTP) would work as well.

Note to CORNET users: These dependencies are already installed for you on all CORNET nodes. You will still need to download the CRTS source repository and compile it however.

##Downloading and Configuring CRTS {#Downloading_and_Configuring_CRTS} Official releases of CRTS can be downloaded from the Releases Page while the latest development version is available on the main Git Page.

Note that because using CRTS involves actively writing and compiling cognitive engine code, it is not installed like traditional software.

Latest Development Version

  1. Download the git repository:

     $ git clone
  2. Move into the main source tree:

     $ cd crts/
  3. Compile the code with:

     $ make
  4. Then configure the system to allow certain networking commands without a password (CORNET users should skip this step):

     $ sudo make install

The last step should only ever need to be run once. It configures the system to allow all users to run certain very specific networking commands which are necessary for CRTS. They are required because CRTS creates and tears down a virtual network interface upon each run. The commands may be found in the .crts_sudoers file.

To undo these changes, simply run:

$ sudo make uninstall

An Overview {#An_Overview}

CRTS is designed to run on a local network of machines, each with their own dedicated USRP. A single node, the crts_controller, will automatically launch each radio node for a given scenario and communicate with it as the scenario progresses.

Each radio node in a test scenario could be

  1. A member of a CR network (controlled by crts_cognitive_radio) or
  2. An interfering node (controlled by crts_interferer), generating particular noise or interference patterns against which the CR nodes must operate.

In the next sections we provide an overview of the high level components used by CRTS to enable flexible, scalable testing of CR's. If this is your first time using CRTS, we recommend that you take the time to run through the tutorials.

Scenarios {#Scenarios}

The crts_controller will run the tests specified by a scenario master configuration file. The default configuration file is scenario_master_template.cfg. A different configuration file may be used by providing a -f option to crts_controller. The configuration file specifies the number of scenarios to be run, their names, and the number of times each scenario will be run which can be specified once for all scenarios, or for each individual scenario. If both methods are used, the number provided for the specific scenario will take precedence. Syntax for specifying these parameters must align with the provided configuration files.

If you just want to run a single scenario, you may simply provide a -s argument to crts_controller to avoid having to edit a configuration file.

Scenarios are defined by configuration files in the scenarios/ directory. Each of these files will specify the number of nodes in the experiment and the duration of the experiment. Each node will have additional parameters that must be specified. These parameters include but are not limited to:

  • The node's type: cognitive radio or interferer.
  • The node's local IP address.
  • If it is a CR node, it further defines:
    • The type of the CR (e.g. if it uses the ECR or some external CR).
    • The node's virtual IP address in the CR network.
    • The virtual IP address of the node it initially communicates with.
    • The network traffic pattern (stream, burst, or Poisson)
    • If the CR node uses the ECR, it will also specify:
      • Which cognitive engine to use.
      • The initial configuration of the CR.
      • What logs should be kept during the experiment.
  • If it is an interferer node, it further defines:
    • The type of interference (e.g. OFDM, GMSK, RRC, etc.).
    • The paremeters of the interferer's operation.
    • What type of data should be logged.

In some cases a user may not care about a particular setting e.g. the forward error correcting scheme. In this case, the setting may be neglected in the configuration file and the default setting will be used.

We've provided a number of scenario files useful for orientation to CRTS and for software testing and performance testing of the radios

Scenario Controllers {#Scenario_Controllers}

Scenario controllers provide a centralized and customizable way to receive feedback and exert control over a scenario's operation in real time. A simple API can be used to enable or disable specific types of feedback from each node involved in the scenario, receive said feedback, and even directly control the scenario test parameters e.g. the network throughput as well as the operating parameters of the radio e.g. its transmit power.

We have found several significant use cases for this functionality. It provides a nice way to automate performance testing of the radios, it provides an easy way to create dynamic test conditions such as network loads, and it creates a central hub through which other applications can interface e.g. CORNET 3D can now be used to visualize tests as they happen and allows for human control of the radios which can be useful for tutorials.

The behavior of the scenario controller is defined by two functions. The initialize node feedback function is called at the beginning of the scenario so that feedback can be setup once since this will often be a static setting. The execute function implements the behavior of the scenario controller. It is triggered whenever feedback is received or after a certain period of time has passed, specified by the sc_timeout_ms parameter in scenario config files.

To make a new scenario controller a user needs to define a new scenario controller subclass. The SC_Template.cpp and SC_Template.hpp can be used as a guide in terms of the structure and API. Once the SC has been defined it can be integrated into CRTS by running $ ./config_scenario_controllers and $ make in the top directory.

Note: the node number scheme used by the scenario controller's API matches that of the scenario configuration files i.e. numbering starts at 1.

The Extensible Cognitive Radio {#The_Extensible_Cognitive_Radio}

As mentioned above, the ECR uses an OFDM based waveform defined by liquid-dsp. The cognitive engine will be able to control the parameters of this waveform such as the number of subcarriers, subcarrier allocation, cyclic prefix length, modulation scheme, and more. The cognitive engine will also be able to control the settings of the RF front-end USRP including its gains, sampling rate, center frequency, and digital mixing frequency. See the code documentation for more details.

Currently the ECR does not support much in the way of MAC layer functionality, e.g. there is no ARQ or packet segmentation/concatenation. This is planned for future development.

Cognitive Engines in the ECR {#Cognitive_Engines_in_the_ECR}

The Extensible Cognitive Radio provides an easy way to implement cognitive engines. This is accomplished through inheritance i.e. a particular cognitive engine can be implemented as a subclass of the cognitive engine base class and seamlessly integrated with the ECR. The general structure is such that the cognitive engine has access to any information related to the operation of the ECR via get() function calls as well as metrics passed from the receiver DSP. It can then control any of the operating parameters of the radio using set() function calls defined for the ECR.

The cognitive engine is defined by an execute function which can be triggered by several events. The engine will need to respond accordingly depending on the type of event that occurred. The event types include the reception of a physical layer frame, a timeout, USRP overflows and underruns, and transmission complete events.

To make a new cognitive engine a user needs to define a new cognitive engine subclass. The CE_Template.cpp and CE_Template.hpp can be used as a guide in terms of the structure, and some of the other examples show how the CE can interact with the ECR. Once the CE has been defined it can be integrated into CRTS by running $ ./config_cognitive_engines and $ make in the top directory.

Other source files in the cognitive_engine directory will be automatically linked into the build process. This way you can define other classes that your CE could instantiate.

A couple of notes on syntax for cognitive engines:

  • The header and source files of a cognitive engine must reside in a directory which names the cognitive engine.
  • The name of the directoy, the header and source files, and the class itself must all match.
  • The name used must begin with CE_
  • The header must be a .hpp file and the source must be a .cpp file
  • Other sources used can be .c, .cc, or .cpp files

If you just copy the CE_Template directory and replace Template with your desired name, everything should work out.

Installed libraries can also be used by a CE. For this to work you'll need to manually edit the makefile by adding the library to the variable LIBS which is located at the top of the makefile and defines a list of all libraries being linked in the final compilation.

Examples of cognitive engines are provided in the cognitive_engines/ directory.

Exchanging control information using between two ECR's

Most likely your radios will need to exchange some control information over the air to adapt effectively to channel and interference conditions. The ECR provides two possible ways to exchange such information.

The first method is to call the ECR.transmit_control_frame() function. This will transmit a dedicated control frame which allows you to send arbitrarily large amounts of control information using its payload. You can check for control frames in the receiving cognitive engine, and process it whenever one is found.

The alternative is to call the ECR.set_control_information() function at the transmitter and the ECR.get_control_information() at the receiver. This allows you to send 6 bytes of control information in the header of the next data frame. This way your data flow is not interrupted.

The tradeoffs between these two methods include the following. A dedicated control frame can support more control information. A dedicated control frame can have lower latency assuming its payload is smaller than the payload of a data frame (a combination of the two methods can be used, allowing you to transfer 6 bytes of control information with a payload of 0 bytes for example). For small amounts of control information that can afford slightly higher latency, using the control information of a data frame will be more efficient.

Cognitive Radios in Python {#Cognitive_Radios_in_Python}

Along with cognitive engines defined by the ECR, CRTS also supports cognitive radios written in python. An example of a very simple python cognitive radio can be found in cognitive_radios/ When using a python radio, the scenario file must specify the cr_type ("python") and a python_file ( in the example scenario). The python file must be in the top-level cognitive_radios folder. In addition, you can supply arguments to pass to your radio by using the arguments field. An example scenario file for a python radio can be found in scenarios/example_scenarios/python_flowgraph_example.cfg.

Interferers {#Interferers}

The testing scenarios for CRTS may involve generic interferers. There are a number of parameters that can be set to define the behavior of these interferers. They may generate CW, GMSK, RRC, OFDM, or AWGN waveforms. Their behavior can be defined in terms of when they turn off and on by the period and duty cycle settings, and there frequency behavior can be defined based on its type, range, dwell time, and increment.

Logs and Basic Result Analysis {#Logs_and_Basic_Result_Analysis}

There are a number of log types that may be kept during the execution of CRTS. These logs are written as binary files in the /logs/bin directory to reduce overhead, and are automatically converted to Octave/Matlab scripts and placed in the /logs/octave
directory after each scenario has finished. These scripts provide the user with an easy way to import data from experiments. Other scripts can then be written to analyze the test results. We've provided some basic scripts to plot the contents of the logs as a function of time and display some basic statistics.

Summary logs

This log type will contain summary information from a batch of test scenarios that were launched using a single scenario master configuration file. The log is kept if the parameter octave_log_summary is set to 1 in the scenario master configuration file.

You can use the statistics_tool.m script to look at statistics over the set of tests that were run in a number of dimensions.

CRTS packet logs

CRTS will log packet transmission and reception details at the network layer if the appropriate flags are set in the scenario configuration file. Each entry will include the number of bytes sent or received, the packet number, and a timestamp. These may be used to look at network layer metrics such as dropped packets or latency. Note that latency calculations can only be as accurate as the synchronization between the server nodes.

Sysout logs

When CRTS is run in automatic mode, the print statements that would show up for each node in manual mode are redirected to log files in /logs/sysout.

ECR logs

The ECR will also log frame transmission and reception parameters and metrics at the physical layer if the appropriate flags are set in the scenario configuration file.

In the case where a scenario is run more than once (using the scenario_reps field in the master_scenario_file.cfg), the data from all repetitions will be held in a single Octave script. Rather than a single array for each parameter there will be a cell array for each parameter, each element of the cell array is an array which comprises the results from a particular repetition. This is done to facilitate analysis across the repetitions.

Debug {#Debug}

In the event that you experience issues running CRTS there are some simple things you can try to help you debug. The first is reading the sysout logs if you've been running CRTS in automatic mode. The main processes/classes in CRTS also have a debug compile time option at the top of the source files. Setting this to 1 will provide additional information to be printed out which may help you identify the issue.

Physical Layer Performance Evaluation {#Physical_Layer_Performance_Evaluation}

Although the main purpose of CRTS is to facilitate cognitive engine test and development, it can also be useful to look at the radios physical layer performance in different operating regimes. The SC_Performance_Sweep scenario controller was written to address this need. You can very easily create a new sweep configuration to look at a particular parameter or set of parameters. The radio's performance will be output to a CSV file in logs/csv/. Below are several examples of performance curves obtained using this scenarios controller.

\image latex CRTS_Throughput_vs_Tx_Gain.png "Throughput vs. Tx Gain" width=12cm

\image latex CRTS_EVM_vs_Tx_Gain.png "EVM vs. Tx Gain" width=12cm

\image latex CRTS_PER_vs_Estimated_EVM.png "PER vs. Estimated EVM" width=12cm

Notes to Developers {#Notes_to_Developers}

When this project was first started there weren't any specific coding styles or practices that were strictly followed. As the project has grown and with more people working with the code, it's become more important to make it readable to a general audience. To that end, the following list of coding style should be followed as much as possible. These rules are fairly common, and were taken directly from Google's coding style guide.

Naming Conventions {#Naming_Conventions}

More explicit names are preferred over short names that make it more difficult to grasp the purpose of the variable.

All directories and files should be named using all lowercase letters with underscores between words e.g. an_example_file.cpp.

General purpose variables should be named using all lowercase letters with underscores between words e.g. an_example_variable.

Defined constants should be named with all capital letters and underscores between words e.g. AN_EXAMPLE_DEFINED_CONSTANT.

Classes should be named with capital first letters and no underscores between words e.g. AnExampleClass.

Exceptions to the above rules include the scenario controller and cognitive engine subclasses. This is because the directory/file names need to match the class names. We therefore use the convention of naming them with the required SC or CE prefix followed by the unique name which uses capital first letters and underscores between words e.g. CE_An_Example_Cognitive_Engine.cpp.

Formatting {#Formatting}

We try to stick to LLVM style formatting to keep things consistent. If you are unfamiliar it's pretty easy to run clang-format which will take care of this for you.

Regardless, it'd probably be best if you set the preferences of your editor to insert 2 spaces for each tab. This will keep whitespace consistent for everyone. No one likes opening up a file and having things shifted all over the place.