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1993 lines (1993 loc) · 71.5 KB
category / JsonWireProtocol method wd methods
GET /status
Query the server's current status.
status(cb) -> cb(err, status)
POST /session
Create a new session.
init(desired, cb) -> cb(err, sessionID, capabilities)
Initialize the browser. capabilities return may be
absent, depending on driver.
GET /sessions
Returns a list of the currently active sessions.

sessions(cb) -> cb(err, sessions)

Alternate strategy to get session capabilities from server session list:
altSessionCapabilities(cb) -> cb(err, capabilities)

GET /session/:sessionId
Retrieve the capabilities of the specified session.
sessionCapabilities(cb) -> cb(err, capabilities)
DELETE /session/:sessionId
Delete the session.
quit(cb) -> cb(err)
Destroy the browser.
POST /session/:sessionId/timeouts
Configure the amount of time that a particular type of operation can execute for before they are aborted and a |Timeout| error is returned to the client.

setPageLoadTimeout(ms, cb) -> cb(err)
(use setImplicitWaitTimeout and setAsyncScriptTimeout to set the other timeouts)

setCommandTimeout(ms, cb) -> cb(err)
(this is for Appium only)

POST /session/:sessionId/timeouts/async_script
Set the amount of time, in milliseconds, that asynchronous scripts executed by /session/:sessionId/execute_async are permitted to run before they are aborted and a |Timeout| error is returned to the client.
setAsyncScriptTimeout(ms, cb) -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/timeouts/implicit_wait
Set the amount of time the driver should wait when searching for elements.
setImplicitWaitTimeout(ms, cb) -> cb(err)
GET /session/:sessionId/window_handle
Retrieve the current window handle.
windowHandle(cb) -> cb(err, handle)
GET /session/:sessionId/window_handles
Retrieve the list of all window handles available to the session.
windowHandles(cb) -> cb(err, arrayOfHandles)
GET /session/:sessionId/url
Retrieve the URL of the current page.
url(cb) -> cb(err, url)
POST /session/:sessionId/url
Navigate to a new URL.
get(url,cb) -> cb(err)
Get a new url.
POST /session/:sessionId/forward
Navigate forwards in the browser history, if possible.
forward(cb) -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/back
Navigate backwards in the browser history, if possible.
back(cb) -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/refresh
Refresh the current page.
refresh(cb) -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/execute
Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for execution in the context of the currently selected frame.

execute(code, args, cb) -> cb(err, result)
execute(code, cb) -> cb(err, result)
args: script argument array (optional)

Safely execute script within an eval block, always returning:
safeExecute(code, args, cb) -> cb(err, result)
safeExecute(code, cb) -> cb(err, result)
args: script argument array (optional)

Evaluate expression (using execute):
eval(code, cb) -> cb(err, value)

Safely evaluate expression, always returning (using safeExecute):
safeEval(code, cb) -> cb(err, value)

POST /session/:sessionId/execute_async
Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for execution in the context of the currently selected frame.

executeAsync(code, args, cb) -> cb(err, result)
executeAsync(code, cb) -> cb(err, result)
args: script argument array (optional)

Safely execute async script within an eval block, always returning:
safeExecuteAsync(code, args, cb) -> cb(err, result)
safeExecuteAsync(code, cb) -> cb(err, result)
args: script argument array (optional)

GET /session/:sessionId/screenshot
Take a screenshot of the current page.
takeScreenshot(cb) -> cb(err, screenshot)
GET /session/:sessionId/ime/available_engines
List all available engines on the machine.
availableIMEEngines(cb) -> cb(err, engines)
GET /session/:sessionId/ime/active_engine
Get the name of the active IME engine.
activeIMEEngine(cb) -> cb(err, activeEngine)
GET /session/:sessionId/ime/activated
Indicates whether IME input is active at the moment (not if it's available).
activatedIMEEngine(cb) -> cb(err, active)
POST /session/:sessionId/ime/deactivate
De-activates the currently-active IME engine.
deactivateIMEEngine(cb) -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/ime/activate
Make an engines that is available (appears on the listreturned by getAvailableEngines) active.
activateIMEEngine(cb, engine) -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/frame
Change focus to another frame on the page.
frame(frameRef, cb) -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/window
Change focus to another window.
window(name, cb) -> cb(err)
DELETE /session/:sessionId/window
Close the current window.
close(cb) -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/window/:windowHandle/size
Change the size of the specified window.

windowSize(handle, width, height, cb) -> cb(err)

setWindowSize(width, height, handle, cb) -> cb(err)
setWindowSize(width, height, cb) -> cb(err)
width: width in pixels to set size to
height: height in pixels to set size to
handle: window handle to set size for (optional, default: 'current')

GET /session/:sessionId/window/:windowHandle/size
Get the size of the specified window.
getWindowSize(handle, cb) -> cb(err, size)
getWindowSize(cb) -> cb(err, size)
handle: window handle to get size (optional, default: 'current')
POST /session/:sessionId/window/:windowHandle/position
Change the position of the specified window.
setWindowPosition(x, y, handle, cb) -> cb(err)
setWindowPosition(x, y, cb) -> cb(err)
x: the x-coordinate in pixels to set the window position
y: the y-coordinate in pixels to set the window position
handle: window handle to set position for (optional, default: 'current')
GET /session/:sessionId/window/:windowHandle/position
Get the position of the specified window.
getWindowPosition(handle, cb) -> cb(err, position)
getWindowPosition(cb) -> cb(err, position)
handle: window handle to get position (optional, default: 'current')
POST /session/:sessionId/window/:windowHandle/maximize
Maximize the specified window if not already maximized.
maximize(handle, cb) -> cb(err)
GET /session/:sessionId/cookie
Retrieve all cookies visible to the current page.
allCookies() -> cb(err, cookies)
POST /session/:sessionId/cookie
Set a cookie.
setCookie(cookie, cb) -> cb(err)
cookie example:
{name:'fruit', value:'apple'}
Optional cookie fields:
path, domain, secure, expiry
DELETE /session/:sessionId/cookie
Delete all cookies visible to the current page.
deleteAllCookies(cb) -> cb(err)
DELETE /session/:sessionId/cookie/:name
Delete the cookie with the given name.
deleteCookie(name, cb) -> cb(err)
GET /session/:sessionId/source
Get the current page source.
source(cb) -> cb(err, source)
GET /session/:sessionId/title
Get the current page title.
title(cb) -> cb(err, title)
POST /session/:sessionId/element
Search for an element on the page, starting from the document root.

element(using, value, cb) -> cb(err, element)

elementByClassName(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByCssSelector(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementById(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByName(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByLinkText(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByPartialLinkText(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByTagName(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByXPath(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByCss(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByIosUIAutomation(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByIosClassChain(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByAndroidUIAutomator(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByAccessibilityId(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)

POST /session/:sessionId/elements
Search for multiple elements on the page, starting from the document root.

elements(using, value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)

elementsByClassName(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
elementsByCssSelector(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
elementsById(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
elementsByName(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
elementsByLinkText(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
elementsByPartialLinkText(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
elementsByTagName(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
elementsByXPath(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
elementsByCss(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
elementsByIosUIAutomation(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
elementsByIosClassChain(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
elementsByIosPredicateString(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
elementsByAndroidUIAutomator(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
elementsByAccessibilityId(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)

Retrieve an element avoiding not found exception and returning null instead:
elementOrNull(using, value, cb) -> cb(err, element)

elementByClassNameOrNull(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByCssSelectorOrNull(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByIdOrNull(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByNameOrNull(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByLinkTextOrNull(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByPartialLinkTextOrNull(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByTagNameOrNull(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByXPathOrNull(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByCssOrNull(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByIosUIAutomationOrNull(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByIosClassChainOrNull(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByIosPredicateStringOrNull(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByAndroidUIAutomatorOrNull(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByAccessibilityIdOrNull(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)

Retrieve an element avoiding not found exception and returning undefined instead:
elementIfExists(using, value, cb) -> cb(err, element)

elementByClassNameIfExists(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByCssSelectorIfExists(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByIdIfExists(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByNameIfExists(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByLinkTextIfExists(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByPartialLinkTextIfExists(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByTagNameIfExists(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByXPathIfExists(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByCssIfExists(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByIosUIAutomationIfExists(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByIosClassChainIfExists(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByIosPredicateStringIfExists(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByAndroidUIAutomatorIfExists(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByAccessibilityIdIfExists(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)

Check if element exists:
hasElement(using, value, cb) -> cb(err, boolean)

hasElementByClassName(value, cb) -> cb(err, boolean)
hasElementByCssSelector(value, cb) -> cb(err, boolean)
hasElementById(value, cb) -> cb(err, boolean)
hasElementByName(value, cb) -> cb(err, boolean)
hasElementByLinkText(value, cb) -> cb(err, boolean)
hasElementByPartialLinkText(value, cb) -> cb(err, boolean)
hasElementByTagName(value, cb) -> cb(err, boolean)
hasElementByXPath(value, cb) -> cb(err, boolean)
hasElementByCss(value, cb) -> cb(err, boolean)
hasElementByIosUIAutomation(value, cb) -> cb(err, boolean)
hasElementByIosClassChain(value, cb) -> cb(err, boolean)
hasElementByIosPredicateString(value, cb) -> cb(err, boolean)
hasElementByAndroidUIAutomator(value, cb) -> cb(err, boolean)
hasElementByAccessibilityId(value, cb) -> cb(err, boolean)

POST /session/:sessionId/element/active
Get the element on the page that currently has focus.
active(cb) -> cb(err, element)
POST /session/:sessionId/element/:id/element
Search for an element on the page, starting from the identified element.

element.element(using, value, cb) -> cb(err, element)

element.elementByClassName(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
element.elementByCssSelector(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
element.elementById(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
element.elementByName(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
element.elementByLinkText(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
element.elementByPartialLinkText(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
element.elementByTagName(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
element.elementByXPath(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
element.elementByCss(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
element.elementByIosUIAutomation(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
element.elementByIosClassChain(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
element.elementByIosPredicateString(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
element.elementByAndroidUIAutomator(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
element.elementByAccessibilityId(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)

POST /session/:sessionId/element/:id/elements
Search for multiple elements on the page, starting from the identified element.

element.elements(using, value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)

element.elementsByClassName(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
element.elementsByCssSelector(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
element.elementsById(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
element.elementsByName(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
element.elementsByLinkText(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
element.elementsByPartialLinkText(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
element.elementsByTagName(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
element.elementsByXPath(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
element.elementsByCss(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
element.elementsByIosUIAUtomation(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
element.elementsByIosClassChain(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
element.elementsByIosPredicateString(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
element.elementsByAndroidUIAutomator(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
element.elementsByAccessibilityId(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)

POST /session/:sessionId/element/:id/click
Click on an element.

clickElement(element, cb) -> cb(err) -> cb(err)

POST /session/:sessionId/element/:id/submit
Submit a FORM element.

submit(element, cb) -> cb(err)
Submit a `FORM` element.

element.submit(cb) -> cb(err)

GET /session/:sessionId/element/:id/text
Returns the visible text for the element.

text(element, cb) -> cb(err, text)
element: specific element, 'body', or undefined

element.text(cb) -> cb(err, text)

Check if text is present:
textPresent(searchText, element, cb) -> cb(err, boolean)
element: specific element, 'body', or undefined

element.textPresent(searchText, cb) -> cb(err, boolean)

POST /session/:sessionId/element/:id/value
Send a sequence of key strokes to an element.

type(element, keys, cb) -> cb(err)
Type keys (all keys are up at the end of command).
special key map: wd.SPECIAL_KEYS (see lib/special-keys.js)

element.type(keys, cb) -> cb(err)

element.keys(keys, cb) -> cb(err)

POST /session/:sessionId/keys
Send a sequence of key strokes to the active element.
keys(keys, cb) -> cb(err)
Press keys (keys may still be down at the end of command).
special key map: wd.SPECIAL_KEYS (see lib/special-keys.js)
GET /session/:sessionId/element/:id/name
Query for an element's tag name.

getTagName(element, cb) -> cb(err, name)

element.getTagName(cb) -> cb(err, name)

POST /session/:sessionId/element/:id/clear
Clear a TEXTAREA or text INPUT element's value.

clear(element, cb) -> cb(err)

element.clear(cb) -> cb(err)

GET /session/:sessionId/element/:id/selected
Determine if an OPTION element, or an INPUT element of type checkbox or radiobutton is currently selected.

isSelected(element, cb) -> cb(err, selected)

element.isSelected(cb) -> cb(err, selected)

GET /session/:sessionId/element/:id/enabled
Determine if an element is currently enabled.

isEnabled(element, cb) -> cb(err, enabled)

element.isEnabled(cb) -> cb(err, enabled)

GET /session/:sessionId/element/:id/attribute/:name
Get the value of an element's attribute.

getAttribute(element, attrName, cb) -> cb(err, value)

element.getAttribute(attrName, cb) -> cb(err, value)

Get element value (in value attribute):
getValue(element, cb) -> cb(err, value)

element.getValue(cb) -> cb(err, value)

GET /session/:sessionId/element/:id/equals/:other
Test if two element IDs refer to the same DOM element.

element.equals(other, cb) -> cb(err, value)

equalsElement(element, other , cb) -> cb(err, value)

GET /session/:sessionId/element/:id/displayed
Determine if an element is currently displayed.

isDisplayed(element, cb) -> cb(err, displayed)

element.isDisplayed(cb) -> cb(err, displayed)

GET /session/:sessionId/element/:id/location
Determine an element's location on the page.

getLocation(element, cb) -> cb(err, location)

element.getLocation(cb) -> cb(err, location)

element.getLocationInView(cb) -> cb(err, location)

GET /session/:sessionId/element/:id/location_in_view
Determine an element's location on the screen once it has been scrolled into view.
getLocationInView(element, cb) -> cb(err, location)
GET /session/:sessionId/element/:id/size
Determine an element's size in pixels.

getSize(element, cb) -> cb(err, size)

element.getSize(cb) -> cb(err, size)

GET /session/:sessionId/element/:id/css/:propertyName
Query the value of an element's computed CSS property.

getComputedCss(element, cssProperty , cb) -> cb(err, value)

element.getComputedCss(cssProperty , cb) -> cb(err, value)

GET /session/:sessionId/orientation
Get the current browser orientation.
getOrientation(cb) -> cb(err, orientation)
POST /session/:sessionId/orientation
Set the browser orientation.
setOrientation(orientation) -> cb(err)
GET /session/:sessionId/alert_text
Gets the text of the currently displayed JavaScript alert(), confirm(), or prompt() dialog.
alertText(cb) -> cb(err, text)
POST /session/:sessionId/alert_text
Sends keystrokes to a JavaScript prompt() dialog.
alertKeys(keys, cb) -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/accept_alert
Accepts the currently displayed alert dialog.
acceptAlert(cb) -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/dismiss_alert
Dismisses the currently displayed alert dialog.
dismissAlert(cb) -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/moveto
Move the mouse by an offset of the specificed element.

moveTo(element, xoffset, yoffset, cb) -> cb(err)
Move to element, element may be null, xoffset and y offset
are optional.

element.moveTo(xoffset, yoffset, cb) -> cb(err)
xoffset and y offset are optional.

POST /session/:sessionId/click
Click any mouse button (at the coordinates set by the last moveto command).
click(button, cb) -> cb(err)
Click on current element.
Buttons: {left: 0, middle: 1 , right: 2}
POST /session/:sessionId/buttondown
Click and hold the left mouse button (at the coordinates set by the last moveto command).
buttonDown(button ,cb) -> cb(err)
button is optional.
{LEFT = 0, MIDDLE = 1 , RIGHT = 2}.
LEFT if not specified.
POST /session/:sessionId/buttonup
Releases the mouse button previously held (where the mouse is currently at).
buttonUp(button, cb) -> cb(err)
button is optional.
{LEFT = 0, MIDDLE = 1 , RIGHT = 2}.
LEFT if not specified.
POST /session/:sessionId/doubleclick
Double-clicks at the current mouse coordinates (set by moveto).

doubleclick(cb) -> cb(err)

element.doubleClick(cb) -> cb(err)

POST /session/:sessionId/touch/click
Single tap on the touch enabled device.

tap(element) -> cb(err)
Taps element

element.tap(cb) -> cb(err)

POST /session/:sessionId/touch/flick
Flick on the touch screen using finger motion events.

flick(xSpeed, ySpeed, swipe, cb) -> cb(err)
Flicks, starting anywhere on the screen.
flick(element, xoffset, yoffset, speed, cb) -> cb(err)
Flicks, starting at element center.

element.flick(xoffset, yoffset, speed, cb) -> cb(err)

GET /session/:sessionId/location
Get the current geo location.
getGeoLocation(cb) -> cb(err, geoLocationObj)
POST /session/:sessionId/location
Set the current geo location.
setGeoLocation(lat, lon, alt, cb) -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/local_storage
Set the storage item for the given key.
setLocalStorageKey(key, value, cb) -> cb(err)
# uses safeExecute() due to localStorage bug in Selenium
DELETE /session/:sessionId/local_storage
Clear the storage.
clearLocalStorage(cb) -> cb(err)
# uses safeExecute() due to localStorage bug in Selenium
GET /session/:sessionId/local_storage/key/:key
Get the storage item for the given key.
getLocalStorageKey(key, cb) -> cb(err)
# uses safeEval() due to localStorage bug in Selenium
DELETE /session/:sessionId/local_storage/key/:key
Remove the storage item for the given key.
removeLocalStorageKey(key, cb) -> cb(err)
# uses safeExecute() due to localStorage bug in Selenium
POST /session/:sessionId/log
Get the log for a given log type.

log(logType, cb) -> cb(err, arrayOfLogs)

GET /session/:sessionId/log/types
Get available log types.
logTypes(cb) -> cb(err, arrayOfLogTypes)
GET /session/:sessionId/context
Get the current context (mjsonWire).
currentContext(cb) -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/context
Set the current context (mjsonWire).
context(contextRef, cb) -> cb(err, context)
GET /session/:sessionId/contexts
Get a list of the available contexts (mjsonWire).
contexts(cb) -> cb(err, handle)
POST /session/:sessionId/touch/perform
Perform touch action (mjsonWire).
performTouchAction(touchAction) -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/touch/multi/perform
Perform multitouch action (mjsonWire).

performMultiAction(element, multiAction) -> cb(err, touchStateObjects)
performMultiAction(multiAction) -> cb(err, touchStateObjects)

element.performMultiAction(actions) -> cb(err, touchStateObjects)

POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/shake
Shake device (mjsonWire).

shakeDevice(cb) -> cb(err)

shake(cb) -> cb(err)

POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/lock
Lock device (mjsonWire).

lockDevice(seconds, cb) -> cb(err)

lock(seconds, cb) -> cb(err)

unlockDevice(cb) -> cb(err)

unlock(cb) -> cb(err)

POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/keyevent
Send key event to device (DEPRECATED) (mjsonWire).

deviceKeyEvent(keycode, metastate, cb) -> cb(err)
metastate is optional. DEPRECATED: use pressKeycode instead.

pressDeviceKey(keycode, metastate, cb) -> cb(err)
metastate is optional. DEPRECATED: use pressKeycode instead.

POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/press_keycode
Send key event to device (mjsonWire).

pressKeycode(keycode, metastate, cb) -> cb(err)
metastate is optional.

POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/long_press_keycode
Press and hold a particular key code on the device (mjsonWire).

longPressKeycode(keycode, metastate, cb) -> cb(err)
metastate is optional.

POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/rotate
Rotate device (mjsonWire).

rotateDevice(element, opts, cb) -> cb(err)
rotateDevice(opts, cb) -> cb(err)
opts is like the following:
{x: 114, y: 198, duration: 5, radius: 3, rotation: 220, touchCount: 2}

rotate(element, opts, cb) -> cb(err)
rotate(opts, cb) -> cb(err)
opts is like the following:
{x: 114, y: 198, duration: 5, radius: 3, rotation: 220, touchCount: 2}

element.rotate(opts, cb) -> cb(err)
opts is like the following:
{x: 114, y: 198, duration: 5, radius: 3, rotation: 220, touchCount: 2}

GET /session/:sessionId/appium/device/current_activity
Get current activity (mjsonWire).

getCurrentDeviceActivity(cb) -> cb(err)

getCurrentActivity(cb) -> cb(err)

GET /session/:sessionId/appium/device/current_package
Get current package (mjsonWire).

getCurrentPackage(cb) -> cb(err)

POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/install_app
Install app (mjsonWire).

installAppOnDevice(appPath, cb) -> cb(err)

installApp(appPath, cb) -> cb(err)

POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/remove_app
Remove app (mjsonWire).

removeAppFromDevice(appId, cb) -> cb(err)

removeApp(appId, cb) -> cb(err)

POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/app_installed
Check if the app is installed (mjsonWire).

isAppInstalledOnDevice(bundleId, cb) -> cb(isInstalled, err)

isAppInstalled(bundleId, cb) -> cb(isInstalled, err)

POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/push_file
Push file to device (mjsonWire).

pushFileToDevice(pathOnDevice, base64Data, cb) -> cb(err)

pushFile(pathOnDevice, base64Data, cb) -> cb(err)

POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/pull_file
Pull file from device (mjsonWire).

pullFileFromDevice(pathOnDevice, cb) -> cb(base64EncodedData, err)

pullFile(pathOnDevice, cb) -> cb(base64EncodedData, err)

POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/pull_folder
Pull folder from device (mjsonWire).

pullFolderFromDevice(pathOnDevice, cb) -> cb(base64EncodedData, err)

pullFolder(pathOnDevice, cb) -> cb(base64EncodedData, err)

POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/toggle_airplane_mode
Toggle airplane mode (mjsonWire).

toggleAirplaneModeOnDevice(cb) -> cb(err)

toggleAirplaneMode(cb) -> cb(err)

toggleFlightMode(cb) -> cb(err)

POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/toggle_wifi
Toggle wifi (mjsonWire).

toggleWiFiOnDevice(cb) -> cb(err)

toggleWiFi(cb) -> cb(err)

POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/toggle_location_services
Toggle location services (mjsonWire).

toggleLocationServicesOnDevice(cb) -> cb(err)

toggleLocationServices(cb) -> cb(err)

POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/toggle_data
Toggle data (mjsonWire).

toggleDataOnDevice(cb) -> cb(err)

toggleData(cb) -> cb(err)

POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/start_activity
Start an Android activity (mjsonWire).
startActivity(options, cb) -> cb(err)
Start an arbitrary Android activity during a session. The 'options' parameter should
implement the interface {appPackage, appActivity, [appWaitPackage], [appWaitActivity]}.
POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/get_clipboard
Get the content of the system clipboard (mjsonWire).
getClipboard(contentType, cb) -> cb(err)
Return clipboard content as base64-encoded string or an empty string if the clipboard is empty
The type of the content to get: plaintext, image, url. Android supports only plaintext
POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/set_clipboard
Set the content of the system clipboard (mjsonWire).
setClipboard(content, contentType, cb) -> cb(err)
Content is the actual base64 encoded clipboard content
Supported content type: plaintext, image, url. Android supports only plaintext
POST /session/:sessionId/appium/app/launch
Launch app (mjsonWire).
launchApp(cb) -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/appium/app/close
Close app (mjsonWire).
closeApp(cb) -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/appium/app/reset
Reset app (mjsonWire).
resetApp(cb) -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/appium/app/background
Background app (mjsonWire).
backgroundApp(seconds, cb) -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/appium/app/end_test_coverage
End test coverage (mjsonWire).

endTestCoverageForApp(intentToBroadcast, pathOnDevice) -> cb(base64Data,err)

endTestCoverage(intentToBroadcast, pathOnDevice) -> cb(base64Data,err)

endCoverage(intentToBroadcast, pathOnDevice) -> cb(base64Data,err)

POST /session/:sessionId/appium/app/complex_find
Find within app (mjsonWire).

complexFindInApp(selector) -> cb(element(s))
Return a single element or an elements array depending on

complexFind(selector) -> cb(element(s))
Return a single element or an elements array depending on

POST /session/:sessionId/appium/app/strings
Retrieve app strings (mjsonWire).
getAppStrings(cb) -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/appium/element/:elementId?/value
Set element immediate value (mjsonWire).

setImmediateValueInApp(element, value, cb) -> cb(err)

setImmediateValue(element, value, cb) -> cb(err)

element.setImmediateValueInApp(value, cb) -> cb(err)

element.setImmediateValue(value, cb) -> cb(err)

GET /session/:sessionId/network_connection
Get appium selendroid network connection type (mjsonWire).
getNetworkConnection(cb) -> cb(err, networkConnectionInfo)
POST /session/:sessionId/network_connection
Set appium selendroid network connection type (mjsonWire).
setNetworkConnection(type, cb) -> cb(err)
GET /session/:sessionId/appium/device/is_keyboard_shown
Whether or not the soft keyboard is shown (mjsonWire).
isKeyboardShown() -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/hide_keyboard
Hide keyboard (mjsonWire).
hideKeyboard() -> cb(err)
hideKeyboard(keyName, cb) -> cb(err)
hideKeyboard({strategy: 'pressKey', key:'<key>'}) -> cb(err)
hideKeyboard({strategy: 'tapOutside'}) -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/open_notifications
Open Notifications (mjsonWire).
openNotifications(cb) -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/appium/performanceData/types
Get the types of system state which is supported like cpu, memory, network traffic, and battery (mjsonWire).
getSupportedPerformanceDataTypes(cb) -> cb(err)
POST /session/:sessionId/appium/getPerformanceData
Get the system state like cpu, memory, network traffic, and battery (mjsonWire).

getPerformanceData(packageName, dataType, dataReadTimeout, cb) -> cb(err)
dataReadTimeout is optional.

POST /session/:sessionId/appium/simulator/touch_id
TouchID (mjsonWire).
touchId(cb) -> cb(err)
extra attach(sessionID, cb) -> cb(err)
Connect to an already-active session.
extra detach(cb) -> cb(err)
Detach from the current session.
extra Retrieves the current session id.
getSessionId(cb) -> cb(err, sessionId)
extra Opens a new window (using Javascript
newWindow(url, name, cb) -> cb(err)
newWindow(url, cb) -> cb(err)
name: optional window name
Window can later be accessed by name with the window method,
or by getting the last handle returned by the windowHandles method.
extra windowName(cb) -> cb(err, name)
extra configureHttp(opts)
opts example:
{timeout:60000, retries: 3, 'retryDelay': 15, baseUrl=''}
more info in README.
extra waitFor(asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, return_value)
timeout and pollFreq are optional (default 1000ms/200ms)
waitFor(opts, cb) -> cb(err)
opts with the following fields: timeout, pollFreq, asserter.
asserter like: function(browser , cb) -> cb(err, satisfied, return_value)
extra waitForElement(using, value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, el)
waitForElement(using, value, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, el)
timeout and pollFreq are optional (default 1000ms/200ms)
waitForElement(using, value, opts, cb) -> cb(err, el)
opts with the following fields: timeout, pollFreq, asserter.
asserter like: function(element , cb) -> cb(err, satisfied, el)
extra waitForElements(using, value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, els)
waitForElements(using, value, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, els)
timeout and pollFreq are optional (default 1000ms/200ms)
waitForElements(using, value, opts, cb) -> cb(err, els)
opts with the following fields: timeout, pollFreq, asserter.
asserter like: function(element , cb) -> cb(err, satisfied, el)
extra saveScreenshot(path, cb) -> cb(err, filePath)
path maybe a full file path, a directory path (finishing with /),
the screenshot name, or left blank (will create a file in the system temp dir).
extra waitForElementByClassName(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, el)
waitForElementByCssSelector(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, el)
waitForElementById(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, el)
waitForElementByName(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, el)
waitForElementByLinkText(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, el)
waitForElementByPartialLinkText(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, el)
waitForElementByTagName(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, el)
waitForElementByXPath(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, el)
waitForElementByCss(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, el)
waitForElementByIosUIAutomation(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, el)
waitForElementByIosClassChain(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, el)
waitForElementByAndroidUIAutomator(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, el)
waitForElementByAccessibilityId(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, el)
asserter, timeout, pollFreq are optional, opts may be passed instead,
as in waitForElement.
extra waitForElementsByClassName(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, els)
waitForElementsByCssSelector(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, els)
waitForElementsById(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, els)
waitForElementsByName(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, els)
waitForElementsByLinkText(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, els)
waitForElementsByPartialLinkText(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, els)
waitForElementsByTagName(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, els)
waitForElementsByXPath(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, els)
waitForElementsByCss(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, els)
waitForElementsByIosUIAutomation(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, el)
waitForElementsByIosClassChain(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, el)
waitForElementsByAndroidUIAutomator(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, el)
waitForElementsByAccessibilityId(value, asserter, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, el)
asserter, timeout, pollFreq are optional, opts may be passed instead,
as in waitForElements.
extra Retrieves the pageIndex element (added for Appium):
getPageIndex(element, cb) -> cb(err, pageIndex)
extra Uploads a local file using undocumented
POST /session/:sessionId/file
uploadFile(filepath, cb) -> cb(err, filepath)
extra Waits for JavaScript condition to be true (async script polling within browser):
waitForConditionInBrowser(conditionExpr, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, boolean)
conditionExpr: condition expression, should return a boolean
timeout and pollFreq are optional, default: 1000/100.
return true if condition satisfied, error otherwise.
extra sauceJobUpdate(jsonData, cb) -> cb(err)
extra sauceJobStatus(hasPassed, cb) -> cb(err)
extra sleep(ms, cb) -> cb(err)
extra noop(cb) -> cb(err)
extra Equivalent to the python sendKeys binding. Upload file if
a local file is detected, otherwise behaves like type.
element.sendKeys(keys, cb) -> cb(err)
extra Equivalent to the python sendKeys binding, but replaces texts instead of keeping original. Upload file if
a local file is detected, otherwise behaves like type.
element.setText(keys, cb) -> cb(err)
extra isVisible(cb) -> cb(err, boolean)
extra element.sleep(ms, cb) -> cb(err)
extra element.noop(cb) -> cb(err)
asserter asserters.nonEmptyText
asserter asserters.textInclude(content) -> Asserter
asserter asserters.isVisible
asserter asserters.isHidden
asserter asserters.jsCondition(jsConditionExpr) -> Asserter
jsConditionExpr: js script expression, should evaluate as boolean.
wd wd.configureHttp(opts)
opts example:
{timeout:60000, retries: 3, 'retryDelay': 15, baseUrl=''}
more info in README.
wd wd.showHideDeprecation(boolean)
wd wd.addAsyncMethod(name, func)
wd wd.addElementAsyncMethod(name, func)
wd wd.addPromiseMethod(name, func)
wd wd.addElementPromiseMethod(name, func)
wd wd.addPromiseChainMethod(name, func)
wd wd.addElementPromiseChainMethod(name, func)
wd wd.removeMethod(name, func)
MISSING: POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/is_locked isLocked(cb) -> cb(err)
MISSING: GET /session/:sessionId/appium/settings settings(cb) -> cb(err, settingsObject)
MISSING: POST /session/:sessionId/appium/settings updateSettings(settingsObject, cb) -> cb(err)