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459 lines (339 loc) · 12.4 KB


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459 lines (339 loc) · 12.4 KB

phorkie - Git based pastebin

Self-hosted pastebin software written in PHP. Pastes are editable, may have multiple files and are stored in git repositories.

Homepage | Bug tracker | Git repository · GitHub mirror | News

  • every paste is a git repository
    • repositories can be cloned
    • clone url can be displayed
    • remote pastes can be forked (rel="vcs-git" and
    • single click forking of forks on different servers to your own
  • paste editing
    • add new files
    • delete existing files
    • replace file with upload
  • embedding of pastes in your blog (via JavaScript or oEmbed)
  • multiple files in one paste - option to edit single files in a multi-file paste
  • syntax highlighting with GeSHi
  • rST and Markdown rendering
  • image upload + display
  • OpenID authentication
  • external tool support
    • xmllint
    • php syntax check
  • history in the sidebar
    • old files can be downloaded easily
  • search across pastes: description, file names and file content
    • options: quoting, logical and, or, not, partial words
  • webhook support - get notified when pastes are created, edited or deleted
  • atom feed for new and updated pastes
  • notifies remote instances via linkbacks when a paste has been forked
  • text file detection for unknown file types

phorkie is released as self-contained .phar file that includes all dependencies, as well as a normal zip file.

See phorkie downloads page for all released versions.

Download phorkie-0.8.1.phar and put it in your web server's document root directory.

No further setup needed.


Only valid if your webserver is configured to let PHP handle .phar files.

Unfortunately, no Linux distribution has this activated by default. You can do it yourself, though - see Enable .phar handling in your web server.


PHP has some bugs in its .phar handling code (e.g. with FPM).

So currently, the .phar option is considered experimental.

  1. Unzip the phorkie release file:

    $ tar xjvf phorkie-0.8.1.tar.bz2
  2. Create the git directories:

    $ mkdir -p www/repos/git www/repos/work
    $ chmod og+w www/repos/git www/repos/work
  3. Install dependencies

  4. Copy data/config.php.dist to data/config.php and adjust it to your needs:

    $ cp data/config.php.dist data/config.php
    $ $EDITOR data/config.php

    Look at config.default.php for values that you may adjust.

  5. Set your web server's document root to /path/to/phorkie/www/ Alternatively, you can add a symlink to the www folder into your web server's existing document root tree (being careful to keep main phorkie folder outside the document root for security purposes) and ensure you set the baseurl config option appropriately. You must also set the RewriteBase in the .htaccess file or adjust the nginx configuration accordingly.

  6. Open http://yourhost/setup in your web browser to see if everything is working fine.

  7. Go to http://yourhost/

  8. If you like phorkie, send a mail to

phorkie stands on the shoulders of giants.

It requires the following programs to be installed on your machine:

  • Git v1.7.5 or later
  • PHP v8.0.0 or later
    • with the mbstring extension
  • A dozen of libraries

Use composer to install all dependencies:

$ composer install --no-dev

Note that the .phar package already contains all dependencies.

phorkie makes use of an Elasticsearch installation, if you have one.

It is used to provide search capabilities and the list of recent pastes.

Elasticsearch version 2.0 is supported.

You have to install the delete-by-query plugin:

$ cd /usr/share/elasticsearch
$ bin/plugin install delete-by-query

Edit config.php, setting the elasticsearch property to the HTTP URL of the index, e.g.


You must use a search namespace with Elasticsearch such as phorkie/. Run the index script to import all existing pastes into the index:

php scripts/index.php

That's all. Open phorkie in your browser, and you'll notice the search box in the top menu.

In case something really went wrong and you need to reset the search index, run the following command:

$ curl -XDELETE http://localhost:9200/phorkie/

Phorkie will automatically re-index everything when setupcheck is enabled in the configuration file.

You may also manually run the reindexing script with:

$ php scripts/index.php

By default, the pastes are clonable via http as long as the repos/git/ directory is within the www/ directory.

No further setup needed.

You may use git-daemon to provide public git:// clone urls. Install the git-daemon-run package on Debian/Ubuntu.

Make the repositories available by symlinking the paste repository directory ($GLOBALS['phorkie']['cfg']['repos'] setting) into /var/cache/git, e.g.:

$ ln -s /home/user/www/paste/repos/git /var/cache/git/paste

Edit your config.php and set the $GLOBALS['phorkie']['cfg']['git']['public'] setting to git://$yourhostname/git/paste/. The rest will be appended automatically.

You're on your own to setup writable repositories.

You have the option of enabling OpenID authentication to help secure your pastes on phorkie. Set the $GLOBALS['phorkie']['auth'] values in the data/config.php file as desired.

There are two different types of security you can apply. First, you can restrict to one of three securityLevels:

  • completely open (0)
  • protection of write-enabled functions such as add, edit, etc. (1)
  • full site protection (2)

Additionally, you can restrict your site to listedUsersOnly. You will need to add the individual OpenID urls to the $GLOBALS['phorkie']['auth']['users'] variable.

Phorkie stores the user's OpenID or IP address (when not logged in) when a paste is edited. It is possible to get this information for each single commit:

// IP / OpenID for the latest commit
$ git notes --ref=identity show

// show IP / OpenID for a given commit
$ git notes --ref=identity show 29f82a

Depending on how you use phorkie, it might be nice to notify some other service when pastes are added or updated. Phorkie contains a simply mechanism to post data to a given URL which you can then use as needed.

The data are json-encoded POSTed to the URLs contained in the $GLOBALS['phorkie']['cfg']['webhooks'] setting array, with a MIME type of application/vnd.phorkie.webhook+json:

    'event': 'create',
    'author': {
        'email': 'anonymous@phorkie',
    'repository': {
        'name': 'webhooktest',
        'url': '',
        'description': 'webhooktest',
        'owner': {
            'name': 'Anonymous',
            'email': 'anonymous@phorkie',

The event may be create, edit or delete.

Index page.
Display page for paste
Edit the paste
Edit a single file of the paste
JavaScript code that embeds the whole paste in a HTML page
JavaScript code that embeds a single file in a HTML page
Display raw file contents
Run a tool on the given file
Show specific revision of the paste
Delete the paste
Show DOAP document for paste
Create a fork of the paste
Search for term, with optional page
List all pastes, with optional page
Fork a remote URL
Show help page
Shows form for new paste
Login page for protecting site
Check if everything is setup correctly and all dependencies are installed
Edit logged-in user information
    1/ - work directory for paste #1
    2/ - work directory for paste #2
    1.git/ - git repository for paste #1
      description - Description for the repository
    2.git/ - git repository for paste #2

If you use nginx, place the following lines into your server block:

if (!-e $request_uri) {
  rewrite ^/([0-9]+)$ /display.php?id=$1;
  rewrite ^/([0-9]+)/delete$ /delete.php?id=$1;
  rewrite ^/([0-9]+)/delete/confirm$ /delete.php?id=$1&confirm=1;
  rewrite ^/([0-9]+)/doap$ /doap.php?id=$1;
  rewrite ^/([0-9]+)/edit$ /edit.php?id=$1;
  rewrite ^/([0-9]+)/edit/(.+)$ /edit.php?id=$1&file=$2;
  rewrite ^/([0-9]+)/embed$ /embed.php?id=$1;
  rewrite ^/([0-9]+)/embed/(.+)$ /embed.php?id=$1&file=$2;
  rewrite ^/([0-9]+)/fork$ /fork.php?id=$1;
  rewrite ^/([0-9]+)/raw/(.+)$ /raw.php?id=$1&file=$2;
  rewrite ^/([0-9]+)/rev/(.+)$ /revision.php?id=$1&rev=$2;
  rewrite ^/([0-9]+)/rev-raw/([^/]+)/(.+)$ /raw.php?id=$1&rev=$2&file=$3;
  rewrite ^/([0-9]+)/tool/([^/]+)/(.+)$ /tool.php?id=$1&tool=$2&file=$3;

  rewrite ^/fork-remote$ /fork-remote.php;
  rewrite ^/help$ /help.php;
  rewrite ^/new$ /new.php;

  rewrite ^/feed/new$ /feed-new.php;
  rewrite ^/feed/updated$ /feed-updated.php;

  rewrite ^/list$ /list.php;
  rewrite ^/list/([0-9]+)$ /list.php?page=$1;

  rewrite ^/search$ /search.php;
  rewrite ^/search/([0-9]+)$ /search.php?page=$1;

  rewrite ^/login$ /login.php;
  rewrite ^/setup$ /setup.php;
  rewrite ^/user$ /user.php;
url.rewrite-once += (
    "^/([0-9]+)$" => "/display.php?id=$1",
    "^/([0-9]+)/delete$" => "/delete.php?id=$1",
    "^/([0-9]+)/delete/confirm" => "/delete.php?&id=$1&confirm=1",
    "^/([0-9]+)/doap$" => "/doap.php?id=$1",
    "^/([0-9]+)/edit$" => "/edit.php?id=$1",
    "^/([0-9]+)/edit/(.+)" => "/edit.php?id=$1&file=$2",
    "^/([0-9]+)/embed$" => "/embed.php?id=$1",
    "^/([0-9]+)/embed/(.+)$" => "/embed.php?id=$1",
    "^/([0-9]+)/fork$" => "/fork.php?id=$1",
    "^/([0-9]+)/raw/(.+)$" => "/raw.php?id=$1&file=$2",
    "^/([0-9]+)/rev/(.+)$" => "/revision.php?id=$1&rev=$2",
    "^/([0-9]+)/rev-raw/([^/]+)/(.+)$" => "/raw.php?id=$1&rev=$2&file=$3",
    "^/([0-9]+)/tool/([^/]+)/(.+)$" => "/tool.php?id=$1&tool=$2&file=$3",

    "^/fork-remote$" => "/fork-remote.php",
    "^/help$" => "/help.php",
    "^/new$" => "/new.php",

    "^/feed/new$" => "/feed-new.php",
    "^/feed/updated$" => "/feed-updated.php",

    "^/list$" => "/list.php",
    "^/list/([0-9]+)$" => "/list.php?page=$1",

    "^/search$" => "/search.php",
    "^/search/([0-9]+)$" => "/search.php?page=$1",

    "^/login$" => "/login.php",
    "^/setup$" => "/setup.php",
    "^/user$" => "/user.php"
  1. Update ChangeLog, NEWS.rst, build.xml and README.rst.

  2. Update local dependencies:

    $ phing collectdeps
  3. Build .tar.bz2 and .phar release files with:

    $ phing zip
    $ phing phar
  4. Test.

  5. Tag the release in git

  6. Run the script to update the homepage

    $ cd /home/cweiske/Dev/html/ $ ./scripts/