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STM32 Programming with libopencm3

Build Passing GPLv3 License
Blinking an led on an STM32F1 Blue pill micro-controller with libopencm3 is simpler than any alternative for professional developers. The Hello World of embedded world, blinking led is super easy to implement by using a SysTick timer as a time base. The project is implemented using a library called libopencm3. In this medium blog post: Programming STM32 Blue Pill using libopencm3, you will get to know about libopencm3 and how to use in our projects.


The libopencm3 project aims to create an open-source firmware library for various ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers. The library supports most subsystems on STM32F1 and other MCU series. It uses gcc-arm-none-eabi as the toolchain and make as the build system. Project-specific steps related to configuration and building are given in the sections below.\

To read more about the library visit libopencm3 on GitHub.

SysTick Timer

The processor has a 24-bit system timer, SysTick, that counts down from the reload value to zero, reloads, and counts down on the subsequent clocks.
System Tick Time (SysTick) generates interrupt requests on regular basis. This allows an os to perform context switching to support multitasking. For applications that do not require an OS, the SysTick can be used for timekeeping, time measurement, or as an interrupt source for tasks that need to be executed regularly.
The SysTick register can only be accessed using word access.

Control flow

Control flow diagram for SysTick timer

  1. Program the reload value:
    The reload value can be loaded by setting the STK_RVR (Reload Value Register) register. This value is set to 1 less than the number of clock cycles needed for the interrupt as the timer counts both reload value as well as zero. e.g. If the SysTick interrupt is required every 100 clock pulses, set STK_CVR to 99.

    The following snippet consfigures SysTick for 1 ms interrupt.

     systick_set_reload(rcc_ahb_frequency / 1000 - 1);
  2. Clear current value:
    This register can be accessed using the STK_CVR (Current Value Register) variable. Bits 24:31 are reserved and 24-bit value can be read from bits 23:0. Writing any value this register sets it to zero along with setting STK_CSR_COUNTFLAG to zero.
    The following API provided by libopencm3 achieves this tasks for the developer.

  3. Select clock source-
    Clock source can be set using the STK_CSR_CLKSOURCE (Clock source) bit (2) of the STK_CSR (Control and Status Register) register.
    0 - AHB/8
    1 - Processor Clock (AHB)
    libopencm3 has given us the following API for configuring the clock source for SysTick.

    1. Enable Tick interrupt-
      To enable the Tick interrupt set the STK_CSR_TICKINT bit (2) of the STK_CSR register.\ The following API is provided by libopencm3 for this task.

    2. Start SysTick timer-
      SysTick timer can be started by calling the following API function. STK_CSR_ENABLE bit (0) of the STK_CSR register enables the counter. When STK_CSR is set to 1, the counter loads the STK_RVR value to the STK_CVR register and then counts down. On reaching 0, it sets the STK_CSR_COUNTFLAG to 1 and optionally asserts the SysTick depending on the value of STK_CSR_TICKINT. It then loads the STK_RVR value again and begins counting.
      libopencm3 has provided the following API to enable SysTick timer.


Source code description

  • void rcc_periph_clock_enable(enum rcc_periph_clken clken): Enables the clock source for the peripherals.
    To enable the clock source for GPIO Port C, pass RCC_GPIOC value to clken input paramter of the API.

  • void systick_set_clocksource(uint8_t clocksource): Sets the clock source for SysTick timer.
    The clock source can be either the AHB clock or the same clock divided by 8. The clock source is set to AHB by passing STK_CSR_CLKSOURCE_AHB to the clocksource value.

  • void systick_clear(void): Clears SysTick current value register.
    SysTick counter value is cleared and the counter flag is reset.

  • systick_set_reload(uint32_t value): Sets the automatic reload value for SysTick timer.
    The counter is set to the reload value when the counter starts and after it reaches zero. The SysTick counter value might be undefined upon the startup. To get the predictable behavior, it is a good idea to set or clear the counter after set reload. To set the timer to tick every millisecond, rcc_ahb_frequency / 1000 - 1 value should be passed to the API.

  • systick_interrupt_enable(void): Enables SysTick interrupt.

  • void systick_counter_enable(void): Enables SysTick counter.

  • gpio_set_mode(uint32_t gpioport, uint8_t mode, uint8_t cnf, uint16_t gpios): Set GPIO poin mode.
    Sets the mode (input/output) and configuration (analog/digital and open drain/push pull), for a set of GPIO pins on a GPIO port. In the code gpioport is GPIOC, mode is GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_2_MHZ for setting the pin as output with speed as 2MHz, cnf as GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL for setting it as output in push-pull mode for pin GPIO13 .

  • gpio_toggle(uint32_t gpioport, uint16_t gpios): Toggle a group of Pins.
    The toggling is not atomic but but non-toggled pins are not affected. To toggle Pin13 of GPIO Port C, pass GPIOC as gpioport and GPIO13 as gpios.

  • sys_tick_handler(void): Interrupt service routine for SysTick handler.
    Increments the ticks variable.

  • delay(uint32_t ms): Generates blocking delay. Executes _NOP instructions till ms milliseconds are over.

Project Working

This project configures the SysTick timer and uses it to generate a time-accurate delay for blinking an LED. The onboard LED connected to pin C13 blinks every 500ms.


  • make
    Make utility is required for configuring and building this project. You can install make on Linux by running the command:

    sudo apt install build-essential
  • gcc-arm-none-eabi toolchain
    ARM cross-platform toolchain is required to build applications for arm MCUs. The toolchain can be installed by running the following command:

    sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi
  • openocd
    It is an Open On Circuit Debugging tool used to flash and debug arm microcontrollers. You can install openocd on Linux by running the command:

    sudo apt install openocd -y
  • Cortex Debug extension
    This extension for VSCode helps debug the application on Blue Pill. The contents of registers as well as memory are visible in the context menu. Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.

    ext install marus25.cortex-debug
  • libopencm3
    After cloning this repository, clone the libopencm3 submodule and build for the required microcontrollers.

    git submodule update --init
    pushd libopencm3
    make TARGETS="stm32/f1"

Project Structure

  • src directory contains all source files for the project
  • include directory contains all header files for the project
  • libopencm3 directory contains source and header files for the library

Source file description

  • stm32f1.ld - linker script specific to the blue pill board
  • src\main.cpp - application code body
  • STM32F103.svd - contains the description of the system contained in Arm Cortex-M processor-based microcontrollers, in particular, the memory-mapped registers of peripherals.
  • Makefile - main root level makefile for the project, which builds the binary

Run Locally

Running the project is super easy. Just clone, build and flash.

Clone the project

  1. Using HTTPS

    git clone
    cd bluepill-systick/opencm3
    git submodule update --init
  2. Using ssh

    git clone
    cd bluepill-systick/opencm3
    git submodule update --init


All the configuration required for building this project is given below.

  1. Build output directory In Makefile, the output directory can be configured using the variable BUILD_DIR.

  2. Build type In Makefile, the build type can be configured using the variableBUILD_TYPE. Possible values are Debug and Release.

  3. Binary name In Makefile, the output directory can be configured using the variable TARGET. ** update the above info in .vscode/launch.json as well for debugging to work.


  • Before building the project, remember to build the libopencm3 library for the specific micro-controller, without it project build will fail.
pushd libopencm3
make TARGETS="stm32/f1"
  • Run the following command in the terminal to generate flashable binaries for the blue pill board. Build files will be written to Build Output Directory as configured.
make all


  1. Connect ST-Link to PC and blue pill board using SWD headers.
  2. Put the blue pill board in programming mode.
  3. Run the following to flash the board with binary.
make flash


The Onboard led connected to Pin C13 can be observed to be blinking every 500ms.


Click on the Run and Debug option in the VsCode sidebar. Then launch the Cortex Debug target.

Happy debugging...